Francisco B.-G. Moore 1 Curriculum Vitae Curriculum Vitae Dr. Francisco B.-G. Moore Department of Biology University of Akron Akron OH 44325-3908 (330) 972-2572 Education Degree and year Institution and Department Ph.D. 1996 Michigan State University - Kellogg Biological Station Department of Zoology, and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Program Advisor: Dr. Stephen J. Tonsor B.S. 1989 Michigan State University, Department of Zoology B.S. 1986 Michigan State University, General Biology Program Current Research 2006 – Present Associate Professor, Department of Biology, University of Akron. The goal of my current research is to understand the causes and consequences of genetic constraints on the adaptation of organism to their environment. I am conducting genetic and physiological studies on a variety of organisms in pursuit of that goal. I currently have projects running in both microbial (enteric bacteria and leprosy), and vertebrate species (zebrafish, armadillos, and salamanders). In addition lab continues to computationally model of complex systems. 2001 – 2006 Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, University of Akron. Research Experience 1990 – 2001 1990 – 1996 1993 – 1995 Visiting Research Associate, Center for Microbial Ecology, Michigan State University. This research, conducted in the laboratory of Dr. Richard Lenski, focused on clarifying the relationship between past genetic changes and future adaptive response in E. coli. Theoretical evolutionary genetics of structured populations using individual based models. This work included the first complete individual based model of Sewall Wright’s shifting balance process. It demonstrated that drift, selection and migration cannot be treated as independent entities, but must be considered simultaneously. (doctoral dissertation research) Ecological genetics of life history traits in the tide pool copepod Tigriopus californicus. This study investigated covariance of life history traits such as clutch size, age at first clutch and body size as well as the breakdown of Francisco B.-G. Moore 2 Curriculum Vitae covariance structures in interdemic Tigriopus hybrids. The goal of this study was to determine the extent to which co-adaptation differentiates demes in a highly structured population. (doctoral dissertation research) Peer Reviewed Publications Purrenhage J.L., Niewiarowski P.H., Moore F.B.-G. Population structure of spotted salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum) in a fragmented landscape. Molecular Ecology 18(1): 235-247 Ramlo, S. E., McConnell, D., Duan, Z.-H. and Moore F. B. 2008. Evaluating an Inquiry-based Bioinformatics Course Using Q Methodology. J Sci Educ Technol 17(3): 219-225. Kharsikar, S., D. Mugler, D. Sheffer, F. B.-G. Moore and Z.-H. Duan 2007. A Weighted kNearest Neighbor Method for Gene Ontology Based Protein Function Prediction. IMSCCS||07 Proceedings, IEEE Computer Society, USA. 2: 25-31 O’Connor, B.C., J. Kearns, F. B.-G. Moore, 2007 Provocations on the Structure of Scholarly Writing in the Digital Era. On The Horizon 15(4): 222-238 Widmer, S., F.B.-G. Moore, and B. Bagatto. 2006 The effects of chronic developmental hypoxia on swimming performance in zebrafish. Journal of Fish Biology 69: 1885-1891 Petruzzi, E.P., P.H. Niewiarowski, and F.B.-G. Moore. 2006 The role of thermal niche selection in maintenance of a colour polymorphism in redback salamanders (Plethodon cinereus). Frontiers in Zoology 4:11 Moore, Francisco B.-G., and Woods, R.J. 2006 Tempo and Constraint of Adaptive Evolution in Escherichia coli. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 88: 403-411 Moore F.B.-G., M. Hosey, and B. Bagatto. 2006 Cardiovascular system in larval zebrafish responds to developmental hypoxia in a family specific manner. Frontiers in Zoology 3:4 Duff, R.J. and Moore F.B.-G. 2005 Pervasive RNA editing inferred among hornwort rbcL transcripts except Leiosporoceros. Journal of Molecular Evolution 61(5): 571-578 Marks, C., West, T., Bagatto B., and Moore, F.B.-G. 2005 Developmental Environment Alters Conditional Aggression in Zebrafish. Copeia 2005(4): 901-908 Tonsor, S. J. and Francisco B.-G. Moore. 2002 Evolution: Shifting Balance Theory. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences Nature Publishing Group (Macmillan) Moore, Francisco B.-G., and D. E. Rozen, and R. E. Lenski. 2000 Pervasive compensation for deleterious mutations in experimental populations of E. coli. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B. 267: 515-522. Whitlock, M. C., P. C. Phillips, F. B.-G. Moore and S. J. Tonsor. 1995 Multiple fitness peaks and epistasis. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 26: 601-629. Francisco B.-G. Moore 3 Curriculum Vitae Moore, Francisco B.-G., and S. J. Tonsor. 1994 A simulation of Wright's shifting-balance process: migration and the three phases. Evolution 48: 69-80. Manuscripts Submitted or in Final Preparation Stueber, J, B. Bagatto, R. Truman, F. B.-G. Moore. Metobolic Cost of Leprosy Infection in Nine-Banded Armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus) . (In Prep. For Proc. Roy. Soc. B.) DeAngelis, A.M., Niewiarowski P.H., and Moore, F. B.-G. Evolution of Demographic Tradeoffs In Escherichia coli. (In Prep. for Evolutionary Ecology Research) Marks, C., Michelson A.V., Bagatto B., Moore F. B.-G. GxExE Whiz!: The influence of genotype and multiple environments on the developing zebrafish cardiovascular system. (In Prep for American Naturalist) Smith, L., Hall A., and Moore, F. B.-G. Coevolution of a Community: Invasibility and Productivity of a Community of E. Coli. (In prep for Ecology) Presented Papers and Invited Talks 2007 University of Pittsburgh – Invited seminar Moore, F. B.-G. GxExE Whiz! Physiological and behavioral plasticity, across developmental oxygen environments in zebrafish. 2007 Gordon Conference on Microbial Population Biology - Presented Paper Smith, L., A. Hall, and Moore, F. B.-G. Coevolution of a Community: Invasibility and Productivity of a Community of E. Coli 2007 Kent State University - Invited seminar Moore, F. B.-G. What it means to be E. coli : Experimental evolution and the postmodern synthesis 2006 Graham Shelton Memorial - Invited Symposium. Bagatto, B and Moore F.B.-G. Chronic hypoxia in zebrafish: an integrative approach to studying plasticity. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 143:S67. 2006 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology - Presented Paper Ayers, M., Moore, F.B.-G., and Bagatto, B.. Searching for critical windows in Development: Effects of chronic hypoxia on zebrafish. SICB – Orlando, January 5, 2006. 2005 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology - Presented Paper Marks, C., B. Bagatto and F.B.-G. Moore.. Developmental environment alters conditional aggression in zebrafish. SICB – San Diego, January 7, 2005. 2005 Society for integrative and Comparative Biology - Presented Paper Francisco B.-G. Moore 4 Curriculum Vitae Widmer, S., P. Moore and B. Bagatto. The effects of chronic hypoxia on the aerobic characteristics of zebrafish muscle. SICB – San Diego, January 5, 2005. 2005 Society for integrative and Comparative Biology - Presented Paper Purrenhage JL, Niewiarowski PH, Moore FBG, Zamudio K. Regional population dynamics of spotted salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum) in a fragmented landscape. SICB – San Diego, January 5, 2005. 2003 Miami University - Invited seminar Moore, F. B.-G. The role of phylogeny in the tempo and mode of evolution 2002 Gordon Conference on Microbial Population Biology - Presented Paper DeAngelis, A.M., and Moore, F. B.-G. Evolution of Demographic Tradeoffs In Escherichia coli. 2002 University of Kansas - Invited seminar Moore, F. B.-G.. Macroevolution, Microevolution and Adaptation: What's Past is Prologue 2002 University of Indiana South Bend - Invited seminar Moore, F. B.-G.. Macroevolution, Microevolution and Adaptation: What's Past is Prologue 2002 Society for the Study of Evolution - Presented Paper Moore, F. B.-G. The Tempo and Constraint of Experimental Evolution. 1999 Pymatuning Laboratory of Ecology - Invited seminar Moore, F. B.-G.. The ghosts of ecology: Past, present and future 1997 Society for the Study of Evolution - Presented Paper Moore, F. B.-G. and R. E. Lenski. Adaptation of diverse strains of E. Coli in a common environment: how does phylogenetic history affect genetic potential? 1998 Society for the Study of Evolution - Presented Paper Moore, F. B.-G., D. Rozen, and R. E. Lenski. Patterns of compensation for deleterious mutations in E. coli . 1997 Society for the Study of Evolution - Presented Paper Moore, F. B.-G., and R. E. Lenski. The effect of recombination on adaptive peak shifts in a structured population. 1997 University of Pittsburgh, Department of Biology - Invited Seminar Moore, F. B.-G.. Assessing the viability of the shifting balance process 1993 Society for the Study of Evolution Symposium: Sewall Wright's Shifting Balance Process: Sixty Years Later. Francisco B.-G. Moore 5 Curriculum Vitae Tonsor, S. J. and F. B.-G. Moore. Evidence for the shifting balance process: what is it and who has it? 1993 1992 European Society of Evolutionary Biology Symposium: The Shifting Balance. Tonsor, S. J. and F. B.-G. Moore. Epistasis and the shifting balance: critical processes, ephemeral evidence. Society for the Study of Evolution - Presented Paper Francis B.-G. Moore. A simulation of Wright's shifting balance process. Current Courses Taught 2001 – Present Evolutionary Biology (Instructor, 9 semesters) This is a core course in the biology curriculum at the University of Akron. This course is lecture oriented with periodic class discussions. Micro and Macro evolutionary theory are stressed with specific examples being used to highlight specific concepts. 2003 – Present Herpetology Lecture topics in this course concentrate on systematics and ecology of extant and extinct reptile and amphibian groups. Lab studies cover identification and field study techniques of local herpetofuana. 2003 – Present Evolutionary Ecology (Graduate course) Co-instructor with Dr. Stephen Weeks and Randall Mitchell. This course surveys the field with lectures and discussions of current topics in evolutionary ecology. 2004 – Present Tropical Field Biology Co-instructor with Dr. Stephen Weeks. In this course readings, discussions, and lectures augment field experiments. Impromptu lectures unite the factual information the students gain in the field with larger concepts in ecology and evolution. 2004 – Present Quantitative Methods in Biology (Graduate course) Discussion and analysis of student generated data sets as well as discussion of current papers allows students to survey topics and develop expertise in a variety of analytical techniques form the basis of this course. 2005 – Present Introduction to Bioinformatics Co-instructor with Dr. Zhong-Hui Duan. Collaborative inquiry between computer science and biology students are used to introduce students to bioinformatics. This course was developed with funds provided by the National Science Foundation. Fellowships and Grants 2004 National Science Foundation CCLI Program Duan Z.-H., Moore F. B.-G., McConnell D. Teaching Bioinformatics through Collaboration and Inquiry. Effective date 7/01/04. Duration 3 Years. Francisco B.-G. Moore 6 Curriculum Vitae 2003 University of Akron Faculty Research Grant 1994 Michigan State University Continuing Fellowship 1990-1993 National Science Foundation 1993 Kellogg Biological Station 1992 Sigma Xi Society Graduate Research Fellowship NSF Training Grant Fellowship Grant-in-Aid of research 1992 Lerner Gray Fund for Marine Research, American Museum of Natural History Grant-in-Aid of research Graduate Student Mentorship Master’s Students Advised (* indicates defended thesis) Erin Petruzzi* – Maintenance of colour polymorphism in Plethodon cinereus. Lauren Smith* – Maintenance of polymorphism in Experimental populations of E. coli. Simon Dinehart* – Breeding pond buffer zones and amphibian species diversity in N.E. Ohio. Chris Marks* – Quantitative genetics and plasticity in zebrafish behaviour. Julie Nieset*– The influence of protozoan predtors on evolution of E. coli. (co-advised) Jarod Steuber* – Metabolic consequences of leprosy in armadillos. (co-advised) Ben Stewart – Phylogenetic constraints in experimental populations of enteric bacteria. . Colleen Sharp* – Combined effects of UV light and toxic metals on amphibian survivorship. Doctroral Student Advising Chris Marks – Quantitative genetics and plasticity in zebrafish. Professional Activities Manuscript Reviewer for Nature Manuscript Reviewer for Proceeding of the Royal Society series B Manuscript Reviewer for Evolution Manuscript Reviewer for Oecologia Manuscript Reviewer for Selection Manuscript Reviewer for Molecular Evolution Proposal Reviewer for NSF Organizer NSF Workshop on Interdisciplinary Methods for Teaching Bioinformatics Service: University of Akron Department of Biology Chair of Biology Colloquium Committee for 2003/2004 and 2006/2007 Chair of Biology Information/Technology Committee for 2006-present Francisco B.-G. Moore 2 Curriculum Vitae Member of Information/Technology Committee Member of Bath Field Station Committee Member of Graduate Committee Member of Ecologist Faculty Search Committee Member of Biology Educator Faculty Search Committee Member of Department of Biology Workload Policy Review Committee College or University Wide Member of Integrated Biological Science Program Doctoral Curriculum Committee Acting Member of Integrated Biological Science Program Steering Committee Fall 2006 Member of University Graduate Council Spring 2005 and 2007 – current Chair University Graduate Curriculum Committee 2007 - current Vice Chair University Graduate Council 2008 - current