Article 17. Post-Fieldwork seminar 1) The Post-Fieldwork seminar is held within four months after the completion of field work. Part-time PhD students need to give the seminar within 36 months of registration. The purpose of the Post-Fieldwork Seminar is to create an open space for joint brainstorming about the research findings and their implications for the research design and process. Accordingly, the seminar requires a presentation which covers (i): the main findings of the fieldwork and (ii) a reflection on the implications of the fieldwork for the research design and the research process. The PhD student submits the items mentioned under (i) and (ii) as two separate documents. 2) The Post-Fieldwork seminar is called by the RDC. 3) At least four weeks before the envisaged Post-Fieldwork seminar, the student submits to the RDC a digital version of the documents referred to in Article 17.1 with the letter of approval from the Promotor on behalf of the supervisory team. 4) The documents mentioned in article 17.1 are scanned using anti-plagiarism software. The results of the scanning process are relayed to the Promotor and the PhD student concerned. 5) A member of the RDC, who is not part of the supervisory team of the student, chairs the seminar. 6) The seminar is attended by: a) one internal senior discussant (an ISS staff member who holds a doctorate) b) one fellow PhD student discussant who is, in the opinion of the RDC, familiar with the student’s field of research, c) the supervisory team, which does not participate in the discussion; it may be invited by the seminar Chair to react to comments at the end of the seminar. d) The student may submit a list of invitees to the seminar. 7) The student and the supervisory team may suggest names of the discussants. The RDC appoints the discussants. 19) The student is allowed 30 minutes for presentation. The seminar lasts approximately 90 minutes. 8) The discussants read the submitted documents prior to the seminar and discuss these at the seminar. 9) The Chair reports on the seminar in writing to the RDC. All discussants submit written comments which will be included in the report. 10) If the RDC deems the work insufficient it decides on ways to remedy the problems. If additional Fieldwork is needed, and the Fieldwork costs cannot be met within the original budget, the student is responsible for acquiring the necessary funds.