Institute of biology and immunology of reproduction, Bulgaria academy of Sciences Embryo biotechnologies in animals and in humans Contact person details Name: KISTANOVA , Elena ( Dr., PhD) Name of Organisation: Institute of biology and immunology of reproduction, Bulgaria academy of Sciences URL: E-mail: Contact Telephone: +359-898-225520 Fax number: +359-2872-0022 Collaboration Type: Company Expertise Title: Embryo biotechnologies in animals and in humans Participation: Type A Type Details: Scientific investigations of the Institute of Biology and Immunology of Reproduction (IBIR-BAS) are directed to fundamental and applied studies in the field of biology and immunology of reproduction in animals and in humans. Currently the activity of IBIR-BAS is directed to studies on the cellular and molecular mechanisms participating in the process of biological recognition including all stages of reproduction: stem cells, gametogenesis, mechanisms of fertilization and implantation, mechanisms of the immune tolerance in pregnancy as well as development and optimization of biotechnological programs for regulation of the reproductive process: artificial insemination, micromanipulation and embryotransfer in animals, cryopreservation of gametes, embryos and reproductive tissues. A number of modern molecular biological, immunological, cyto- and histomorphological methods and techniques (RIA, Proteomics, RT-PCR, ELISPOT analysis, hybridoma techniques etc) are applied in the research carried out in the Institute. Different biotechnological approaches are applied to increase the birth rate in farm animals and regulate the reproductive process. Diagnostic procedures are performed with samples from patients with unexplained infertility, assisted reproduction and embryo transfer. Applied projects in the activities of the Institute of Biology and Immunology of Reproduction: - Diagnostics, regulation and improvement of the fertility in farm animals; - Development and improvement of biotechnology programs for artificial insemination of farm animals and optimization of their reproductive efficiency; - Biotechnology programs for deep freezing of semen with the view of maximal use of reproductive potential of elite breeders in different branches of animal breeding; - Application of the assisted reproductive biotechnologies for the obtaining, storage, micromanipulation and embryo transfer of the pre-implantation embryos in farm animals; The experience gathered by the scientists Programme: FP7-COOPERATION , FP7-KBBE , FP7-HEALTH Instruments: RTN Marie Curie actions-Research Training Networks,COORDINATION ERA-NET Coordination Action,CP Collaborative project (generic),CSA Coordination and support actions,SICA Specific international cooperation action Research interest: Expiry Date: 2008-12-09 Workprogramme area(s)/key action(s): Target Partner Expertise: Country: World Organization Details Name: Institute of biology and immunology of reproduction, Bulgaria academy of Sciences Department: Embryobiotechnologies in animals Address: Institute of biology and immunology of reproduction 73 Tzarigradsko shosse 1113 Sofia BULGARIA Type: Research Number of Employees: 50 - 249 Details: Keywords: Partners already acquired: embryo transfer cryoprservation of embryos stem cells immunology implantation