Annual General Meeting At Oak Mount House, Birchfield Farm, Summer Bridge, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG3 4JS By the kind invitation of Mr & Mrs Martin Whitley and Family Sunday 27th April 2014 at 11.30am MINUTES Present: Richard Lutwyche (Secretary), Andrew Robinson (Chairman), Judith Sims (President), Miss Mandy Garbutt and Mr Paul Mohun, Mr & Mrs Maurice Renshaw, Mr Martin & Miss Sarah Whitley, Prof & Mrs Ian Chick, Mr John Halmshaw, Mrs Catherine Lascelles, Miss Holly Smith, Mr David Hinchliffe, Mr Oliver Whitely and family guests. Apologies were received from: Mrs Teresa Cook, Mr Jonathan Crump, Sir Henry & Lady Elwes, Mrs Gillian Herbert, Mr Guy Kiddy, Mr & Mrs John Lightfoot, Mrs Allison Littlehales, Mrs Viki Mills, Mr & Mrs Harold Moss, Mrs Maria Naylor, Mr Dave Overton, Mr & Mrs Stephen Ruby, Miss Jenny Scott The Chairman took the Chair. Minutes of the 2013 AGM had been circulated in Spot Press and were accepted as a true record of proceedings proposed by Mrs Renshaw and seconded by Miss Garbutt. Matters Arising – there were no Matters Arising Annual Report – the Chairman gave a brief resume and stated that the centenary celebrations had all gone very well in particular the AGM followed by the visit of HRH The Princess Royal. Miss Garbutt added that the events at the Royal Three Counties Show with such a huge turnout of GOS pigs had been very special too. Change to the Constitution & Rules of the GOSPBC: The following changes were proposed by Mr Lutwyche and seconded by Mrs Sims and carried unanimously: 1. Change item 14 iv. to read: ‘There may be appointed by the membership at a General Meeting, Honorary Vice-Presidents who will be ex officio on the Committee and all sub-committees with full voting rights (Providing they do not concurrently hold any other office)’. 2. Change item 14 vi to read: ‘Any fully paid-up member (of any category) over the age of 17 may stand for election to the Committee’. The remainder of the paragraph is unchanged 3. Insert a new paragraph between 14 vii and 14 viii: ‘Except in exceptional circumstances, members of the Committee must attend at least 50% of meetings called in any period between consecutive Annual General Meetings. Those failing to do so will be automatically deselected at the next Annual General Meeting’. Accounts to 31st October, 2013 The accounts which form part of these Minutes were circulated and proposed for adoption by Mr Whiteley, seconded by Mrs Renshaw, carried. Election of Officers – Mr Dave Overton retires as President and is not seeking re-election. The Chairman read his 1 report as follows: ‘It is with great regret that I cannot be with you today for the first GOSPBC AGM of the breed’s new century, due to health reasons. Last year’s centenary celebrations all went very well I thought. The display we mounted at the Gloucester Folk Museum was a great success, and went on throughout the summer. In April we had our AGM followed by tea with our Patron, HRH The Princess Royal. Also it was nice to be joined by the President and Vice-President of GOSA. And in June it was great to have so many GOS pigs at the Royal Three Counties Show; this was certainly something to see and did our breed credit. I am sure that the judges on the two days they were shown must have had their work cut out. Therefore, I must thank all those of you who helped to make our centenary year such a success and one to remember. It was good to see in the latest BPA survey of our breed that even though the numbers have gone down a little, we are still the most popular breed. I do think that not only must we keep the GOS numerically strong, we must also keep improving the quality of the stock we keep so that in years to come it will be said that we not only improved the numbers but also the quality of our breed. Finally, I would like to wish both the Gloucestershire Old Spots and the Club a successful and prosperous future.’ Mrs Renshaw proposed a vote of thanks and good wishes to the outgoing President. The Chairman stated that the Committee had elected Mrs Judith Sims as the President for this and next year. The Secretary advised that two nominations had been received for vacancies on Committee and that Mr Oliver Whitely and Miss Sarah Whitley were duly elected to serve three years on Committee. Mrs Sims proposed that Mr Dave Overton and Mr Andrew Robinson be made Hon Vice-Presidents, seconded by Mr Whiteley and carried. Election of Hon Auditor – Ms Emily Weaver was re-elected on the recommendation of the Treasurer. There being no further business, the meeting closed at 12.15pm and was followed by the presentation of the Points Cup for the GOS Pig of the Year to Miss Sarah Whitley for Birchfield Rufus 313rd. During an open discussion, it was agreed (proposed by the Chairman) that the Club purchase a Border Fine Arts model of GOS pigs and a van for presentation to Mr Overton at the Great Yorkshire Show. There was a lively discussion about the running of the BPA. Miss Garbutt made presentations to Martin and Lorraine Whitley in thanks for their kind hospitality. The meeting was followed by lunch and a tour of the farm. Richard Lutwyche Secretary 2