Compare and Contrast What types of languages do we have? 1. Imperative (e.g. FORTRAN, C, Pascal, Java imperative statements, etc.) Computations are performed by assigning values to variables Prevalent features are variables, assignment statements, and iteration o Variable: memory cell o Assignment statement: piping o Iteration: efficient repeat Based on Van Newman architecture: o CPU, memory, bus in between o CPU has address of next line of code, but actual program code and data are held in memory, piped over the bus, and executed in CPU o Bottleneck: bus and memory speeds are much lower than CPU speed CPU -> bus -> RAM -> .. -> disk o Fetch-execute cycle: CPU requests next line of code from the memory (i.e. fetches the next instruction) and increments program counter; decodes the instruction; executes the instruction (e.g. requests data from memory, computes, and puts the results back into memory) 2. Object oriented (e.g. C++, Java, etc.) Grew out of imperative languages Encapsulate data and operations in objects Have inheritance and dynamic type binding 3. Functional (e.g. Lisp, Haskel, ML) Computations are performed by applying functions to parameters 4. Logic (e.g. Prolog) Use mathematical logic. A program consists of rules, in no specific order. Usually, each rule is a predicate (something to evaluate to true/false, e.g. Boolean or if-else statement). Execution of program means finding the rules that apply, i.e. there is inference procedure. 5. Scripting (e.g. shell scripts, Perl, Scheme, JavaScript) Based on regular expression and pattern matching. Languages can be: (strongly) typed Not typed Some other criteria to evaluate languages: Readability – easy to understand? Writeability – easy to write? Reliability – always works? Safety – error catching, etc. Simplicity –e.g. how large is the language, operator overloading, different ways to do the same thing, … Orthogonality Cost – to write, compile, debug, maintain, upgrade, execute, … Orthogonality: use of some language features does not affect other features. For example, + is overloaded to add numbers as well as strings. Orthogonality improves readability and writeability, can increase simplicity, but can lead to confusion Languages can be implemented as: Compiled: source code gets transformed into executable file, errors are reported o Fast! once the executable is produced… Interpreted: source code is taken line by line by the interpreter o Fast! if there are no loops and the code is short… Hybrid: both o E.g. Java is compiled into byte code, then interpreted A View of Computer System Compiled language implementation 8 phases of compiling: the above plus symbol table processing and error detection and reporting Lexical analyzer: basic typo errors, i.e. detecting words/tokens that are not present in this particular language Syntax analyzer: statements not following the rules of this language Semantic analyzer: statements that make no sense in this language Interpreted language implementation Hybrid implementation Examples Imperative (and typed) language: int x x =2+3 Scripting language: $x = 2+3 @x = 2+3 Functional language: (setf x (+ 2 3)) Logic language: cannot assign x=2+3, but can check that 5=2+3 is true. Assigning to Java, C/C++ LISP Perl Python variable x=10 (setf x 10) $x=10 X=10 Array element a[0]=10 (setf (aref a 0) 10) $a[0]=10 a[0]=10 (setf (gethash ‘key hash) 10) $hash{‘key’} = 10 hash[‘key’]= 10 $o->{‘field’} = 10 o.field = 10 Hash table N/A entry Field in object o.field = (setf (field o) 10) 10 Factorial example in different languages: ate_the_factorial_of_a_number#C.2FC.2B.2B