Suppl List for 2013-2014

School Supply Lists 2013-2014
Mrs. Chetwynd’s
Dear Families of Children entering Kindergarten, Grade 1 and 2,
It’s time to start thinking about getting ready for school next year!
For the last few years, instead of providing long lists of supplies for the parents to send to school, we
have bought good quality school supplies for the children. We would like to offer this service once
again so we are asking for $40.00. All materials needed, including notebooks, markers, glue,
pencils, craft items, etc. will be purchased with the $40.00. Please contact us at the school (3634703) if you have any questions or concerns.
You will need to provide these items for your child: a bookbag (big enough for paintings, picture
books, duo-tangs, bulky crafts, etc.), a lunch box, an emergency set of clothes (T shirt,
shorts/sweatpants, extra socks and underwear, labeled in a bag for “wet weather days”.), and “nonmarking” sneakers to wear inside the school. When buying sneakers, please get slip-on style or
Velcro straps unless your child ties laces securely. It is also important to label all your child’s
belongings. Rubber boots and snow pants can look alike when you are a child of 4 or 5 trying to
locate your clothing among 20 other children. We are also asking you to send three boxes of
Kleenex, and a box of large zip lock baggies.
School fees can be paid when students return in September. Cheques should be made payable to
Keswick Ridge School.
Mrs. Chetwynd
Mrs. Boreland and Ms. Thomas
Dear Families of Children entering Kindergarten, Grade 1 and 2,
It’s time to start thinking about getting ready for school next year!
For the last few years, instead of providing long lists of supplies for the parents to send to school, we
have bought good quality school supplies for the children. We would like to offer this service once
again so we are asking for $40.00. All materials needed, including notebooks, markers, glue,
pencils, craft items, etc. will be purchased with the $40.00. Please contact us at the school (3634703) if you have any questions or concerns.
You will need to provide these items for your child: a bookbag (big enough for paintings, picture
books, duo-tangs, bulky crafts, etc.), a lunch box, an emergency set of clothes (T shirt,
shorts/sweatpants, extra socks and underwear, labeled in a bag for “wet weather days”.), and “nonmarking” sneakers to wear inside the school. When buying sneakers, please get slip-on style or
Velcro straps unless your child ties laces securely. It is also important to label all your child’s
belongings. Rubber boots and snow pants can look alike when you are a child of 4 or 5 trying to
locate your clothing among 20 other children. We are also asking you to send three boxes of
Kleenex, Band-Aids, and a box of large and small zip lock baggies.
School fees can be paid when students return in September. Cheques should be made payable to
Keswick Ridge School.
Ms. Thomas
Mrs. Boreland
Mrs. Howland’s
Dear Families of Children entering Kindergarten, Grade 1 and 2,
It’s time to start thinking about getting ready for school next year!
For the last few years, instead of providing long lists of supplies for the parents to send to school, we
have bought good quality school supplies for the children. We would like to offer this service once
again so we are asking for $40.00. All materials needed, including notebooks, markers, glue,
pencils, craft items, etc. will be purchased with the $40.00. Please contact us at the school (3634703) if you have any questions or concerns.
You will need to provide these items for your child: a bookbag (big enough for paintings, picture
books, duo-tangs, bulky crafts, etc.), a lunch box, an emergency set of clothes (T shirt,
shorts/sweatpants, extra socks and underwear, labeled in a bag for “wet weather days”.), and “nonmarking” sneakers to wear inside the school. When buying sneakers, please get slip-on style or
Velcro straps unless your child ties laces securely. It is also important to label all your child’s
belongings. Rubber boots and snow pants can look alike when you are a child of 4 or 5 trying to
locate your clothing among 20 other children. We are also asking you to send in a box of Kleenex, a
box of large and small zip lock baggies, and band-aids. After Christmas you may be asked for
another box of Kleenex, ziplocks and possibly bandaids.
School fees can be paid when students return in September. Cheques should be made payable to
Keswick Ridge School.
Karen Howland
Keswick Ridge School
3-5 Student Supply List
pencil case
20 pencils (Dixon or Papermate are best)
1 package of sharpened pencil crayons (Crayola or Laurentien are best)
1 package of markers (Crayola or Laurentien are best)
2 large white glue sticks
2 white erasers
2 boxes of Kleenex
1 box of large OR small Ziplock plastic bags
1 black Sharpie marker (ultra fine point)
indoor sneakers with non-marking soles
Grade 5 only: 3 pieces of white Bristol board
$35.00 to cover the cost of additional supplies (i.e. art and enrichment projects, duotangs,
notebooks, etc.). This can be paid prior to June 25h, or after August 26th, at which times
the teachers or secretary will be available to receive your payment. Please make cheques
payable to Keswick Ridge School.
1. Please put your child’s name on all of his/her supplies as it is very difficult to keep
track of these if they are not properly marked.
2. Please do not send in any binders, as they do not fit well into our desks.
3. If your child runs out of a particular supply, we will send a note home to ask you to
replenish what they need.
In order to ensure that your child is set up for academic success, it is essential that they
come prepared with their supplies on the first day of school. Thank you!
Middle School Supply List (Grades 6-8)
3 packages loose leaf
1 package of graph paper (50 sheets max)
6 duo-tangs
1 two-inch ring binder
1 pkg. binder dividers
2 pkgs. pencils
1 pkg. of pens (blue or black/no gel pens)
2 Erasers
1 pkg. Pencil crayons
1 pkg. Markers
1 black Sharpie
3 Highlighters
2 large Glue sticks
2 Rulers
1 Geometry set
1 Calculator (with basic math operations/solar)
1 boxes of facial tissues (to be handed in to teacher)
Flash Drive (Memory Stick – min. 1G (gigs), labeled with student’s name)
Headphones (Dollarstore brand is fine; labeled with student’s name)
1 pkg. large ziplock bags
NO liquid paper please.
$20 Student Supply Fee with the cheque made payable to Keswick Ridge School.