Upload your CV - Nanyang Technological University

Nanyang Technological University
As you have just joined the University, this note serves to provide some information on the CV Form
and the action that needs to be taken by new faculty members in submitting their CV Forms.
The CV Form has been designed to provide the flexibility and opportunities for faculty members to
highlight their achievements. The format of the CV Form and the Explanatory Notes on the form are
given in Annex A and Annex B attached.
Usage of the CV Form
The CV is important to both the University and faculty member. It will be used for a variety of purposes
such as the annual performance review, resource allocation, work distribution, promotion and tenure
consideration. The CV will also be read by fellow faculty members in the Division in a peer review
exercise. With its depth of information, the CV will facilitate the optimization of our faculty resources,
e.g. excellent teachers whose teaching capability far exceed their research capabilities may be
provided the opportunity to contribute by having a higher teaching load (and, of course, their
contributions duly recognized). The University will receive the kind of international recognition it
deserves because the University’s best researchers can be identified and given the necessary support
to earn the recognition for the University. The CV Form will be a tool through which the University is
able to know every faculty member’s capabilities so that tasks, resources and rewards can be
distributed effectively.
Action required by faculty members
The following need to be undertaken by every faculty member :
Prepare your CV based on the prescribed format.
Save your CV document as a PDF file in your PC hard disk or other storage media.
Access the Academic Staff Curriculum Vitae (ASCV) System which will serve as a central
dispository for faculty members’ CV to deposit your CV document. The ASCV System is located
in StaffLink. The user guide for the ASCV System is given in the Annex C attached.
It would be in the interest of the faculty members to submit their CV document in the ASCV System
as soon as possible.
Some considerations when preparing the CV
It is important to keep the CV to within a reasonable length highlighting the most important
achievements to cause the greatest impact on readers’ impression. A very lengthy CV flooded with
insignificant achievements may cause readers to miss your important achievements. As achievement
differs from person to person, it would be difficult to provide an advice on what should be highlighted. If
serving as a session chairman in a conference is your only international recognition, then it should be
highlighted. If you have won many best papers awards in reputed international journals, whether you
serve as a session chairman in a conference is no longer an important factor in determining whether
you are a learned scholar.
Some may feel that it is unnecessary to list those achievements attained long ago (say over five years
ago). This may not be true. The fact is that, if you won a Nobel Award thirty years ago, the University
will still respect you as a Nobel laureate today. If your papers published thirty years ago are still well
cited today, it means that those papers are very important papers. In fact, any achievement attained
long ago and is still relevant today simply means that it must be a very important achievement.
If clarification is needed, please contact Ms Ang Yee Chay, Office of Human Resources at Tel :
67906816, Email : ycang@ntu.edu.sg or Joyce Chin, Tel: 67906113, Email: cflee@ntu.edu.sg
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Annex A – Format of New CV Form
CV Form for Academic Staff (Part-I)
Name :
Present Appointment :
School :
Division :
Date of 1st Appointment :
Academic Qualification : (State Name of University, year of award & class of honour)
Professional Qualifications/Memberships : (State date of membership)
Summary of Working Experience : (with dates)
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Annex A – Format of New CV Form
CV Form for Academic Staff (Part-II)
The following outline is to be used as a guide. Please see explanation note for details.
Name :
School :
Text-books, book chapters, monograph, software
Development of teaching materials
Short courses
Service as external examiner
Achievements with local significance
Achievements earning significant publicities for the University
Appointment as external assessor; membership on visiting committees
Service as editor and associate editor for international journals
Service as external examiner for PhD thesis
Invited presentations at scientific meetings/workshops
Service as a reviewer
Session chairman / (special) session organizer in conferences
External research funding
Research activities
Service to the University (appointed by the President)
Other services to the University
Public Service
Service to professional bodies
Service to society/local industry
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Annex B – Explanatory Notes for the CV Form
CV Form for Academic Staff (Part-II)
The outline is to be used as a guide. Delete headings which are not applicable or add or further sub-divide categories as
appropriate. For example, under “TEACHING”, if you have not received any award, delete the heading “Awards” and make “Textbooks, books chapters, monograph, software” as item (1). If you have a long list of teaching/education awards, you may subdivide
them into different categories such as “Teaching award given by NTU”, “Teaching award given by previous employer”, ”Education
award given by professional institutions”, and etc. You may add more headings as you see fit. For example, some of your previous
students graduated many years ago may have attained truly unusual achievements in society. You may add a new heading
“Previous students who have truly unusual achievements” under the main heading “TEACHING” and provide brief details on your
contribution to their success.
Text-books, book chapters, monograph, software
It generally refers to materials published by a publisher for worldwide sale. You may wish to provide statistics on external
adoption if you see fit. (The University understands that published materials on a very highly specialized nature may have a
very small audience and that a very small audience may not have implication on the quality of the published materials.)
Development of teaching materials
This includes lecture notes, IT materials, and etc. that you develop for NTU’s students.
Short courses
This includes short courses offered by the University’s continuing education program, external bodies, as well as short
courses associated with a conference.
Service as external examiner
This refers to those appointments that imply recognition of your expertise in education such as the appointment as an
external examiner of a degree course. The appointment as an external examiner to examine a PhD thesis implies recognition
of your research achievement and shall be listed under “RESEARCH”.
Citation statistics depends on how the statistics is being collected. For your statistics to be meaningful, you should state how
your citation statistics is being collected. You may present your citation statistics in several ways. You may present your total
citation count. You may state the citation counts of some of your best cited papers. If anyone of your papers is being
recognized as a “citation classic” by a journal or professional institution, you may quote the recognition.
This includes all titles, decorations, and etc that recognize your research achievement other than those you have already
listed under Awards or other headings.
Achievements with local significance
This includes any important applied research work which is important to local industries but is not easily published in
international refereed journals.
Achievements earning significant publicities for the University
This includes any applied research work which is widely publicized but is not easily published in international refereed journals.
Appointment as external assessor; membership on visiting committees, service as an associate editor for journals,
service as external examiner for PhD thesis, invited presentations at scientific meetings/workshops, service as a
reviewer, session chairman / (special) session organizer in conferences.
This includes all services, which imply recognition of your research achievement, you render to external organizations or
professional institutions. Your service as the President of a professional institution or any other non research related services
should be highlighted under “SERVICES”.
This includes teaching or education awards given by the University and other institutions. Whenever possible, provide brief
details on (a) the criteria and citation for the award, (b) the number of people receiving the award and the eligibility pool size,
(c) brief information regarding the professional institution if it is awarded by a professional institution, and (d) any other
relevant information that will help the University to judge the significance of the award.
It includes all awards that recognize your research achievements. Whenever possible, provide brief details to help the
University to judge the significance of the award.
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External research funding
List project title, funding level, and start and end dates. Please state your role. (PI, collaborator, etc.)
Research activities
Research grants, research projects, research focus, etc.
Service to the University (appointed by the President)
Any administrative position appointed by the President of the University, for example, Dean, Chair, and etc. State the starting
and ending dates for each appointment.
Other service to the University
Chairman / member of curriculum review committee, social committee, course coordinator, laboratory supervisor, and etc.
State the starting and ending dates for each appointment.
Public Service
ASTAR board member, and etc. State the starting and ending dates for each appointment.
Service to professional bodies
IES Council member, IEEE Singapore Section Committee Member, and etc. State the starting and ending dates for each
Service to society/local industry
Consulting services and etc.
Any major award that recognizes your excellent service to the society, professional bodies, and etc. State the date and
citation of the award.
Provide a table summarizing your workload for the current academic year. For example,
Workload for 2005/2006 academic year
Course title and course code
Group your publications into journal papers, conference papers, book chapters, patents, and etc and list them in
chronological order within each group. You may add more categories or subdivide each category into further categories. For
example, you may divide “Journal papers” into “Full length papers in premium journal”, “Short articles in premium journals”,
etc. If you feel that it is a better way to reflect your research achievements. The authors should be listed in the same order as
they appear in the publications. Provide a brief statistics on your list of publications. Example :
Number of journal paper : 1
Number of conference papers : 2
Number of book : 1
Number of patent : 1
Journal paper
Li M. and Yo N.G., “The complement of compliment”, Int. J. Linguistics, pp.1-20, Jan. 2003.
Conference papers
Li M., “The world without electricity,’ Proc. Int. Conf. Artificial Intelligence 2000, pp.21-24, London.
Li M., “Novel method for sharpening pencil”, Proc. Int. Sym. Natural Intelligence 2001, pp.25-28, Seoul.
Li M. and Chi N.G., If the speed of light is 10ms-1, New Universe Press, 2002.
Li M., “New design of table with 2½ legs”, Singapore Patent Number 6,005,947, Dec, 1999.
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Annex C – User Guide for the ASCV System
The On-line Academic Staff Curriculum Vitae (ASCV) System is an on-line depository that facilitates
the storage of faculty members’ curriculum vitae. This depository will subsequently be linked to
separate modules to enable faculty members to access the CVs of their colleagues within their
respective Division. Chairs of Schools will be granted access to the CVs of faculty members in their
respective School.
Access to the ASCV System is through the personal portal of individual faculty member via the NTU
Homepage and is done by taking the following steps:
On the NTU Homepage, click on Quick Links (top left hand corner of the homepage) and select
Under StaffLink, click on the “HR Services” and then “Personal Particulars” hyperlink. This will
bring faculty members to the On-Line Personal Data System for which the ASCV is one of the
modules in the system.
Preparation of Staff CV
Prior to using the ASCV System, faculty members are required to prepare their CV in the prescribed
format as follows:
Prepare your CV in the CV format as mentioned in the attached notes on Faculty CV Form. The
CV form contains the following segments of information:
o Part I – information on Personal Particulars, Academic & Professional Qualifications and
Working Experience
o Part II – information under 5 broad categories of Teaching, Research, Service, Workload
and Publications.
Once the CV document is ready, save the CV document as a PDF file in your PC hard disk or
other storage media. This completes the preparation phase. [Note: The conversion to PDF file
will require PDF programmes which can be downloaded from the CITS website. Faculty members
needing help to install the PDF programmes can contact their respective School’s staff providing IT
support for the necessary assistance.]
Faculty members can then access the ASCV System to load their CV document into the system.
4. ASCV, as part of the on-line Personal Data System, is accessible by clicking “HR Services” under the
“StaffLink”, then select “Personal Particulars”, followed by “Academic Staff CV System”, as shown
below :
Screen 1
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Screen 2
5. Loading your CV document: By clicking on the Academic Staff CV link, you will activate the system
which will respond with the panel as shown below:
Screen 3
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This panel enables faculty members to load their CV document file, which they have earlier prepared,
into the system. To load the files, please take the following steps:
Amending your CV document: Please note that you cannot amend your CV document in ASCV
System. Any changes to the CV document are to be done using the following steps:
Click on the “Browse” button. This allows you to browse your PC hard disk or other storage
media for the CV document which had earlier been saved as a PDF file.
Once you have located the file, double click on it. The system will accordingly display the file
name in the box provided.
Click on the “Save” button and the file will be saved in the ASCV System. The system will also
respond with the message informing you that the CV has been loaded.
The on-line help files showing the format of the CV Form & its Explanatory Notes and the User
Guide for the ASCV System are available by clicking on the links for CV Form and ASCV User
Guide in the section on “Notes”.
Call up your CV document file in your PC to edit. After editing, save the file as a PDF file.
Go through the above process in para 5 to re-load the edited document into ASCV System.
If you encounter any problems with usage of the system, please contact the following:
Technical problem with logging on to Academic Staff CV System – Mrs Chan-Oei Suzie of CITS (Tel: 6790 5627 or suzie@ntu.edu.sg).
Usage of the system to load the CV –
 Ms Ang Yee Chay of OHR (Tel: 67906816 or ycang@ntu.edu.sg)
 Joyce Chin of OHR (Tel: 67906113 or cflee@ntu.edu.sg)
Updated on 13 May 2013
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