More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test

More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test
【Unit 1 - 1】Vocabulary Test
A. 영어는 우리말로, 우리말은 영어로 쓰시오.
1. 기원
2. 악한
3. 연재물
4. 파괴할 수 없는
5. saying
6. supposedly
7. villain
8. otherworldly
B. 빈 칸에 알맞은 말은?
in a series of comic books called Action Comics.
9. Superman first
(A) showed
10. What
(A) makes
(B) appeared
(C) looked
Superman so different from other comic book heroes?
(B) is
(C) does
11. Superman came from the
(A) fight
(D) gets
of two childhood friends.
(B) parents
12. Superman's
(A) physics
(D) seemed
(C) town
(D) imagination
abilities come from his birth on the distant planet.
(B) physician
(C) physical
(D) psychological
C. 밑줄 친 단어와 같은 의미는?
13. Superman is a crime fighter with incredible powers.
(A) sensible
(B) general
(C) usual
(D) extraordinary
14. A hero called the Phantom fought bandits in comic books before Superman.
(A) officers
(B) warriors
(C) citizens
(D) thieves
15. Superman supposedly came from the distant planet of Krypton.
(A) accidentally (B) possibly
(C) purposely
(D) necessarily
16. In fact, he is almost indestructible.
(A) immortal
(B) fertile
(C) amazing
(D) unbelievable
More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test
D. 빈 칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.
17. 슈퍼맨 영화는 특수 효과로 인해 매우 유명해졌다.
The Superman movies became very popular due to their special
18. 슈퍼맨은 날 수도 있고 맨손으로 쇠를 구부릴 수도 있다.
Superman can fly and bend steel with his
19. 슈퍼맨의 창안자들은 그들의 주인공을 악하기보다는 선하게 만들기로 결정했다.
The creators of Superman decided to make their
good rather than bad.
20. 그의 용기로 인해 그는 모든 연령의 사람들에게 인기 있는 영웅이 되었다.
His bravery have
him a popular superhero with people of all ages.
【Unit 1 - 2】Vocabulary Test
A. 영어는 우리말로, 우리말은 영어로 쓰시오.
1. 복수
2. 변장하다
3. 명령하다
4. 무력시키다
5. foremost
6. assume
7. gadget
8. distance
B. 빈 칸에 알맞은 말은?
9. The Hopper can leap great
(A) soil
(B) trees
10. Batman relies on many
(A) gadgets
(B) friends
(C) time
to help him fight crime.
(C) bugs
11. Most superheroes wear a
(A) hat
(B) disguise
(D) distances
(D) bandits
to hide their true identity.
(C) bag
(D) dress
12. A superhero's enemy may want to take
on a hero's friends.
More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test
(A) look
(B) kindness
(C) revenge
(D) favor
C. 밑줄 친 단어와 같은 의미는?
13. They often hide themselves to protect people from acts of revenge.
(A) favor
(B) protection
(C) damage
(D) vengeance
14. He thinks that he will disguise his superhero as a grasshopper.
(A) show
(B) uncover
(C) veil
(D) reveal
15. The Hopper will use this sound to disable his enemies.
(A) damage
(B) attack
(C) protect
(D) fight
16. In addition, he can command thousands of bugs to help him.
(A) call
(B) order
(C) demand
(D) suggest
D. 빈 칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.
17. 그는 적들을 무력화시키기 위해 소리를 사용한다.
He uses sound to
his enemies.
18. 슈퍼영웅을 창조하기 위해서는 신비로운 존재를 생각해내야 한다.
Creating a superhero requires thinking of a secret
19. 어떤 슈퍼영웅은 자신의 정체를 숨기기 위해 곤충으로 변장한다.
One superhero
as an insect to hide real identity.
20. 슈퍼영웅은 적과의 싸움에서 그를 도와줄 특별한 신체적 능력이 필요하다.
A superhero needs his special
abilities to help him fight enemies.
More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test
【Unit 2 - 1】Vocabulary Test
A. 영어는 우리말로, 우리말은 영어로 쓰시오.
1. 대기
2. 황폐
3. 분출하다
4. 자연재해
5. tear
6. cast
7. scene
8. inspire
B. 빈 칸에 알맞은 말은?
9. Krakatau's eruption was so strong that it could be
(A) hear
(B) heard
(C) hearing
in distant countries.
(D) to hear
10. The volcanic eruption sent a cloud of ash high into the
(A) atman
11. The
(A) scenes
(B) attempt
(C) attachment (D) atmosphere
of artists' paintings showed colorful red skies after the eruption.
(B) seen
(C) sin
(D) scenery
12. Eruptions can cause giant waves and
(A) show
(B) turn
ash into the sky.
(C) cast
(D) make
C. 밑줄 친 단어와 같은 의미는?
13. The devastation of the eruption was truly terrible.
(A) construction (B) desert
(C) departure
(D) destruction
14. Many people died when giant storms of ash tore through their homes.
(A) wept
(B) swept
(C) swore
(D) swang
15. Bright red clouds inspired many artists to paint famous scenes.
(A) inserted
(B) installed
(C) influenced
(D) inscribed
16. It is important to study volcanoes to find clues about when they may erupt.
(A) clips
(B) signs
(C) results
(D) effects
More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test
D. 빈 칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.
17. Krakatau 화산분출은 많은 화가들의 작품에 영감을 주었다.
Krakatau's eruption
the work of many artists.
18. 그 화산분출의 결과 세계의 날씨 패턴이 변화되었다.
As a
of the eruption, weather patterns changed around the world.
19. 화산분출과 같은 자연재해는 엄청난 파괴를 불러일으킬 수 있다.
, such as volcanic eruption, can cause great devastation.
20. 화산분출이 발생한 후 수만 명의 사람들이 죽었다.
Tens of thousands died after the eruption took
【Unit 2 - 2】Vocabulary Test
A. 영어는 우리말로, 우리말은 영어로 쓰시오.
1. 정상
2. 피난처
3. 저주하다
4. 산림감시원
5. mighty
6. faraway
7. dramatic
8. quench
B. 빈 칸에 알맞은 말은?
9. Rangers told stories about Pele to
(A) scar
(B) skip
visitors into following the rules.
(C) scare
(D) script
10. Travelers who had taken rocks sent rocks for fear of being
(A) praised
(B) cured
(C) helped
by Pele.
(D) cursed
11. They only said this to stop people
taking away the rocks of Hawaii.
(A) from
(D) into
(B) of
(C) for
12. One of these games about fire
in a great eruption.
More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test
(A) resulted
(B) succeeded
(C) troubled
(D) went
C. 밑줄 친 단어와 같은 의미는?
13. She once caused a dramatic eruption by playing with them for too long.
(A) drawing
(B) strange
(C) striking
(D) drafting
14. Pele took shelter there on the mountain of Mauna Loa.
(A) retreat
(B) shelf
(C) cave
(D) palace
15. Even her waves could not quench the fires that she loved.
(A) quest
(B) queue
(C) light
(D) extinguish
16. Park rangers decided to tell visitors a very scary story.
(A) travelers
(B) guards
(C) visitors
(D) wanders
D. 빈 칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.
17. 하와이 사람들은 화산분출이 시작된 것을 설명하기 위해 Pele 이야기를 만들었다.
Hawaiian people told stories about Pele to
how the eruption started.
18. Pele 의 언니인 바다의 여신은 Pele 가 화산분출을 일으킨 것에 화가 났다.
Pele's sister, the sea goddess, was angry with her for
the eruption.
19. 화산으로부터 돌을 가져가는 사람은 누구든지 Pele 의 저주를 받게 될 것이다.
took pieces of rock from the volcano would be cursed by Pele.
20. 사람들은 그 이야기를 심각하게 받아들여서 돌을 하와이에 돌려주었다.
People took the story so
that they sent the rocks back to Hawaii.
More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test
【Unit 3 - 1】Vocabulary Test
A. 영어는 우리말로, 우리말은 영어로 쓰시오.
1. 상
2. 배우
3. 의식
4. 발표하다
5. film-making
6. nominate
7. embarrassing
8. prestigious honors
B. 빈 칸에 알맞은 말은?
9. AMPAS gives out Oscars to
(A) punish
(B) blame
great film-making.
(C) make
10. The Academy Awards are
(A) held
(B) hold
11. Some people were
(A) award
(B) awarded
(D) reward
every year.
(C) holding
(D) to hold
Academy Awards after their deaths.
(C) awarding
12. The ages of Academy Award winners
(A) varing
(B) various
(D) to award
from young to old.
(C) vary
(D) variety
C. 밑줄 친 단어와 같은 의미는?
13. The Academy Awards are prizes that reward excellence in film-making.
(A) eminence
(B) abundance
(C) accuracy
(D) appreciation
14. The awards are statues of a warrior holding a sword in his hands.
(A) wander
(B) trooper
(C) citizen
(D) carrier
15. Many embarrassing events took place during the Academy Awards.
(A) encouraging (B) enjoying
(C) enhancing
(D) perplexing
16. He was about to announce the winner of "Best Picture".
(A) agree
(B) count
(C) declare
(D) annoy
More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test
D. 빈 칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.
17. 매년 거행되는 아카데미상은 가장 영예로운 상이다.
The yearly Academy Awards are the most
18. 많은 오스카상 수상자들은 오늘날까지도 여전히 인기가 있다.
Many winners of an Oscar
very popular to this day.
19. 아카데미상 자체는 손에 검을 들고 있는 전사의 동상이다.
The award itself is a
of a warrior holding a sword in his hands.
20. 오스카 수상식은 많은 당황스런 사건으로 유명해졌다.
The Oscar
have become famous for many embarrassing events.
【Unit 3 - 2】Vocabulary Test
A. 영어는 우리말로, 우리말은 영어로 쓰시오.
1. 속이는
2. 재능있는
3. 조연배우
4. 귀머거리의
5. defeat
6. handful
7. lead
8. nominee
B. 빈 칸에 알맞은 말은?
9. Winning an Academy Award too early can
(A) negation
10. Some
(A) talent
11. She
(A) defeated
(B) negative
influence child actors.
(C) negatively
(D) negator
children have won Academy Award since the show began.
(B) talented
(C) talenting
(D) talentless
four other nominees to receive the "Best Supporting Actress".
(B) affected
(C) effected
(D) deflected
12. No child has ever won an Oscar for
the lead in a movie.
(A) studying
(D) playing
(B) directing
(C) moving
More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test
C. 밑줄 친 단어와 같은 의미는?
13. Only a handful of very talented children have won Oscars.
(A) funny
(B) timid
(C) skilled
(D) talentless
14. She didn't defeat other nominees to receive the best award for the movie.
(A) deflect
(B) beat
(C) repeat
(D) compete
15. She travelled with Dad across the country cheating people out of money.
(A) tricking
(B) treating
(C) hitting
(D) robbing
16. Haley J. Osment was a nominee for his part in The Sixth Sense.
(A) port
(B) fort
(C) rule
(D) role
D. 빈 칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.
17. Sixth Sense 의 아역배우는 "조연배우상"을 받았다.
A child actor in the Sixth Sense won "Best
18. 한 아역배우는 Whale Rider 에서 "최고여배우상" 후보로 지명되었다.
A child actor was a "Best Actress"
for Whale Rider.
19. 그는 유령을 볼 수 있는 소년 역할을 연기했다.
a boy who was able to see ghosts.
20. 아직까지 아역배우가 아카데미 주연상을 받은 적은 없다.
No child has ever won an Academy Award for playing the
in a movie.
More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test
【Unit 4 - 1】Vocabulary Test
A. 영어는 우리말로, 우리말은 영어로 쓰시오.
1. 저자
2. 전기
3. 증거
4. 독특한
5. tale
6. shy
7. host
8. bore
B. 빈 칸에 알맞은 말은?
9. He was born in Denmark
(A) in
(B) to
10. As time went
(A) to
a poor family in 1805.
(C) at
, they hated that Andersen didn't leave their house.
(B) in
(C) by
11. When he finally left England
(A) to
(D) for
(B) in
(D) for
Denmark, they were relieved.
(C) at
(D) for
12. Andersen once stayed too long with a friend, which
(A) resulted
(B) got
(C) kept
in bad relationship.
(D) made
C. 밑줄 친 단어와 같은 의미는?
13. There is some evidence that Andersen didn't get along with everyone.
(A) prove
(B) product
(C) proof
(D) promise
14. At first, his friend was happy to host Andersen.
(A) congratulate (B) invite
(C) visit
(D) welcome
15. As a result, Dickens made the villain of his famous book similar to him.
(A) scoundrel
(B) friend
(C) protagonist (D) village
16. His tales for children are very unique because they have sad endings.
(A) unkind
(B) unusual
(C) unfortune
(D) uncomfortable
More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test
D. 빈 칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.
17. 그는 너무 재미가 없어서 그녀는 그를 말라깽이 지루함이라 불렀다.
He was so boring
she called him a bony bore.
18. 그의 동화는 종종 해피엔딩이 아니라 고통과 슬픔으로 끝난다.
His fairy tales often don't have happy endings
painful and sad endings.
19. 그는 대체로 친절하고 다정한 작가였다고 생각된다.
He is usually thought to have
a kind and friendly author.
20. Andersen 에 관한 대부분의 전기는 그를 수줍음 많고 부드러운 사람으로 묘사한다.
of Andersen describe him as a shy, sweet man.
【Unit 4 - 2】Vocabulary Test
A. 영어는 우리말로, 우리말은 영어로 쓰시오.
1. 전임자
2. 심리학자
3. 전설적인
4. 우연히 만나다
5. assume
6. inhabit
7. distracted
8. hooligan
B. 빈 칸에 알맞은 말은?
9. The Little Mermaid is so famous that it even has
(A) signature
(B) sign
(C) symptom
10. The Little Mermaid was very different
(A) to
(B) for
11. The Little Mermaid was
(A) made
(B) influenced
(B) museum
(D) significance
earlier stories about mermaid.
(C) from
(D) with
by the stories of sea nymphs and the Loreley.
(C) left
(D) caught
12. The status of The Little Mermaid is a famous
(A) monument
in psychology and art.
(C) gallery
in Copenhagen.
(D) mountain
More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test
C. 밑줄 친 단어와 같은 의미는?
13. The Little Mermaid is a legendary fairytale by Hans C. Andersen.
(A) legal
(B) terrifying
(C) secondary
(D) renowned
14. Before Andersen, people usually assumed that mermaids were evil.
(A) presumed
(B) asserted
(C) insisted
(D) suggested
15. When sailors saw Loreley in the sea, they would get distracted soon.
(A) terrified
(B) used
(C) perplexed
(D) delighted
16. She tried to help the men she encountered without hurting them.
(A) encouraged (B) enhanced
(C) met
(D) accounted
D. 빈 칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.
17. 덴마크의 코펜하겐에는 인어공주의 동상이 있다.
There is a
of The Little Mermaid in Copenhagen, Denmark.
18. 많은 사람들이 인어공주를 기초로 한 작품들을 만들어 왔다.
Many people have created work
on The Little Mermaid.
19. 인어공주는 안데르센이 쓴 가장 유명한 이야기이다.
The Little Mermaid is more famous than any
story by Andersen.
20. 인어공주는 심리학자들에게 인어공주 콤플렉스를 연구하게 했다.
The Little Mermaid let
study "Little Mermaid complex".
More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test
【Unit 5 - 1】Vocabulary Test
A. 영어는 우리말로, 우리말은 영어로 쓰시오.
1. 화석
2. 고립된
3. 포식자
4. 멸종된
5. offspring
6. pouch
7. nursing
8. propel
B. 빈 칸에 알맞은 말은?
are usually larger than their prey.
(A) Predecessors (B) Predators (C) Prematures (D) Programmers
10. Kangaroos use their back legs to
(A) propel
(B) survive
(C) slow
(D) walk
11. Many infants cry to let their mothers know it is time for
(A) studying
(B) returning
(C) playing
12. Every female marsupial has a
(A) pocket
(B) pouch
(D) nursing
in which she carries her young.
(C) bag
(D) back
C. 밑줄 친 단어와 같은 의미는?
13. A marsupial mother gives birth to her offspring very early.
(A) forefather
(B) baby
(C) friend
(D) ancestor
14. Australia is isolated from the rest of the world.
(A) secluded
(B) different
(C) posed
(D) approached
15. Marsupials mostly became extinct there for many reasons.
(A) distinct
(B) exotic
(C) exciting
(D) vanished
16. Kangaroos have two large back legs with which they propel themselves.
(A) proper
(B) propose
(C) impel
(D) impose
More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test
D. 빈 칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.
17. 유대동물 새끼들은 주로 어미의 주머니 안에서 자란다.
Marsupial offsprings grow mostly in their mothers'
18. 캥거루가 튼튼한 뒷다리를 갖고 있는데 반해 코알라는 다리 4 개의 크기가 같다.
Kangaroos have powerful
legs while koalas have four legs of equal size.
19. 유대동물이 호주에서 살아남은 것은 그 섬에 포식자가 없었기 때문이다.
Marsupials survived in Australia because it was an island
20. 유대동물은 호주 이외의 지역에서는 대체로 멸종되었다.
Marsupials became largely extinct in places
than Australia.
【Unit 5 - 2】Vocabulary Test
A. 영어는 우리말로, 우리말은 영어로 쓰시오.
1. 편리함
2. 불모지의
3. 용서하다
4. 길들지 않은
5. ranch
6. dingo
7. oasis
8. shoot
B. 빈 칸에 알맞은 말은?
9. A billabong is an
(A) ocean
of water in the empty Outback.
(B) oasis
(C) object
10. He didn't think that he could
(A) blame
(B) punish
11. As the region was so
(A) fertile
(B) rich
12. He found life on the ranch
(A) boring
(B) interesting
(D) origin
his father for killing the dog.
(C) praise
(D) forgive
that no plant could grow there.
(C) barren
(D) productive
and missed the convenience of a city.
(C) peaceful
C. 밑줄 친 단어와 같은 의미는?
(D) comfortable
More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test
13. The Outback is a wild, untamed place full of hills and fields.
(A) uncultivated (B) untiring
(C) untangle
(D) untapped
14. She misses the conveniences of living in a place with shopping malls.
(A) confidences (B) agricultures (C) advantages (D) confrontation
15. He lives on a ranch with his parents in the barren Outback in Australia.
(A) bare
(B) empty
(C) fertile
(D) cultivated
16. He was upset with his father, but then found out his dog was still alive.
(A) updated
(B) upkeep
(C) annoyed
(D) satisfied
D. 빈 칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.
17. 그는 처음에 호주 오지에서의 삶이 지루하고 외롭다고 생각했다.
At first, he
life boring and lonely in the Australian Outback.
18. 아웃백은 야생의 황폐한 곳으로 언덕과 들판으로 가득 차 있다.
The Outback is a wild,
place full of hills and fields.
19. 그는 dingo 와 친구가 되어 그를 Archie 라고 불렀다.
a friend with a dingo, and named it Archie.
20. 그는 dingo 와 놀 때면 외로움을 덜 느꼈다.
Whenever he played with the dingo, he felt
More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test
【Unit 6 - 1】Vocabulary Test
A. 영어는 우리말로, 우리말은 영어로 쓰시오.
1. 신속히
2. 비슷한
3. 이익이 되는
4. 빗나가게 하다
5. mobile
6. arcade
7. released
8. based on
B. 빈 칸에 알맞은 말은?
in 1972, Pong is a very simple game based on ping-pong.
(A) Release
(B) Released
(C) Releasing
to Pong.
10. Soon people began making new games
(A) similar
11. The
(A) popular
(B) similarity
(C) simile
(D) similize
of the video game has increased rapidly.
(B) population
12. Pong made
(A) it
(D) Releaser
(C) popularity
(D) popularism
easy for people to play at home.
(B) that
(C) so
(D) too
C. 밑줄 친 단어와 같은 의미는?
13. Players try to deflect the "ball" back to the other player in Pong.
(A) defeat
(B) reflect
(C) impact
(D) turn aside
14. Points are scored when a player misses the "ball" in Pong.
(A) Dots
(B) Marks
(C) Periods
(D) Balls
15. In 1975, a Pong video game machine that attached to TV sets was sold.
(A) added
(B) detached
(C) pointed
(D) got
16. Video games are the most lucrative part of the entertainment business.
(A) lucky
(B) lucid
(C) profitable
(D) comfortable
More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test
D. 빈 칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.
17. Pong 의 최초 버전은 1972 년에 출시되었다.
The first version of Pong was
in 1972.
18. TV 에 부착해서 쓸 수 있는 가정용 Pong 버전이 가능해졌다.
A home version of Pong that attached to a TV set was
19. Pong 과 유사한 많은 게임들이 게임시장에 등장했다.
Many Pong-like games
on the game market.
20. Pong 비디오 게임 때문에 탁구는 인기가 떨어졌다.
in popularity because of Pong.
【Unit 6 - 2】Vocabulary Test
A. 영어는 우리말로, 우리말은 영어로 쓰시오.
1. 경험
2. 목적
3. 참석하다
4. 가상현실
5. reach
6. helmet
7. participate
8. tournament
B. 빈 칸에 알맞은 말은?
9. The
(A) option
of the game was to complete twenty laps in a short time.
(B) optical
(C) object
(D) objection
10. He was happy and excited when he finally
(A) got
(B) reached
11. He would never forget his
(A) experience (B) expense
12. Waiting in line to
(A) part
(B) take
(C) arrived
the end of the long line.
(D) came
as the winner of the contest.
(C) excuse
(D) explorer
in the contest, he was sure that he would win it.
(C) partition
(D) participate
More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test
C. 밑줄 친 단어와 같은 의미는?
13. The tournament would take place in a local shopping mall.
(A) tour
(B) concert
(C) contest
(D) contact
14. He didn't think that anyone would beat him the competition.
(A) default
(B) defeat
(C) defend
(D) depend
15. The object of the game was to drive around a racetrack 20 times.
(A) objection
(B) goal
(C) option
(D) result
16. At the end of the game, every participant in line began to clap for him.
(A) party
(B) particle
(C) partition
(D) competitors
D. 빈 칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.
17. 가상현실 비디오 게임 대회가 전세계적으로 열린다.
Virtual reality video game competitions are
all over the world.
18. 비록 다른 사람들보다 어렸지만 그는 우승을 확신했다.
Though he was younger than other people, he was
of winning it.
19. 마침내 두 시간 후, 그가 게임할 차례가 되었다.
Finally, after two hours, it was his
to play the game.
20. 그 비디오 게임을 하기 위해서는 특수 헬멧을 착용할 필요가 있다.
Wearing a special helmet is
to play the video game.
More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test
【Unit 7 - 1】Vocabulary Test
A. 영어는 우리말로, 우리말은 영어로 쓰시오.
1. 분석하다
2. 전시하다
3. 계산하다
4. 인공지능
5. hoax
6. sensation
7. beat
8. manage to
B. 빈 칸에 알맞은 말(C) focused 은?
9. A man
(A) forced
many people into believing it, but it turned out to be false.
(B) formed
(D) fooled
10. A computer was built that could actually
(A) defend
(B) defeat
11. Computers have been
(A) programmed (B) program
(C) detect
(D) demand
to perform human-like functions.
(C) programmer (D) programming
12. No computer has ever come close to
(A) matching
(B) match
human champions at chess.
human thinking.
(C) matcher
(D) matched
C. 밑줄 친 단어와 같은 의미는?
13. The machine "The Turk" was some sensation in Europe.
(A) excitement (B) sense
(C) quotation
(D) reputation
14. The problem was that the machine was a hoax.
(A) description (B) axe
(C) box
(D) deception
15. In 1997, a computer beat a chess champion at chess.
(A) defected
(B) hit
(C) defeated
(D) struck
16. "Deep Blue" was programmed to analyze millions of possible chess moves.
(A) examine
(B) synthesize
(C) realize
(D) fertilize
More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test
D. 빈 칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.
17. "The Turk"는 조작으로 드러났다.
"The Turk" was
as a hoax.
18. 사람들은 생각할 수 있는 기계를 만들기를 꿈꿔왔다.
People have dreamed of
a machine that could think.
19. 최근의 컴퓨터 발전은 인공지능이라는 아이디어를 만들어냈다.
in computers have created the idea of artificial intelligence.
20. 아직까지 어떤 컴퓨터도 인간 지능에 대적하지는 못했다.
No computer has ever
human intelligence yet
【Unit 7 - 2】Vocabulary Test
A. 영어는 우리말로, 우리말은 영어로 쓰시오.
1. 덮개
2. 정착지
3. 개척자
4. 세탁물
5. destroyed
6. miraculous
7. programmed
8. after all
B. 빈 칸에 알맞은 말은?
9. The robot was
to take care of the housework.
(A) programming (B) program
(C) programmer (D) programmed
10. Life on the moon was
(A) comfortable
(B) easy
in the past, but it was much safer by 2792.
(C) risky
11. He and his family moved to the
(A) settlement
(B) settled
12. Dream-games make you
(A) hear
(B) feel
(D) thirsty
of New Washington in 2792.
(C) settle
(D) settler
as if you live other lives.
(C) live
(D) see
More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test
C. 밑줄 친 단어와 같은 의미는?
13. Life was very dangerous for the pioneers who lived on the moon.
(A) settlers
(B) travelers
(C) visitors
(D) champion
14. In 2540, an entire city was destroyed when its casting burst open.
(A) caste
(B) castle
(C) coverall
(D) covering
15. New Washington is the oldest and most famous settlement on the moon.
(A) development (B) place
(C) capital
(D) attraction
16. This miraculous game makes your life much convenient.
(A) misty
(B) missing
(C) million
(D) wonderful
D. 빈 칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.
17. 그 로봇은 주인을 깨우고 빨래까지 해준다.
The robot wakes its owner up and even does his or her
18. 그가 어린 소년이 될 무렵에는 달에 많이 정착했다.
By the time he was a little boy, the moon was very
19. 그 로봇은 사람들이 예전보다 더 잘 기억하게 했다.
The robot made it
for people to memorize better than ever before.
20. 실제에서의 10 분이 dream-game 에서는 10 개월처럼 느껴질 수 있다.
Ten minutes in real life can feel
ten months in a dream-game.
More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test
【Unit 8 - 1】Vocabulary Test
A. 영어는 우리말로, 우리말은 영어로 쓰시오.
1. 자주
2. 임시의
3. 위생용품
4. 박애주의자
5. footage
6. levee
7. devastate
8. in need
B. 빈 칸에 알맞은 말은?
9. A
is a person helps other people.
(A) philanthropist (B) philosopher
(C) physician
10. Hurricanes are a serious problem in
(A) arctic
(B) Antarctic
regions, like Southeast Asia.
(C) desert
11. Soon, the streets were filled with water,
(A) who
(B) which
12. Hurricane Katrina
(A) burned
(B) floated
(D) philologist
(D) tropical
destroyed many houses.
(C) that
(D) it
New Orleans because the levees broke.
(C) built
(D) flooded
C. 밑줄 친 단어와 같은 의미는?
13. The levees that protected the city broke during the storm.
(A) leaves
(B) embargo
(C) government (D) embankment
14. Many people were living in temporary homes.
(A) contemporary (B) transparent
(C) transitory
(D) permanent
15. The announcer said that many people were without food and hygiene items.
(A) sanitation
(B) hydrogen
(C) hybrid
(D) satisfaction
16. He delivered 100 backpacks full of supplies to families in need.
(A) demands
(B) supporters
(C) suggestions (D) necessities
More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test
D. 빈 칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.
17. 박애주의자들은 친절한 마음에서 사람들을 돕기를 바란다.
hope to help people out of the kindness of their hearts.
18. 허리케인이 지나간 후 많은 사람들이 집을 잃었다.
Many people were left
after Hurricane Katrina passed.
19. 그는 지역주민들로부터 보급품을 모아 그것들을 가방에 꾸렸다.
He collected supplies from community people and
them into bags.
20. 집 없는 사람들은 임시 숙소로 이주해야 했다.
Homeless people were forced to move to
【Unit 8 - 2】Vocabulary Test
A. 영어는 우리말로, 우리말은 영어로 쓰시오.
1. 수입
2. 공헌, 기여
3. 지원하다
4. 노령자
5. adequate
6. donating
7. patron
8. community service
B. 빈 칸에 알맞은 말은?
9. My high school has a regulation of fifty-hour community service
(A) requirement (B) request
(C) option
10. Some students are
children who need help in studying.
(A) punishing
(C) driving
(B) washing
(D) resume
(D) tutoring
11. Other people have homes, but lack the
(A) space
(B) room
to buy food.
(C) income
(D) possibility
12. If I had cooked a meal alone, I could have
(A) food
(B) fed
(C) got
only four or five people.
(D) given
C. 밑줄 친 단어와 같은 의미는?
More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test
13. Experienced chefs are also donating their time for the project.
(A) wasting
(B) giving
(C) getting
(D) taking
14. The patrons seemed truly thankful to receive a meal.
(A) volunteers
(B) parents
(C) customers
(D) participators
15. People can increase their contribution when they work together.
(A) construction (B) contest
(C) demand
(D) offering
16. Students can learn the value of helping out in the community.
(A) importance
(B) waste
(C) weight
(D) variety
D. 빈 칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.
17. 모든 학생들은 지역사회의 봉사프로젝트에 참여해야만 한다.
Every student must
in some kind of community service project.
18. 사람들이 함께 일하면 기여도를 증가시킬 수 있다.
People can increase their
when they work together.
19. 어떤 프로젝트는 수입이 많지 않은 사람들에게 식사를 제공한다.
Some project serves meals to people
income is not adequate.
20. 어떤 학생들은 노인들이 장을 보거나 집안일 하는 것을 돕는다.
Some students help senior citizens pick up their
and do chores.
More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test
【Unit 9 - 1】Vocabulary Test
A. 영어는 우리말로, 우리말은 영어로 쓰시오.
1. 체조
2. 잠재력
3. 재건
4. 공개장소
5. dedication
6. impediment
7. competition
8. cater to
B. 빈 칸에 알맞은 말은?
9. The modern Olympic Games were
in 1896.
(A) reestablished (B) established (C) establishing (D) reestablishment
10. The Olympic Games are a
(A) showroom
(B) showcase
for the world's top athletes.
(C) shower
(D) showbiz
11. Many countries prepare athletes with Olympic
(A) essential
(B) potable
12. Many Olympic sports
(A) care
(B) object
(C) potent
at a very young age.
(D) potential
to the skills of young athletes.
(C) cater
(D) look
C. 밑줄 친 단어와 같은 의미는?
13. The Olympic Games have been celebrating the spirit of competition.
(A) commenting (B) commanding (C) commercing (D)commemorating
14. It takes great dedication to become an Olympic champion.
(A) devotion
(B) revolution
(C) deviation
(D) development
15. In some events, athletes' small size is not an impediment but a real benefit.
(A) optical
(B) octopus
(C) obstacle
(D) object
16. Young ages have some advantages over older competitors in gymnastics.
(A) damage
(B) benefits
(C) fantasy
(D) benediction
More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test
D. 빈 칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.
17. 올림픽 경기는 최고의 운동선수들에게 최고의 시범 장소이다.
The Olympic Games are the best
for the top athletes.
18. 많은 나라들이 올림픽 유망주들을 어린 나이에 준비시킨다.
Many countries
athletes with Olympic potential at an early age.
19. 아이들은 때때로 다이빙이나 아이스스케이팅 같은 경기에 적합하다.
Children are sometimes
for events like diving and ice skating.
20. 근대 올림픽 경기는 1896 년에 다시 시작되었다.
The modern Olympic Games were
in 1896.
【Unit 9 - 2】Vocabulary Test
A. 영어는 우리말로, 우리말은 영어로 쓰시오.
1. 모으다
2. 체조선수
3. 훈련하다
4. 알아보다
5. prodigy
6. wow
7. renowned
8. exceptional
B. 빈 칸에 알맞은 말은?
9. Her coach immediately
(A) recognized (B) ignored
10. Her
(A) common
11. She
(C) missed
(D) cogitated
talent made her star at a very young age.
(B) trivial
(C) exceptional (D) insignificant
the judges with her outstanding performances.
(A) disappointed (B) wowed
12. She was world
(A) notorious
her natural talent.
(B) curious
(C) dismayed
(D) shared
for scoring a perfect ten at the Olympics.
(C) refreshed
(D) renowned
More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test
C. 밑줄 친 단어와 같은 의미는?
13. Nadia Comaneci was an exceptional gymnast.
(A) outrageous (B) experienced (C) energetic
(D) outstanding
14. He quickly recognized that she was a real prodigy.
(A) producer
(B) genius
(C) gymnast
(D) genesis
15. This is how she garnered the first perfect ten in Olympic history.
(A) gardened
(B) garnished
(C) gained
(D) abandoned
16. She retired from the competition in1981.
(A) withdrew
(B) retained
(C) returned
(D) outdrew
D. 빈 칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.
17. Nadia Comaneci 는 이단 평행봉에서 만점을 얻었다.
Nadia Comaneci scored a
ten on the uneven parallel bars.
18. 그녀의 코치는 일주일에 6 일간 그녀를 훈련시켰다.
Her coach had her
six days a week.
19. 그녀는 계속해서 더 많은 메달을 땄고 1981 년에 은퇴했다.
She went
to win more medals and retired in 1981.
20. 이단 평행봉에서 체조선수는 스윙하거나 매달린다.
swing around and hang on the uneven parallel bars.
More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test
【Unit 10 - 1】Vocabulary Test
A. 영어는 우리말로, 우리말은 영어로 쓰시오.
1. 고립된
2. 잔인한
3. 고아의
4. 획득하다
5. feral
6. clothe
7. vital
8. crucial period
B. 빈 칸에 알맞은 말은?
9. Parents feed and
(A) cloth
their children.
(B) clothe
(C) clothing
10. Feral children are somehow
(A) separated
(B) startled
(D) clothes
from society at a very young age.
(C) surprised
11. Scientists believe that there is a
(A) curious
(B) common
(D) escaped
period in learning language.
(C) crucial
(D) similar
12. The child had been kept in a closet all her life by
(A) clever
(B) generous
(C) strict
(D) cruel
C. 밑줄 친 단어와 같은 의미는?
13. Children without people to raise them are called feral children.
(A) bring
(B) rise
(C) feed
(D) foster
14. In modern times, feral children are not very common.
(A) federal
(B) orphaned
(C) fearful
(D) undomesticated
15. No one ever spoke to her, so she never acquired language.
(A) adapted
(B) abandoned
(C) achieved
(D) admitted
16. Those feral children missed out vital education.
(A) early
(B) essential
(C) fatal
(D) higher
More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test
D. 빈 칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.
17. 언어발달의 중요시기는 3 세에서 7 세 사이에 발생한다.
Important periods of language development
between 3 and 7.
18. 중요한 시기에 사회로부터 고립된 아이들을 야생아동이라고 한다.
from society during crucial periods are feral children.
19. 최근에 잔인한 부모에 의해 옷장 안에 갇혔던 한 소녀가 발견되었다.
Recently, a girl who had been
in a closet by cruel parents was found.
20. 비록 사람들이 야생아동들을 도우려하지만 그들을 가르치기는 매우 어렵다.
Even if people try to help feral children, they are very hard
【Unit 10 - 2】Vocabulary Test
A. 영어는 우리말로, 우리말은 영어로 쓰시오.
1. 나타나다
2. 천부적인
3. 의사소통하다
4. 마음을 사로잡다
5. village
6. origin
7. coax
8. piece together
B. 빈 칸에 알맞은 말은?
9. Long ago in a small German village, a boy suddenly
(A) seemed
(B) appeared
(C) looked
10. The feral child had a note
(A) pin
(B) pinning
11. Villagers were all
(A) curious
(B) curiosity
(B) bathe
(D) watched
onto his shirts when he was found.
(C) pinned
(D) to pin
about the mystery of the feral child.
(C) courage
12. A person would leave food and
(A) bath
(D) courageous
the feral child.
(C) bathed
(D) bathing
More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test
C. 밑줄 친 단어와 같은 의미는?
13. The people of the village were very interested in the boy's origin.
(A) original
(B) birth
(C) oriental
(D) originality
14. A man coaxed the child to communicate through the use of special tools.
(A) soothed
(B) forced
(C) asked
(D) permitted
15. The feral child turned out to be a gifted artist.
(A) skill
(B) master
(C) talent
(D) talented
16. The mystery of Kaspar Hauser enthralled Europeans for years.
(A) enrolled
(B) enthroned
(C) encouraged (D) captivated
D. 빈 칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.
17. 그 소년은 거의 말을 하거나 표현할 수 없었다.
The boy could
speak or communicate.
18. 다행히도 누군가 와서 Kaspar 를 상자에서 풀어주었다.
Fortunately, someone came and
Kaspar from the box.
19. 그의 이야기는 유럽 전역에 퍼져서 사람들을 매료시켰다.
His story
all over Europe and enthralled people.
20. 한 교사가 그에게 효과적으로 의사소통하는 방법을 가르쳤다.
A schoolteacher taught him how to communicate more
More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test
Answer Key
【Unit 1-1】
【Unit 2-1】
1. origin 2. bandit 3. series 4. indestructible
1. atmosphere 2. devastation 3. erupt
5. 격언 6. 아마도 7. 악당 8. 다른 세계의
4. natural disaster
5. 파괴하다 6. 드리우다 7. 장면 8. 영감을
9. B10. A11. D12. C
13. D14. D15. B16. A
9. B10. D11. A12. C
17. effects 18. bare 19. character 20. made
13. D14. B15. C16. B
【Unit 1-2】
17. inspired 18. result 19. disasters 20. place
1. revenge 2. disguise 3. command
【Unit 2-2】
4. disable
5. 일류의 6. 가정하다 7. 기계장치 8. 거리
1. summit 2. shelter 3. curse 4. ranger
5. 힘센 6. 먼 7. 극적인 8. 불을 끄다
9. D10. A11. B12. C
9. C10. D11. A12. A
13. D14. C15. A16. B
13. C14. A15. D16. B
17. disable 18. identity 19. disguise
20. physical
17. explain 18. causing 19. whoever
20. seriously
More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test
【Unit 3-1】
【Unit 4-1】
1. reward 2. actor(actress) 3. ceremony
1. author 2. biography 3. evidence 4. unique
4. announce
5. 이야기 6. 수줍은 7. 주인 8. 지루한 사람
5. 영화제작의 6. 지명하다 7. 당황스런
8. 영예로운 상
9. B10. C11. D12. A
9. D10. A11. B12. C
13. C14. D15. B16. B
13. A14. B15. D16. C
17. that 18. but 19. been 20. biographies
17. prestigious 18. remain19. statue
【Unit 4-2】
20. awards
1. predecessor 2. psychologist 3. legendary
【Unit 3-2】
4. encounter
5. 가정하다 6. 거주하다 7. 혼란스런
1. cheating 2. talented 3. supporting actor
8. 훌리건
4. deaf
5. 이기다 6. 한줌의 7. 주연배우 8. 후보자
9. D10. C11. B12. A
9. C10. B11. A12. D
13. D14. A15. C16. C
13. C14. B15. A16. D
17. statue 18. based 19. other 20. psychologists
17. Supporting 18. nominee19. played20. lead
More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test
【Unit 5-1】
【Unit 6-1】
1. fossil 2. isolated
3. predator 4. extinct
1. rapidly 2. similar 3. lucrative 4. deflect
5. 자손 6. 파우치(주머니) 7. 양육하는
5. 움직이기 쉬운 6. 아케이드 7. 출시된
8. 추진하다
8. ~기초한
9. B10. A11. D12. B
9. B10. A11. C12. A
13. B14. A15. D16. C
13. D14. B15. A16. C
17. pouches 18. back 19. without 20. other
17. released 18. available 19. appeared
20. decreased
【Unit 5-2】
【Unit 6-2】
1. convenience 2. barren3. forgive4. untamed
5. 큰 농장 6. 딩고(개)7. 오아시스
1. experience 2. object 3. attend 4. virtual reality
8. (총)쏘다
5. 도착하다 6. 헬멧 7. 참가하다
8. 시합(토너먼트)
9. B10. D11. C12. A
9. C10. B11. A12. D
13. A14. C15. B16. C
13. C14. B15. B16. D
17. found 18. barren 19. made 20. less
17. held 18. sure 19. turn 20. necessary
More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test
【Unit 7-1】
【Unit 8-1】
1. analyze 2. display 3. calculate 4. artificial
1. frequently 2. temporary 3. hygiene supplies
4. philanthropist
5. 속임수 6. 센세이션 7. 물리치다
5. 단편영화(tv) 6. 제방(둑) 7. 황폐화시키다
8. 그럭저럭~해 내다
8. 궁핍한
9. D10. B11. A 12. A
9. A10. D 11. B 12. D
13. A14. D15. C 16. A
13. D14. C 15. A 16. D
17. exposed 18. building 19. development
17. Philanthropists 18. homeless 19. packed
20. matched
20. temporary
【Unit 7-2】
【Unit 8-2】
1. casting 2. settlement 3. pioneer 4. laundry
1. income 2. contribution 3. volunteer
5. 파괴된 6. 경이로운 7. 프로그램화 된
4. senior citizen
8. 결국에는
5. 적당한 6. 기부하는 7. 고객
8. 지역봉사활동
9. D10. C11. A12. B
9. A10. D11. C12. B
13. A14. D15. B16. D
13. B14. C15. D16. A
17. laundry 18. settled 19. possible 20. like
17. participate 18. contribution 19. whose
20. groceries
More School Subject Readings 3 – Vocabulary Test
【Unit 9-1】
【Unit 10-1】
1. gymnastics 2. potential 3. reestablishment
1. separated 2. cruel 3. orphaned 4. acquire
4. showcase
5. 야생의 6. 옷을 입히다 7. 필수적인
5. 헌신 6. 장애물 7. 경쟁 8. 제공하다
8. 중요시기
9. A10. B11. D12. C
9. B10. A11. C12. D
13. D14. A15. C16. B
13. D14. D15. C16. B
17. showcase 18. prepare 19. suited
17. occur 18. separated 19. kept 20. to
20. reestablished
【Unit 10-2】
【Unit 9-2】
1. appear 2. gifted 3. communicate 4. enthral
1. garner 2. gymnast 3. train 4. recognize
5. 마을 6. 기원, 출생 7. 달래다
5. 천재 6. 놀라게 하다 7. 유명한 8. 뛰어난
8. 짜 맞추다
9. A10. C11. B12. D
9. B10. C11. A12. B
13. D14. B15. C16. A
13. B14. A15. D16. D
17. perfect 18. train 19. on 20. Gymnasts
17. barely 18. released 19. spread 20. effectively