Neuroscience and Counseling

Leader Guide
Carlos P. Zalaquett, Ph.D. and Allen E. Ivey
Counseling and Neuroscience
Implications for Microskills and Practice
Allen E. Ivey, EdD, ABPP
This guide is in two sections
1. Guide for Classroom Use
2. PowerPoint® Slides PDF’s
Neuroscience and Counseling
Implications for Microskills and Practice
This DVD was prompted by discussions with Allen Ivey. The central questions were
“What does modern neuroscience have to say about interviewing and counseling in
general?” and “How, specifically, does the microcounseling framework relate to this
After considerable back and forth, I invited Allen to my class in counseling to present his
thinking. What came forth was more than I expected and it is lucky that I was able to
videotape his presentation.
What you have here is an actual live lecture to students, supplemented with many
PowerPoint® illustrations. I think you will find it a useful and stimulating introduction to
the new cutting edge of our field.
While designed for the skills or counseling and psychotherapy theories course, this video
should have implications for us in many other settings as well, ranging from nursing to
human services, from social work to physical therapy, and for all helping professionals.
Carlos P. Zalaquett, Ph.D., University of South Florida, Tampa
Before You Start the DVD
First of all, I email all the PDF Handouts of the presentation to my students and ask them
to download and print them out. This is “heavy” material for beginners and these
handouts will make a real difference in their understanding and retention.
As I use this lecture with my students, I usually begin with some preparatory discussion
questions so that they can see the presentation in context.
What do you already know about neuroscience?
(I then list their present knowledge on the white board or on a Powerpoint
slide as I keyboard.)
How might your existing knowledge relate to the interviewing, counseling, and
therapy process?
We have been studying Microskills this term. How might you imagine microskills
Would relate to neuroscience?
On a ten-point scale, please rate your present thoughts and feelings about
neuroscience and how you might use it in the interview?
Chapter 1 Introduction (see PDF’s for full content of presentation slides.
Where are we going?
Why Neuroscience?
Brain Plasticity and Neurogenesis
Neural Change/Growth in Both Client and Counselor
Discussion Questions
1. What do you think of the idea that your work as a counselor actually can
permanently change the client’s brain?
2. What are the implications of neurogenesis for older clients?
3. How is the brain holistic?
4. Let’s discuss the implications of short-term memory and long-term memory in the
interview. Is our goal to help clients develop new long-term memories, change
existing memories? How are we changed by our interaction with clients?
Chapter 2 Neurons and Synapses
Neuron, Our Main Brain Cell
Neural Networks
The Synapse
Active Synapses
Discussion Questions
1. What is the importance of long-term enhancement (LTE) to learning? (Also know
as LTP, long-term potentiation.
2. What is the role of attention and attending behavior in LTE?
3. What is the role of neural networks and how do they relate to a single neuron and
the synapse?
Chapter 3 Neurotransmitters
1. Example neurotransmitters
2. Example neurotransmitters 2
3. Synaptic transmission in neural networks
4. Baseball analogy
5. Baseball analogy 2
6. Medications that increase serotonin
Discussion Questions
1. Why might this material be important to counselors/therapists?
2. What is the role of glutamate, dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine/adrenaline?
3. Why is cortisol important?
4. What is the role of GABA, anandamide, acetylcoline?
5. Discuss the baseball analogy and its relation to neurotransmitters.
6. Let’s talk about medications that increase serotonin.
Chapter 4. Brain and Limbic System
1. The Cerebral Cortex
2. Frontal Cortex
3. Parietal, Temporal, Occipital
4. Mirror Neurons and Empathy
5. The Limbic System—The Social Brain
6. Limbic System 2
7. Limbic System 3
Discussion Questions
1. Why might it be important for counselors to understand the structure of the brain?
2. How do mirror neurons relate to and explain empathy?
3. What role does the limbic system play in emotion
Chapter 5. Microskills and Neuroscience
1. Attending Behavior
2. Questions
3. Observation Skills
4. Observation Skills 2
5. Encouraging, Paraphrasing, and Summarization
6. Reflection of Feeling
7. Confrontation
8. Focusing
9. Reflection of Meaning
10. Influencing Skills
Discussion Questions
1. Do you agree that varying microskills likely have impact on differing parts of the
brain and neurotransmitters?
2. Let’s take the skills one-by-one and examine whether or not we agree with Allen
on his portrayal of the skill and its relationship to the brain and its functions.
Chapter 6. Social Justice
1. Social Justice and Stress Management
2. Social Justice and Stress Management 2
Discussion Questions
1. Why is stress necessary for learning?
2. How does stress and neurotransmitters relate to pleasure?
3. What are the implications of stress and cortisol for those in poverty?
4. What is our role in social justice as we consider brain development?
Chapter 7. Wellness and Neuroscience
1. Factor Analysis of Wellness Dimensions
2. The Brain and Wellness
3. Accentuate the Positive
Discussion Questions
1. Which parts of the brain are associated with positive emotions? Negative
2. Why do want to emphasize wellness as part of treatment and counseling?
3. Where do you stand on wellness dimensions?
4. How might you conduct a wellness assessment with a client.
5. What implications does wellness have for social justice?
Concluding Discussion Questions
1. How do you put all this together?
2. What stands out for you? What single point struck you as most important?
3. Where would you like to go next with the study of the brain?
4. What do you imagine the future of counseling and brain science will be?