Mar - Beaudesert Camera Club Inc

Your Key to Photo
Enjoyment &
The Official Newsletter of Exposure Unlimited – Beaudesert Camera Club Inc.,
PO Box 728, Beaudesert, 4285.
President – Mark Lohmann, Ph. 07 55412513; Secretary – Rosemary Hinrichsen, Ph. 07 3297 0945; Vice President –
Ian Hinrichsen, Ph. 07 3297 0945; Treasurer – Colleen Brown, Ph.07 5541 2114; Editor – Maria Amrein Ph. 07 5544 6188
Mobile Numbers for Excursions – Mark Lohmann, 0402309047; Ian Hinrichsen, 0448 840084
March 2010
Volume17 Issue 172:
March 23rd
at Image Photography
Scott Burrows Photographer of
“People at Play”
March 18th
Executive Meeting,6pm,
At the RSL for dinner
Novice –
Winner –
Bruce Williams
Novice –
Winner –
Bruce Williams
Winner Carol Rustichelli
Winner –
Bob Hall
Winner –
Trish Jurd
WinnerJohn Staib
Winner –
WINNERS of February Critique:
TOPIC– "River"
Winner –
Steve O'Connor
“OPEN” Section:
1st Bruce William
2nd- Peter Barnes
1st – Bruce Williams
3rd Chris Barnes
3rd Pauline Wessling
1st – Bob Hall
2nd – Bill Corlett
3rd – Bill Corlett
– John Staib
2 - Trish Jurd
1st – Trish Jurd
3rd – Trish Jurd
3rd – None
1st – Steve O’Connor
3rd – Rose Hinrichsen
2nd – Bob Hall
3rd – Barbara Johnson
1st –Carol Rustichelli
2nd – Bruce Williams
2nd- Cindy Richards
1st – Rose Hinrichsen
2nd- Mark Lohmann
2nd– Steve O’Connor
3rd – Steve O’Connor
Critique Prints: Due to lack of whiteboard space, 4” x 6” prints are preferable. 5” x 7” are the maximum
allowable size, and all photographs must be taken within the past 12 months.
Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.
President's Notes.
Welcome to the New Year for the Camera Club. I am looking forward to an
exciting year with lots of activities and learning for everyone.
Firstly, a big thank you to Barbara for all her work as President in the last
few years. Barbara's enthusiasm and hard work is a great benefit to everyone
in the Club. I am assured Barbara will continue to be active on the
Committee and in workshop planning.
On Saturday 27 Feb I conducted an Introduction to
Photography Course at Peter's Studio. It was pleasing to see 12
members and one potential member
participating. I am aware that some Members could not make it
on the day, so I will run another course shortly. Several
Members also helped as Mentors
when we did some 'hands on' photos. This worked well and
bodes well for a future Mentoring programme.
A social lunch at the RSL afterwards was well attended and enjoyed by all.
At the next meeting, we will be seeking ideas for Workshops, Guest Speakers
and Activities to assist the various Convenors. Please give it some thought
and bring your ideas along, or talk to the Convenors directly.
Minutes of Executive Meeting of Exposure Unlimited - Beaudesert Camera Club Inc.
Held at RSL Club Beaudesert on Thursday 18 February, 2010
Present:- Barbara Douglas, Colleen Brown, Ian Hinrichsen, Rosemary Hinrichsen, Reg
Correspondence:- Items received by Secretary included Marlborough Club Newsletter,
various emails concerning competitions which have been forwarded, Applications for
Membership forms and monies from Deborah Dimmick and Barry Cheeseman. The
Secretary reported on the PSQ Management Committee meeting which she had attended as
the Club's representative. Letters of thanks have been sent to all the Phototrek sponsors and
the photos collected from the display boards at Beaudesert Fair Shopping Centre. It was
agreed that the display had generated interest in the club and that Phototrek in general had
resulted in much positive publicity and interest from potential new members.
General Business:- Discussion at this meeting covered many topics and included
preparation for the AGM on the following Tuesday. Items discussed included the vouchers
and letters for Anderson Camera Repairs recipients, the organization needed for the Glennie
Nature Photographic Competition with an absolute deadline of March 22, 2010, the increase
in numbers at Club meetings and the resultant need to purchase some new chairs, and
organisation of new members' workshop and Club lunch on Saturday 27 Feb. Timing and
dates of some workshops/excursions will need to be adjusted but this and other less pressing
matters such as the display at Photocontinental in May were postponed until after the AGM.
The Treasurer showed the Committee the proposed Financial Report for the year ended
31/12/2009 and items on this were explained in preparation for the Report to be put to the
AGM. Colleen Brown put the motion 'that the Financial Report for the period ended
31/12/2009 be accepted'. This was seconded by Barbara Douglas and passed by the
Committee. The Committee discussed the annual subscriptions for membership, family
membership and pro rata fees as well as the remuneration for supper and guest speakers'
travel allowance. Because of the relatively healthy state of our Balance Sheet (when some
invoiced amounts are received) it was decided that, given the current difficult financial
situation, the Committee would recommend that the current $50 annual membership be
retained with a once-off $10 for new members to cover cost of badges, that there was no
need for a family membership rate and that, new members joining from 1 Oct onwards
would pay half-price. Supper allowance should remain the same but the travel allowance for
guest speakers and judges should be raised to $30 on the recommendation of the PSQ. The
Treasurer made the point that the Club needs to have at least one fund-raising activity each
year or else our Balance Sheet would change colour.
Our meeting then adjourned somewhat later than usual but with much accomplished.
Minutes of Club Meeting and Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday, 23 February
2010 at Image Studios
Present:- Laurie Sims, Shirley Baldwin, Malcolm Baldwin, Gary Moloney, Carol
Rustichelli, Trish Jurd, Barbara Johnson, Bill Corlett, Ailsa Corlett, Cindy Richards, Mark
Lohmann, Rosemary HInrichsen, Ian Hinrichsen, Kay Rose, Karen Clapham, Bob Hall,
Bruce Williams, Colleen Brown, Barbara Douglas, Peter Williams, Maria Amrein, John
Apologies:- Wendy Lohmann, Rachel Latimer, Reg Berthelsen, Gwenda Wright, Jenny
Mallett, Steve O'Connor, Deborah Dimmick, Barry Cheeseman, Julie Larpent
Visitors:- Carol Blake, Christine Hellyar, Ethel Williams, Peter Barnes, Chris Barnes,
Pauline Wessling, Adele Major
President Barb Douglas opened the general meeting at 7.20 pm. Mark Lohmann explained
what is to happen at the Saturday workshop beginning at 9 am for the new members and
then the mentors joining in at 11 am. Attendees were asked to bring their cameras, tripods,
notebook and pen and to be prepared with questions to ask. Lunch will follow at the RSL at
which everyone is welcome. Barbara Douglas took back the reins temporarily to ask if
anyone would be prepared to help out at Gleneagle State School, once a week on a Friday as
teacher needs some assistance with a newly instituted Photography course. The need for
more chairs and possibly a whiteboard was mentioned. The second draw for the free sensor
clean was held and the winners were John Staib and Colleen Brown.
As next month is Enlargements, the entries for the Club contribution will be collected for the
display at Photocontinental to take place in May. More urgent is the need to collect as many
images as possible suitable for the themes of the Glennie Photographic Competition which
has a deadline occurring before our March meeting. Barbara appealed to club members to
send her their chosen images so that the committee could have plenty to choose from to keep
the standard high.
The Secretary briefly mentioned the competitions coming up for which she had received
entry forms, adding that one of the best ways to improve your photography was to compete,
beginning with the small local shows.
Finally the Treasurer had a few words to say regarding fund-raising for the Club. She then
said how lucky the Club was to be able to hold meetings at Image Studios, thanking Peter
Williams for his long-standing and continued support of the Club. She said the Committee
had agreed that we would like to show our tangible appreciation to Peter by installing a new
air conditioner for the studios. Colleen then so moved, seconded by Bruce Williams 'that the
Club would install a new air conditioner for Image Studios' and this was passed
At 7.45 pm, the Annual General Meeting began with the President's Report from Barbara
Douglas who is standing down from the Presidency after several years' hard work. Barbara
then moved that the Report be accepted, was seconded by Peter Williams and the motion
was passed. The Minutes for the AGM of 2009 were made available for perusal by the
Secretary, moved to be accepted by same, seconded by Colleen Brown and passed.
There being no business arising from the Minutes, the Treasurer, Colleen Brown, rose to
give the Financial Report for the year ended 31 December, 2009. After reading the Report,
copies of which had been distributed to members beforehand, it was moved by Colleen and
seconded by Barbara Douglas that the Report be passed.
The Treasurer then initiated a discussion on the setting of fees for 2010. At present the fees
are $50 per member, $5 for Associate Members and $10 for Club badges. Colleen then
moved that fees remain the same with the exception of a pro rata fee beginning on October
1 for members joining after the first six months of our year, to be fixed at half the usual fee.
This was seconded by Cindy Richards. However John Staib moved that fees be increased by
$5 to $55.00 but as no seconder was found for this motion, it lapsed. All voted in favour of
the first motion. The motion that the supper reimbursement remains at $20 while the judges'
allowance is raised to $30 in line with PSQ guidelines was seconded by Rosemary
Hinrichsen and passed. Barbara Douglas then handed over the proceedings to Peter Williams
to conduct the election of office bearers.
President - Cindy Richards nominated Mark Lohmann, seconded by Colleen Brown and
Mark accepted the nomination. John Staib nominated Barbara Douglas but she declined.
Trish Jurd nominated Bob Hall, seconded by John Staib but Bob declined. There being no
other nominations, Mark Lohmann was duly elected.
Vice President - Bob Hall nominated Ian Hinrichsen which nomination was seconded by
Barbara Johnson. Ian accepted the nomination and was elected.
Secretary - Rosemary Hinrichsen was nominated for this position by Maria Amrein and
seconded by Bruce Williams. Shirley Baldwin was nominated by Colleen Brown and her
nomination seconded by Cindy Richards but Shirley declined. With no other nominations,
Rosemary was declared elected.
Treasurer - Barb Douglas nominated Colleen Brown for this position and the nomination
was seconded by Maria Amrein and agreed to by Colleen. Colleen then nominated Peter
Barnes, a nomination seconded by John Staib and accepted by Peter. There being two
nominations, a vote was held by show of hands in which Colleeen Brown was successful.
Webmaster - Jenny Mallett, as the only nomination (by Colleen brown, seconded Maria
Amrein) for this position, although unable to be present on the night, had indicated her
willingness to accept and was thus elected.
Newsletter Editor - Maria Amrein, having been nominated by Cindy Richards and
seconded by Barbara Douglas, accepted and was elected unopposed.
Workshop/Excursion Co-ordinator - Colleen nominated Barbara Douglas with Rosemary
Hinrichsen seconding. Cindy Richard's nomination by Trish Jurd was seconded by John
Staib. Barb Douglas and Cindy Richards having no objections, were jointly elected.
Librarian - Cindy Richards nominated herself for this position, was seconded by Barbara
Johnson and duly elected.
New Member Liaison Officer - Cindy's nomination of Trish Jurd was seconded by Maria
Amrein. Barbara Douglas nominated Ailsa Corlett, seconded Colleen Brown. Both having
accepted nomination and being willing to work together, Trish and Ailsa were jointly
Judge and Guest Speaker Co-ordinator - Ian Hinrichsen was nominated for this position
by Barbara Douglas and seconded by Maria Amrein. Cindy nominated Bob Hall with Ian
Hinrichsen seconding; Ian and Bob were jointly elected.
Media Liaison Officer - Shirley Baldwin was nominated for this position by Malcolm
Baldwin and then seconded by Maria. Although Bill Corlett was nominated by Trish Jurd
and seconded by Cindy Richards, he felt he had to decline. Thus Shirley Baldwin was
All positions having then been filled, Peter Williams handed the Chair to new President ,
Mark Lohmann who took control straight away by declaring that supper was ready. Mark
said that as President, he hoped to concentrate on new members and their needs right from
the start of his Presidency.
After a supper (provided by Trish Jurd, that reached new heights in "scrumptiousness"), we
came back down to earth for Peter Williams' critique of our images for "River" and "Open".
As usual, he gave a thorough commentary and also some useful explanations of his choices.
The secretary didn't know whether to be offended or delighted at the surprise expressed
when the maker's names were called! The Treasurer was happy to be overwhelmed by
members proffering subs and the immediate past President felt able to retire with the
satisfaction of a difficult job well done.
A very successful evening, a little late, but we are now prepared for a new and exciting year
for the Club.
2009 was a very active year for Queensland with 150 year celebrations and it was also a very active year for
Exposure Unlimited – Beaudesert Camera Club Inc. In 2009 our club finally graduated into international
competition, the Glennie Nature Salon in the US, where, although not winning, a lot was learned about entering
competitions overseas and we are keen to try again in 2010. Members were also keen to partake in the Ipswich
Photographic Society’s Projected Images competition, again learning a great deal about this type of competition.
Further exposure for our club took the form of a display of winning enlargements at Photo Continental which was well
received by the many people who visit this photographic venue. Next, the same enlargements were featured at The
Centre, Beaudesert, where they were hung in a gallery situation titled ‘Images to Impress’. We were quite impressed
with ourselves also. Thank you to those who worked hard to make these displays happen.
We were extremely sad to farewell a long term member of our club, Carole Tilney, who passed away in February,
much too soon.
During the year we had lunch together at the Canungra Hotel, visited the Maritime Museum at Southbank for
seafaring images, played with filters at a workshop on a dairy farm, had lunch together again for Christmas in July at
the Dugandan Hotel near Boonah, walked all around Beaudesert finding photographic answers to questions in the
Hunt and Shoot, and with tripods at the ready frequented Beaudesert’s streets at night capturing light trails and some
amazing images. In June, we celebrated the launch of Barry Cheeseman's book "They Gallop at Dawn" (photos by
Barry, text by Ailsa Rolley) at The Centre in Beaudesert. It was a well-attended, lively and successful evening with a
very satisfactory number of copies being sold. To finish off the year, again we ate together at the Beaudesert RSL and
Santa came visiting one and all, followed by the presentation of Critique Awards to hard working members. New
member Bill Corlett won the Photo of the Year, a mighty effort. A huge thank you to Laurie Sims for crafting a new
shield out of timber for us as the Photo of the Year shield has filled up. Yes we were busy photographically but the
social interaction between members is just as important as taking images, not to mention the delicious meals.
An exciting and progressive undertaking for 2009 was our tenth Phototrek competition. The Scenic Rim Regional
Council generously sponsored this weekend of digital photography with entrants coming from near and far. As the
Boonah area is now included in this larger Region, a registration point was established at Boonah as well as
Beaudesert. The weekend of November 13-15th was hazy and smoky from bush fires but photographers found many
and varied subjects for their images, making sure they were back by Sunday at 6pm to download. In December,
judges spent a long and intense day studying and placing all the images presented to them to find the winners. The
Presentation of Phototrek Awards was held in January at The Centre where images from all winners and finalists
were on display. Many interested photographers, friends and family filled the room and Councillor Benstead from the
Scenic Rim Regional Council presented first prize to the winner. Thank you to Nick O’Connor for his endless
assistance, interest and representation to Council on our behalf.
Thank you to Ian and Rosemary for their tireless help and enthusiasm, continually working away for our club and
standing in for me when I have been unable to attend a meeting. Thank you also to Colleen for her ongoing help and
hours spent working on Phototrek. I am continually referring back to Colleen as to how things are done in the club as
she is a wealth of club information and history. Jenny, our webmaster, has been spending a great deal of computer
time updating our website which is now much more comprehensive. Thank you Jenny. I’m sure every member will
agree that Maria is doing a wonderful job composing our newsletter which we appreciate. Thanks also to Cindy for
welcoming visitors to our meetings and for looking after our growing library. There are many other members all
helping with the running of our club, those doing supper, those setting out chairs and packing them away and more,
so I thank you all as well.
We are continually grateful to Peter and Carol for the use of their studio for our meetings and appreciate the help and
support freely given at any time. Our membership has grown during 2009, many of those enthusiastic photographers
referred to us by Image Photography, resulting in the need to purchase more chairs and a new whiteboard – a great
A growing membership is the sign of a healthy club and we always welcome visitors and new members to our
meetings, workshops and excursions. In 2010 a new mentoring program has been put in place to assist these new
members improve their images in a friendly and encouraging atmosphere. With everyone working together our club
Exposure Unlimited, Beaudesert Camera Club Inc.
CALENDAR - Suggested calendar – these dates may change
Workshops /
Excursions Dates
Workshops / Excursions
People at Play
Sunday 28th
Architectural Photography
The Beaudesert
Tuesday 27th
Nick Rains Landscape Workshop at club meeting
Sunday 30th
Early Morning Light at Racecourse
Sunday 27th
Discover Boonah with Photography
Geometric Design
A lone Tree
Critique Photos to be hung at 7pm – max of 2 per class (topic & open), General Business 7:30pm, Guest Speaker 7:45pm,
Supper 8:15pm, Critique Results 8:30pm.
When planning your photos, please keep to the description given for each critique topic as mentioned in the newsletter and
Photos should be taken within the last twelve months.
Photos that appear in the Newsletter will be placed onto the web site. Please advise editor if you don’t want this to happen.
Topic – 6x4 or 7x5, Open – 6x4 or 7x5 (Monthly), Enlargement – Maximum 20x16 including matting (Quarterly) MARCH, JUNE,
SEPTEMBER and NOVEMBER. Each Person may submit up to 2 Enlargements. NOVEMBER IS ALSO PHOTO OF THE YEAR!