PROF.ssa. A. GALLETTA ANNO SCOLASTICO 2014- 2015 PROGRAMMA DI LINGUA E LETTERATURA INGLESE CLASSE III C Testi in adozione: Lit and Lab... New Directions , Spiazzi - Tavella, ed. Zanichelli, volume 1 "Activating Grammar" A. Gallagher, F.Galuzzi. ed. Longman Pearson MODULE 1 ON GOING Revision of tenses Phrasal verbs Connectors Modals Verbs + gerund/infinitive All types of clauses (relative, infinitive, conditional, etc.) Prefixes and suffixes Passive voice make/let/have something done prepositions + ing duration form + since/for reported speech MODULE 2 :THE ORIGINS AND THE MIDDLE AGES Activation Breakthrough Setting the Scene The Druids Literary Genres: The medieval Ballad "Lord Randal" A modern ballad Chaucer: the Narrator as Writer and Pilgrim G.Chaucer: Canterbury Tales The Prioress The Merchant The Wife of Bath Laboratories: The Mystery of Stonehenge Reading of "Canterbury Tales": The Wife of Bath's Tale The Nun's Tale The Knight's Tale MODULE 3 THE RENAISSANCE Activation Breakthrough Setting the Scene Theatre as a Mirror of Life Drama: from “Miracles to Morality Plays” Elizabeth I: portraits MODULE 4 Argomenti svolti con il lettore madrelingua Ben Shilling Narrative tenses Culture: language, literature, religion, history, fashion,art, weather, food, traditions, etc. presentation of a celebrity: introduction, early life, works, later life, conclusion (quotation) Advantages and disadvantages of living in town "Life today is better than 100 years ago": how to express agreement or disagreement All types of films(detective, crime, horror, action, thriller, etc.) communicative functions (agree, disagree, accept, refuse, complain, apologize, etc.) Esercizi di produzione scritta IL DOCENTE GLI STUDENTI