THE IMPACT OF GUM ARABIC ON IRON GALL INK CORROSION Véronique Rouchon Quillet*1, Celine Remazeilles2, Thi Phuong Nguyen', Jean Bleton4, Alain Tchapla4 1 CRCDG. Paris. France 2 LEMMA, La Rochclle University, France 3 BNF, Bussy Saint Georges, France 4 LETIAM, Orsay University, France * corresponding author: 1. Introduction In the occidental world, gum arabic has been extensively used as a binder in iron gall ink preparation, but its influence on iron gall ink corrosion has not been extensively studied. In this work, we investigate the impact of gum arabic on iron gall ink corrosion using laboratory samples made of cotton lintcrs cellulose paper with no additives. This paper was impregnated with different solutions combining the three main ingredients of iron gall ink, namely, gallic acid, ferrous sulphate and gum arabic. The paper degradation versus artificial ageing was evaluated using bursting strength determinations, FTIR spectromctry, and si/c exclusion chromalography (SEC). The degradation of the gum itself was evaluated using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). 2. Experimental 2. 1 Materials and solutions The composition of selected paper samples was very close to that of pure cellulose: most of the samples were TNO cotton lintcrs cellulose paper. Only for SBC, Whatman paper was used. The ink ingredients were all laboratory grade (table 1). Only freshly prepared solutions were used. In order to evaluate the influence of gum arabic, we prepared two series of samples, the first one with a mixture of iron sulphate and gallic acid called "Fe+Ac". and the second one with a mixture ol iron sulphate, gallic acid, and gum arabic, called "Fe+Ac+Gu". The molar iron sulphate to gallic acid ratio was chosen to be 5.5 regarding previous work performed by Han Neevel. Table 1: Chemicals used for preparation of the inks. 2.2 Preparation of the samples For mechanical measurements, inks were applied on the paper in square patterns about 1 centimetre wide using a computer guided plotter pen (Phillips Digital Plotter PM 1855). with a 0.5mm point. For the other samples, the paper was simply soaked in the respective solutions for approximately 10 s and dried in an ambient atmosphere. The iron concentration per surface unit is considered to be homogeneous within ± 25%. The quantity ol iron deposited on TNO cotton linters cellulose papers was determined in the centre of the samples using atomic absorption spectroscopy (13 mg/ cm2 ±5 %). The average quantity of iron deposited on Whatman papers was measured by spectrophotomelry2 using bathophenanthroline disulfonic acid as a colour reagent (37 mg/cm2 ± 5 %). Most of the samples were artificially aged in a Vötsch 0020 oven at 90 °C and the relative humidity fluctuating every 3 hours between 80% and 35%. Only samples prepared for SEC measurements were artificially aged using a lower temperature (71 °C) and a constant relative humidity (75%). 2.3 Apparatus The loss of mechanical properties during artificial ageing was determined using a normalized bursting tester (Adamel-Lhomargy EC 05). FTIR measurements were performed on a Paragon 1000 PC spectrometer provided by Perkin Elmer. The artificially aged papers were grounded by hand with potassium bromide (KBr) in an agate mortar. Measurements were carried out on the resulting powder using the diffuse reflectance mode3. SEC measurements were performed at the same conditions as those described by Heike Jerosch4 except for the columns (three Phenogel GPC, 5 mm, mixed bed, 300 x 7,8 mm, with a Phenogcl GPC, 5 mm, mixed bed, 50 x 7.8 mm). The GC/MS measurements were carried out on a HP5890 Chromatograph (Hewlett Packard) interfaced by direct coupling to an INCOS 50 quadrupole mass spectrometer (Finnigan). The experimental conditions, including preparation of samples have been depicted previously5. 3. Results 3.1 Mechanical properties Figure 1 reports the loss of mechanical properties versus artificial ageing at 90 °C. The bursting strength values measured on non-aged samples are similar to that of virgin paper. During artificial ageing, the paper becomes locally more brittle and breaks along the ink patterns. After 3 days of artificial ageing, one can observe that the "Fe+Ac+Gu" samples are more resistant than the "Fe+Ac" samples. Yet. all samples were rapidly degraded, and after 7 days of artificial ageing, no differences can be measured, mainly because of the large scatter of the results obtained by the bursting tester. pH determinations were carried out with a Hal-surface electrode on the samples which were aged at 90 °C. The two series of samples have similar pH values (3.5 ± 0.5) and. these values seem to be constant during the 42 days of artificial ageing. Figure 1: Evolution of bursting strength versus artificial ageing (T = 90°C, RH = 35-80%) for TNO cotton linters cellulose paper impregnated with two different solutions combining iron sulphate (Fe), gallic acid (Ac) and Gum Arabic (Gu). 3.2 FTIR measurements The sensitivity of the FTIR technique is rather poor. Also, on non-aged samples, the presence of gallic acid, and/or gum arabic on the paper induces absolutely no change in the FTIR spectra, which is quite similar to the cellulose absorption spectrum. These components are far too diluted in the cellulose to be detected. One has to go very far in the paper degradation process to observe some changes in the FTIR signal. These changes are limited to the region 1700 cm-1 to 1800 cm-1 which is characteristic carbonyl groups stretching vibration (see figure 2). We arc inclined to think that these changes are mainly due to the paper itself, and not to the additives. Figure 2 shows that, in the presence of gum, alkene and carbonyl groups are less numerous in the degraded cellulose. 3.3 Size Exclusion Chromatography In order to evaluate the influence of gum more accurately, we undertook a second set of experiments Figure 2: FTIR absorption spectra of TNO cotton linters cellulose paper impregnated with two different solutions containing iron sulphate (Fe), gallic acid (Ac) and gum arabic (Gu), and artificially aged for 42 days at T = 90 °C and RH = 35-80%. using lower temperature of 71 °C of artificial ageing and SEC analysis to measure the changes of Mw of cellulose. The evolution of Mw versus time of artificial ageing (figure 3), confirms clearly the positive influence of gum, which reduces the rate of degradation of cellulose. Figure 3: Decrease of cellulose molecular weight versus time of artificial ageing (T = 71 °C, RH = 75%) for Whatman paper impregnated with two different solutions combining iron sulphate (Fc), gallic acid (Ac) and gum arabic (Gu). 3.4 Gas Chromatographv In order to evaluate the stability of gum arabic during ageing, we mixed pure gum arabic with ferrous sulphate powder and put the mixture in the climatic-chamber for artificial ageing at 90 °C with the relative humidity fluctuating every 3 hours between 80% and 35%. Within a few days, the colour of the mixture turned dark brown, whereas the colour of gum alone, artificially aged at the same conditions, was still very light. GC/MS measurements confirm this observation: no significant changes are observed on the chromatograms when gum arabic is aged alone, while drastic changes arc observed when it is mixed with ferrous sulphate. The intensity of signal of arabinose, and rhamnose decreases, and some galactonic acid appears. This proves that gum Arabic degrades very fast in the presence of iron. Its positive influence on iron gall ink corrosion is also limited in time. 4. Conclusion Research presented demonstrates that, when gum arabic is added to the ink, the degradation of the paper is delayed. We are inclined to believe that this effect is mainly due to physical factors, as the gum coats the paper fibres, and thus limits the diffusion of oxygen or free iron. This protective effect is limited in time because the gum is itself very sensitive to iron sulphate. 5. References 1. J. G. Neevel, Phxtate: a potential conservation agent for the treatment of ink corrosion caused by iron gall inks, Restaurator, 1995. 16. 143-160. 2. T. P. Nguyen, A. Delatour. S. Bouvet, V. Rouchon Quillet, Effect of gelatin sizing on iron gall ink corroded paper. Durability of Paper and writing, Lubjana, 2004, Nov. 16-20"1. proceeding. 3. C. Remazeilles. PhD thesis. University of La Rochelle. 2001 July 18"'. 4. H. Jerosch, B. 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