KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 30TH ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT IN MEMORY OF NORM MELANSON SATURDAY, JULY 11, 2015 7:30 AM REGIS. – SEA TRAIL JONES COURSE Name___________________________________ Phone #_________________________ Address__________________________________________________________________ Handicap ____________ If no handicap, list of 18 hole games played ______________ Will you make your own foursome? Yes_____ No _____ If yes, list names in foursome: Handicap or 18 hole scores Donation $65.00 per person, includes tips, greens fee, cart, prizes, & lunch Questions? Call Dick Donaldson @ 910-575-4325 Make checks payable to: Knights of Columbus, Council 9039. Amt. Enc: $___________ Mail to: Dick Donaldson, 345 Sea Trail Drive, Sunset Beach NC 28468 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 30TH ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT IN MEMORY OF NORM MELANSON SEA TRAIL PLANTATION – JONES COURSE SATURDAY, JULY 11 2015- 7:30 AM REGIS. – 8:30 AM SHOT GUN START Name___________________________________ Phone #_________________________ Address__________________________________________________________________ Handicap ____________ If no handicap, list of 18 hole games played ______________ Will you make your own foursome? Yes_____ No _____ If yes, list names in foursome: Handicap or 18 hole scores Donation $65.00 per person, includes tips, greens fee, cart, prizes, & lunch Questions? Call Dick Donaldson @ 910-575-4325 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS,COUNCIL 9039 AMT INC Make checks payable to: Knights of Columbus, Council 9039. Amt. Enc: $___________ Mail to: Dick Donaldson, 345 Sea Trail Dr West, Sunset Beach NC 28468