TITLE: Forest Roads and the Environment (maintenance/operations)

Plant Growth Regulator and Grounds Maintenance - U.S. Army - CoE
11 minutes
Application of chemical for plant growth regulator.
White Gold - APWA
26 minutes
Snow Removal
Maintaining Non-Hard Surfaces - Utah/DOT
9 minutes
Maintaining proper grade and draining on gravel roads.
The Snowfighters - The Salt Institute
24 minutes
Videotape depicts the recommended procedure and application of salt
on highways.
1983 Snowfighters Rodeo - APWA
30 minutes
1983 snow removal competition sponsored by APWA.
Snow Removal on Iowa Roads - Iowa/DOT
23 minutes
Slide show demonstrates the proper procedure for snow and ice removal.
Snow Plow and Sander Operation - Nebraska/DOR
15 minutes
Lesson uses videotape and field demonstrations to make new employees
familiar with plowing snow and ice removal; hooking up a plow and tailgate
spreader, operating the plow and spreader controls, performing
maintenance checks,
understanding the method and purpose of spreader calibration, and following assigned
Snowfighter: The Quiet Patriots - Minnesota/DOT
18 minutes
This tape describes the snowfighter's mission of providing refer road
surfaces for the public.
Prestressed Concrete Bridge Safety Inspection - Pennsylvania/DOT
58 minutes
Various techniques of bridge inspection for a two-man team. Team
tools and equipment and organizes field trip to assigned
bridges. Program shows a
run-through of a bridge inspection and
examples of various bridges prestressed
concrete beams. Historical information on the development and fabrication of
beams is included.
Repair of Depressions, Rutting and Corrugations - IRF
13 minutes
Videocassette presents a basic method for repairing rutted, corrugated, and
depressed road surfaces. Covered are steps to fill in low areas with asphalt
concrete, and to overlay with a wearing course. Program describes how to
use this method with a motor grader in eight work steps.
Reshaping Earth and Gravel Shoulders - IRF
15 minutes
Videocassette shows proper procedures for reshaping earth and gravel
shoulders, (without adding material) to correct shoulder drop-off rutting, build-up of
material, and excessive weed growth to maintain a safe
shoulder with proper cross
slope. Nine steps are outlined, and tools and
equipment are described.
Regraveling - IRF
17 minutes
Videocassette discusses the planning and coordination to restore road
wearing surfaces. Noted are the repairs necessary prior to regraveling.
Equipment and materials are outlined. A six-step regravling procedure is
presented; placing traffic control, reshaping and compacting the subgrade,
hauling and placing granular material, spreading and compacting the
material, and removing traffic control devices.
#1 Common Maintenance Problems and Causes - IRF
21 minutes
Presentation covers maintenance problems on pavement surfaces, road bases
and subbases, earth and gravel roads, shoulder drainage facilities, bridges,
and roadside areas. Program identifies main causes of problems and guides
participates to do the maintenance work.
Replenishing Earth and Gravel Shoulders - IRF
19 minutes
Nine work steps are covered of the restoration of gravel shoulders by
adding new material. Tape shows the preparation of the existing
shoulder, placement and spreading of additional material, and compacting
of the material. Equipment and materials, and their proper uses are also
Smoothing and Reshaping of Earth and Gravel Roads - IRF
21 minutes
Videocassette has two parts; smoothing and reshaping. Each part has
equipment requirement, an overview of work steps, and a work step
summary. Planning and preparing the work, and check the cross
at straight and curved sections are also covered.
Patching Unpaved Roads - FHWA
11 minutes
A manual method is described for repairing surface defects such as
potholes, ruts, gullies, and soft spots on unpaved roads. An eight-step
procedure provides for a long-lasting repair. The proper maintenance
practices for preparing the hole, filling it with granular materials, and
compacting the material are detailed. A quick test for moisture content is also
Guidelines For Spring Highway Use - United States/DOT
26 minutes
Utilization of roads subject to spring break-up.
Base and Sub-Base Repair - IRF
16 minutes
Presentation outlines 9-step base repair system. These steps include
placing traffic control devices, marking the limits for repair, cutting the
pavement, removing all unsuitable material, installing subdrainage,
restoring subgrade and base, replacing pavement surface, cleaning worksite,
and removing traffic control devices. Also covered are on-site moisture
Mechanical Cleaning of Unlined Ditches - IRF
20 minutes
This provides a review of ditch structure and its function, and selection of
the type of equipment to be used (motor grader or excavator) depending on
ditch conditions. Also covered a replanning the job, setting traffic control,
cleaning ditch and adjacent culvert inlets and outfalls, disposing of
unwanted material, cleaning the site, inspecting the job, and removing traffic
control devices.
Cleaning of Lined Ditches, Culverts and Catch Basins - IRF
16 minutes
Proper procedures for manual cleaning of lined ditches, culverts, and
catch basins are demonstrated in this videotape. Procedure consists of
placing traffic signs, assigning the work, removing and disposing of all
debris and obstructions, inspecting for damage, minor repairs, cleaning
worksite, and removing traffic signs.
Single and Multiple Surface Treatments - IRF
14 minutes
Course covers good surface treatments on paved and unpaved roads.
Covered are; advanced repairs of surface; testing equipment, especially the
asphalt distributions; checking the weather forecast during the
operation; materials
required; how to apply asphalt; spreading and
compacting the aggregate; and how
to obtain smooth transverse and
longitudinal joints.
Pothole Repair in Surface Treatment Pavement - IRF
13 minutes
Videocassette clearly outlines an 8-step procedure for surface treated
road repairs including the placing of traffic control devices, marking
damaged areas, cutting out and removing damaged material, filling holes
with granular material, compacting fill material, sealing surfaces with liquid
asphalt and cover aggregate, cleaning the worksite, and removing traffic
control devices.
#15 Cleaning and Clearing of Bridges - IRF
13 minutes
Program describes what, why, and how to clean bridges and components.
It includes procedures for cleaning bridge decks, drain holes, drain spouts,
expansion joints, signs and reflectors, unauthorized writing or painting,
bearing assemblies, pier caps and abutments, and removing debris and
waterway obstructions.
Concrete Bridge Deck Repair - IRF
18 minutes
Program covers permanent repair of partial and full-depth bridge deck holes
with cement. Covered are the proper uses of tools and equipment for cutting
concrete, cleaning our holes and reinforcing steel, building the
form, preparing the
concrete, and placing and finishing the concrete.
Also described is the correct
curing method.
Importance of Roadway Drainage - Vermont LRP
60 minutes
Lecture-type training tape emphasizes the importance of good roadway
drainage. The tape stresses the need for a proper inventory of culvert,
drainage areas, and problem areas.
Blading Unpaved Roads - FHWA
22 minutes
Course is designed to teach operator trainees to understand basic
concepts of the construction and maintenance of unpaved roads,
perform the required daily maintenance on a motor grader, and operate the
grader to maintain unpaved roads.
Motor Graders: Parts 1, 2, 3 & 4 - Nebraska/DOT
73 minutes
Lessons covers motor grader operation and is designed to teach new
employees with no grader experience. Emphasis is placed on daily
preventive maintenance; starting and shutting down the engine blade
positions; basic maneuvering; and operation techniques to use on some major
work activities.
Surface Treatment Equipment Calibration - Pennsylvania/DOT
17 minutes
This videocassette provides instruction on surface treatment and
equipment operations.
Drainage Pipe Installation - Pennsylvania/DOT
18 minutes
Programs primary emphasis is on proper compaction techniques.
Includes lesson plan for determining slope and grade.
Preventive Maintenance Dump Truck Operation - Nebraska/DOT
85 minutes
Tapes cover the essentials for developing basic skills in equipment
driving. Emphasis is placed on daily preventive maintenance, starting and
shutting down the engine, shifting gears, and maneuvering procedures. Safety
precautions are covered as appropriate.
Planning and Organizing for the Snowstorm - Pennsylvania/DOT
10 minutes
Acquaints maintenance personnel with methods for planning for the
Backing: "You Owe It To Yourself" - Pennsylvania/DOT
10 minutes
Familiarizes equipment operators with proper backing procedures.
Outlines proper procedures for backing methods for reducing backing
Ten-Wheel Dump Trucks - Delaware/DOT
22 minutes
Videocassette presents the start-up, operation, and shutdown procedures for
10-wheel dumptrucks. The start-up inspection follows the usual procedures
required by most equipment preventive maintenance programs. The
discussion features transmission, gearing, and shifting.
Standard Laboratory Controls For Soil-Cement Mixtures
18 minutes
Oregon Cement Association
Laboratory procedures for determining proper percentage of soilcement.
"Testing" A. Sample Splitting. B. Fine & Course Sieve Analysis
C. Liquid Analysis. D. Liquid Limit P.I. South Dakota/DOT
47 minutes
Materials testing with emphasis on methods and equipment.
Snow Removal - Colorado/DOT
18 minutes
Program shows how to prepare equipment for winter, and how to
a snowplow safely traffic.
A. Moisture Testing - Speedy and Alcohol
B. Density Testing - Sand Cone and Balloon
C. Concrete Testing - Air Meter Calibration Unit
South Dakota/DOT
90 minutes
Testing procedures and equipment.
Equipment Operation: Loaders, Mowers, and Tilt - Bed Trailers
Part 1. Loaders Part 2. Mowers & Part 3. Trailers - Nebraska/DOT
93 minutes
Videocassette lesson covers the essentials for developing basic skills in
equipment operation. Emphasis is placed on daily maintenance,
up and shutting down the engine, using the equipment
and basic operations.
Loader Operation - Washington State/DOT
35 minutes
This videocassette consists of two parts of training loader operators. This
first part features pre-trip inspection start-up procedures, loader controls,
and shutdown procedures. The second part features suggestions on
maneuvering and operating loaders.
Tilt-Bed Trailers - Washington State/DOT
27 minutes
This videocassette consists of two parts. The first part emphasizes
inspections, trailer hook-up procedures and equipment
loading prior to hauling. It
also illustrates how to load equipment on a low-boy trailer.
The second part
supplements Part 1, and features practical hints on trailer towing, unloading
procedures, loading and hauling pipe materials.
Plow Power - New England Chapter - APWA
15 minutes
This video shows proper techniques for residential and local road
snowplowing. Actual plowing scenes depict one-way, reversible,
wing, and tandem plowing on city and town roads, including cul-de-sacs.
Safety and responsibilities issues are stressed.
Equipment Management System - FHWA
40 minutes
This videotape presents material to assist managers in developing and
implementing equipment management techniques.
Maintenance Management System - FHWA
35 minutes
Video training program used in conjunction with a maintenance
management system manual. How to develop, implement, evaluate,
administer insure quality control and update a highway/street and
right-of-way maintenance and management system.
Idea Store (1, 2, 3, 4, & 5) - Pennsylvania/DOT
52 minutes
The Pennsylvania/Dot and T2Center has complied innovative ideas
have been developed by street and highway department
employees. The tape
consists of ideas which are easy to implement, inexpensive, and widely applicable.
Maintaining Gravel Roads in Arkansas - University of Arkansas
29 minutes
An excellent videotape for road foremen and grader operators. This tape
covers motor grader operation, drainage requirements, crown and
superelevation, compaction and other aspects pertaining to maintaining gravel
Equipment Operation and Maintenance Motor Grader Operation,
Loader Operation - Utah/DOT
120 minutes
This videotape presents methods and procedures for proper operation and
maintenance of equipment. The tape also presents specific methods and
procedures for operating and maintaining the motor grader and loader.
Weed Sprayer Operation, Dump Truck Operation - Utah/DOT
115 minutes
This videotape presents methods and procedures for proper operation
maintenance of weed sprayers and dump trucks.
Crane Operation; Winch, Auger, and Bucket Operation; Forklift
Operation and Maintenance; Rotary Mower Operation and
Maintenance - Utah/DOT
120 minutes
This videotape presents methods and procedures for proper operation
maintenance of cranes, forklifts and rotary mowers.
Straight Blade Snowplows; Highway Sanders; Crack Sealer Operation;
Tar Pot Operation; Bulldozer Preventive Maintenance Utah/DOT
117 minutes
This videotape presents methods and procedures for proper operation and
maintenance of straight blade snowplows, highway sanders, and
bulldozers. It also presents operational procedures for crack sealing and
the use of the tar pot.
Highway Maintenance Overview; The Flagger; Traffic Control in
Maintenance Work Areas - Utah/DOT
112 minutes
This videotape presents an overview of highway maintenance. In
addition, the videotape includes procedures for traffic control in maintenance
and construction work areas.
Routine Structure Cleaning; Maintain Drainage; Ditches;
Guardrail Repair; Edge Rut Repair and Grade Gravel Shoulders;
Mowing; Chemical Control of Vegetation; Plow Snow and Apply
Salt - Utah/DOT
116 minutes
This videotape presents methods and procedures for proper maintenance of
different highway components including structures, drainage, guardrails,
shoulders and vegetation. Also included are procedures for snowplowing
and salt application on highways.
Pothole Patching; Sealing Cracks; Bituminous Seal Coat; Maintain
Non-Hard Surfaces; Bituminous Surface Replacement; Lane
Leveling Bituminous Surfaces; Base Repair - Utah/DOT
114 minutes
This videotapes presents methods and procedures for the proper
maintenance of highway surfaces.
Sweeper Operation; Pneumatic Tire Roller Operation; Steel-Wheel
Roller Operation; Structures Inspection - Utah/DOT
107 minutes
This videotape presents methods and procedures for proper operation of
sweepers and compactors. It also provides an overview of procedures for
inspection of structures.
Maintenance Supervisor's Responsibilities; Patch P.C.C. with
P.C.C.; Patch P.C.C. with Bituminous Material; P.C.C. Joint SealingUtah/DOT
48 minutes
This videotape presents methods and procedures for the maintenance of
Portland Cement Concrete Pavements.
Equipment Operation; Chain Saw - Louisiana TRC
45 minutes
Videocassette covers operation of the chain saw, preventive maintenance
procedures, service requirements and safety regulations.
Without Due Process - Pennsylvania/DOT
7 minutes
Videocassette shows the hazards of overhead wiring to the operation of
highway equipment.
Low Volume Road Maintenance - Pennsylvania/DOT
14 minutes
Discusses maintenance methods for low volume roads with accent on
similarities in methods among road types.
Pavement Structure Repair Techniques (Tape 1) , Maintenance of
Gravel Road, Ditch Maintenance, Pothole Patching, Crack Sealing &
Basic Traffic Control. - FHWA
88 minutes
Detailed presentation of procedures for the maintenance of gravel
ditch maintenance, pothole patching, crack sealing and basic
traffic control
Pavement Structure Repair Techniques (Tape 2), Shoulder
Maintenance & Asphalt Chip Seals - FHWA
43 minutes
Detailed presentation of procedures for highway shoulder maintenance and
asphalt chip sealing.
How To Get More Out Of Your Motorgrader - FHWA
22 minutes
This videotape released by the John Deere Company, provides detailed field
demonstrations, with narration on the use of the motorgrader
to build and maintain
gravel road, ditches, and slopes.
Snowfighting From A-Z - Salt Institute
73 minutes
This tape provides information to public works officials about the use
salt products for various winter maintenance activities.
1991 AASHTO Technology Transfer Fair
59 minutes
Roadeo - The New Mexico State
8 minutes
Equipment Operators compete against each other in skill tests on
types of heavy equipment, including motor graders, front-end
loaders, dump trucks
and backhoes.
Maintaining Asphalt Roads - Blade Patching - New Mexico Highway and
Transportation Department
12 minutes
Discusses the use of the motorgrader for patch repair of damaged areas of
asphalt roads.
Snow and Ice Control - FHWA/SHRP
13 minutes
Discusses methods employed to prevent the accumulation of ice and snow
on highways and methods of evaluating deicing agents.
Here’s How a Hot Mix Plant Works 55 minutes
Drum Mixer Plant Maintenance
60 minutes
Batch Plant Maintenance
60 minutes
Asphalt Maintenance Techniques
85 minutes
NOTE: Videotapes 171, 174, 175 & 177 were prepared by Video University
Productions, Independence, MO and deal with the design, construction, and
maintenance of asphalt pavements.
Seal Coating: A Matter of Science & Skill
16 minutes
This tape was prepared by the Minnesota Local Roads Research Board for
highway maintenance personnel and discusses the planning,
purpose, and
procedures of asphalt pavement seal coating.
Snowplow Safety
23 minutes
This tape discusses on the safety aspects of driving with a snowplow.
Creating Meadows Through Road Maintenance and Construction
New Mexico LTAP
8 minutes
Motorgrader Preventive Maintenance - New Mexico LTAP
12 minutes
Rubber Highway-Railroad Grade Crossing Surface Installation Montana/DOT
9 minutes
Solving Diesel Cooling System Problems
23:40 minutes
The Snowfighter’s (revised)
The Salt Institute
21 minutes
AGENCY: Federal Highway Administration
TIME: 55 minutes
Tape No. 213
DESCRIPTION: Causes prevention correction. Maintenance equipment and
techniques. Proper drainage. No contamination. Stockpiles, rundown steep slopes.
AGENCY: Vermont Local Roads
TIME: 14:20 minutes
Tape No: 221
DESCRIPTION: This video describes the 8 practices of bridge maintenance. They are:
Create Smooth Transitions
Waterproof Concrete Surfaces
Patch Concrete Decks
Post Bridges
Bridge Inspection
Includes All Town Bridges
Track Bridge Performance Year to Year
Provide a Written Record for All to See
TITLE: Utility Cut Repair: Doing It Right (maintenance/operations)
AGENCY: Minnesota Local Roads Research Board
TIME: 11 minutes
Tape No. 223
DESCRIPTION: Provides information about repairing the roadway after an open cut
has been made to repair or service a utility and shows supervisors, workers, and public
officials how everyone benefits from quality workmanship and the use of research-tested
materials and methods.
TITLE: What is Anti-Icing? (maintenance/operations)
AGENCY: US Army Cold Region Research and Engineering Laboratory and the
TIME: 9 minutes
Tape No. 224
DESCRIPTION: Presents new anti-icing technology where chemicals and abrasives are
applied to roadways prior to snow and ice storms. Anti-icing procedures, costs and
results are discussed.
TITLE: Anti-Icing for Maintenance Personnel (maintenance/operations)
AGENCY: US Army Cold Region Research and Engineering Laboratory and the
TAPE NO: 225
TIME: 13 minutes
DESCRIPTION: Presents new anti-icing technology for maintenance managers and
field personnel. The presentation discusses the use of Anti-Icing Tools which include
materials, equipment, personnel and decision-making strategy.
Asphalt Crack Treatment
Mn Local Road Research Board
15:06 minutes
DESCRIPTION: A road crew supervisor introduces asphalt crack treatments to his coworker who has been reading up on the latest research on crack treatments. Animation is
used to explain the difference between sealing and filling. Equipment and procedures are
Contract Maintenance Series
AGENCY: Dept. of Transportation/Federal Hwy Administration
TAPE NO: 231
DESCRIPTION: Maintenance - Overview
Contract Maintenance - Procedures
Contract Maintenance - Supervision
Low Volume Roads Series (maintenance/operations)
AGENCY: Dept.of Transportation/Federal Hwy Administration
TAPE NO: 232
Setting Maintenance Priorities for Low-Volume Roads
Managing Maintenance for Low Volume
TITLE: Bridge Evaluation and Posting (maintenance/operations)
AGENCY: North Carolina State University
TIME: 38 minutes
TAPE NO: 236
DESCRIPTION: Provides an introduction to bridge maintenance, inspection, and
evaluation. The tape explains the purpose of bridge weight limit postings, stressing the
importance of not exceeding those limits, and the potential consequences when those
limits are exceeded. The information is useful for local elected officials responsible for
bridges on public roadways and user groups.
The presentation is divided into the following five modules:
1 Bridge Components and Inspection Standards
2 Bridge Deficiencies and Deterioration
3 Forces and Material Properties Affecting Strength
4 Bridge Posting and Permitting Process
5 Bridge Management
TITLE: Snow Removal Techniques Plowing Tips From The Pros
TIME: 23 minutes
AGENCY: Vista Start Smart Videos
TAPE NO. 238
DESCRIPTION: self-explanatory
TITLE: Stressing Our Future (Maintenance/operations)
TIME: 10 minutes
TAPE NO: 241
DESCRIPTION: In order to increase efficiency, farmers are beginning to use larger
capacity wagons, hauling more bushels per trip to the elevator, and using much heavier
equipment in their farming operations.
TITLE : The Importance of Road Drainage (maintenance/operations)
TIME: 18 minutes
AGENCY : Federal Hwy Admin
TAPE NO: 244
DESCRIPTION : Discusses the roadway considerations (including surface and drainage
maintenance) and the inspection of drainage systems. It also address the environmental
issues associated with road drainage, federal and state permits and liability for elements
of design and maintenance.
TITLE : Using Snow Plows on Motor graders (maintenance/operations)
TIME: 15 minutes
AGENCY :Federal Hwy Admin
TAPE NO: 245
DESCRIPTION : Details the correct way to attach snow plows to motor graders and
basic information on using snow plows. The video address three different types of
plows: from single, vplow and the wing plow.
TITLE : Equipment Management Systems (EMS) (maintenance/operations)
TIME: 17 minutes
AGENCY : Federal Hwy Admin
TAPE NO : 246
DESCRIPTION : Discusses the various elements of an EMS, including shop
management, inventory control, fluid dispensing and financial control.
TITLE: How Heavy Is Too Heavy (maintenance/operations)
TIME: 30 minutes
AGENCY: South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
TAPE NO. 250
DESCRIPTION : It explains why overweight trucks and other vehicles wreck roads.
The damage from overweight trucks and other vehicles runs approximately $40 million
annually in South Dakota.
TITLE: Snow Removal Applications (maintenance/operations)
TIME: 21 minutes
TAPE NO. 258
DESCRIPTION: This video discusses the techniques and equipment used on a
motorgrader and snow removal applications. Types of snow encounters, road conditions
and attachments mounted on the motorgrader for different parts of the country. Not
familiar with equipment refer to a publication titled “ TEVN2947 H Series Motorgrader
TITLE: Preventive Maintenance: Project Selection Right Road - Right Treatment-Right
Time (maintenance/operations)
TIME: 30 minutes
AGENCY : U.S. Dept of Transportation/Federal Highway Administration
TAPE NO. 260
DESCRIPTION: This video discusses the various factors, such as existing pavement
condition and environment effects, which must be taken into consideration when
selecting the proper pavement for preventive maintenance. The tape also provides a
general overview of the various preventive maintenance treatment options available for
both rigid and flexible pavements and their suitability for a given pavement condition.
TITLE: Forest Roads and the Environment (maintenance/operations)
TIME: 18 minutes
AGENCY: USDA Forest Service Engineering San Dimas Technology and
Development Center
TAPE NO. 266 A.
DESCRIPTION: Provides as an introduction to the maintenance of low volume roads,
highlighting issues that benefit from proper maintenance activities such as water
temperatures, fish habitat and aggregate surfacing loss.
TITLE: Reading Beyond the Traveled Way (maintenance/operations)
TIME: 16 minutes
AGENCY: USDA Forest Service Engineering, San Dimas Technology and
Development Center
TAPE: 266 C.
DESCRIPTION: Considers the natural functions happening beyond the roadway (rain,
erosion) and how to use that knowledge before beginning maintenance operations to help
minimize significant impacts on the road. Covers gullies, cracks and slumps, roadside
ditch, ditch relief culverts, live stream culverts, and brush removal.