Huntley 1 Interaction of a Shock Wave with a Refractive Index Potential in Nonlinear Optics Laura I. Huntley and Prof. Jason Fleischer Princeton University, PCCM/PRISM REU Program 10 August 2007 INTRODUCTION The correspondence between the physics of nonlinear optics (NLO) and BoseEinstein condensates (BEC) allows for the study of superfluidity without need for a high vacuum or ultracold temperatures. This equivalence arises from the coherent and nonlinear properties shared by both systems.1 In BEC, shocks and waves are described by a nonlinear Schrödinger equation known as the Gross-Pitaevskii equation.2 Given a quasi-coherent beam of light propagating along the z- axis of a nonlinear Kerr-like medium, the slowly-varying amplitude of the light can also be described by the nonlinear Schrödinger equation i 1 2 2 n 0 , z 2k (1) where k 2n0 is the wave number of light with wavelength in a material with initial refractive index n0 . The change in refractive index caused by the nonlinearity is given by k 2 n n2 , n0 (2) where n2 is the Kerr coefficient of the medium and is the intensity of the beam.1 A 2 photorefractive crystal will generally have one axis along which the magnitude of n2 is maximized – this is the extraordinary axis. The mechanisms by which a photorefractive material such as a Kerr medium form index potentials in response to light has been well described.3,4 By applying the Madelung Transformation (x,z) (x,z)e iS(x,z) ( is the intensity of the light, S is its coherent phase, and x is the extraordinary axis) to equation (1), fluid dynamic equations are derived that further illuminate the correlation between coherent light in a nonlinear medium and a superfluid.1,2 Notably, intensity in NLO is Huntley 2 analogous to density in BEC, and the transverse Laplacian of the phase, S , is analogous to fluid velocity.1 Previous experiment has shown that the evolution of a shock wave (e.g. an intensity hump with a plane wave background) propagating through a nonlinear medium is characterized by transverse diffraction and symmetric splitting of the initial beam, with local maxima repelling one another.1 The current research probes the effects of a refractive index potential on an intersecting shock wave propagating through a material with a defocusing ( n2,n 0) nonlinearity. Matlab Simulation: EXPERIMENTAL The initial shock amplitude was modeled as a gaussian profile in x plus a small constant representing the plane wave. Equation (1) was solved iteratively using a spiltstep method to propagate the shock wave in a material with index response (2) and through an initial refractive index potential in the form of a negatively-valued Gaussian in y. The intensity at various z-values was outputted as plots of the xy-plane with color modulation indicating differences in intensity. Experimental Set-up: An 8x8x6 mm SBN:75 (SrxBa1-xNb2O6, x=0.75) photorefractive crystal was the nonlinear medium used in this experiment. Light (532 nm) from a laser was split into three separate beams. Cylindrical lenses were used to create an intensity hump along the (extraordinary) x-axis of the crystal (this will create the index potential) and a separate intensity hump along the (ordinary) y-axis, while the third piece remained a plane wave. The beams were then recombined and focused on the input face of the crystal (See Figure 1). A defocusing voltage of -500 V was applied across the x-axis for approximately 5 min., after which the intensity hump along the x-axis was blocked and the output face of the crystal was imaged using a charged-coupled device camera (See Figure 2). Huntley 3 x y Figure 1. Image of the output face of the crystal before the defocusing voltage was applied. The vertical stripe is an intensity hump in y and the horizontal stripe is an intensity hump in x. Figure 2. Schematic of optical set-up and equipment used for this experiment. All optical components shown are mounted on a tuned-damping optics bench. Huntley 4 RESULTS x y Figure 3. Plots generated by Matlab split-step beam propagation program. First plot shows the input face of the “crystal” with the initial gaussian intensity hump focused along the y-axis. Successive plots show slices of the xyplane at increasing values of z. x y Figure 4. Output face of crystal after defocusing voltage (500 V) has been applied for 5 min. The potential-creating intensity hump along the y-axis has been blocked momentarily. Huntley 5 DISCUSSION Matlab Simulation: Intensity modulations far from the initial index potential are consistent with previous experiment on a lone shock wave.1 Light is attracted to areas of higher n; thus, the negatively-valued potential appears as a dark strip along the x-axis with a growing diffraction pattern surrounding it (see Figure 3). Experiment: Figure 4 shows signs of the dark vertical stripe with accompanying diffraction pattern predict by the simulation. However, the quality and alignment of the beams was not perfect enough to make an definitive claims about the outcome of the experiment. Further work must be done to attain a clearer result. REFERENCES 1. Wan, W.; Jia, S.; Fleischer, J.W. Dispersive superfluid-like shock waves in nonlinear optics. Nature Physics (2007), 3, 46-51. 2. Yeh, P. Introduction to Photorefractive Nonlinear Optics. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1993. 3. Günter, P.; Huignard, J. (eds.). Photorefractive Materials and Their Applications: 1-3. Springer, Inc., 2006. 4. Roberts, P. H.; Berloff, N. G. The nonlinear Schrödinger equation as a model of superfluidity. Lecture Notes in Physics (2001), 571, 236-257.