Text 1.6 – EES code and solution pc=p_crit(STEAM_NBS) {critical pressure} Tc=t_crit(STEAM_NBS) {critical temperature} {calculate reduced pressure and temperature} pr=p1/pc Tr=T1/Tc {estimate Z from reduced temperature and pressure using compressibility chart} Z=0.7 p1=5000/14.7*101 T1=(1000+460)/1.8 v1=Z*R_bar*T1/(Mw*p1) {estimate from ideal gas law with compressibility correction} Mw=18 {molecular weight of water} R_bar=R# v11=volume(STEAM_NBS,p=p1,T=T1) {from (EES) steam tables} K1=(100/(2.54*12))^3/2.2 v1eng=v1*K1 v11eng=v11*K1 V=100 m1=V/v1eng {estimated mass} m11=V/v11eng {actual mass} Solutions K1=16.05 [(ft^3/lbm)/(m^3/kg)] m1=816 [lbm] m11=757.5 [lbm] - estimated mass is about 7% low, might have been better with more careful reading of chart. Mw=18 [kg/kmole] p1=34354 [kPa] pc=22064 [kPa] pr=1.557 [-] R_bar=8.314 [kJ/kmol-K] T1=811.1 [K] Tc=647.1 [K] Tr=1.253 [-] V=100 [ft3] v1=0.007634 [m3/kg] v11=0.008224 [m^3/kg] v11eng=0.132 [ft3/lbm] v1eng=0.1225 [ft3/lbm] Z=0.7 Text 2.1 – EES code and solution {Ideal Rankine Cycle Text 2-1 use SI units with T in K} T2=300+273 {boiler temperature} T4=40+273 {condenser temperature} {determine states} {state 2 is the boiler outlet, turbine inlet} h2=enthalpy(STEAM_NBS,T=T2,x=1) p2=pressure(STEAM_NBS,T=T2, x=1) s2=entropy(STEAM_NBS,T=T2,x=1) s3=s2 p3=p4 p4=pressure(STEAM_NBS,T=T4,x=0) h3=enthalpy(STEAM_NBS, p=p3, s=s3) h4=enthalpy(STEAM_NBS, T=T4, x=0) s4=entropy(STEAM_NBS, T=T4, x=0) s1=s4 p1=p2 h1=enthalpy(STEAM_NBS,p=p1, s=s1) {cycle performance} wp=h4-h1 wt=h2-h3 qin=h2-h1 wnet=wp+wt eta=wnet/Qin {plant performance} m_dot=125 P=m_dot*wnet/K1 K1=1000 Solution Variables in Main eta=0.3755 [-] h1=175.5 [kJ/kg] h2=2749 [kJ/kg] h3=1774 [kJ/kg] h4=166.9 [kJ/kg] K1=1000 [kW/MW] m_dot=125 [kg/s] P=120.8 [MW] p1=8566 [kPa] p2=8566 [kPa] p3=7.323 [kPa] p4=7.323 [kPa] qin=2574 [kJ/kg] s1=0.5703 [kJ/kg-K] s2=5.705 [kJ/kg-K] s3=5.705 [kJ/kg-K] s4=0.5703 [kJ/kg-K] T2=573 [K] T4=313 [K] wnet=966.3 [kJ/kg] wp=-8.61 [kJ/kg] wt=974.9 [kJ/kg] Text 2.5 – EES code and solution This is a copy of the EES code. The codes are identical for water, Freon and propane except that the working fluid is changed. {Ideal Rankine Cycle Text 2-5} T2=(200+460)/1.8 {boiler temperature in K} T4=(70+460)/1.8 {condenser temperature in K} {determine states} {state 2 is the boiler outlet, turbine inlet} h2=enthalpy(PROPANE,T=T2,x=1) p2=pressure(PROPANE,T=T2, x=1) s2=entropy(PROPANE,T=T2,x=1) v2=volume(PROPANE,T=T2,x=1) s3=s2 p3=p4 p4=pressure(PROPANE,T=T4,x=0) h3=enthalpy(PROPANE, p=p3, s=s3) v3=volume(PROPANE, p=p3, s=s3) h4=enthalpy(PROPANE, T=T4, x=0) s4=entropy(PROPANE, T=T4, x=0) s1=s4 p1=p2 h1=enthalpy(PROPANE,p=p1, s=s1) {Working fluid thermodynamic performance} C_p_liq=cp(PROPANE,p=p1, s=s1) h_fg=enthalpy(PROPANE,p=p2, x=1)-enthalpy(PROPANE,p=p2, x=0) R1=h_fg/C_p_liq T_H_av=(h2-h1)/(s2-s1) eta_carnot=1-T4/T_H_av {cycle performance} wp=h4-h1 wt=h2-h3 qin=h2-h1 wnet=wp+wt eta=wnet/Qin {plant performance} P=100 P=m_dot*wnet K1=2.2 K2=1/(.3048)^3 {turbine flows} m_dot=V_dot_in/v2 m_dot=V_dot_out/v3 {flows in English units} m_dot_eng=m_dot*K1 V_dot_inENG=V_dot_in*K2 V_dot_outENG=V_dot_out*K2 The solutions were copied from EES and then pasted into Excel and rearranged for discussion in the table below. Freon 12 Propane Water C_p_liq 0.9554 2.641 4.183 [kJ/kg-K] h_fg 74.32 100.4 2274 [kJ/kg] R1 77.8 38.02 543.5 [K] T_H_av 346.4 343.9 361.8 [K] eta_carnot 0.15 0.1439 0.1863 [-] eta 0.15 0.1439 0.1863 [-] h1 58.76 261.8 89.33 [kJ/kg] h2 212.3 606.9 2665 [kJ/kg] h3 186.6 550.9 2185 [kJ/kg] h4 56.1 255.5 89.25 [kJ/kg] K1 2.2 2.2 2.2 [kW/MW] K2 35.31 35.31 35.31 ft^3/m^3 m_dot 4.341 2.013 0.2084 [kg/s] m_dot_eng 9.551 4.429 0.4585 [lb_m/s] P 100 100 100 [kW] p1 2973 4012 80.02 [kPa] p2 2973 4012 80.02 [kPa] p3 587.8 865.5 2.533 [kPa] p4 587.8 865.5 2.533 [kPa] qin 153.5 345.1 2576 [kJ/kg] s1 0.2119 1.193 0.3146 [kJ/kg-K] s2 0.6551 2.196 7.434 [kJ/kg-K] s3 0.6551 2.196 7.434 [kJ/kg-K] s4 0.2119 1.193 0.3146 [kJ/kg-K] T2 366.7 366.7 366.7 [K] T4 294.4 294.4 294.4 [K] v2 0.004767 0.007088 2.087 [m^3/kg] v3 0.02771 0.04648 45.83 [m^3/kg] V_dot_in 0.0207 0.01427 0.435 [m^3/s] V_dot_inENG 0.7308 0.5039 15.36 [m^3/s] V_dot_out 0.1203 0.09358 9.553 [m^3/s] V_dot_outENG 4.249 3.305 337.3 [m^3/s] wnet 23.03 49.67 479.8 [kJ/kg] wp -2.655 -6.286 -0.07763 [kJ/kg] wt 25.69 55.95 479.9 [kJ/kg] In these cells we are looking at the thermodynamic performance h_fg/C_p_liq gives a measure of the fraction of heat added at the highest T For a reversible heat addition T_av = (h2-h1)/s2-s1) Based on average temperature of heat addition Reversible Rankine efficiency same as Carnot based on T_H_av and T_L_av Water has the highest efficiency because it has the highest average temperature of heat addition and the same heat rejection temperature Water has lowest mass flow Water has lowest pressures Because of the low p's the specific volume is much higher for water Even though the mass flow is lowest for water the high specific volume leads to very high volume flows. For the same velocity in the duct the area for water would have to be 102 times greater for water than for propane