Full LEAD Curriculum - University of Virginia

LEAD 2011 Curriculum - University of Virginia
Ryan M. Layer, rl6sf@virginia.edu
Mark S. Sherriff, sherriff@virginia.edu
Paul Reynolds, reynolds@virginia.edu
Michael Skalak, mss6s@cs.virginia.edu
Luther A. Tychonievich, lat7h@virginia.edu
Westly Weimer, weimer@cs.virginia.edu
The goals of the 2011 LEAD Computer Science Institute at the University of Virginia were to
instill excitement in students about computer science and to provide students with a solid
foundation in a production-level programming language, Python.
We believe the best way to excite students about computer science is to help them make the
connection between real world problems and the software they can write to solve those
problems. To make this connection, we developed a curriculum that pairs active learning with
programming topics. Rather than tell students about the problems software can solve, we
wanted them to experience situations where the problems were important and feel the need for
a better solution. For example, we used cryptography to teach the programming concept of
strings. In the first lesson, students learn about the evolution of cryptography from Roman
battlefields to Internet privacy. Next, students completed in a campus-wide scavenger hunt that
required them to crack ciphers by hand. Finally, students were taught how to use Python
strings as a tool to help encode and decode messages programatically.
We selected the Python programming language because we believed it balanced accessibility
and power. The interactive command shell allowed students to dive directly into programming
without the added complexities of editors, interpreters, and environment setup. The students
easily moved from typing short commands in the shell to writing programs in text files as the
commands became too long for comfortable shell use. One cause for confusion we continually
found with our class with Python is the use of tabs as block delimiters. While a good editor can
make this issue more manageable, it was a constant source of syntax errors.
Our 2011 class had 25 rising high school sophomores and juniors from seven states. A large
majority of the students identified themselves as having no or very little programming
experience, a small portion had experience with HTML, and two students had a working
knowledge of at least one programing language. For three weeks, our students lived in oncampus dorms, attended classes, went on field trips, and completed nightly homework
assignments. Their typical day consisted of two three-hour classes and a two-hour study hall
session. In total, students attended 21 classes, which had a comparable number of contact
hours to a two credit hour college course. Students worked in small groups on a final project
and presented their work to a representative from Google on the last day of the program.
A summary of our lesson plan is given below with programming topics in parentheses.
Problem solving and Python basics (Integers, decimals, variable, memory model)
More Python basics (importing, turtle graphics, functions, loops, logical operators)
History of Encryption
Cryptography scavenger hung
Cryptography programming (characters, strings, string methods, cipher/de-cipher
6. History of GPS
7. GPS coordinate gathering (file reading, parsing, coordinate graphing)
8. Internet history and networks (sockets, network chat)
9. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (random numbers)
10. High performance computing and parallel programming
11. Traveling salesman problem
12. Package delivery chase (lists, lists of lists)
13. Accessing Online APIs (dictionaries, GET HTTP requres, web API)
14. Fundamentals of Game Programming I (pygame, infinite loops, events, dictionaries)
15. Fundamentals of Game Programming II
16. Mathematical Game Theory
17. Simulation and scientific exploration
18. Human-Computer Interaction
19. Graphs and Search (iterators, multilevel dictionaries)
20. Project/presentation help
21. Presentation dry run
Individual Lesson Descriptions
1. Problem solving and Python basics (Integers, decimals, variables, memory model)
We began with a lesson on problem solving by posing the question, “In a room of 25 people,
how many handshakes occur if everyone shakes hands once?” In this case the first guest, that
25 people give 24 hand shakes, double counts each handshake. We explain how to simplify the
problem, and propose a number of solutions. For each solution, we talk about how many steps
it would take if there were 1, 10, and 10000 people. Next we installed Python and started using
the interactive shell. We introduced them to integers and decimals, and the different operators
for each type. Then we introduced variables, with a heavy emphasis on the memory model:
variables are names for memory locations where values are stored.
2. More Python basics (importing, turtle graphics, functions, loops, logical operators)
We introduced the idea of importing modules, methods, and arguments with the turtle package.
Students were asked to draw squares of different sizes. Once they realized that each square
consisted of the same commands with a different value, we taught them to write methods. At
this point we moved away from the interactive shell and into a simple development environment.
Next we asked them to write methods for a triangle, pentagon, etc. Again, we taught loops once
it became clear that the same commands were used, just different numbers of them. With the
loops, the students were able to write a general polygon drawing method. We introduced logical
operators so that polygons could be drawn in different colors depending on the number of sides.
3. History of Encryption
The lesson began with a history of encryption from Caesar through modern public/private key
schemes. We explained in detail how ciphers work, and worked as a class on several ciphers
by hand (Caesar, Vigenere, Pigpen, etc). Students were then asked to creating their own
encryption scheme using a deck of playing cards. Each group encoded a message in a deck,
and had to decode another group’s message from that group’s deck.
4. Cryptography scavenger hung
Students participated in a campus-wide scavenger hunt using what they learned about ciphers
in the previous encryption lesson. Small groups of students were asked to solve a series of
clues that were encrypted using a number of different simple ciphers. Each cipher provided a
clue to the final puzzle.
5. Cryptography programming (characters, strings, methods, cipher/de-cipher methods)
After breaking a number of ciphers by hand in class and in the scavenger hunt, we taught
students how perform the a similar task with a simple computer program. Students learned
about characters, ASCII, strings, and string methods. Those topics were combined with loops
to write a simple transposition cipher method. To make their programs more interactive, we
introduced keyboard input methods.
6. History of GPS
Similar to cryptography, the lesson began with the history of global positioning through the use
of astral bodies and the algorithm for using sextant. We moved forward to the use of GPS and
compared and contrasted the two. We discussed the various uses for GPS and how GPS
technology has changed our lives. To demonstrate modern GPS, we distribute GPS devices
and toke students around the nearby area taking coordinates and doing a short exercise in
calculating the distance between points.
7. GPS coordinate gathering (file reading, parsing, coordinate graphing)
Students used Android-powered smart phones to collect coordinates from around campus.
Each group was given a set of buildings and found the coordinates of the buildings’ corners.
From the Android phones, students used email to transfer the coordinates to their computers.
We used the coordinate files to teach Python file reading and parsing, and points were graphed
using turtle graphics. We collected the files from all the groups to show how a basic map could
be constructed.
8. Internet history and networks (sockets, network chat)
We gave an overview of the architecture and structure of the Internet, it's history, and evolution.
We then we discussed the basics network communication including packet switching, protocols,
IP addresses, and ports, and demonstrated these ideas using packet sniffing, ping, and trace
route. Using Python sockets, we wrote a small program where a server displayed a message
sent from a client. This we expanded to chat program using keyboard input.
9. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (random numbers)
We discussed what AI means as a computer science field. Then we introduced the students to
random number generation, and wrote simple pattern finding program to determine
randomness. We discussed explore/exploit trade offs in a 2-arm bandit problem.
10. High Performance Computing and Parallel Programming
Students were introduced to high performance computing: what it is, what it is used for, and how
fast it is. We also discussed the TOP 500, the parts of a supercomputer, and took students on a
tour of the university research cluster. Students participated in a basic overview of parallel
programming and queuing system submission
11. Traveling salesman problem
The traveling salesman problem is introduced as both a historical problem, and one that we
must solve everyday. We discussed how it is easy for humans to look at a simple problem and
find an optimal solution, but developing an algorithm is difficult. Graphs were introduced, where
nodes are cities and edges are distances, and we worked through several possible solutions.
Students were divided into groups to develop their own algorithms. As a class, we tested a few
solutions on examples different from the ones used in development.
12. Package delivery chase (lists, lists of lists)
Students competed to find the optimal delivery route for a dynamic scheduling problem.
Students were split into small groups and each group was given an initial set of deliveries. At
each delivery location, they were given an additional set of deliveries to make, and had to adjust
their route accordingly. Teams used Android-powered smart phones to track their route. After
the chase ,we analyzed each groups coordinate file to find which group had the shortest route.
We used Python lists to represent latitude and longitude coordinates and lists of lists to
represent paths.
13. Accessing Online APIs (dictionaries, GET HTTP requests, web API)
To demonstrate how existing resource can be used in their own programs, we taught the
students how GET HTTP requests work, and how to read web API descriptions. Students used
these to access Google's static maps, walking directions, and distance APIs using both GPS
and address data. Students were introduced to Python's dict datatype, and the json and urllib
standard libraries. They used these, together with their existing GPS files from previous
lessons, to overlay their previous path on top of Google maps.
14. Fundamentals of Game Programming
We introduced the core ideas of interactive games using the example of the 1982 Joust video
game. After installing the pygame library, we worked out way up using extreme programming
from a very simple window through a full interactive game, with sprite animation, collision
detection, event loops, and keyboard and timer events. We discussed gravity, drag, scoring,
and the use of functions to simplify existing code. We modeled extreme programming in the
classroom, always keeping a working program built. After each new topic was discussed, we
first refactored our old program, re-tested it, and then added in the new element. The end result
was a working two-player version of the Joust game.
15. Fundamentals of Game Programming II
A continuation of lesson 14.
16. Mathematical Game Theory
We started with a lesson on mathematical game theory, binary numbers, and abstract
reasoning. The focus was on two-player impartial games of perfect information, such as Nim.
Students then learned about binary numbers, binary XOR, and used them to compute the value
of an impartial game and the winning strategy. Students completed worksheets on two's
complement binary encoding as well as binary XOR (which is used to compute the Nim-sum of
an impartial game and thus to find the winning strategy). Students also performed demos of
finding the winning strategy for a given game using techniques learned.
17. Simulation and scientific exploration
We started with a background on simulation, what it is, and its exponentially growing use. We
used queuing systems as a working example to motivate and to demonstrate the risks
associated with using intuition alone. Practical examples for simulations included: planning for
storage of America's nuclear wastes, replacement of clinical trials, and war planning. We
explained fundamentals of discrete event simulation, and engaged students in an active
participation contest relating to efficient queuing methods. To demonstrate these topics
students used the Java Modeling Tool (JMT) and SimPy.
18. Human-Computer Interaction
We gave an overview in how we as humans interact with machines, and discussed various HCI
design patterns and what the idea of a pattern is. We reviewed rules of good HCI design, and
demonstrated many different interface devices. Students used DroidDraw to create a user
interface for a particular application, such as a parking finder or to-do list. In preparation for
their final projects, students storyboarded a design for their projects.
19. Graphs and Search (iterators, multilevel dictionaries)
Our final lesson was on advanced algorithms including graphs, traveling salesman, and
permutations. We wrote a brute force TSP algorithm for complete graph, and discussed
heuristics verses exact algorithms. As a class, we developed and tested several different
heuristics for TSP, then applied the pathfinding techniques used in GPS systems.
20. Project/presentation help
Students had a free period to work on their projects and prepare for their presentations.
21. Presentation dry run
All student teams were given feedback by the group during practice runs of their presentations.