Increasing popularity of new age religions

Increasing popularity of new age religions
Alongside the traditional religious practices and worldviews which take a non
religious perspective, there are an increasing number of religious expressions which
are often referred to as new age religions or new age spiritualities. These new
religious expressions are appealing to a wide spectrum of Australian society and seem
to attract people for a variety of reasons.
Diverse nature of new age religions
There is no simple way of identifying or classifying those approaches which are
known as new religious expressions. They are very diverse and often particularised to
small groups or individual approaches.
Some new religious expressions are based on perceived wisdom or insight drawn
from aspects of ancient religious belief, others are based on a kind of psychological
framework of unlocking human potential while still others are based on pseudoscientific approaches to health and wellbeing.
It would be possible to draw up an extremely long list of examples of new religious
expressions. The following short list provides an indication of the type of practices
and philosophies involved.
Examples of new age religions
Examples of new religious expressions include astrology, crystals, feng shui,
magnetic field therapy, numerology, palmistry, spiritual healing, tai chi, tarot
cards, transcendental meditation and yoga.
Some people adopt new religious expressions in a serious and devout manner, others
take a passing or occasional interest in these practices. Some people rely heavily on
such practices and beliefs while others continue to follow traditional religious beliefs
while taking up aspects of new religious expressions as well.
Characteristics of new age religions
New religious expressions are most often focused on the particular needs of the
individual and many seek to provide a sense of personal fulfilment and wellbeing.
There is usually no structure or hierarchy associated with new religious expressions
and there is usually no particular commitment required. These new religious
expressions generally do not have any doctrine of social renewal beyond the needs of
the individual and usually do not require any action in the service of others.
People are attracted to new religious expressions and spiritualities for a wide range of
reasons, three significant reasons are: the search for personal fulfilment, the need for
ethical guidance and the desire to belong to and understand their relationship with
Search for personal fulfilment
Importance of search for personal fulfilment
The search for personal fulfilment is almost certainly the most significant attraction
of new religious expressions and spiritualities. In an environment where increased
secularism has resulted in an absence of meaningful life experience and where
traditional religious beliefs are often regarded as irrelevant there is a strong need
for people to find meaning and purpose in life's journey.
Diverse nature of new age religions
Many examples of new religious expressions and spiritualities appeal directly to the
need for personal fulfilment. In fact they have this as their ultimate goal. This
personal fulfilment is offered in a considerable variety of ways from being
successful in a career and having considerable personal wealth and resources to being
happy in relationships as well as being physically and emotionally well.
The breadth of opportunities offered in the range of new religious expressions will
appeal to many who a searching for meaning in life and looking for ways to feel more
fulfilled and at home with themselves. They offer a means of achieving fulfilment and
wellbeing which is an important need in any community.
Seeking ethical guidelines
Lack of moral certainty in a secular society
Another effect of a secular and materialist society is the notion of moral relativism
where everything seems to become a matter of personal choice and where there is an
absence of moral certainty or absolute moral truth.
Traditional religious guidance is often seen as irrelevant & meaningless
This sense of moral relativism is further heightened by the diminished role of
traditional religions in providing moral guidance. While religious traditions still
provide guidance, it is seen by many to be meaningless and irrelevant. As a
consequence, people find themselves in an environment where there is very little
moral or ethical guidance and where they must make their own decisions on ethical
Many people find the responsibility of formulating their own ethical guidelines to
be problematic and onerous. They find it difficult to work their way through complex
moral problems and feel uncertain about the appropriate actions to take or avoid.
In this situation some find support through the approaches of some new religious
expressions which incorporate either an ethical code or a simple mechanism to
determine ethical guidelines. Such new religious expressions appeal to those who feel
the need to find ethical guidance.
Seek to clarify their relationship with society
While individualism is a common focus of new religious expressions and
spiritualities, some do include communal dimensions and ways of understanding the
place of the individual in society.
Modern society is becoming less community oriented
Human beings are essentially social creatures and few people will live happily
without meaningful contact with others and a meaningful place in a community or
society. Many aspects of modern societies work against the development of these
relationships and as a consequence some people feel isolated and alienated from
Cult of individualism
The emphasis on individualism in western societies and the failure of religious
communities to provide a meaningful and relevant experience of community has left a
void that may be filled for some through an involvement with new religious
expressions or spiritualities.
There are many possible explanations for the growth of new religious expressions.
Four of the most significant factors are the rise of materialism, scientific progress,
growth of ecological awareness and disenchantment with traditional religious practice
and guidance.