direito e sociedade – bibliografia

(alguns sugestões para consulta e apoio às sessões)
Obras gerais:
Austin Sarat, The Blackwell Companion to Law and Sociology, Oxford, Victoria,
Blackwell Publishing, 2007 (1ª ed.: 2004).
Brian Z. Tamanaha, A General Jurisprudence of Law and Society, Oxford, Oxford
University Press, 2001. FDUNL: S2-44
Bronislaw Malinowski (1982, original 1926), Crime and Custom in Savage Society,
Rowman & Littlefield, New York.
C. Eberhard (2001), “Towards an intercultural legal theory: the dialogical challenge”,
Social and Legal Studies 10 (2): 171-201.
D. J. Galligan, Law in Modern Society, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2007.
Duncan Kennedy (1998), A Critique of Adjudication. Fin de siécle, Harvard University
Henry Sumner Maine (1861), Ancient Law, London.
Karl Llewellyn e E.A. Hoebel (1942), The Cheyenne Way. Conflict and case law in
primitive jurisprudence, University of Oklahoma Press.
K. Zweigert e Kötz, H. (1987), An Introduction to Comparative Law, The Clarendon
Press, Oxford.
Lawrence Rosen (1991), The Anthropology of Justice: law as culture in Islamic society,
Cambridge University Press.
Lord Lloyd of Hampstead, Introduction to Jurisprudence, London, Stevens Sons, 1979
(1ª ed.: 1959)
Mahmood Mamdani (1996), Citizen and Subject. Contemporary Africa and the legacy
of late colonialism, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey.
Max Weber (1968, originais 1917 a 1921), Economy and Society, (3 volumes). Berkeley
e Los Angeles.
__________(1974, tradução original 1930), The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of
Capitalism, Unwin University Books, London.
Pierre Bourdieu (1986), “La Force du Droit. Éléments pour une sociologie du champ
juridique”, Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales 64: 1-22, Paris.
Pierre Guibentif, Foucault, Luhmann, Habermas, Bourdieu: une génération repense le
droit, Paris, L.G.D.J., 2010.
Roger Cotterrell, The Sociology of Law: an Introduction, London, Dublin, Edinburgh,
1992 (1ª ed.: 1984). BFDUNL: S2-33 (I)
Roger Cotterrell, Law's community, legal theory in sociological perspective, Oxford :
Clarendon Press, 1995.
Roger Cotterrell, Law, culture and society: legal ideas in the mirror of social theory,
Aldershot , Ashgate, 2006.
Roger Cotterrell (ed.), Sociological perspectives on law, Dartmouth : Ashgate, 2001, 2
Roscoe Pound (1997, original de 1942), Social Control through Law, Transaction
Publishers, New Brunswick, London.
Dicionários e Enciclopédias:
André-Jean Arnaud (dir.), Dictionnaire encyclopédique de théorie et de sociologie du
droit, Paris, Librairie Générale de Droit et de Jurisprudence, 1993. BFDUNL
Martin P. Golding and William A. Edmundson (eds.), The Blackwell Guide to the
Philosophy of Law and legal Theory, London, Blackwell, 2005: BFDUNL: F2-292
(ed.) V. Knapp (1984), International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, J. C. B. Mohr,
Tübingen e Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Hague, Boston, London.
Brian Z. Tamanaha (1993), “The folly of the “social scientific” concept of legal
pluralism”, Journal of Law and Society 20 (2):192-217.
________________(1995), “An Analytical Map of Social Scientific Approaches to the
Concept of Law”, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 15 (4): 501-535.
Duncan Kennedy (1982), “Legal Education as Training for Hierarchy”, em (ed.) D.
Kairys, The Politics of Law: a progressive critique 40-54, Pantheon Books, New York.
_________(2001), “The Semiotics of Critique”, Cardozo Law Review 32 (2): 11471162, New York.
Joshua Getzler, “Law, History, and the Social Sciences: Intellectual Traditions of Late
Nineteenth-and Early Twentieth-century Europe, in Andrew Lewis and Michael Lobban
(ed.), Law and History, Current Legal Issues, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2004,
pp. 215-265.
Francis Snyder (1981), “Anthropology, dispute processes, and law: a critical
introduction”, British Journal of Law and Society 8(2): 141-180.
Roger Cotterrell, “Why must legal Ideas be interpreted sociologically?”, in Journal of
Law and Society, Vol. 25, nº 2, 1998.