CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Date May 19th , 2011 Ref no: IFM-2011-00221 Last day for submission of tender June 29th, 2011 Validity of tender October 29th, 2011 Procurement procedure Open You are hereby invited to submit a tender for a X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer (XPS) to the Dept. of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM) at Linköpings universitet, Sweden according to the conditions stated in these contract documents. IFM-2011-00221 1 ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS 1.1 GENERAL INFORMATION An X-ray photoelectron spectrometer is to be procured by Linköpings universitet (LiU) for the Dept. of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM). The equipment will be used for chemical state and quantitative analysis of thin films as well as bulk materials in the form of powders, fragments of cutting tools or sputtering targets, etc. Material systems to be analyzed range from semiconductors (such as GaN, AlN, InN, SiC and alloys) to ceramics (such as transition metal carbides, nitrides and oxides), carbon-based materials (such as DLC, fullerene-like CNx) and metals. Due to the complexity of thin films prepared in our laboratory (multicomponent materials) an instrument with high energy resolution is required. Reliable charge compensating system necessary for good performance on insulating samples is a key. In addition, the ability for sputter cleaning (with flexible choice of ion gun parameters), depth profiling (incorporating compucentric rotation for better depth resolution) and in situ annealing is crucial. The high throughput, automated operation and remote steering are also valued. 1.1.1 Scope An X-ray photoelectron spectrometer (XPS) to be used for chemical state and quantitative analysis of thin films, powders and solids must be offered as specified in the technical specifications (Chapter 3). Due to its versatility an instrument will serve several research projects conducted at IFM, in particular the Thin Film Physics Division. The instrument will be operated by a handful of skilled-in-the-art specialists. 1.2 CONTRACTING ENTITY Linköpings universitet IFM SE-581 83 Linköping Sweden 1.2.1 Contact person Name: Catarina Wireklint E-mail: If the tenderer wishes clarification of any aspect of the Contract documents, an enquiry must be submitted in writing directly to the contact person for this procurement, at such point of time that a response can be delivered six (6) days before the last day for tender submittal. Enquiries will be answered and published at . The tenderer is solely responsible for obtaining complete documentation. 1.2.2 Additions/amendments Complementary additions/amendments, if any, will be announced at 1.3 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 2(16) IFM-2011-00221 1.3.1 List of documents The contract documents consists of the following documents and appendices: This document - administrative regulations, qualification of the tenderer and technical specifications, Appendix 1: Public contract (draft) Appendix 2: ALOS 05 E Appendix 3: “Tender form/Declaration of truthfulness” The tenderer is solely responsible for obtaining complete documentation according to this list of documents. 1.4 PROCUREMENT PROCEDURE This is an open procurement procedure, in accordance with the Swedish law of public Procurements (LOU, SFS 2007:1091, Chapter 4). Tenders will be accepted without former negotiation. 1.5 THE TENDER – FORMAL REQUIREMENTS 1.5.1 Validity of the tender The tender is valid provided that it is: signed by an authorised representative of the tendering company, submitted no later than June 29th 2011. The tenderer is solely responsible for the timely arrival of the tender. A tender that arrives later than stipulated, will not be considered, valid until October 29th 2011, which explicitly must be confirmed in the tender. 1.5.2 Formality of the tender Formal requirements for the tenders are as follows: written in the Swedish or English language, submitted in a closed envelope/package marked with Tender and reference number IFM-2011-00221. Please note that tenders submitted by delivery firms often has to be remarked on the package, submitted in one (1) original and two (2) complete copies, an electronic version on a CD/memory stick should also be provided Tenders submitted by fax or e-mail will not be accepted, since confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. 1.5.3 Submission of tender The tender can either be sent by post, by express or be delivered personally at the address stated below. Visiting and express delivery address: Linköpings universitet Registrator, Building Origo SE-581 83 Linköping Sweden Mailing address: Linköpings universitet Registrator SE-581 83 Linköping Sweden Office hours are Monday – Friday 09.00 – 15:00. There is a small mailbox outside the Origo building were tenders can be delivered, but it is very limited in size (27,5 cm x 3,5 cm) Keep in mind that tenders are submitted at the risk of the tenderer, and to ensure that the tender can be submitted correctly, the office hours should be taken into consideration. 3(16) IFM-2011-00221 A notification of reception will be sent upon formal opening of the tenders. 1.5.4 Disposition of the tender To ensure equal treatment and to facilitate assessment of tenders, the tenderer is requested to follow the order and numbering of this document. If no statement is made with respect to a requirement, the contracting entity is entitled to interpret this as the requirement is not fulfilled. 1.6 EVALUATION PROCESS Before the evaluation process starts, the formal requirements are checked in accordance with 1.5. If any of those are not fulfilled, the tender in question may not be taken into consideration. 1.6.1 Qualification of the tenderer The requirements in chapter 2 is to ascertain that the tenderer has the necessary technical ability and capacity to fulfil the obligations concerning this public procurement. To qualify, these requirements have to be fulfilled. 1.6.2 Examination The requirements indicated as “must” in chapters 3 - 7, are checked. Only tenders that fulfil all these requirements will be evaluated further. 1.6.3 Evaluation The public contract will be awarded to the economically most advantageous tender considering the award criteria below. The criteria are listed in order of priority and weighted in relation of importance. Final weight for each criteria will be determined within the stated span at the time of evaluation. Criteria 1. 2. 3. Weight Technical Performance Price, warranty and service Delivery Time 45-65 % 25-45% 5-15 % Criterion: 1.Technical Performance The tenders will be evaluated regarding fulfilment of the Should- requirements, and given marks in accordance with the intervals stated at each requirement in subsection 3.2.1 to 3.2.10. The highest marks correspond to the highest performance. The additional accessory equipment and software options are also included in this paragraph. The total number of points is 40. Criterion: 2. Price, warranty and service The total price, warranty period and service will be given marks in relation to the lowest price, longest warranty and quality of the service provided as specified below. 40 is the highest available mark. 4(16) IFM-2011-00221 P WT S 0.9 MIN 0.05 0.05 T PT WMAX SMAX 40 where: PMIN – the lowest offered total price (in SEK) PT – the tender’s total price (in SEK) WMAX – the longest offered warranty period WT – warranty period offered by the tender SMAX – the number of points assigned to the best service offer according to the criteria specified in 5.1.2 ST - the number of points assigned to tender’s service offer according to the criteria specified in 5.1.2 For additional information regarding warranty and service see paragraphs 5.1.1 and 5.1.2, respectively. Criterion: 3. Delivery time The estimated delivery time (including installation period) after signed contract will be evaluated in accordance with position 4.1.1 and the formulae below. If the delivery time is stated in intervals, the longest delivery time will be used at the evaluation of the tenders. The maximum number of points is 40. DMIN 40 D T where: DMIN – the shortest offered delivery time (in weeks) DT – delivery time as specified by the tender (in weeks) Final marks The mark for each criterion will be weighted as stated above. The sum of the weighted marks will be the final total mark, which corresponds to the economically most advantageous tender. 1.7 COMMERCIAL SECRECY In accordance with the Official Secrets Act (Offentlighets- och sekretesslag (2009:400)) all data pertaining to a procurement matter is subject to secrecy until an agreement has been entered into or procurement has otherwise been concluded. Any data mentioned may be subject to secrecy even after the aforementioned time. Note, however that only in exceptional cases data and prices according to the evaluation of the tender is considered to be of such nature that it may be held secret for commercial reasons. With respect to commercial secrecy for the protection of a tenderer’s data, the requirement is that the data in question refers to the tenderer’s business- or service conditions and that there is a specific reason to presume that the tenderer will suffer damages if the data is disclosed. If a tenderer considers the data submitted in connection with this procurement matter fulfils the aforementioned requirements for commercial secrecy, the tenderer must submit a request for 5(16) IFM-2011-00221 commercial secrecy, in writing; with clarification concerning the data referred to and what damage the tenderer would suffer if the data were disclosed. The decision whether or not the data submitted by the tenderer fulfils the requirements for commercial secrecy will be made by the Contracting Entity. 1.8 NOTIFICATION OF DECISION Notification of the contracting entity´s decision in this procurement matter will be sent in writing, by e-mail, to all tendering companies, prior to signing the public contract,. An appeal for reconsideration of this decision may be made to Förvaltningsrätten (the Administrative Court) in Linköping. Such an appeal has to be sent within 10 days from reception of the decision. Address: Box 406, SE-581 04 Linköping, Sweden E-mail: 1.9 AGREEMENT Please note that there is no legally binding agreement until a public contract is signed by both parties. 6(16) IFM-2011-00221 2 QUALIFICATION OF THE TENDERER To ensure that the tenderer is suitable as a supplier for the specified procurement, the requirements below must be fulfilled. 2.1 LEGAL POSITION According to the Swedish law of public procurement (LOU) the tenderer may not: Be in bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings, under compulsory administration or subject to composition or have until further notice ceased making payments or be subject to trade prohibition. Be subject to filing for bankruptcy, compulsory liquidation, compulsory administration, composition or other similar proceedings. Have been found guilty of unprofessional conduct according to final and conclusive judgement. Have been found guilty of serious wrongdoings in professional conduct. Have failed to fulfil liabilities concerning taxes and social fees. Furthermore, checks are made that: The tenderer is registered in the companies’ register, commercial register or similar register. The tenderer is registered for reporting and payment of taxes, withheld preliminary tax and employer fees. The tenderer must confirm that there are no grounds for excluding him according to the above, through leaving the documents mentioned below. Tenderers located abroad The following national official documents must be enclosed to the tender: 1) certificate of enrolment in a professional trade register, 2) certificate that the tenderer has fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions, 3) certificate that the tenderer has fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of taxes. Swedish tenderers “Registreringsbevis” from Bolagsverket must be enclosed to the tender. The Swedish tenderers may be checked with Skatteverket and Kronofogden regarding payment of taxes and social security contributions. The information must not be older than 3 months as from last day for submission of tender. All tenderers Appendix no 3, “Tender form/Declaration of truthfulness” must also be signed and enclosed to the tender. 7(16) IFM-2011-00221 3 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 3.1 INTRODUCTION An X-ray photoelectron spectrometer is to be procured by IFM at Linköping university. The equipment will be used for chemical state and quantitative analysis of thin films as well as bulk materials in a form of powders, fragments of cutting tools or sputtering targets, etc. The ability for sputter cleaning, depth profiling and in situ annealing is crucial. The high throughput, automated operation and remote steering are also valued. Material systems to be analyzed range from semiconductors (such as GaN, AlN, InN, SiC and alloys) to ceramics (such as transition metal carbides, nitrides and oxides), carbon-based materials (such as DLC, fullerene-like CNx) and metals. 3.2 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE XPS ARE REQUIRED 3.2.1 A fully functioning system should be offered Fulfilled Yes No All components and peripherals in terms of hardware and software, with associated licenses, necessary to achieve the level of integration and technical specifications stated in the offer, must be included. 3.2.2 System Performance High energy resolution and signal intensity is required. The equipment must demonstrate the following performance on the commonly available reference Ag sample (e.g. Ag metal foil) under typical running conditions: the FWHM of the Ag 3d5/2 core level peak of 0.50 eV or less, at the count rate of at least 50 kcps, after installation at LiU. The curve fitting must be performed on raw data. The curve fitting shall be made with a method that is satisfactory to a person skilled-in-the–art. Fulfilled Yes No 0-5 points The ultimate energy resolution of XPS system as tested on the commonly available reference Ag sample (e.g. Ag metal foil) should be such that the FWHM of the Ag 3d5/2 core level peak is less than 0.50 eV at the count rate not lower than 1 kcps. The curve fitting must be performed on raw data. The curve fitting shall be made with a method that is satisfactory to a person skilled-in-the–art. Specify ultimate energy resolution and under what operating conditions it is achieved: FWHM≥0.5 eV – 0 points, 0.48 eV≤FWHM<0.5 eV – 1 point, 0.47≤FWHM<0.48 eV – 2 points, 8(16) IFM-2011-00221 0.46≤FWHM<0.47 eV – 3 points, 0.45≤FWHM<0.46 eV – 4 points, FWHM<0.45 eV – 5 points The energy resolution must be constant over entire binding energy range available. Fulfilled Yes No Fulfilled Yes No The XPS system must be equipped with monochromatized Al K X-ray source for optimum core level resolution. 0-3 points The XPS system should be equipped with additional monochromatized X-ray source with energy higher than that of Al K in order to allow for analysis of deeper-lying core levels such as Al1s, Si1s, Zr2s, Zr2p3/2 , i.e., crucial signals from materials often present in our samples. Specify: [the offer that suits our needs best gets 3 points; criteria that will be taken into account include: source energy, inherent line width, monochromatization] 0-4 points The XPS system should allow imaging spectroscopy where chemical state information is preserved with the ultimate lateral resolution better than 20 m. Specify: resolution < 20 m – 1 point, resolution ≤ 10 m – 2 points, resolution ≤ 5 m – 3 points, resolution ≤ 3 m – 4 points The XPS system must allow automated operation where multiple samples can be analyzed in an automatic sequence programmed by the operator. 3.2.3 Fulfilled Yes No Vacuum vessel The system must consist of three separate vacuum chambers. One main (analysis) chamber, the preparation chamber dedicated to sample treatment/storage and fast-entry chamber with short pump down times. Describe your solution: 9(16) Fulfilled Yes No IFM-2011-00221 The pumping solution offered must guarantee the UHV operation with base pressure, p, in the main (analysis) chamber under typical operating conditions, lower than 1×10-9 mBar. Fulfilled Yes No 1-3 points The pumping solution offered should guarantee the base pressure, p, in the main (analysis) chamber under typical operating conditions lower than 1×10-9 mBar. Specify: p<1×10-9 mBar – 1 point, p≤8×10-10 mBar – 2 points, p≤6×10-10 mBar – 3 points 3.2.4 Charge neutralizer XPS system must be equipped with automatic charge neutralizer that allows reliable measurements on insulating samples and is integrated into the system. Fulfilled Yes No 0-2 points Manual control of the charge neutralizer should be possible. Specify: [automatic operation only – 0 points, automatic/manual – 2 points] 0-2 points We are concerned with potential degradation effects of low energy ions used for charge neutralization. Therefore charge neutralizer should use exclusively electron flux for compensation of positive charge on sample surface. Specify your solution: [charge compensation with electrons/ions – 0 points; charge compensation with electrons only – 2 points] 3.2.5 Ion gun XPS system must be equipped with high performance, floating column ion gun with neutral filter for surface cleaning/depth profiling. 10(16) Fulfilled Yes No IFM-2011-00221 The supplied ion gun must allow stable operation at ion energies down to at least 250 eV. The equipment must allow compucentric (Zalar) rotation during ion etch for improved depth resolution. Fulfilled Yes No Fulfilled Yes No 0-5 points We value shallow angle ion etch (to minimize sputter damage) over sputtering rate. Therefore, the system should be able to allow ion etching at shallow angle while using compucentric (Zalar) rotation. Specify lowest possible angle, , between direction of the ion beam and surface of the sample while using compucentric (Zalar) rotation: >45° - 0 points, 40°< ≤45° - 1 point, 35°< ≤40° - 2 points, 30°< ≤35° - 3 points, 25°< ≤30° - 4 points, ≤25° - 5 points 3.2.6 Sample stage A 5-axis (X, Y, Z, tilt, rotation) sample stage with automated navigation must be integrated in the system. The sample stage must be able to accommodate simultaneously at least 10 samples, at least 5×5 mm2 each, mounted for XPS analysis. 3.2.7 Fulfilled Yes No Fulfilled Yes No In-situ heating stage The equipment must include an in-situ heating stage. 11(16) Fulfilled Yes No IFM-2011-00221 0-3 points The in-situ heating stage should allow a maximum temperature of at least 600 °C. Specify the maximum temperature available: <600 °C - 0 points, 600-799 °C - 1 point, 800-999 °C - 2 points, >999 °C - 3 points Fulfilled Yes No In order not to risk any contamination of the essential parts of the spectrometer the in-situ heating stage must not be mounted in the analysis chamber, but preferably in the preparation chamber. 0-3 points The transfer time from heating stage to the analysis position should be as short as possible. Describe your solution and specify shortest transfer time: A maximum of 3 points is assigned based on tender’s description. 3.2.8 Accessory equipment 0-3 points An UV lamp with all necessary accessories for Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy measurements should be included in the main offer. Specify: UPS not included – 0 points, UPS included – 3 points 0-3 points The system should allow Ion Scattering Spectroscopy (ISS) measurements. Necessary accessories should be provided. Specify: ISS not included – 0 points, ISS included – 3 points An ion mass spectrometer for residual gas analysis (RGA) must be included. 12(16) Fulfilled Yes No IFM-2011-00221 3.2.9 Options Please specify any options that could be useful to us in the future as an extension to the capabilities of the XPS system offered and that would make this system unique. Please state prices and time period for which they are valid, preferrably during one year Option Price (sek) Price validity 3.2.10 Software Fulfilled Yes No The latest version of software (at the time of delivery) for data acquisition and data analysis must be included. 0-2 points Free-of-charge software upgrade (for data acquisition and data analysis) to the latest version available should be included for the period of at least one (1) year from the date of final acceptance at LiU. Specify conditions and price for future software upgrades not covered by the free-of-charge period: best offer wins 2 points (longest time period of free upgrades will be evaluated vs. lowest price of future upgrades) Fulfilled Yes No A minimum of five(5) full licenses for the data analysis part of the software must be included 0-2 points At least 3 extra licenses for the data analysis part of the software should be included. Specify the number of free licences included (above the 5 licenses mentioned in p. Specify price for any extra license above that number: best offer wins 2 points (number of licenses and price for additional licenses will be evaluated) 4 DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION 4.1.1 Delivery Schedule 4.1.1 Fulfilled Yes No Time for complete delivery must be stated in weeks. If delivery time is stated in intervals, the longest delivery time will be evaluated. Complete delivery includes installation, set up of operation, completed acceptance tests, and 13(16) IFM-2011-00221 scheduling of training at Linköping University. Specify time for delivery: 4.1.2 Tests Fulfilled Yes No An acceptance test must be made at the factory site, witnessed and approved by the customer, before the system is shipped. The specified answers and technical details to the items given in this document must be proven during this acceptance test. Fulfilled Yes No A complete installation test must be performed on the platform following installation at the site Accepted Yes No The system must pass final acceptance test, on-site at Linköping University, for each functionality before it is accepted by the University. 4.1.3 Training 4.1.3 Accepted Yes No Training on site IFM for a group of IFM-personnel regarding operation and service of the system must be included in the tender. 4.1.4 Post installation 4.1.3 Accepted Yes No The tenderer must leave the site in a clean and tidy condition. This includes the disposal of all crates, packing, packaging and waste materials. 5 POST INSTALLATION SUPPORT 5.1.1 Warranty 5.1.1 Fulfilled Yes No Proposals must state what level of warranty is offered for manufacture and workmanship of the system and the duration of this. At least one year warranty must be included. Any additional years of warranty will be evaluated positively. (see p. 1.6.3) Specify years of warranty: 14(16) IFM-2011-00221 5.1.2 Service Quality of offered service in the tender will be evaluated below. A maximum of five (5) points can be given to the best service offer (see 1.6.3). Fulfilled Yes No It must be possible for the user to sign for a service contract following the warranty period (or additional free-of-charge period). Specify the free-of-charge service period: Describe the type and organisation of service that is included in the tender, e.g., location for service engineer(s) and availability of spare parts for the equipment. Specify: Response time to fix a problem is expected to be quick. Specify the response time for diagnostic- and repair visits: 6 PRICE AND PAYMENT TERMS 6.1.1 Fulfilled Yes No The tender must include the total contract price, given as DAP (INCOTERMS 2010) on-site IFM incl. freight, transport and insurance costs, installation, setting the system into operation, testing, documentation, training (including travelling costs) and warranty. 6.1.2 Fulfilled Yes No The price for the offered system must be fixed in Swedish Krona (SEK) excluding Swedish VAT. Price: 6.1.3 Fulfilled Yes No Propose a payment schedule for the contract which will be subject to final agreement with the purchaser. The schedule must include at least 30 % to be paid following approved final acceptance test. Specify proposed payment schedule: 15(16) IFM-2011-00221 6.1.4 Fulfilled Yes No If advance payment is requested then security, in favour of the Purchaser, for such advance payment must be presented, in the form of a bank guarantee on demand, along with the public contract. The bank guarantee must correspond to the value of the advance and be valid until approved final acceptance. Please see draft contract (7.3) – Appendix 1. 7 GENERAL 7.1.1 Documentation 7.1.1 N/A Accepted Yes No Detailed documentation of all delivered equipment, its operation, maintenance and service in English and/or Swedish must be included and supplied on delivery. 7.1.2 Draft contract 7.1.2 Accepted Yes No The included commercial conditions, appendix 1, are presumed to form the basis for an agreement between the parties. Comments: 16(16)