Table S1: Primers used for multiplex and single PCR assays Gene(s) Description Primer sequence (5´- 3´) Size of product Primer coordinates GenBank Acc.-No. Source of primer afa/dra Afimbrial/Dr-specific adhesin s: TAAGGAAGTGAAGGAGCGTG a: CCAGTAACTGTCCGTGACA s: GATAAAACTGATACTGGGCAGC a: AGTGACTGTTCGGGAAGCAC s: ATGGCGCTAACTTGCCATGCTG a: AGGGGGACATATAGCCCCCTTC s: ACTCTGACTTGACTATTACC a: AGATGCAGTCTGGTCAAC s: GAATCTGTCCGAGAATATCA a: GTTGGTACAGGTCTTAATGG s: AATACTTGTTCAGGGAGAAA a: AACTTTGTGGTTAACTTCCT s: AAGTTACTGCCAGTCTATGC a: GTAACTCCACCGTTTGTATC a: TGGTAACGTATCAGCAACTA s: ACTTACAGTGCTATTCGACG s: AGTATCTGGTTCAGTGATGG a. CCACTATAAGAGGTTGAAGC s: GGGTAGAAAATGCCGATGGTG a: CGTCATTTTGGGGGTAAGTGC s: TGTTGGACCGTCTCAGGGCTC a: CTCCCGGAACTCGCTGTTACT s: TCACTTGCAGACCAGCGTTTC a: GTAACTCACACTGCTGTCACCT s: TAGTGCGTTGGGTTATCGCTC a: AAGCCAGAGTGGTTATTCGC s: TATACGCTGGACTGAGTCGTG a: CAGGTAGCGTCGAACTGTA 810 1648-1667 2439-2457 2095-2116 2901-2920 79–100 562–583 276-295 458-475 94-113 573-592 488-507 698-717 705-724 1094-1115 24-43 317-336 299-318 891-910 4391-4411 4867-4887 111–131 1040–1060 136-156 651-672 44-64 633-652 499-519 1379-1397 AF325672 (Ewers, 2007) bfp Bundle forming pili Z68186 (Mueller, 2006) bmaE Blood group M-specific adhesin M15677 (Johnson, 2000) csgA Curli fibre gene L04979 (Maurer, 1998) faeG F4 fimbrial adhesin AJ610253.1 Z37500 (Moon et al., 1999) (Moon et al., 1999) (Moon et al., 1999) (Moon et al., 1999) (Moon et al., 1999) (Ewers, 2007) fanA F5 fimbrial adhesin fasA F6 fimbrial adhesin fedA F6 fimbrial adhesin fimF41a F41 fimbrial adhesin fimC Type 1 fimbriae gafD N-acetyl-D-glucosamine-specific fimbrial lectin Heat-resistant agglutinin L33969 (Johnson, 2000) AY040859 (Ewers, 2007) AF401752 (Ewers, 2007) AF325731 (Ewers, 2007) s: GCTTACTGATTCTGGGATGGA a: CGGTGGCCGAGTCATATGCCA s: ATGGCAGTGGTGTCTTTTGGTG 557 S61970 (Johnson, 2000) X61239 (Johnson, 2000) Adhesins hra iha mat Iron-regulated-gene-homologueadhesin Meningitis-associated and temperature-regulated fimbriae nfaE Nonfimbrial adhesin papA Pyelonephritis associated pili 826 507 200 499 230 409 313 612 497 952 537 609 899 721 84–104 620–640 1796–1817 X05797.1 U50547.1 L26108.1 X14354.1 Gene(s) Description papC Pyelonephritis associated pili papEF Pyelonephritis associated pili papG II, III Pyelonephritis associated pili papG allele II allele III Pyelonephritis associated pili sfa/focDE S-/F1C fimbrial adhesin sfaS Sialic acid-specific fimbrial adhesin F1C fimbrial adhesin focG tsh Pyelonephritis associated pili Temperature sensitive hemagglutinin Primer sequence (5´- 3´) a: CGTCCCACCATACGTGCTCTTC s: TGATATCACGCAGTCAGTAGC a: CCGGCCATATTCACATAAC s: GCAACAGCAACGCTGGTTGCATCAT a: AGAGAGAGCCACTCTTATACGGACA s: CTGTAATTACGGAAGTGATTTCTG a: ACTATCCGGCTCCGGATAAACCAT s: GGGATGAGCGGGCCTTTGAT a: CGGGCCCCCAAGTAACTCG s: GGCCTGCAATGGATTTACCTGG a: CCACCAAATGACCATGCCAGAC s: GTCCTGACTCATCTGAAACTGCA a: CGGAGAACTGGGTGCATCTTA s: GTGGATACGACGATTACTGTG a: CCGCCAGCATTCCCTGTATTC s: CAGCACAGGCAGTGGATACGA a: GAATGTCGCCTGCCCATTGCT s: ACTATTCTCTGCAGGAAGTC a: CTTCCGATGTTCTGAACGT Size of product 501 336 1057 190 258 1243 242 359 824 Primer coordinates 2495–2516 4313-4333 4795-4813 8025–8049 8336–8360 1198–1221 2230–2254 380-399 551-569 1420-1441 1656-1677 3618-3596 2376-2396 675–695 896–916 635–655 973–993 1499-1518 2304-2322 GenBank Acc.-No. Source of primer X61239 (Janßen, 2001) X61239 M20181 X61238 AY212280 (Yamamoto, 1995) (Marklund, 1992) (Johnson, 2001) X61238 (Johnson, 2001) AY436351 (Ewers, 2007) S53210 (Johnson, 2000) S68237 (Johnson, 2000) AJ223631 (Ewers, 2007) U67920 (Clermont, 2000) Z38064 (Schubert, 1998) AF320691 (Ewers, 2007) AF135597 (Ewers, 2007) L18881 (Schubert, 1998) M18968 (Janßen, 2001) X05874 (Johnson, 1998) AM072350 (Ewers, 2007) Iron acquisition chuA Heme receptor gene fyuA Ferric yersinia uptake ireA Iron-responsive element iroN Catecholate siderophore receptor irp2 Iron-repressible protein iucD Iron uptake chelate iutA Iron uptake transport sit chr. Salmonella iron transport system s: GACGAACCAACGGTCAGGAT a: TGCCGCCAGTACCAAAGACA s: GCGACGGGAAGCGATGACTTA a: CGCAGTAGGCACGATGTTGTA s: ATTGCCGTGATGTGTTCTGC a: CACGGATCACTTCAATGCGT s: ATCCTCTGGTCGCTAACTG a: CTGCACTGGAAGAACTGTTCT s: AAGGATTCGCTGTTACCGGAC a: TCGTCGGGCAGCGTTTCTTCT s: ACAAAAAGTTCTATCGCTTCC a: CCTGATCCAGATGATGCTC s: GGCTGGACATCATGGGAACTGG a: CGTCGGGAACGGGTAGAATCG s: ACTCCCATACACAGGATCTG 279 774 385 847 413 693 300 554 735-754 994-1013 786-806 1539-1559 31-50 396-415 336-354 1162-1182 22-42 416-434 239-259 913-931 851–872 1132–1152 4118-4137 Gene(s) Description Primer sequence (5´- 3´) Size of product Primer coordinates GenBank Acc.-No. Source of primer sit epis. gene Salmonella iron transport system gene a: CTGTCTGTGTCCGGAATGA s: TTGAGAACGACAGCGACTTC a: CTATCGAGCAGGTGAGGA 1052 4653-4671 4764343-24 1617-1634 CP000468 AY598030 (Ewers, 2007) kpsMT Group II capsule antigens neuC K1 capsular polysaccharide ompA Outer membrane protein traT Transfer protein s: TCCAAGCGGACCCCTTATAG a: CGCAGCATAGTTCCATGCT s: ATCACATAGGATTCTGCCG a: CAGCGGAGTATAGATGCCA s: GCGCATTTGCTGATACTGTTG a: CATCCAGACGATAAGCATGAGCA s: GGTGGTACATTCCGGGATGTC a: AGGTGAAAAGCCTGGTAGTGTG s: AGCTATCGCGATTGCAGTG a: GGTGTTGCCAGTAACCGG s: GTGGTGCGATGAGCACAG a: TAGTTCACATCTTCCACCATCG 598 iss Structural genes of Colicin V operon Increased serum survival X57525 (Ewers, 2007) AF042279 (Ewers, 2005) DQ242482 (Johnson, 2000) M84026 (Watt, 2003) V00307 (Ewers, 2007) X06915 (Ewers, 2007) s: TCGTTATAAAATCAAACAGTG a: CTTTACAATATTGACATGCTG 446 X70670 (Ewers, 2004) Protectins cvi/cva 310 270 676 919 430 97-116 676-694 264-282 555-573 17100-17080 16831-16853 1314-1294 639-660 1048-1066 1949-1966 710-727 1118-1139 Toxins cnf 1/2 Cytotoxic necrotising factor EAST-1 Heat-stable cytotoxin s: TGCCATCAACACAGTATATCC a: TAGGATCCTCAGGTCGCGAGTGACGGC 111 eltB-Ip Heat-labile enterotoxin 272 est-Ia Heat-stable enterotoxin est-II Heat-stable enterotoxin hlyA Hemolysin A sat Secreted autotransporter toxin a: GGCGTTACTATCCTCTCTAT s: TGGTCTCGGTCAGATATGT s: CAACTGAATCACTTGACTCTT a: TTAATAACATCCAGCACAGG s: TGCCTATGCATCTACACAAT a: CTCCAGCAGTACCATCTCTA s: GTCCATTGCCGATAAGTTT a: AAGTAATTTTTGCCGTGTTTT s: TGCTGGCTCTGGAGGAAC a: TTGAACATTCAGAGTACCGGG 158 113 351 667 cnf1: 1817-1846 2241-2262 cnf2: 1073-1093 1498-1518 135-155 219-245 33-52 286-304 356-376 494-513 514-533 607-626 972-991 1302-1322 591-608 1237-1257 U01097 AF143819 M14107 (Yamamoto and Echeverria, 1996) (Moon et al., 1999) (Moon et al., 1999) (Moon et al., 1999) (Ewers, 2004) AF289092 (Ewers, 2007) FJ156281.1 M58746.1 AY028790.1 Gene(s) Description Primer sequence (5´- 3´) Size of product Primer coordinates GenBank Acc.-No. Source of primer stx1A Shigatoxin 1 s: GGCGTTCTTATGTAATGACTGC a: ATCCCACGGACTCTTCCATC s: CGTTTTGACCATCTTCGTCTG a: AGCGTAAGGCTTCTGCTGTG s: TCCTGGGACATAATGGCTAG a: GTGTCAGAACGGAATTGTC 250 626-647 856-875 1947-1967 2252-2271 311997-982 311020-038 EU273279 (Mueller, 2006) stx2A Shigatoxin 2 AB290938 (Mueller, 2006) vat Vacuolating autotransporter toxin CP000468 (Ewers and Kießling, 2004) s: TCCAGATTGAGCATATCCC a: CCTGTAACATGTTGGCTTCA s: TGGAACCCGCTCGTAATATAC a: CTGCCTGTTCAAGCATTGCA s: AGCGCTTCCGTCAGGACTT a: ACCAGCATCCAGATAGCGAT 737 AJ810519 (Ewers, 2007) AY248744 (Ewers, 2007) U20318 (Ewers, 2007) s: GGCTCTCTTCTTCTTTATGGCTG a: CCTTTTACAAACTTCATCGCC s: GGACATCCTGTTACAGCGCGCA a: TCGCCACCAATCACAGCCGAAC s: ACTGGATCTTAAGGCTCAGG a: TGGAATATCAGGGTGCCACT s: CGCTTCATCAACACGCTTTA a: CCATCGCCTATCACCTCAAC 534 AF200363 (Mueller, 2006) AF003742 (Johnson, 2000) AF097644 (Ewers, 2007) AM229678 Karch and Zhang (personal communication) 325 978 Invasins gimB Genetic island meningitis ibeA Invasion of brain endothelium tia Toxigenic invasion locus 342 512 369-387 1086-1105 55-75 377-396 143-161 635-654 Miscellaneous/Others escv Type III secretion system malX pic Pathogenicity-associated island marker CFT073 Serine protease autotransporter pks Polyketide megasynthase 922 411 290 15703-15725 16216-16236 1021-1042 1921-1942 2566-2585 2957-2976 29904-29923 30174-30193 Primer references Clermont, O., Bonacorsi, S., Bingen, E. 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