Seasons of the Soul DVD

Seasons of the Soul - WINTER.
“There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven.”
Christ, Yeshu, Isa, the Sat Guru Ji leads us through darkness to light.
During winter, we often lack energy and feel exhausted. We feel cold and vulnerable. It can be hard
to get out of bed. Sometimes we feel we are not heard during this season of the soul, not even by
Winter is the season of waiting. Things lie dormant, things can feel like they are not growing,
animals hibernate. It requires great trust and a willingness to believe this season is not
forever – it will pass away. Spring will follow.
“They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like
eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”
“Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.”
(Female: Viran)
Winter can be a season of blessing. A time to receive and reflect before we act.
We are mindful that winter is a part of God’s plan for our lives in the seasons of the soul.
Blessed are you, winter, dark season of waiting, you affirm the dark seasons of our lives,
forecasting the weather of waiting in hope.
Blessed are you, winter, you faithfully guard a life unseen, calling those who listen deeply
to discover winter rest.
Blessed are you, winter, you teach us valuable lessons about waiting
in darkness with hope and trust.
Blessed are you, winter, season of blood red sunsets and star-filled,
long, dark nights, faithfully you pour out your beauty.
Blessed are you, winter, with your wild and varied moods,
So intent on being yourself, you refuse to be a people-pleaser.
Blessed are you, winter, your inconsistent moods often challenge
Spring’s arrival, yet how gracefully you step aside when her time has come.
Winter is the season to be still and listen. (Pall)
BE still and know God is with you now in this season
BE still and know God’s peace, shalom, shanti in your mind
Be still and know God’s love in the temple, mandir of your heart
BE still and know God’s presence in your body
BE still and know God is with you now
Lord of the years,
Yeshu, we ask your blessing on the years to come.
Give us the resilience to hear its disappointments,
Energy to seize its opportunities
And openness to accept the more abundant life
Which you have promised to us in Christ Yeshu our Lord