Delaware English Language Arts KUD Concept Organizer These ELA KUD Concept Organizers are not replacements for teachers’ individual unit KUDs. Rather, they are deconstructions of the concepts inherent in each of the Common Core State Standards. These are a resource from which teachers should select appropriate Knowledge, Understandings, and Dos (skills) to develop their own unit KUDs to guide planning for instruction. GRADE 6-Craft and Structure Informational Reading Standard 2 College and Career Ready (CCR) Anchor Reading Standard (2): Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas. CCSS – Grade Level Reading Standard 2 (Informational) Grade 5: Determine two or Grade 7: Determine two or more Grade 6: Determine a central more main ideas of a text and central ideas in a text and analyze their idea of a text and how it is explain how they are supported conveyed through particular development over the course of the by key details; summarize the text; provide an objective summary of details; provide a summary of text. the text. the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments. Know Understand Do (Factual) (Conceptual) (Procedural, Application and Extended Thinking) Authors of informational Determine central/main idea of an Characteristics of an text(s) follow a pattern or informational text explanation (e.g., what and plan and include key Recognize how ideas are organized why) details in order to help in an informational text Central/main idea readers make meaning of Describe or graphically represent the Types of text structures (e.g. the text. relationship between central/main sequence/ chronological order, ideas and details classification, definition, Good readers use key simple process, description, Explain how the main ideas are details in an comparison) supported by key details informational text to Different purposes for graphic Summarize the main ideas in an identify the main topic. organizers, based on structure informational text, capturing the of text most important parts of the piece Good readers develop Difference between central/ distinct from personal opinions or effective summaries that main ideas and key details in judgments capture the main ideas of an informational text Determine a central idea of a text informational text and Characteristics of an effective and how it is conveyed through excludes personal summary (e.g., objective vs. particular details; provide a summary opinions or judgments subjective) for informational of the text distinct from personal texts opinions or judgments How to explain How to summarize Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity CCSS- Grade Specific Reading Standard 10 (Grade 6) By the end of the year, read and comprehend literary nonfiction in the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. Informational Text-Literary Nonfiction and Historical, Scientific, and Technical Texts Includes biographies and autobiographies; books about history, social studies, science, and the arts; technical 1 Delaware English Language Arts KUD Concept Organizer These ELA KUD Concept Organizers are not replacements for teachers’ individual unit KUDs. Rather, they are deconstructions of the concepts inherent in each of the Common Core State Standards. These are a resource from which teachers should select appropriate Knowledge, Understandings, and Dos (skills) to develop their own unit KUDs to guide planning for instruction. texts, including directions, forms and information displayed in graphs, charts or maps; and digital sources on a range of topics 2 Delaware English Language Arts KUD Concept Organizer These ELA KUD Concept Organizers are not replacements for teachers’ individual unit KUDs. Rather, they are deconstructions of the concepts inherent in each of the Common Core State Standards. These are a resource from which teachers should select appropriate Knowledge, Understandings, and Dos (skills) to develop their own unit KUDs to guide planning for instruction. GRADE 7-Craft and Structure Informational Reading Standard 2 College and Career Ready (CCR) Anchor Reading Standard (2): Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas. CCSS – Grade Level Reading Standard 2 (Informational) Grade 6: Determine a central idea Grade 7: Determine two or more Grade 8: Determine a central of a text and how it is conveyed idea of a text and analyze its central ideas in a text and analyze through particular details; provide their development over the course development over the course of a summary of the text distinct from of the text; provide an objective the text, including its personal opinions or judgments. relationship to supporting ideas; summary of the text. provide an objective summary of the text. Know Understand Do (Factual) (Conceptual) (Procedural, Application and Extended Thinking) Determine two or more Characteristics of an explanation Authors of informational text(s) follow a pattern or central ideas in an (e.g., what and why) plan and include key details informational text Central idea in order to help readers make Analyze how ideas are Types of text structures (e.g. meaning of the text. organized and developed in sequence/ chronological order, an informational text. classification, definition, simple Good readers develop Describe or graphically process, description, comparison) effective summaries that represent the relationship Different purposes for graphic capture the main ideas of between central ideas and organizers, based on structure of informational text(s). text supporting details Difference between central ideas Explain how the central ideas are supported by key details and key details in an Summarize the main ideas informational text objectively in an Characteristics of an effective informational text, capturing summary (e.g., objective vs. the most important parts of subjective) for informational texts the piece How to summarize Determine two or more How to analyze central ideas in a text and analyze their development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity CCSS- Grade Specific Reading Standard 10 (Grade 7) By the end of the year, read and comprehend literary nonfiction in the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. 3 Delaware English Language Arts KUD Concept Organizer These ELA KUD Concept Organizers are not replacements for teachers’ individual unit KUDs. Rather, they are deconstructions of the concepts inherent in each of the Common Core State Standards. These are a resource from which teachers should select appropriate Knowledge, Understandings, and Dos (skills) to develop their own unit KUDs to guide planning for instruction. Informational Text-Literary Nonfiction and Historical, Scientific, and Technical Texts Includes biographies and autobiographies; books about history, social studies, science, and the arts; technical texts, including directions, forms and information displayed in graphs, charts or maps; and digital sources on a range of topics 4 Delaware English Language Arts KUD Concept Organizer These ELA KUD Concept Organizers are not replacements for teachers’ individual unit KUDs. Rather, they are deconstructions of the concepts inherent in each of the Common Core State Standards. These are a resource from which teachers should select appropriate Knowledge, Understandings, and Dos (skills) to develop their own unit KUDs to guide planning for instruction. GRADE 8-Craft and Structure Informational Reading Standard 2 College and Career Ready (CCR) Anchor Reading Standard (2): Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas. CCSS – Grade Level Reading Standard 2 (Informational) Grade 7: Determine two or more Grade 8: Determine a central idea Grade 9-10: Determine a central ideas in a text and analyze central idea of a text and of a text and analyze its their development over the course of development over the course of the analyze its development over the text; provide an objective the course of the text, including text, including its relationship to summary of the text. how it emerges and is shaped supporting ideas; provide an and refined by specific details; objective summary of the text. provide an objective summary of the text. Know Understand Do (Factual) (Conceptual) (Procedural, Application and Extended Thinking) Central idea Authors of informational Identify the text structure in an texts develop texts that informational text Types of text structures (e.g. have a central idea is Determine a central idea in an sequence/chronological order, developed over the course informational text classification, definition, process, of a text through its Describe or graphically description, comparison, problem/ relationship to supporting solution, cause/effect) represent the relationship elements/ideas/details. Difference between central and between a central idea and supporting ideas in an supporting ideas Good readers develop informational text. Explain the relationship of the effective summaries that Characteristics of an effective central idea to the supporting are objective and capture ideas in an informational text summary for informational texts the central idea of Analyze the development of the (e.g., objective vs. subjective) informational text(s). central idea over the course of How to summarize an informational text, including its relationship to supporting ideas Summarize the main ideas objectively in an informational text, capturing the most important parts of the piece Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its relationship to supporting ideas; provide an objective summary of the text 5 Delaware English Language Arts KUD Concept Organizer These ELA KUD Concept Organizers are not replacements for teachers’ individual unit KUDs. Rather, they are deconstructions of the concepts inherent in each of the Common Core State Standards. These are a resource from which teachers should select appropriate Knowledge, Understandings, and Dos (skills) to develop their own unit KUDs to guide planning for instruction. Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity CCSS- Grade Specific Reading Standard 10 (Grade 8) By the end of the year, read and comprehend literary nonfiction at the high end of the grades 6-8 text complexity band independently and proficiently. Informational Text-Literary Nonfiction and Historical, Scientific, and Technical Texts Includes biographies and autobiographies; books about history, social studies, science, and the arts; technical texts, including directions, forms and information displayed in graphs, charts or maps; and digital sources on a range of topics 6 Delaware English Language Arts KUD Concept Organizer These ELA KUD Concept Organizers are not replacements for teachers’ individual unit KUDs. Rather, they are deconstructions of the concepts inherent in each of the Common Core State Standards. These are a resource from which teachers should select appropriate Knowledge, Understandings, and Dos (skills) to develop their own unit KUDs to guide planning for instruction. GRADE 9-10-Craft and Structure Informational Reading Standard 2 College and Career Ready (CCR) Anchor Reading Standard (2): Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas. CCSS – Grade Level Reading Standard 2 (Informational) Grade 8: Determine a central Grade 11-12: Determine two or Grade 9-10: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its more central ideas of a text and idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of analyze their development over the development over the course of the text, including its relationship the text, including how it emerges course of the text, including how to supporting ideas; provide an they interact and build on one and is shaped and refined by objective summary of the text. another to provide a complex specific details; provide an analysis; provide an objective objective summary of the text. summary of the text. Know Understand Do (Factual) (Conceptual) (Procedural, Application and Extended Thinking) Authors of informational texts Describe or graphically represent Central idea develop texts that have a central the relationship between central Key details idea that is developed over the ideas and specific details Types of text structures (e.g. course of a text. sequence/chronological order, Determine a central idea of an classification, definition, informational text Good readers develop process, description, Describe or graphically represent effective summaries that are comparison, problem/ the relationship between central objective and capture the solution, cause/effect) ideas and specific details central idea of informational Relationship between central Analyze how authors reveal, text(s). and specific ideas in an shape, and refine a central idea, informational text. utilizing specific details Characteristics of an effective Good readers analyze how the central idea of an informational Create an objective summary of summary for informational an informational text text develops, emerges, and is texts (e.g., objective vs. Determine a central idea of a text shaped and refined by specific subjective) and analyze its development over details. How to summarize the course of the text, including How to analyze how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity CCSS- Grade Specific Reading Standard 10 (Grade 9) By the end of grade 9, read and comprehend literary nonfiction in the grades 9-10 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. CCSS- Grade Specific Reading Standard 10 (Grade 10) 7 Delaware English Language Arts KUD Concept Organizer These ELA KUD Concept Organizers are not replacements for teachers’ individual unit KUDs. Rather, they are deconstructions of the concepts inherent in each of the Common Core State Standards. These are a resource from which teachers should select appropriate Knowledge, Understandings, and Dos (skills) to develop their own unit KUDs to guide planning for instruction. By the end of grade 10, read and comprehend literary nonfiction at the high end of the grades 9-10 text complexity band independently and proficiently. Informational Text-Literary Nonfiction and Historical, Scientific, and Technical Texts Includes biographies and autobiographies; books about history, social studies, science, and the arts; technical texts, including directions, forms and information displayed in graphs, charts or maps; and digital sources on a range of topics 8 Delaware English Language Arts KUD Concept Organizer These ELA KUD Concept Organizers are not replacements for teachers’ individual unit KUDs. Rather, they are deconstructions of the concepts inherent in each of the Common Core State Standards. These are a resource from which teachers should select appropriate Knowledge, Understandings, and Dos (skills) to develop their own unit KUDs to guide planning for instruction. GRADE 11-12--Craft and Structure Informational Reading Standard 2 College and Career Ready (CCR) Anchor Reading Standard (2): Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas. CCSS – Grade Level Reading Standard 2 (Informational) Grade 9-10: Determine a central idea of a text and Grade 11-12: Determine two or more central ideas analyze its development over the course of the text, of a text and analyze their development over the including how it emerges and is shaped and refined course of the text, including how they interact and by specific details; provide an objective summary of build on one another to provide a complex analysis; the text. provide an objective summary of the text. Know Understand Do (Factual) (Conceptual) (Procedural, Application and Extended Thinking) Authors of informational Describe or graphically represent Characteristics of an texts develop texts that explanation (e.g., what and the relationship between central have a central idea that is why) ideas and specific details in developed over the course Central idea informational texts of a text. Types of text structures (e.g. Determine multiple central ideas in sequence/chronological order, informational texts Good readers develop classification, definition, Analyze the development of two or effective summaries that process, description, more central ideas over the course are objective and capture comparison, problem/ of an informational text, including the central idea of solution, cause/effect) how they interact and build on one informational text(s). Relationship between central another to provide a complex and specific ideas in an analysis Good readers analyze how informational text. Create an objective summary of an the central idea of an Characteristics of an informational text informational text effective summary for Determine two or more central develops, emerges, and is ideas of a text and analyze their informational texts shaped and refined by development over the course of the How to analyze specific details. text, including how they interact How to summarize and build on one another to provide a complex analysis; provide an Multiple central ideas objective summary of the text interact with and build on one another to create a complex informational text that requires sophisticated analysis. Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity CCSS- Grade Specific Reading Standard 10 (Grade 11) By the end of grade 11, read and comprehend literary nonfiction in the grades 11-CCR text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. 9 Delaware English Language Arts KUD Concept Organizer These ELA KUD Concept Organizers are not replacements for teachers’ individual unit KUDs. Rather, they are deconstructions of the concepts inherent in each of the Common Core State Standards. These are a resource from which teachers should select appropriate Knowledge, Understandings, and Dos (skills) to develop their own unit KUDs to guide planning for instruction. CCSS- Grade Specific Reading Standard 10 (Grade 12) By the end of grade 12, read and comprehend literary nonfiction at the high end of the grades 11-CCR text complexity band independently and proficiently. Informational Text-Literary Nonfiction and Historical, Scientific, and Technical Texts Includes biographies and autobiographies; books about history, social studies, science, and the arts; technical texts, including directions, forms and information displayed in graphs, charts or maps; and digital sources on a range of topics 10