Assessment feedback School of International Studies Ethical issues ABCD 1010 Assignment 3: Major Essay – word limit 2,500; 50% of final grade; Due: Friday, Week 12 The Graduate qualities being assessed by this assignment are: Demonstration and application of a body of knowledge (GQ1) that supports the development of an argument that addresses a problem (GQ3) in an ethical way (GQ5) that is clearly communicated in an academic essay writing style (GQ6). Information literacy skills and referencing skills (GQ2) will also be assessed. Key components of this assignment Essay demonstrates an understanding of the relevant topic with the ethical application of sociological theories. Mark Comment by marker /20 The essay has been researched broadly and skilfully from primary sources with appropriate Harvard style referencing /10 Answering the question, development of a convincing argument, using supporting evidence and proposing original and creative solutions to the sociological problems that form the essay topic Academic writing of an essay that introduces and states your position and direction in the argument clearly. The essay organisation must enhance the answer and link to the question throughout. The conclusion must be convincing. The essay writing style needs to be well set out and fluent, succinct, concise and precise and a pleasure to read. /20 /40 Summary comment Grade High distinction Notation Notational % Grade description HD 85–100 An exceptional piece of work in every regard Distinction D 75–84 A good attempt exhibiting high quality work in most areas Credit C 65–74 A sound attempt exhibiting high quality work in some areas Pass level 1 P1 55–64 A sound attempt Pass level 2 P2 50–54 Just passable Fail level 1 F1 40–49 Not passable - some areas requiring significant improvement Fail level 2 F2 below 40 Not passable - most areas requiring significant improvement Assignment grade What you will need to work on before the next assignment This form meets the 2006 and 2007 requirements of UniSA’s Code of Good Practice: Student Assessment