Use of RTI for SLD

MTSS/RTI Research Based Practice and Procedures
Used in the Identification of Specific Learning Disabilities
This method ensures that instruction at all levels from core through interventions has
been research based and implemented with fidelity and according to research.
RTI is a whole systems approach that is implemented school wide. This process initially
requires more time, organization, planning and resources. However, research has
demonstrated that the initial difficulties are by far out weighed by the end outcomes in
student achievement.
Requirements to Use RTI for identification of Specific
Learning Disabilities
These requirements have been created to ensure fidelity of instructional implementation,
prevent spoiling effects of extraneous variables, and to prevent the identification of nondisabled students.
Tier 1 Core Curriculum
Core curriculum must be research based and presented in the scope and sequence
as outlined within the curriculum.
Core curriculum must be 90 minutes uninterrupted or as identified by the
Tier 2 Supplemental Intervention
Students in need of Tier 2 intervention are determined by the instructional
recommendation of the universal screening assessment.
Students who have been found below the benchmark as identified by the universal
screening assessment (i.e. DIBELS, AIMSweb) are given a diagnostic assessment
to determine the focus of intervention. The diagnostic Assessment such as the
PASI PAST, QPA will identify the specific early literacy and reading skills that
should be the focus of intervention.
Students who have been found deficit in the same skills by the diagnostic
assessment are grouped together to receive interventions specifically designed to
remediate those specific skill deficits.
Intervention in Tier 2 is an additional 30 minutes daily to the core curriculum.
Best practice suggest in groupings of 3-5.
 Progress is monitored by using measures from the universal screening assessment
matched to the students’ instructional need, not the diagnostic assessment (for
example, if the student’s instructional need is with phonics skills, the measure
used from the universal screener would be non-sense word fluency).
Tier 3 Intensive Intervention
Students in need of Tier 3 intervention are determined by the instructional
recommendation of the universal screening assessment. Students do not receive
both Tier 2 and Tier 3 instruction. Students do not have to progress through Tier 2
prior to receiving Tier 3 instruction. Success, failure, or participating in any tier is
not a requirement for the consideration of an initial evaluation.
Like Tier 2, Students who have been found deficit in the same skills by the
diagnostic screener are grouped together to receive interventions specifically
designed to remediate the specific skill deficits.
Intervention in Tier 3 is and additional 60 minutes daily to the core curriculum. If
the school is using a school-wide intervention time, the first 30 minutes is
typically delivered during the school-wide intervention time and the additional 30
is found elsewhere in the schedule. Best practice suggests no more than
groupings of 3.
Just as in Tier 2, Tier 3 Progress is monitored by using measures from the
universal screening assessment matched to the students’ instructional need, not
the diagnostic assessment (example if the student’s instructional need is with
phonics skills, the measure used from the universal screener would be non-sense
word fluency).
Special Education Instruction
Accommodation’s are the same as Tier 1
Instruction has the same intensity as Tier 3 (group size, duration of intervention,
response rate).
Instruction is implemented toward IEP goals.
Facts regarding Tiers of Support
Movement within tiers is not necessarily linear.
Tiers are defined by time, intensity of instruction and group size. Thus, students
that receive 60 minutes of intervention daily in addition to the core are considered
as being provided Tier 3 support. Students that receive 30 minutes daily in
addition to the core are considered as being provided Tier 2 support.
Interventions must be based upon published research. Interventions must be
implemented as prescribed by the intervention manual or prescription.
Individual interventions should be implemented for 4- 6 weeks to determine
effectiveness and student response must be viewed with consideration of both
slope and rate (progress and closing the gap).
When reviewing student response, specific questions addressing the fidelity of
intervention should be considered to ensure decisions are being based on valid
and reliable data.
Kansass State Department of Education, Kansas Multi Tier System of Supports, 2008.
Kansas MTSS: Implementation Guide Reading. Retrieved from
Kansass State Department of Education, Kansas Multi Tier System of Supports, 2008.
Kansas MTSS: Structuring Reading Supplement. Retrieved from