STA 660 - Practicum in Data Analysis Fall 2001 Course (Section) STA 660 (A) Meeting Time: 900-950 MWF (plus other make-up times to be arranged in consultation with students) Meeting Location 120 Bachelor Hall (maybe 122C BAC) Prerequisites: STA 666 Grading: Pass/Fail Professor Dr. John Bailer E-mail: URL: Office (phone): 292 Bachelor Hall (529-3538) 369C Upham Hall (529-2648) FAX: 529-1493 Office Hours: 10:00 - 11:00 MWF (other hours by appointment — don’t be shy!) Purpose of Course: The university catalog describes STA 660 as “Supervised practice in consulting and statistical data analysis including use of computer programs.” As part of this “supervised practice,” we explore strategies for tackling research questions based upon available data, and written/oral presentations of analyses. Course Objectives: Chatfield (1995, p. 1) suggests that a statistician needs to be able to 1. formulate a real problem in statistical terms 2. give advice on efficient data collection 3. analyze data and extract maximum amount of information 4. interpret and report the results STA 660 gives you experience with these 4 objectives plus the tools used to accomplish these objectives. Included in these tools are statistical computing software (e.g. SAS, S-Plus), software for graphical displays (e.g. S-Plus), word processing and presentation software. Text:Chatfield, C. (1998) Problem Solving: A Statistician's Guide. Chapman & Hall/CRC Press. 1 Other resources: ASA: ASA Section on Statistical Consulting: Miller Wiley Beyond ANOVA, Basics of Applied Statistics Madansky Springer-Verlag Prescriptions for Working Statisticians Fox and Long SAGE Modern Methods of Data Analysis Venables and Ripley Springer Modern applied statistics with S-PLUS Derr Duxbury Statistical Consulting: A Guide to Effective Communication General student activities: Analyze a series of projects and reporting the results. Most of these projects will involve the analysis of a particular data set. Some of the projects might involve literature reviews and reports. Most of these projects will be done by each student. A number of group projects are being tentatively planned. Finally, I am trying to arrange a semester-long project that the entire class will address. General Flow of course (each week): Monday: Initial examination of data reported and discussed (IDA) Wednesday: Questions + New project(s) assigned + New stat. method/computing issue Friday: Final analysis of data assigned 2 Tentative course outline (modifications always possible) Week 1 Day Comments 8/24 First day of classes – Intro 8/24 2 Reading and topic Comments/projects Dr. Schaefer will pinch hit – give course overview and assign first two lab data sets Statistical Mike Hughes will pinch hit – Investigations, data entry, creating SAS data problem formulation, sets, creating S-Plus dataframes data collection (pp. 1-22) 8/27 No class – make-up to General analysis be scheduled strategy (pp. 23-36) 8/29 No class – make-up to Initial examination of be scheduled data (IDA) (pp. 3774); Computer and library resources (pp. 93-104) 8/31 No class – make-up to Definitive analysis be scheduled (pp. 75-92); Effective consulting and communication (pp. 105-122) 3 9/3 LABOR DAY, no classes ************** 9/4 M/T exchange day 9/5 Project 0, 1 and 2 IDA Stat/computing methods 9/7 4 Project 0, 1 and 2 Final presentations 9/10 9/12 Project 3 handed out Project 3 IDA Stat/computing methods 3 Project 4 handed out 5 9/14 FINAL report—Project 3 9/17 Project 4 IDA 9/19 6 FINAL report—Project 4 9/24 Project 5 IDA Stat/computing methods Project 6 handed out 9/28 FINAL report—Project 5 10/1 Project 6 IDA 10/3 8 Project 5 handed out 9/21 9/26 7 Stat/computing methods Stat/computing methods Project 7 handed out 10/5 FINAL report—Project 6 10/8 Project 7 IDA and Project 8 handed out 10/10 No class - make-up to be scheduled 10/12 No class - make-up to be scheduled 9 10/15 10/17 10 FINAL report -- Project 7 and Project 8 IDA Stat/computing methods Project 9 handed out 10/19 Fall Break – no class FINAL report—Project 8 10/22 Project 9 IDA 10/24 Stat/computing methods 10/26 Project 10 handed out FINAL report—Project 9 4 11 10/29 10/31 12 Project 10 IDA Stat/computing methods 11/2 FINAL report—Project 10 11/5 Project 11 IDA 11/7 Stat/computing methods 11/9 13 Project 12 handed out FINAL report—Project 11 11/12 11/14 14 Project 11 handed out Project 12 IDA Stat/computing methods Project 13 handed out 11/16 FINAL report—Project 12 11/19 Project 13 IDA and Project 14 handed out 11/21 No class – Thanksgiving holiday 11/23 No class – Thanksgiving holiday 15 11/26 11/28 Project 14 IDA Stat/computing methods 11/30 16 FINAL report -- Project 14 12/3 12/5 FINAL report – Project 13; and Project 15 handed out Project 15 IDA Stat/computing methods 12/7 FINAL report -- Project 15 FINAL GROUP PRESENTATION? Question: Can you can meet on Tuesdays or Thursdays at 9 for make-ups? 5