Seismic Characterization of Macaé Group in Bonito Field Campos Basin – RJ (Font: Arial bold, 12) Ricardo Otto Rozza Schmidt UNESPETRO/UNESP Authors, Entities (Font: Arial normal, 9) Copyright 2013, SBGf - Sociedade Brasileira de Geofísica This paper was prepared for presentation during the 13th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 26-29, 2013. Contents of this paper were reviewed by the Technical Committee of the 13th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society and do not necessarily represent any position of the SBGf, its officers or members. Electronic reproduction or storage of any part of this paper for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Brazilian Geophysical Society is prohibited. ____________________________________________________________________ Abstract (Font: Arial Bold, 9) Text (Font: Arial normal, 9) Macaé Group, this stratigraphyc level respresents an Albian marine megassequence, composed by shallow water carbonates mudstones and malrs.The Macaé Group was divided into two levels (Baumgarten, 1986) “Lower Macaé’’(Quissãma Formation),reservoir level, defined by calcarenite and calcisilte distributed in diferents facies, the principal reservoir is composed by packstones oolitic facies. The ‘’Upper Macaé’’(Outeiro Formation) is composed by calcilutite and mars and represents the seal of the petroleum system recognized as Lagoa Feia – Macaé. The oil production of Bonito field comes from calcarenites of “Macaé Inferior” (Quissamã) Formation and sandstones of Carapebus Formation (Campos Group). In this context, the objective of this research is to develop a seismic attribute evaluation of the Macaé Group providing the understanding of the structural and stratigraphyc controls of the reservoir fácies distribution. This paper establishes the relationship between the psysical properties of the rocks and the seismic response on carbonate layers. Fig.1 Last 6 months oil production, in barrels per month.(fonte) This research has a relevant importance since the current exploratory context focus on carbonates rocks, and the lack of work aiming the geophysical characterization of carbonates. Introduction Nowadays, it is difficult to recognize the effective reservoir distribution on carbonates rocks; in this sense, a research oriented to seismic characterization of the main reservoir properties is important to better understand the geometrical distribution of the geological facies related to oil production. The seismic characterization, developed here, is based on seismic and rock attributes interpretation with the aim of link geophysical with geological facies in Bonito oil field. The Bonito oil field is located on the southern of Campos Basin, it is one of the oil fields in the petroleum production trend of Campos Basin. Along the mentioned trend the Badejo, Pampo, Linguado, Enchova, Bicudo and Bonito oil fields are recognized; the first four mentioned are productors from Lagoa Feia Group (Early Barremian to Late Aptian ages), the revervoir is constitutes by carbonates interbedded with shale, siltite and sandstone. The principal oil reservoir was defined as a high-energy bivalve grainstones (Coqueiros Formation). (Guardado L. R,Spadini A. R, Brandao J. S. L, Mello M. R,2000). Bicudo, Linguado and Bonito oil fields are produtors at Fig1. Mudar figura destacar o Macaé(zoom). Fig 2. Localização Thirteenth International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society SHORT TITLE (50 LETTERS MAXIMUM. FONT: ARIAL 9) 2 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ n Method Base de Dados: Será feito mais para frente. I amp 2 k Log Interpretation and well correlation: this phase is based on a lithological and stratigraphy interpretation using wire logs as: Gama Ray, Resistivity, Sonic Profile, Density and Neutron logs in order define the tops of the next levels: Macaé Formation, Outeiro Formation marked by a boot shape on Resistivity log, Quissãma Formation, Lagoa Feira Group. The main reservoir and its related stratigraphyc levels (XXXX,xxxxx,zzz,cccc) were correlated between 6 wells available for the study, as show in the figure ccc. Seismic Interpretation: The xxx stratigraphic levels were interpreted on the seismic volume; the well information was calibrated on time domain through the synthetic seismogram, and the main reflectors were picked. Seismic Calibration: this step was based on the confection, of a pseudo-checkshot table, derivate from sonic log, for the intervals without data it was used the replacement velocity of 2300 m/s. The pseudo checkshot table gives the deep and the corresponding time, enabling to position the well on seismic that also is in time. k= number of live samples The second attribute applied were Energy, the response is the he amplitude of reflection strength at the point which the energy envelope is maximum. One value is obtained for each energy lobe is returned a as a constant for the entire time width of energy lobe, is mathematically represented by: n I amp 2 Both of the mentioned attributes, identify isolated amplitude response from background features, mainly lateral variations. Seismic to Geological Facies: for the establishment of the relation between rock properties and the seismic attributes cross plots were generated: Figuras dos cross plots. Figure 3- Time/ Depth graphic, from checkshot table. 1. Seismic Interpretation: The sea bottom reflector was interpreted to get a control of the water layer geometry. The Oligocene horizon was interpreted because an idea about the geometry of the reflectors, above and below this sequence, is necessary to control the pale-geometry of the carbonates sequences observed along Bonito field (Siri Member, Quissamã Fm. and the Coqueiros Member from Lagoa Feia group. Finally the top of Macaé Group (Outeiro Formation) was interpreted based on wire log interpretation as well as the main reservoir (Quissamã Formation) top. Examples: Structural Maps: with the seismic interpretation completed a structural map, in time, were generated to top of Outeiro Formation and to Quissamã Formation. Explicar o método de krigagem e acrescentar um map Seismic Attributes Maps: The seismic attributes generated to may map directly hydrocarbon indications were RMS Amplitude, this attribute is the square root of the sum of square amplitudes, divided by the number of live samples(Schlumberger,2007), as shown in the following formula: Thirteenth International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society AUTHORS (50 LETTERS MAXIMUM. FONT: ARIAL 9) 3 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Conclusions Results Acknowledgments References Thirteenth International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society SHORT TITLE (50 LETTERS MAXIMUM. FONT: ARIAL 9) 4 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thirteenth International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society