Group Policy ADMX Syntax Reference Guide Microsoft Corporation Published: May 2007 Author: Judith Herman Editor: Craig Liebendorfer Abstract This reference document describes the new Group Policy ADMX format. The intent of this document is to teach you how to create .admx and .adml files for custom Group Policy administrative template settings. This document supports a preliminary release of a software product that may be changed substantially prior to final commercial release. This document is provided for informational purposes only and Microsoft makes no warranties, either express or implied, in this document. Information in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, is subject to change without notice. The entire risk of the use or the results from the use of this document remains with the user. Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places, and events depicted herein are fictitious, and no association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, e-mail address, logo, person, place, or event is intended or should be inferred. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property. © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, SQL Server, Windows Vista, Windows, and Windows Server are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. Contents Group Policy ADMX Syntax Reference Guide .................................................................. 21 How to read this document ............................................................................................ 21 ADMX Prerequisites .......................................................................................................... 22 ADMX Schema.................................................................................................................. 22 .admx and .adml File Structure ......................................................................................... 22 Language-neutral file (.admx) structure......................................................................... 23 Language resource file (.adml) structure ....................................................................... 24 Best Practices for Authoring ADMX Files ......................................................................... 25 Referencing the Windows Base ADMX File...................................................................... 26 Referring to the Windows base file ................................................................................ 26 Referencing Windows category elements ..................................................................... 27 Referencing Windows supportedOn elements .............................................................. 28 Creating a Custom Base ADMX File ................................................................................. 28 Creating the custom base file ........................................................................................ 29 Referring to the custom base file ................................................................................... 30 Referencing custom category elements ........................................................................ 30 Associating .admx and .adml Parameter Information ....................................................... 31 Referencing the presentation element........................................................................... 33 Referencing the parameter definition ............................................................................ 33 Comparing ADM and ADMX Syntax ................................................................................. 34 Sample Files ..................................................................................................................... 40 To add the ADM sample files to the Group Policy Object Editor on a Windows Vista Machine ...................................................................................................................... 40 To add the ADMX sample files to the Group Policy Object Editor on a Windows Vista Machine ...................................................................................................................... 41 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 41 ADMX syntax .................................................................................................................... 41 additive Attribute ............................................................................................................... 42 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 42 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 42 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 42 annotation Element ........................................................................................................... 42 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 43 Attributes ........................................................................................................................ 43 Child elements ............................................................................................................... 43 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 43 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 43 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 43 boolean Element ............................................................................................................... 44 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 44 Attributes ........................................................................................................................ 44 Child elements ............................................................................................................... 45 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 45 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 45 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 45 category Element .............................................................................................................. 46 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 46 Attributes ........................................................................................................................ 46 Child elements ............................................................................................................... 47 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 47 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 48 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 48 categories Element ........................................................................................................... 48 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 48 Attributes ........................................................................................................................ 48 Child elements ............................................................................................................... 49 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 49 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 49 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 49 checkBox Element ............................................................................................................ 50 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 50 Attributes ........................................................................................................................ 50 Child elements ............................................................................................................... 50 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 50 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 51 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 51 class Attribute .................................................................................................................... 51 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 51 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 51 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 52 clientExtension Attribute.................................................................................................... 52 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 52 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 52 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 52 comboBox Element ........................................................................................................... 53 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 53 Attributes ........................................................................................................................ 53 Child elements ............................................................................................................... 53 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 54 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 54 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 54 decimal Element (elements) ............................................................................................. 55 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 55 Attributes ........................................................................................................................ 55 Child elements ............................................................................................................... 56 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 56 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 56 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 57 decimal Element (value).................................................................................................... 57 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 57 Attributes ........................................................................................................................ 57 Child elements ............................................................................................................... 57 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 57 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 58 decimalTextBox Element .................................................................................................. 58 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 58 Attributes ........................................................................................................................ 58 Child elements ............................................................................................................... 59 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 59 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 59 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 59 default Element ................................................................................................................. 60 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 60 Attributes ........................................................................................................................ 60 Child elements ............................................................................................................... 60 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 60 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 60 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 60 defaultChecked Attribute ................................................................................................... 61 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 61 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 61 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 61 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 61 defaultItem Attribute .......................................................................................................... 62 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 62 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 62 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 62 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 62 defaultKey Attribute ........................................................................................................... 62 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 62 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 63 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 63 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 63 defaultValue Attribute ........................................................................................................ 64 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 64 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 64 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 64 defaultValue Element ........................................................................................................ 64 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 64 Attributes ........................................................................................................................ 64 Child elements ............................................................................................................... 65 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 65 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 65 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 65 definition Element.............................................................................................................. 65 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 65 Attributes ........................................................................................................................ 65 Child elements ............................................................................................................... 66 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 66 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 66 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 67 definitions Element ............................................................................................................ 67 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 67 Attributes ........................................................................................................................ 67 Child elements ............................................................................................................... 67 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 68 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 68 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 68 delete Element .................................................................................................................. 68 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 69 Attributes ........................................................................................................................ 69 Child elements ............................................................................................................... 69 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 69 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 69 description Element........................................................................................................... 69 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 70 Attributes ........................................................................................................................ 70 Child elements ............................................................................................................... 70 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 70 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 70 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 70 disabledList Element ......................................................................................................... 70 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 70 Attributes ........................................................................................................................ 71 Child elements ............................................................................................................... 71 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 71 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 71 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 72 disabledValue Element ..................................................................................................... 72 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 72 Attributes ........................................................................................................................ 73 Child elements ............................................................................................................... 73 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 73 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 73 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 74 displayName Attribute ....................................................................................................... 74 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 74 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 74 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 74 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 74 displayName Element ....................................................................................................... 75 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 75 Attributes ........................................................................................................................ 75 Child elements ............................................................................................................... 75 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 75 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 75 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 75 dropdownList Element....................................................................................................... 76 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 76 Attributes ........................................................................................................................ 76 Child elements ............................................................................................................... 76 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 77 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 77 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 77 elements Element ............................................................................................................. 77 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 77 Attributes ........................................................................................................................ 78 Child elements ............................................................................................................... 78 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 78 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 79 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 79 enabledList Element.......................................................................................................... 79 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 79 Attributes ........................................................................................................................ 79 Child elements ............................................................................................................... 80 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 80 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 80 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 81 enabledValue Element ...................................................................................................... 81 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 81 Attributes ........................................................................................................................ 81 Child elements ............................................................................................................... 81 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 82 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 82 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 82 enum Element ................................................................................................................... 82 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 83 Attributes ........................................................................................................................ 83 Child elements ............................................................................................................... 83 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 84 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 84 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 85 expandable Attribute ......................................................................................................... 86 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 86 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 86 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 86 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 86 explainText Attribute ......................................................................................................... 87 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 87 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 87 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 87 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 87 explicitValue Attribute ........................................................................................................ 88 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 88 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 88 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 88 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 88 fallbackCulture Attribute .................................................................................................... 89 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 89 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 89 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 89 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 89 falseList Element ............................................................................................................... 89 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 89 Attributes ........................................................................................................................ 90 Child elements ............................................................................................................... 90 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 90 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 90 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 91 falseValue Element ........................................................................................................... 91 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 91 Attributes ........................................................................................................................ 91 Child elements ............................................................................................................... 92 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 92 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 92 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 92 fileName Attribute .............................................................................................................. 93 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 93 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 93 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 93 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 93 id Attribute ......................................................................................................................... 93 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 93 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 93 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 94 item Element ..................................................................................................................... 94 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 94 Attributes ........................................................................................................................ 94 Child elements ............................................................................................................... 95 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 95 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 95 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 95 item Element (enum) ......................................................................................................... 96 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 96 Attributes ........................................................................................................................ 96 Child elements ............................................................................................................... 96 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 97 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 97 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 97 key Attribute ...................................................................................................................... 97 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 98 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 98 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 98 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 98 keywords Element ............................................................................................................. 98 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 98 Attributes ........................................................................................................................ 99 Child elements ............................................................................................................... 99 Remarks......................................................................................................................... 99 Examples ....................................................................................................................... 99 Additional references ..................................................................................................... 99 label Element .................................................................................................................... 99 Syntax ............................................................................................................................ 99 Attributes ...................................................................................................................... 100 Child elements ............................................................................................................. 100 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 100 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 100 Additional references ................................................................................................... 100 list Element ...................................................................................................................... 100 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 100 Attributes ...................................................................................................................... 101 Child elements ............................................................................................................. 102 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 102 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 102 Additional references ................................................................................................... 103 listBox Element ............................................................................................................... 103 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 103 Attributes ...................................................................................................................... 103 Child elements ............................................................................................................. 103 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 103 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 104 Additional references ................................................................................................... 104 maxLength Attribute ........................................................................................................ 104 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 104 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 104 Additional references ................................................................................................... 104 maxValue Attribute .......................................................................................................... 105 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 105 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 105 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 105 Additional references ................................................................................................... 105 minRequiredRevision Attribute ....................................................................................... 106 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 106 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 106 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 106 Additional references ................................................................................................... 107 minValue Attribute ........................................................................................................... 107 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 107 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 107 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 107 Additional references ................................................................................................... 108 name Attribute ................................................................................................................. 108 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 108 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 108 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 108 Additional references ................................................................................................... 108 namespace Attribute ....................................................................................................... 109 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 109 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 109 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 109 Additional references ................................................................................................... 109 noSort Attribute ............................................................................................................... 110 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 110 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 110 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 110 Additional references ................................................................................................... 110 parentCategory Element ................................................................................................. 111 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 111 Attributes ...................................................................................................................... 111 Child elements ............................................................................................................. 111 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 111 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 111 Additional references ................................................................................................... 112 policy Element ................................................................................................................. 112 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 112 Attributes ...................................................................................................................... 112 Child elements ............................................................................................................. 113 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 115 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 115 Additional references ................................................................................................... 116 policyDefinitionResources Element ................................................................................ 116 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 116 Attributes ...................................................................................................................... 116 Child elements ............................................................................................................. 117 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 118 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 118 Additional references ................................................................................................... 119 policyDefinitions Element ................................................................................................ 119 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 119 Attributes ...................................................................................................................... 120 Child elements ............................................................................................................. 120 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 121 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 122 Additional references ................................................................................................... 122 policyNamespaces Element ............................................................................................ 123 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 123 Attributes ...................................................................................................................... 123 Child elements ............................................................................................................. 123 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 123 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 124 Additional references ................................................................................................... 124 policies Element .............................................................................................................. 124 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 124 Attributes ...................................................................................................................... 124 Child elements ............................................................................................................. 124 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 125 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 125 Additional references ................................................................................................... 125 prefix Attribute ................................................................................................................. 126 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 126 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 126 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 126 Additional references ................................................................................................... 126 presentation Attribute ...................................................................................................... 126 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 126 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 127 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 127 Additional references ................................................................................................... 127 presentation Element ...................................................................................................... 127 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 127 Attributes ...................................................................................................................... 128 Child elements ............................................................................................................. 128 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 129 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 130 Additional references ................................................................................................... 130 presentationTable Element ............................................................................................. 130 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 130 Attributes ...................................................................................................................... 130 Child elements ............................................................................................................. 131 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 131 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 131 Additional references ................................................................................................... 132 ref Attribute ...................................................................................................................... 133 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 133 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 133 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 133 Additional references ................................................................................................... 133 refId Attribute ................................................................................................................... 134 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 134 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 134 Additional references ................................................................................................... 134 required Attribute ............................................................................................................. 135 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 135 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 135 Additional references ................................................................................................... 135 resources Element (.adml) .............................................................................................. 135 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 135 Attributes ...................................................................................................................... 136 Child elements ............................................................................................................. 136 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 136 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 136 Additional references ................................................................................................... 137 resources Element (.admx) ............................................................................................. 137 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 137 Attributes ...................................................................................................................... 137 Child elements ............................................................................................................. 138 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 138 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 138 Additional references ................................................................................................... 138 revision Attribute ............................................................................................................. 139 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 139 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 139 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 139 Additional references ................................................................................................... 140 schemaVersion Attribute ................................................................................................. 140 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 140 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 140 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 141 Additional references ................................................................................................... 141 seeAlso Element ............................................................................................................. 141 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 141 Attributes ...................................................................................................................... 141 Child elements ............................................................................................................. 141 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 141 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 142 Additional references ................................................................................................... 142 soft Attribute .................................................................................................................... 142 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 142 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 142 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 142 Additional references ................................................................................................... 143 spin Attribute ................................................................................................................... 143 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 143 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 143 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 143 Additional references ................................................................................................... 144 spinStep Attribute ............................................................................................................ 144 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 144 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 144 Additional references ................................................................................................... 144 storeAsText Attribute....................................................................................................... 144 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 145 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 145 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 145 Additional references ................................................................................................... 145 string Element (.adml) ..................................................................................................... 145 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 145 Attributes ...................................................................................................................... 146 Child elements ............................................................................................................. 146 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 146 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 146 Additional references ................................................................................................... 147 string Element (.admx) .................................................................................................... 147 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 147 Attributes ...................................................................................................................... 147 Child elements ............................................................................................................. 147 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 147 Additional references ................................................................................................... 147 stringTable Element ........................................................................................................ 148 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 148 Attributes ...................................................................................................................... 148 Child elements ............................................................................................................. 148 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 148 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 149 Additional references ................................................................................................... 149 suggestion Element......................................................................................................... 149 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 149 Attributes ...................................................................................................................... 150 Child elements ............................................................................................................. 150 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 150 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 150 Additional references ................................................................................................... 150 supersededAdm Element ................................................................................................ 150 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 150 Attributes ...................................................................................................................... 151 Child elements ............................................................................................................. 151 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 151 Additional references ................................................................................................... 151 supportedOn Element ..................................................................................................... 151 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 151 Attributes ...................................................................................................................... 152 Child elements ............................................................................................................. 152 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 152 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 153 Additional references ................................................................................................... 153 supportedOn Element (policy) ........................................................................................ 153 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 153 Attributes ...................................................................................................................... 153 Child elements ............................................................................................................. 154 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 154 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 154 Additional references ................................................................................................... 154 target Element ................................................................................................................. 155 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 155 Attributes ...................................................................................................................... 155 Child elements ............................................................................................................. 155 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 156 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 156 Additional references ................................................................................................... 156 text Element .................................................................................................................... 156 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 156 Attributes ...................................................................................................................... 156 Child elements ............................................................................................................. 157 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 157 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 158 Additional references ................................................................................................... 158 text Element (presentation) ............................................................................................. 158 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 158 Attributes ...................................................................................................................... 159 Child elements ............................................................................................................. 159 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 159 Additional references ................................................................................................... 159 textBox Element .............................................................................................................. 159 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 159 Attributes ...................................................................................................................... 160 Child elements ............................................................................................................. 160 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 160 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 160 Additional references ................................................................................................... 161 trueList Element .............................................................................................................. 161 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 161 Attributes ...................................................................................................................... 161 Child elements ............................................................................................................. 161 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 162 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 162 Additional references ................................................................................................... 162 trueValue Element........................................................................................................... 163 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 163 Attributes ...................................................................................................................... 163 Child elements ............................................................................................................. 163 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 164 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 164 Additional references ................................................................................................... 164 using Element ................................................................................................................. 164 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 164 Attributes ...................................................................................................................... 164 Child elements ............................................................................................................. 165 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 165 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 165 Additional references ................................................................................................... 166 value Attribute ................................................................................................................. 166 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 166 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 166 Additional references ................................................................................................... 166 value Element ................................................................................................................. 166 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 166 Attributes ...................................................................................................................... 167 Child elements ............................................................................................................. 167 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 167 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 167 Additional references ................................................................................................... 168 valueList Element ............................................................................................................ 168 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 168 Attributes ...................................................................................................................... 168 Child elements ............................................................................................................. 168 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 169 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 169 Additional references ................................................................................................... 170 valueName Attribute........................................................................................................ 170 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 170 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 170 Additional references ................................................................................................... 170 valuePrefix Attribute ........................................................................................................ 171 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 171 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 171 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 171 Additional references ................................................................................................... 172 XML declaration .............................................................................................................. 172 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 172 Attributes ...................................................................................................................... 172 Child elements ............................................................................................................. 173 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 173 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 173 Additional references ................................................................................................... 173 xmlns Attribute ................................................................................................................ 173 Syntax .......................................................................................................................... 173 Remarks....................................................................................................................... 174 Examples ..................................................................................................................... 174 Additional references ................................................................................................... 174 21 Group Policy ADMX Syntax Reference Guide This reference guide provides information for creating and editing custom ADMX files. These XML-based files allow the administrator to create a user interface in the Group Policy Object Editor and Group Policy Management Console to display Group Policy settings. How to read this document For those wishing to get an introduction to the ADMX format, the conceptual topics in this reference guide provide a starting point. It is recommended you read the following topics: ADMX Prerequisites ADMX Schema .admx and .adml File Structure Best Practices for Authoring ADMX Files Referencing the Windows Base ADMX File Creating a Custom Base ADMX File Associating .admx and .adml Parameter Information Comparing ADM and ADMX Syntax Sample Files After you have become familiar with ADMX files and the ADMX format, you can then use the ADMX syntax section as technical reference. This section provides an alphabetical reference that lists all ADMX elements and attributes used when creating an .admx file and an .adml file. Note This document will use the following rules when referring to the different components of ADMX files. When referring to the general set of administrative template files for Windows Vista registry settings, we will refer to "ADMX files." This document will refer to ".admx files" when referring to the language-neutral administrative template files and ".adml files" when referring to the languagedependent administrative template files. 22 ADMX Prerequisites ADMX files are XML based. You should have some basic understanding of the XML language structure and syntax. At a minimum you should understand: The definition of a well-formed XML document. XML elements. XML attributes. XML namespaces. XML is case sensitive. You must enter all elements and attributes in the same case as presented in this reference. You can create and edit ADMX files using any XML-compatible editor, which can be as basic as Notepad. ADMX Schema In Windows Vista, the Group Policy Object Editor and Group Policy Management Console display registry-based policy settings using ADMX files. An ADMX file is an XML-based file, defined as a set of one language neutral file (.admx) and associated ADMX language-dependent files (.adml). The ADMX schema defines the syntax for the ADMX files. The ADMX schema can be downloaded from the Microsoft Download Center ( .admx and .adml File Structure In order to support the multilingual display of policy settings, the ADMX file structure must be broken into two types of files: A language-neutral file, .admx, describing the structure of the categories and Administrative template policy settings displayed in the Group Policy Object Editor. A set of language-dependent files, .adml, providing the localized portions displayed in the Group Policy Object Editor. Each .adml file represents a single language you wish to support. 23 Language-neutral file (.admx) structure The language-neutral file, .admx, determines the number and type of policy settings and their location by category in the Group Policy Object Editor display. Top level view of the .admx file structure The .admx file is divided into seven main sections: The XML declaration that is required in order to validate as an XML-based file. The policyDefinitions Element, which contains all other elements for an .admx file. The policyNamespaces Element, which defines the unique namespace for this .admx file. The policyNamespaces element also provides a mapping to external file namespaces if this .admx file will reference category elements defined in a different 24 .admx file. For more information about mapping to external file namespaces, see Referencing the Windows Base ADMX File or Creating a Custom Base ADMX File. The resources Element (.admx), which specifies the requirements for the languagespecific resources; the minimum required version of the associated .adml file. The supportedOn Element, which specifies references to localized text strings defining the operating systems or applications affected by a specific policy setting. For more information about mapping to supportedOn text for Windows, see Referencing the Windows Base ADMX File. The categories Element, which specifies categories under which the policy setting in this .admx file will be displayed in the Group Policy Object Editor. If you specify a category name that already exists in a different .admx file, you will create a duplicate node. For more information about referencing previously defined category names in order to avoid duplicate nodes, see Referencing the Windows Base ADMX File or Creating a Custom Base ADMX File. The policies Element, which contains the individual policy setting definitions. Language resource file (.adml) structure The language resource files, .adml, provide the language specific information needed by the language neutral file. The language neutral file will then reference specific sections of the language resource file in order for the Group Policy Object Editor to display a policy setting in the correct language. 25 Top level view of the .adml file structure The .adml file contains the following main sections: The XML declaration, required to validate as an XML-based file. The policyDefinitionResources Element, which contains all other elements for an .adml file. The resources Element (.adml), which contains a stringTable Element and a presentationTable Element for a specified language. These two elements must be defined in the .adml file in the specific order of stringTable element followed by presentationTable element, as required by the ADMX schema. The parser for the Group Policy tools will give an error if the order of these two elements is reversed. Best Practices for Authoring ADMX Files Here are some best practices to use when authoring an ADMX file. 1. All ADMX files are authored as one language neutral file (.admx) and a set of language-dependent files that will be localized for all supported languages (.adml). 26 2. To avoid duplicate nodes being displayed in the Group Policy Object Editor, do not use the same category name that has been previously defined under a parent category. For example, if your company created an .admx file with a category based on the company name, then creating a second .admx file with that company name category will result in the Group Policy Object Editor creating two nodes with the same name. Instead create a custom base file that all your company .admx files will reference. For more information see Creating a Custom Base ADMX File. 3. To avoid circular referencing, one .admx file should not reference another .admx file's category elements. Instead, a component base category should be placed in a separate base file built for referencing from multiple .admx files. For more information see Creating a Custom Base ADMX File. 4. Each policy namespace for an .admx file must be unique. The policy namespace is defined in the target Element of the .admx file. 5. XML is case sensitive. You must enter all elements and attributes in the same case as presented in this reference. Referencing the Windows Base ADMX File The Windows base file, windows.admx, provides predefined categories and supported on text for Windows products. This section provides information about referencing the definitions from the windows.admx file for use in your .admx file Referring to the Windows base file The Windows base file is referred to using the unique namespace, Microsoft.Policies.Windows. The namespace string is case sensitive. To refer to the Windows base file, include the using element in your policyNamespaces element. The namespace attribute must match the defined namespace from the Windows base file. Even though the prefix attribute can be any name that is unique within your .admx file, it is recommended you use the prefix attribute string from the Windows base file to avoid confusion. For example, this XML fragment from the example2.admx file both defines its namespace and refers to the Windows Base file within the policyNamespaces element. <policyNamespaces> 27 <target prefix="example2" namespace="Microsoft.Policies.Example2" /> <using prefix="windows" namespace="Microsoft.Policies.Windows" /> </policyNamespaces> Referencing Windows category elements You can display your category node or a policy setting under an existing Windows component node of the Group Policy Object Editor or the Group Policy Management Console. To accomplish this, you must reference the category elements in the Windows base file. Windows base file category elements can be used as the parentCategory element for any category element or policy element within your .admx file. If you define the category element name within your own .admx file instead of referencing the Windows base file, the Group Policy Object Editor or Group Policy Management Console will display a duplicate node. This happens because a category element defined in a different namespace is evaluated as a unique element by the Group Policy Object Editor. Because each .admx file is created in a unique namespace, this will result in duplicate nodes. To place your category node under an existing node from the Windows base file, add the "windows:" prefix to the ref attribute of the parentCategory element. This XML fragment demonstrates placing your sample category under the parentCategory based on the Windows base file category element. In the Group Policy Object Editor, this is equivalent to displaying your sample category node under an existing Windows component node. <category name="SAMPLE" displayName="$(string.SAMPLE)" explainText="$(string.SAMPLEHELP)"> <parentCategory ref="windows:WindowsComponents" /> </category> This XML fragment demonstrates placing your sample policy setting under the parentCategory based on the Windows base file category element. In the Group Policy Object Editor, this is equivalent to displaying your sample policy setting under an existing Windows component node. <policy name="Sample_NoParamPolicy" class="Both" displayName="$(string.Sample_NoParamPolicy)" explainText="$(string.Sample_NoParamPolicy_Help)" key="Software\Policies\Examples" valueName="Example1NoParam"> <parentCategory ref="windows:WindowsComponents" /> <supportedOn ref="SUPPORTED_ProductOnly" /> 28 <enabledValue> <decimal value="1" /> </enabledValue> <disabledValue> <decimal value="0" /> </disabledValue> </policy> Referencing Windows supportedOn elements Windows product names support information is provided in the Windows base file. You can reference these product names for your .admx file. In order to use the supported on information in the Windows base file, you must do the following: Within your supportedOn element, add the "windows:" prefix to the ref attribute to reference the Windows base file. Reference a defined supportedOn element from the Windows base file. If you use an invalid element name, the Group Policy Object Editor will not display any supported on information and will not display an error message. This XML fragment demonstrates referencing supported on text for your policy setting, using existing Windows product information. <policy name="Sample_NoParamPolicy" class="Both" displayName="$(string.Sample_NoParamPolicy)" explainText="$(string.Sample_NoParamPolicy_Help)" key="Software\Policies\Examples" valueName="Example1NoParam"> <parentCategory ref="SAMPLE" /> <supportedOn ref="windows:SUPPORTED_WindowsXP" /> <enabledValue> <decimal value="1" /> </enabledValue> <disabledValue> <decimal value="0" /> </disabledValue> </policy> Creating a Custom Base ADMX File If your organization plans on creating a number of .admx files to display under a single category node in the Group Policy Object Editor, you will need to build a custom base file. A single custom base file with predefined categories and supported on text can be 29 referenced by multiple .admx files. This section provides information about creating and referencing the definitions in the custom base file. Creating the custom base file To discuss creating a custom base file, we will use the example of a company named Contoso, Ltd., that expects to create a number of different .admx files. They might want all of their policy settings from all of the files to be placed under one central category node in the Group Policy Object Editor called "contoso." For the simplest case, the Contoso, Ltd., administrators could choose to create a custom base .admx file for defining this central category. At its simplest, the .admx file for defining a central category called, "contoso," could look like the following. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <policyDefinitions xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" revision="1.0" schemaVersion="1.0" xmlns= ""> <policyNamespaces> <target prefix="contoso" namespace="Contoso.Policies.Contoso" /> </policyNamespaces> <resources minRequiredRevision="1.0" /> <categories> <category name="ContosoCompany" displayName="$(string.ContosoCompany)" explainText="$(string.ContosoCompany_Help)" /> </categories> </policyDefinitions> The corresponding .adml file would provide the localized display string for the central category. This file could look like the following. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <policyDefinitionResources xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns= "" revision="1.0" schemaVersion="1.0"> <displayName>Contoso Company base file</displayName> <description>This file contains the Contoso parent category. </description> <resources> <stringTable> <string id="ContosoCompany">Contoso</string> 30 <string id="ContosoCompany_Help">Contains Contoso company specific configuration settings.</string> </stringTable> </resources> </policyDefinitionResources> Referring to the custom base file The Contoso custom base file is referred to using the unique namespace, Contoso.Policies.Contoso. The namespace string is case sensitive. To refer to the Contoso base file, include the using attribute in your policyNamespaces element. The namespace attribute must match the defined namespace from the custom base file. The prefix attribute can be any name that is unique within your .admx file. It is recommended you use the prefix attribute string from the custom base file when possible, in order to avoid confusion. For example, this XML fragment from the example2.admx file both defines its namespace and refers to the Contoso Base file within the policyNamespaces element. <policyNamespaces> <target prefix="example2" namespace="Microsoft.Policies.Example2" /> <using prefix="contoso" namespace="Contoso.Policies.Contoso" /> </policyNamespaces> Caution When creating a custom base file, you must take care that all administrators referring to this base file will have this file on their administrative machines. Or you can use the central store to guarantee all administrators will have use of the custom base file. Referencing custom category elements You can display your category node or a policy setting under a single company node of the Group Policy Object Editor or the Group Policy Management Console. To accomplish this, you must reference the category elements in the custom base file. Custom base file category elements can be used as the parentCategory element for any category or policy element within your .admx file. If you define the category element name within your own .admx file instead of referencing the custom base file, the Group Policy Object Editor or Group Policy Management Console will display a duplicate node. This happens because a category element defined in a different namespace is evaluated as a unique 31 element by the Group Policy Object Editor. Because each .admx file is created in a unique namespace, this will result in duplicate nodes. To place your category node under the example Contoso node from the custom base file created in our example, add the "contoso:" prefix to the ref attribute of the parentCategory element. This XML fragment demonstrates placing your sample category under the parentCategory, based on the Contoso component node in the Group Policy Object Editor. <category name="SAMPLE" displayName="$(string.SAMPLE)" explainText="$(string.SAMPLEHELP)"> <parentCategory ref="contoso:ContosoCompany" /> </category> This XML fragment demonstrates placing your sample policy setting under the parentCategory, based on the Contoso node in the Group Policy Object Editor. <policy name="Sample_NoParamPolicy" class="Both" displayName="$(string.Sample_NoParamPolicy)" explainText="$(string.Sample_NoParamPolicy_Help)" key="Software\Policies\Examples" valueName="Example1NoParam"> <parentCategory ref="contoso:ContosoCompany" /> <supportedOn ref="SUPPORTED_ProductOnly" /> <enabledValue> <decimal value="1" /> </enabledValue> <disabledValue> <decimal value="0" /> </disabledValue> </policy> Associating .admx and .adml Parameter Information ADM files use the PART statement to define a single parameter for a policy setting. In the ADMX syntax, the elements controlling the presentation or localized display of a parameter, are defined in the .adml file. The information defining the datatype and value of a parameter are defined in the .admx file. This section will describe how the different 32 elements from the two files, .admx and .adml, are used to create parameter definitions for policy settings. We will use an example of creating two check box parameters for a single policy setting to illustrate how the .admx and .adml files work together to define parameters. This example is a fragment taken from the example2.admx and example2.adml sample files. For more information about downloading and importing the sample files into the Group Policy Object Editor, see Sample Files. This XML fragment shows the policy setting from the .admx file that includes two check box parameters. <policy name="Sample_Checkbox" class="Machine" displayName="$(string.Sample_Checkbox)" explainText="$(string.Sample_Checkbox_Help)" presentation="$(presentation.Sample_Checkbox)" key="Software\Policies\Examples"> <parentCategory ref="CHECKBOXTWOTYPES_CATEGORY" /> <supportedOn ref="windows:SUPPORTED_ProductOnly" /> <elements> <boolean id="Checkbox_1" valueName="Example2Checkbox1"> <trueValue> <decimal value="1" /> </trueValue> <falseValue> <decimal value="0" /> </falseValue> </boolean> <boolean id="Checkbox_2" valueName="Example2Checkbox2"> <trueValue> <decimal value="0" /> </trueValue> <falseValue> <decimal value="1" /> </falseValue> </boolean> </elements> </policy> This XML fragment shows the corresponding presentation information from the .adml file. <presentation id="Sample_Checkbox"> <checkBox refId="Checkbox_1">First check box parameter</checkBox> <checkBox refId="Checkbox_2" defaultChecked="true">Second check box parameter - checked by default</checkBox> </presentation> These two XML fragments provide a starting point for looking at the coordination between parameter definitions in .admx and .adml files. We will look at two areas of coordination 33 between the .admx and .adml files. The first is the top level referencing between the policy setting and its parameter display. The second is the referencing between datatype representation in the elements element and the parameter definition in the presentation element. Referencing the presentation element A policy setting defined through the policy element in an .admx file references a specific presentation element in the .adml file through the presentation attribute of the policy element. Using the example for the two check boxes, you can see the presentation attribute is defined as presentation="$(presentation.Sample_Checkbox)". The presentation.Sample_Checkbox text tells the Group Policy Object Editor to reference the .adml file presentationTable element using the id attribute set to Sample_Checkbox. The presentation element with this id attribute was provided above and is repeated here with this XML fragment. <presentation id="Sample_Checkbox"> <checkBox refId="Checkbox_1">First check box parameter</checkBox> <checkBox refId="Checkbox_2" defaultChecked="true">Second check box parameter - checked by default</checkBox> </presentation> You may wonder how the Group Policy Object Editor finds the correct .adml file to look up the presentation element. The answer is simple. The Group Policy Object Editor will search the .adml file with the same filename as the .admx file. The Group Policy Object Editor will display an error message if it cannot find a corresponding .adml file for each .admx file it reads. The number of datatypes as well as the type of datatype (boolean, decimal, text, enum, item, and list) defined in the .admx elements element must match the number and type of the parameters defined in the .adml presentation element (checkBox, textBox, decimalTextBox, comboBox, dropdownList, and listBox). We will cover how to match the datatypes to the parameter definitions in the next section. Referencing the parameter definition You can match the number of datatypes defined in an elements element to the number of parameters identified in the presentation element, if you collapse the elements. In our example, the elements element contains two boolean elements: <elements> <boolean id="Checkbox_1" valueName="Example2Checkbox1"> … 34 </boolean> <boolean id="Checkbox_2" valueName="Example2Checkbox2"> … </boolean> </elements> The presentation element contains two checkBox elements: <presentation id="Sample_Checkbox"> <checkBox refId="Checkbox_1">…</checkBox> <checkBox refId="Checkbox_2" defaultChecked="true">…</checkBox> </presentation> The number of boolean elements (2) matches the number of checkBox elements (2). You use the id attribute of the boolean element to match the associated checkBox element referred to using the refId attribute. The below table shows how to match the datatype in the .admx file, which is the boolean element in our example, with the parameter definition in the .adml file, which is the checkBox element in our example. Datatype in the .admx file Parameter definition in the .adml file boolean Element checkBox Element text Element textBox Element decimal Element (elements) decimalTextBox Element text Element comboBox Element enum Element or item Element dropdownList Element list Element listBox Element Comparing ADM and ADMX Syntax This section provides a high-level mapping of ADM syntax to the ADMX equivalents. ("Not applicable"in the ADM-to-ADMX conversion chart implies there is no equivalent syntax used in that file.) 35 ADM Language .admx Equivalent .adml Equivalent Comments ADM File Language resources Versions (#If minRequiredRevision Version) revision Unlike ADM files, the ADMX file has versioning built in and is not be tied to an operating system version. ADM File Language resources Versions (#If minRequiredRevision Version) Not applicable The resources minRequiredRevision attribute provides the coordination between the .admx and .adml file versions ADM File Language schemaVersion Versions (#If Version) schemaVersion The schemaVersion attribute specifies the ADMX schema version assumed when creating the .admx and .adml files. The Windows Vista ADMX files assume a 1.0 schema version number. comments (;) <!-- --> <!-- --> For ADM files, all text following the ";" is considered a comment. For ADMX files, the XML comments will not be processed by GP tools. Strings reference (!!) string Not applicable In ADM files, precede text with "!!" to reference a string. <Strings> section of the .adm file Not applicable stringTable Reference 36 ADM Language .admx Equivalent .adml Equivalent Comments CLASS class Not applicable ADMX files provide the ability to classify the policy definition as being for user, machine, or both. The "both" classification will allow you to create a single policy definition that applies to the machine and user registry keys. CATEGORY categories Not applicable category parentCategory ADM files assume categories are nested within the definitions. ADMX files specify a parentCategory element for each policy element defined in the .admx file. An individual category is defined within the "categories" element. Reference 37 ADM Language .admx Equivalent .adml Equivalent Comments Duplicate Category Sections allowed in different ADM files. Duplicate category sections are not allowed in different ADMX files. Not applicable If one .adm file includes a duplicate "CATEGORY" entry used in a different existing .adm file, the policy settings will be merged when the Group Policy Object Editor processes the ADM files. ADMX files have unique namespaces. Defining the same "category" element names in two different .admx files will cause the category to be displayed twice. Instead for .admx files, you must define the "category" element name once and then reference the category element name with the "using" element. SUPPORTED supportedOn Not applicable POLICY policies Not applicable policy Reference In the .admx file, the policies element contains individual policy elements that correspond to a policy setting. 38 ADM Language .admx Equivalent .adml Equivalent Comments PART elements presentation In ADM files, the PART statement specifies various policy setting options, such as drop-down list boxes, text boxes, and text in the lower pane of the Group Policy snap-in. ADMX files aggregate policy setting options for one policy setting into the elements element in the .admx file and the presentation element in the .adml file. CHECKBOX boolean checkbox TEXT Not applicable text EDITTEXT text textBox NUMERIC decimal decimalTextBox COMBOBOX text comboBox DROPDOWNLIST enum item Reference dropdownList LISTBOX list listBox VALUEON enabledValue Not applicable VALUEOFF disabledValue Not applicable ACTIONLISTON enabledList Not applicable ACTIONLISTOFF disabledList Not applicable The text element in the .adml file provides the string used as the parameter text prompt. 39 ADM Language .admx Equivalent .adml Equivalent KEYNAME key Not applicable EXPLAIN explainText Not applicable VALUENAME valueName Not applicable CLIENTEXT clientExtension Not applicable END Not applicable Not applicable DEFCHECKED Not applicable defaultChecked Line Breaks \n or \n\n Not applicable Use line breaks or blank lines within the string definitions. Maximum string length for EXPLAIN text Not applicable Limited by available memory only. Maximum string length for CATEGORY EXPLAIN text Not applicable Limited by available memory only. Maximum string length for EDITTEXT string Not applicable Maximum string length for EDITTEXT string = 1023 characters. Comments Reference XML syntax includes termination of all of its elements. There is no need to use special syntax to terminate an element. 40 Sample Files This document references two samples of ADM files, example1_SinglePolicySetting.adm and example2.adm, with their corresponding ADMX files. The Group Policy settings included in these files are fully functional. All of the policy settings displayed through the use of these sample files will configure registry settings under the registry keys, "[HKLM|HKCU]\Software\Policies\Examples". The example files can be loaded into the Group Policy Object Editor on a Windows Vista– based or Windows Server 2008–based computer. These files can serve as a starting point to experiment with authoring ADMX files. You can make changes and verify the results in the Group Policy Object Editor. As long as you do not change the registry keys, anything you do should not affect actual Windows components or applications on your machine. You can edit the files using an XML editor or a text editor such as Notepad. The policy settings contained in these files will display in the Group Policy Object Editor under the following categories: ADM file policy settings: "[computer|user] configuration\Classic Administrative Templates\Example 1 - Simplest single Group Policy setting" or "[computer|user] configuration\Classic Administrative Templates\Example 2 Policy settings" ADMX file policy settings: "[computer|user] configuration\Administrative TemplatesExample 1 - Simplest single Group Policy setting""[computer|user] or configuration\Administrative Templates\Example 2 Policy settings" These sample files can be downloaded from the Microsoft Download Center ( To add the ADM sample files to the Group Policy Object Editor on a Windows Vista Machine The ADM sample files can be tested using the Local Group Policy Object Editor. 1. Copy the example.adm file to the %windir%\inf directory. 2. To open the Group Policy Object Editor on a Windows Vista machine, click Start, click Run, then type GPEDIT.msc. 3. Right-click either the computer or user configuration\Administrative Templates node. 41 4. Click Add/Remove Templates. 5. The browser should open to the %windir%\inf directory. Select example.adm to add this file to the Group Policy Object Editor. To add the ADMX sample files to the Group Policy Object Editor on a Windows Vista Machine The ADMX sample files can be tested using the Local Group Policy Object Editor. This procedure assumes the test machine is either joined to a workgroup or a domain that does not contain a central store. 1. Before opening the Group Policy Object Editor on a Windows Vista machine: a. Copy the desired sample .admx file to the %windir%\PolicyDefinitions directory. b. Copy the corresponding sample .adml file to the %windir%\PolicyDefinitions\en-us directory. 2. To open the local Group Policy Object Editor on a Windows Vista machine, click Start, click Run, and then type GPEDIT.msc. 3. The Group Policy Object Editor will automatically read all ADMX files stored in the %systemroot%\PolicyDefinitions\ directory. Note This procedure assumes this machine is not joined to a domain with an ADMX central store. Additional references ADMX sample files (See Managing Group Policy ADMX Files Step-by-Step Guide (See ADMX syntax This section provides an alphabetical reference of all ADMX elements and attributes. 42 Important XML is case sensitive. You must enter all elements and attributes in the same case as presented in this reference. additive Attribute The additive attribute is a Boolean value. If true, the existing subkeys are not deleted, and the values set in the list box are appended to the existing subkeys. If false, the existing subkeys are deleted and the values in the list box replace the existing subkeys. Syntax expandable="<true|false>" where true represents append new values in the list box to the existing subkeys, and false represents only apply the new values from the list box. Examples This XML fragment example specifies a list element that appends the existing subkeys to the ones that would be specified through the list box associated with this list element. <list id="Sample_ListBox_SingleColumn_Param" key="Software\Policies\Examples\listbox1" additive="true" /> Additional references list Element annotation Element The annotation element adds a localized comment at the beginning of the .adml file. 43 Syntax <annotation>localized description text</annotation> Attributes There are no attributes associated with this element. Child elements There are no child elements associated with this element. Remarks This element is currently unsupported. It is recommended you use XML-based commenting syntax for adding comments to the body of your file. <!-- This text will be ignored when processing the files --> Examples This XML fragment specifies <annotation>This file provides examples. Changing the settings should not affect any installed applications.</annotation> Additional references ADMX Prerequisites policyDefinitionResources Element 44 boolean Element The boolean element sets a value based on the true and false cases in a policy setting. The boolean element is generally associated with check box parameters in the Group Policy Object Editor. Syntax <boolean id="<placeholderID>" clientExtension="<placeholderGUID>" key="<placeholderRegKey>" valuename="<placeholderName>"> <trueValue> … </trueValue> <falseValue> … </falseValue> <trueList> … </trueList> <falseList> … </falseList> </boolean> Attributes Attributes Required Description id Attribute Yes A mapping to the element. clientExtension Attribute No The client-side extension will process, on the client computer, the particular settings represented by the element. key Attribute No The registry key location under which the registry value will be created valueName Attribute Yes The registry value that will be configured for this specific policy element. 45 Child elements Element Required Description trueValue Element No Sets a value based on the true condition. falseValue Element No Sets a value based on the false condition. trueList Element No Sets values based on the true condition. falseList Element No Sets values based on the false condition. Note For simplicity of documentation, nested elements located one level down, known as child elements, will only be described for a given element. Remarks A boolean element in an .admx file will require a matching checkBox element with matching id in the corresponding .adml file. Examples This XML fragment is an example of defining a boolean element for true and false cases. <boolean id="Checkbox_1" valueName="Example2Checkbox1"> <trueValue> <decimal value="1" /> </trueValue> <falseValue> <decimal value="0" /> </falseValue> </boolean> Additional references checkBox Element 46 elements Element category Element The category element specifies the name of a unique category to be displayed in the Group Policy Object Editor. Syntax The syntax of the category element declaration is: <category name="<placeholder for logical or friendly name>" displayName="$( string.<placeholder for category text>)" explainText="$( string.<placeholder for help text>)"> <parentCategory> … </parentCategory> <seeAlso> … </seeAlso> <keywords> … </keywords> </category> Attributes Attributes Required Description name Attribute Yes name="<placeholder for logical or friendly name>" Specifies a logical name to use for a specific supported application and revision. displayName Attribute Yes displayName="$( string.<placeholder for category text>)" The reference to the category text string located in the string table of the .adml file. 47 Attributes Required Description explainText Attribute No explainText="$( string.<placeholder for help text>)"> Explain or Help text associated with a specific category. Child elements Element Required Description parentCategory Element element Yes Reference to parent of the current category. seeAlso Element element No Reference to another element that may be related. This element is not supported and will be ignored by current Group Policy. keywords Element No Contains index words that could be used to search for elements. This element is not supported and will be ignored by current Group Policy tools. Note For simplicity of documentation, nested elements located one level down, known as child elements, will only be described for a given element. Remarks Each category element defines a text string representing the name of the category that includes Group Policy settings declared in this .admx file, in the Group Policy Object Editor. Duplicate category strings defined in different .admx files/policyNamespaces will 48 be treated as separate categories by the Group Policy Object Editor. This will result in duplicate category titles in the Group Policy Object Editor display. Instead of creating a category, you must reference the existing category to avoid creating duplicate categories. You cannot define more than one parentCategory for a category element. Examples This XML fragment is an example of a single category that will be displayed under the windows component category. <category name="SAMPLE" displayName="$(string.SAMPLE)" explainText="$(string.SAMPLEHELP)"> <!-- sample category --> <parentCategory ref="windows:WindowsComponents" /> <seeAlso> policy </seeAlso> <keywords> Contoso </keywords> </category> Additional references categories Element categories Element The categories element is a table of category elements. Syntax <categories> <category … </category> </categories> Attributes There are no attributes associated with this element. 49 Child elements Element Required Description category Element Yes Specifies the name of a unique category to be displayed in the Group Policy Object Editor. Note For simplicity of documentation, nested elements located one level down, known as child elements, will only be described for a given element. Remarks If there are no category elements to be specified in this .admx file, you can omit the categories element. If you include the categories element in the .admx file, you must define at least one category element. The categories element is defined at most once in an .admx file. Examples This XML fragment is an example of a single unique category referencing a string in the .adml file. <categories> <category name="SAMPLE" displayName="$(string.SAMPLE)" explainText="$(string.SAMPLEHELP)"> <!-- sample category --> <parentCategory ref="windows:WindowsComponents" /> <seeAlso> policy </seeAlso> <keywords> custom </keywords> </category> </categories> Additional references policyDefinitions Element 50 checkBox Element The checkBox element represents a check box parameter. The checkBox element must be associated with a boolean element defined in the elements element. Syntax <checkBox refId="<placeholderID>" defaultChecked="true|false" Placeholder label:</ checkBox > where Placeholder label is label text for the parameter. Attributes Attributes Required Description refId Attribute Yes A mapping to the element. defaultChecked Attribute No A default value. If not specified, the defaultChecked attribute will be set to false. Child elements There are no child elements associated with this element. Remarks The checkBox element is associated with a check box parameter in the Group Policy Object Editor. The checkBox element will require a matching boolean element in the corresponding .admx file with matching id attribute as declared in the presentation element containing the checkBox element. 51 Examples This XML fragment is an example of two checkBox elements that are associated with two check box parameters, the second checked by default. <checkBox refId="Checkbox_1">First check box parameter</checkBox> <checkBox refId="Checkbox_2" defaultChecked="true">Second check box parameter - checked by default</checkBox> Additional references boolean Element presentation Element class Attribute The class attribute, defined in the .admx file, identifies whether the policy setting will be located under a single node of the Group Policy Object Editor (computer or user) or both nodes. Syntax class="Machine|User|Both" where Machine identifies placement of the policy setting under the computer configuration node. User identifies placement of the policy setting under the user configuration node. Both identifies placement of the policy setting under both the computer and user configuration nodes. Examples This XML fragment identifies a policy setting to be displayed under the computer configuration node. class="Machine" 52 Additional references policy Element clientExtension Attribute Defines the client-side extension that will process, on the client computer, the particular settings represented by the boolean, decimal, text, enum, or list element. Syntax clientExtension="<placeholderGUID>" where the placeholderGUID is a GUID representing a specific client-side extension. Examples This XML fragment is used in a boolean, decimal, text, enum, or list element to direct the disk quota client-side extension to process specified settings. clientExtension="{3610eda5-77ef-11d2-8dc5-00c04fa31a66}" Additional references boolean Element decimal Element (elements) text Element enum Element list Element 53 comboBox Element The comboBox element represents a combo box parameter. The comboBox element must be associated with a text element defined in the elements element. Syntax <comboBox refId="<placeholderID>" noSort ="true|false" > <label> … </label> <default> … </default> <suggestion> … </suggestion> </comboBox> Attributes Attributes Required Description refId Attribute Yes A mapping to the element. noSort Attribute No If true, display the suggested values in the defined order of the suggestion elements; otherwise, sort the suggested values in alphabetical order. If not specified, the noSort attribute will be set to false. Element Required Description label Element Yes String label for the parameter. default Element No A default string displayed in the combo box parameter. Child elements 54 Element Required Description suggestion Element No A string listed in the dropdown list of the combo box parameter. Note For simplicity of documentation, nested elements located one level down, known as child elements, will only be described for a given element. Remarks The comboBox element is associated with a combo box parameter in the Group Policy Object Editor. The comboBox element will require a matching text element in the corresponding .admx file with matching id attribute as declared in the presentation element containing the comboBox element. The label element, default element, and suggestion element must be defined in the order shown in the syntax section. If the order of the child elements of the comboBox element is not correctly specified, the Group Policy Object Editor will display an error message. Examples This XML fragment is an example of a comboBox element with default text displayed in the text box parameter when the policy setting is enabled. The noSort attribute is set to true which will cause the suggestion elements to be displayed in the same order as listed in the comboBox element. <comboBox refId="Sample_ComboBox_Filename" noSort="true" > <label>Sample Executable File Name</label> <default>None</default> <suggestion>Filename A</suggestion> <suggestion>Filename B</suggestion> <suggestion>EXECUTABLE.EXE</suggestion> </comboBox> Additional references presentation Element 55 text Element decimal Element (elements) The decimal element sets the registry value to the specified numeric value when a policy setting is enabled through the Group Policy Object Editor. The decimal element determines whether the registry key will be created as a REG_DWORD or REG_SZ when storing the numeric value. Syntax <decimal id="<placeholderID>" clientExtension="<placeholderGUID>" key="<placeholderRegKey>" valuename="<placeholderName>" required="true|false" minValue="<placeholderMinValue>" maxValue="<placeholderMaxValue>" storeAsText="true|false" soft="true|false" /> Attributes Attributes Required Description id Attribute Yes A mapping to the decimal element. clientExtension Attribute No The client-side extension will process, on the client computer, the particular settings represented by the decimal element. key Attribute No The registry key location under which the registry value will be created. 56 Attributes Required Description valueName Attribute Yes The registry value that will be configured for this specific policy element. required Attribute No Requirement to enter a value in the parameter box. minValue Attribute No The minimum allowed value. maxValue Attribute No The maximum allowed value. storeAsText Attribute No If true, store the decimal value as a REG_SZ registry value. soft Attribute No This attribute flags whether to overwrite an existing subkey. Child elements There are no child elements associated with this element. Remarks The decimal element is associated with either a spin box or numeric text entry box parameter in the Group Policy Object Editor. The decimal element will require a matching decimalTextBox element in the corresponding .adml file with matching id attribute as declared in the decimal element. Examples This XML fragment is an example of a decimal element thatis associated with a spin box that uses the default zero minimum value and a maximum value of 599940. The value will be stored as a text string, REG_SZ. <decimal id="Sample_NumericTextLabel" valueName="Example2NumericSpin" maxValue="599940" storeAsText="true" /> 57 Additional references elements Element decimalTextBox Element decimal Element (value) The decimal element sets a value to an unsigned integer decimal value. Syntax <decimal value="X"/> where value represents an unsigned integer decimal value. Attributes Attributes Required Description value Attribute Yes Represents a deleted value, decimal, or string. Child elements There are no child elements associated with this element. Examples This XML fragment is an example of using the decimal element to set a value to 100. <decimal value="100"/> 58 Additional references enabledValue Element disabledValue Element value Element decimalTextBox Element The decimalTextBox element represents a text box with or without a spin control for entering decimal numbers as a policy setting parameter. The decimalTextBox element must be associated with a decimal element defined in the elements element. Syntax <decimalTextBox refId="<placeholderID>" defaultValue="<placeholderNumericValue>" spin="true|false" spinStep="<placeholderNumericValue>"> Placeholder label:</decimalTextBox> where Placeholder label is label text for the parameter. Attributes Attributes Required Description refId Attribute Yes A mapping to the element. defaultValue Attribute No A default value. If not specified, the defaultValue attribute will be set to 1. spin Attribute No If true, create a spin control; otherwise, create a text box for numeric entry. This attribute is true, by default. 59 Attributes Required Description spinStep Attribute No The increment of change for the spin control. If not specified, the spinStep attribute will be set to 1. Child elements There are no child elements associated with this element. Remarks The decimalTextBox element is associated with either a spin box or numeric text box parameter in the Group Policy Object Editor. The decimalTextBox element will require a matching decimal element in the corresponding .admx file with matching id attribute as declared in the presentation element containing the decimalTextBox element. Examples This XML fragment is an example of a decimalTextBox element that is associated with a spin control that displays a default value of 900 and increments or decrements by steps of 60. <decimalTextBox refId="Sample_NumericTextLabel" defaultValue="900" spinStep="60">Spin box label:</decimalTextBox> Additional references decimal Element (elements) presentation Element 60 default Element The default element is a localized default displayed when the combo box parameter is active. Syntax <default>Placeholder localized text</default> Attributes There are no attributes associated with this element. Child elements There are no child elements associated with this element. Remarks The default element is optional. You cannot create more than one default element. Examples This XML fragment specifies a combo box parameter with a default value, "None". <comboBox refId="Sample_ComboBox_Filename" noSort="true" > <label>Sample Executable File Name</label> <default>None</default> <suggestion>Filename A</suggestion> <suggestion>Filename B</suggestion> <suggestion>EXECUTABLE.EXE</suggestion> </comboBox> Additional references comboBox Element 61 defaultChecked Attribute The defaultChecked attribute is a Boolean value. If true, the check box parameter is displayed checked; otherwise, the check box parameter is displayed unchecked. Syntax defaultChecked="<true|false>" where true represents checked state. false represents unchecked state. Remarks The defaultChecked attribute is an optional attribute and is false by default. The current behavior of Windows Vista does not match the specified operation of the defaultChecked attribute. In Windows Vista, all check box parameters are checked, by default. Examples This XML fragment specifies two check box parameters. When the policy setting is enabled, the first check box is displayed unchecked and the second check box is displayed checked. <checkBox refId="Checkbox_1">First check box parameter</checkBox> <checkBox refId="Checkbox_2" defaultChecked="true">Second check box parameter - checked by default</checkBox> Additional references decimal Element (elements) text Element 62 defaultItem Attribute The defaultItem attribute is the numerical value identifying the default choice from the items in the drop-down list. The item list is numbered starting from 0. Syntax defaultItem="<placeholder for unsigned decimal integer number>" Remarks The defaultItem attribute is an optional attribute. If the defaultItem attribute is not specified or is set to a nonexistent item, the drop-down list box will be blank. Examples This XML fragment specifies the first item in the drop-down list will be displayed by default. defaultItem="0" Additional references dropdownList Element defaultKey Attribute The defaultKey attribute specifies a default registry subkey for all items in the enabledList element, disabledList element, or valueList element Syntax defaultKey="<placeholder for registry subkey>" where 63 <placeholder for registry subkey> represents the registry location under which will be placed the registry entry specified in the item element. Remarks If a key attribute is not defined for an item element, the default registry key, defaultKey attribute, defined for the enabledList element or disabledList element will be used. The Group Policy Object Editor will display an error if both the defaultKey attribute and the key attribute for an item element do not exist. Examples This XML fragment creates an enabledList element with the item elements relying on the defaultKey for the registry subkey specification. <enabledList defaultKey="Software\Policies\Examples"> <item valueName="Example2ActionList1"> <value> <string>1</string> </value> </item> <item valueName="Example2ActionList2"> <value> <decimal value="11" /> </value> </item> <item valueName="Example2ActionList3"> <value> <string>String3</string> </value> </item> </enabledList> Additional references enabledList Element disabledList Element valueList Element 64 defaultValue Attribute The defaultValue attribute specifies the default numerical value of the parameter. If not specified, the defaultValue attribute will be set to 1. Syntax defaultValue="<placeholder for unsigned decimal integer number>" Examples This XML fragment specifies a default spin control parameter or numeric text box parameter value of 900. defaultValue="900" Additional references decimalTextBox Element defaultValue Element The defaultValue element is a localized string initially displayed in the text box parameter when the policy setting is enabled. Syntax <defaultValue>Placeholder localized text</defaultValue> Attributes There are no attributes associated with this element. 65 Child elements There are no child elements associated with this element. Remarks The defaultValue element is optional. If specified, the defaultValue element must be defined after the label element. Examples This XML fragment specifies a text box parameter displaying a default string, "%SYSTEMROOT%\Example". <textBox refId="Sample_textboxExpandszPrompt"> <label>This text box allows input of environment variables:</label> <defaultValue>%SYSTEMROOT%\Example</defaultValue> </textBox> Additional references textBox Element definition Element The definition element creates the mapping between the logical name to an existing reference supported on string text in the .adml file. Syntax <definition name="<placeholder for logical or friendly name>" displayName="$(string.<placeholder for supportedOn text>)"/> Attributes 66 Attributes Required Description name Attribute Yes name="<placeholder for logical or friendly name>" Specifies a logical name to use for a specific supported application and revision. displayName Attribute Yes displayName="$(string.<placeholder for supportedOn text>)" The reference to the supported information string located in the string table of the .adml file. Child elements There are no child elements associated with this element. Remarks Group Policy provides a enterprise management of Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows Server 2003, and Microsoft Windows XP as well as applications that run on the Windows platform. The enterprise will typically include multiple versions of operating systems and other applications. In order to administrate for these different versions, the Group Policy settings cannot be deprecated when a policy setting no longer applies to the current version operating system or application. Instead of removing Group Policy settings that apply only to earlier operating systems or applications, the Group Policy setting remains in the ADMX files and the supportedOn element is used to specify what operating system or application version is affected by an individual Group Policy setting. The definition element can be omitted if the ADMX file only requires Windows operating system versions or strings from a custom base file for supportedOn text. Examples This XML fragment is an example of a single definition of supportedOn text for a specific product version. 67 <definition name="SUPPORTED_ProductOnly" displayName="$(string.SUPPORTED_ProductOnly)"/> Additional references definitions Element Referencing the Windows Base ADMX File Creating a Custom Base ADMX File definitions Element The definitions element is a table of definition elements for the supportedOn text. Syntax <definitions> <definition> … </definition> </definitions> Attributes There are no attributes associated with this element. Child elements Element Required Description definition Element No The definition of the supported product information. Note For simplicity of documentation, nested elements located one level down, known as child elements, will only be described for a given element. 68 Remarks Group Policy provides enterprise management of Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows Server 2003, and Microsoft Windows XP as well as applications that run on the Windows platform. The enterprise will typically include multiple versions of operating systems and other applications. In order to administrate for these different versions, the Group Policy settings cannot be deprecated when a policy setting no longer applies to the current version operating system or application. Instead of removing Group Policy settings that apply only to earlier operating systems or applications, the Group Policy setting remains in the ADMX files and the supportedOn element is used to specify what operating system or application version is affected by an individual Group Policy setting. The supportedOn element is an optional element that can be removed if all the individual Group Policy settings reference the supportedOn elements defined in a different .admx file. One example of a file containing different supportedOn elements is the Windows base file, windows.admx. Examples This XML fragment is an example of a definitions table containing one supportedOn element for a specific product version. <definitions> <definition name="SUPPORTED_ProductOnly" displayName="$(string.SUPPORTED_ProductOnly)"/> </definitions> Additional references supportedOn Element Referencing the Windows Base ADMX File Creating a Custom Base ADMX File delete Element The delete element represents a deleted registry value or key. 69 Syntax <delete /> Attributes There are no attributes associated with this element. Child elements There are no child elements associated with this element. Examples This XML fragment is an example of using the delete element in a list to direct deleting the registry subkey, Software\Policies\Examples\Example2ActionList3. </item> <item key="Software\Policies\Examples" valueName="Example2ActionList3"> <value> <delete /> </value> </item> Additional references enabledValue Element disabledValue Element value Element description Element The description element is the localized description of policy settings contained in the .adml file. 70 Syntax <description>localized description text</description> Attributes There are no attributes associated with this element. Child elements There are no child elements associated with this element. Remarks This is an optional element unsupported by Group Policy Object Editor and Group Policy Management Console. Examples This XML fragment is an example of a description element. <description>This file contains application custom policy settings.</description> Additional references policyDefinitionResources Element. disabledList Element The disabledList element is used to set the multiple registry values when a policy setting is disabled through the Group Policy Object Editor. Syntax <disabledList defaultKey="<placeholder for registry subkey>"> 71 <item> … </item> </disabledList> Attributes Attributes Required Description defaultKey Attribute No Represents a default registry subkey for all items. Child elements Element Required Description item Element Yes Represents a registry subkey with an associated value. Note For simplicity of documentation, nested elements located one level down, known as child elements, will only be described for a given element. Remarks The disabledList element is an optional element. If you use the disabledList element when defining a policy element, you must define at least one item element. If not, the Group Policy Object Editor will display an error. There is no limit to the number of items that can be defined for a single disabledList element. Examples This XML fragment demonstrates the use of the disabledList. The first two registry subkeys are set to a string value and a decimal value, respectively, when the policy setting is configured to the disabled state. The third subkey is deleted when the same policy setting is configured to the disabled state. 72 <disabledList> <item key="Software\Policies\Examples" valueName="Example2ActionList1"> <value> <string>0</string> </value> </item> <item key="Software\Policies\Examples" valueName="Example2ActionList2"> <value> <decimal value="10" /> </value> </item> <item key="Software\Policies\Examples" valueName="Example2ActionList3"> <value> <delete /> </value> </item> </disabledList> Additional references policy Element disabledValue Element The disabledValue element sets the registry value when a policy setting is disabled through the Group Policy Object Editor. Syntax < disabledValue > <delete /> | <decimal> … </decimal> | <string> … </string> </ disabledValue > You must include a choice of either the delete element, decimal element, or string element. 73 Attributes There are no attributes associated with this element. Child elements Element Required Description delete Element One of three must be used in the enabledValue element. Represents a deleted registry value or key. decimal Element (elements) One of three must be used in the enabledValue element. Represents an unsigned decimal number. string Element (.admx) One of three must be used in the enabledValue element. String type limited to 255 characters in length. Note For simplicity of documentation, nested elements located one level down, known as child elements, will only be described for a given element. Remarks The disabledValue element is an optional element. If you use the disabledValue element when defining a policy element, you must define one child element: delete element, decimal element, or string element. If not, the Group Policy Object Editor will display an error. Examples This XML fragment is an example of an disabledValue element used to configure a registry setting value to a decimal value of 0. <disabledValue> <decimal value="0" /> </disabledValue> 74 Additional references policy Element displayName Attribute The displayName attribute, defined in the .admx file, is a string value referenced in the .adml file. This attribute can be used in the category, definition, enum, or policy element. Syntax displayName="$(string.<placeholderTextID>)" where placeholderTextID is the unique name for a string text defined in the .adml stringTable element. Remarks The XML notation $(string.<placeholderTextID>) indicates an external reference to the related .adml file with reference to the string elements for the placeholderTextID. Examples This XML fragment displays an example of the displayName attribute referencing a string for supported text with an ID of SUPPORTED_ProductOnly. displayName="$(string.SUPPORTED_ProductOnly)" Additional references category Element definition Element enum Element 75 policy Element stringTable Element displayName Element The displayName element is the localized friendly name of the .adml file. Syntax <displayName>localized display name text</displayName> Attributes There are no attributes associated with this element. Child elements There are no child elements associated with this element. Remarks This is an optional element unsupported by Group Policy Object Editor and Group Policy Management Console. Examples This XML fragment is an example of a displayName element. <displayName> Custom Policy Settings </displayName> Additional references policyDefinitionResources Element 76 dropdownList Element The dropdownList element represents a drop-down listparameter. The dropdownList element must be associated with an enum element defined in the elements element. Syntax <dropdownList refId="<placeholderID>" noSort="true|false" defaultItem ="<placeholderNumericValue>"> Placeholder label:</dropdownList> where Placeholder label is label text for the parameter. Attributes Attributes Required Description refId Attribute Yes A mapping to the element. noSort Attribute No If true, create a spin control; otherwise, create a text box for numeric entry. This attribute is true, by default. defaultItem Attribute No The numerical value identifying the default choice of the list of items. The item list is numbered starting from 0. Child elements There are no child elements associated with this element. 77 Remarks The dropdownList element is associated with a drop-down list parameter in the Group Policy Object Editor. The dropdownList element will require a matching enum element in the corresponding .admx file with matching id attribute as declared in the presentation element containing the dropdownList element. Examples This XML fragment is an example of a dropdownList element with the first item in the list displayed as the default choice. <dropdownList refId="Sample_Dropdownlist_Box" defaultItem="0">Drop-down list box choices:</dropdownList> Additional references dropdownList Element presentation Element elements Element The elements element represents the types of optional parameters defined in a policy setting. The child elements for the elements element represent these optional parameters available for a policy setting. Syntax <elements> <boolean> … </boolean> <decimal> … </decimal> <text> … </text> <enum> … </enum> <list> … </list> </elements> 78 Attributes There are no attributes associated with this element. Child elements Element Required Description boolean Element No. At least one element must be defined. Represents a choice element in a policy with associated values for the true and false cases. decimal Element (elements) No. At least one element must be defined. Represents a number/decimal element in a policy. The number can be defined to be stored as either a numeric or string representative value. text Element No. At least one element must be defined. Represents a text element in a policy. enum Element No. At least one element must be defined. Represents an enumeration element. list Element No. At least one element must be defined. Represents a list element in a policy. Note For simplicity of documentation, nested elements located one level down, known as child elements, will only be described for a given element. Remarks If the elements element is defined, it must contain at least one child element. The number and type of elements defined in the .admx file must match the presentation elements defined in the corresponding .adml file. 79 Examples This XML fragment is an example of the elements specifying two check box parameters. <elements> <boolean id="Checkbox_1" valueName="Example2Checkbox1"> <trueValue> <decimal value="1" /> </trueValue> <falseValue> <decimal value="0" /> </falseValue> </boolean> <boolean id="Checkbox_2" valueName="Example2Checkbox2"> <trueValue> <decimal value="0" /> </trueValue> <falseValue> <decimal value="1" /> </falseValue> </boolean> </elements> Additional references policy Element enabledList Element The enabledList element is used to set the multiple registry values when a policy setting is enabled through the Group Policy Object Editor. Syntax <enabledList defaultKey="<placeholder for registry subkey>"> <item> … </item> </enabledList> Attributes 80 Attributes Required Description defaultKey Attribute No Represents a default registry subkey for all items. Child elements Element Required Description item Element Yes Represents a registry subkey with an associated value. Note For simplicity of documentation, nested elements located one level down, known as child elements, will only be described for a given element. Remarks The enabledList element is an optional element. If you use the enabledList element when defining a policy element, you must define at least one item element. If not, the Group Policy Object Editor will display an error. There is no limit to the number of items that can be defined for a single enabledList element. Examples This XML fragment is an example of three registry values set to either a string or decimal value when a policy setting is configured to the enabled state. <enabledList> <item key="Software\Policies\Examples" valueName="Example2ActionList1"> <value> <string>1</string> </value> </item> <item key="Software\Policies\Examples" valueName="Example2ActionList2"> <value> <decimal value="11" /> </value> 81 </item> <item key="Software\Policies\Examples" valueName="Example2ActionList3"> <value> <string>String3</string> </value> </item> </enabledList> Additional references policy Element enabledValue Element The enabledValue element sets the registry value when a policy setting is enabled through the Group Policy Object Editor. Syntax <enabledValue> <delete /> | <decimal> … </decimal> | <string> … </string> </enabledValue> You must include a choice of either the delete element, decimal element, or string element. Attributes There are no attributes associated with this element. Child elements Element Required Description delete Element One of three must be used in the enabledValue element. Represents a deleted registry value or key. 82 Element Required Description decimal Element (elements) One of three must be used in the enabledValue element. Represents an unsigned decimal number. string Element (.admx) One of three must be used in the enabledValue element. String type limited to 255 characters in length. Note For simplicity of documentation, nested elements located one level down, known as child elements, will only be described for a given element. Remarks The enabledValue element is an optional element. If you use the enabledValue element when defining a policy element, you must define one child element: delete, decimal, or string element. If not, the Group Policy Object Editor will display an error. Examples This XML fragment is an example of an enabledValue element used to configure a registry setting value to a decimal value of 1. <enabledValue> <decimal value="1" /> </enabledValue> Additional references policy Element enum Element The enum element sets the specified registry subkey to a specified value or a list of registry subkeys to values chosen from a drop-down list when a policy setting is enabled through the Group Policy Object Editor. 83 Syntax <enum id="<placeholderID>" clientExtension="<placeholderGUID>" key="<placeholderRegKey>" valuename="<placeholderName>" required="true|false" > <item> … </item> </enum > Attributes Attributes Required Description id Attribute Yes A mapping to the enum element. clientExtension Attribute No The client-side extension will process, on the client computer, the particular settings represented by the enum element. key Attribute No The registry key location under which the registry value will be created. valueName Attribute Yes The registry value that will be configured for this specific policy element. required Attribute No Requirement to enter a value in the parameter box. Child elements 84 Element Required Description item Element (enum) No Represents a set of display names with one value or a set of registry subkey values. Note For simplicity of documentation, nested elements located one level down, known as child elements, will only be described for a given element. Remarks The enum element is generally associated with a drop-down list parameter in the Group Policy Object Editor. The enum element will require a matching dropdownList element in the corresponding .adml file with id that matches as declared in the enum element. Examples This XML fragment is an example of an enum element thatis associated with a choice of three values with different display names in a drop-down list. <enum id="Sample_Dropdownlist_Box" valueName="Example2DropDownList" required="true"> <item displayName="$(string.Sample_DropDownList_First)"> <value> <decimal value="1" /> </value> </item> <item displayName="$(string.Sample_DropDownList_Second)"> <value> <decimal value="2" /> </value> </item> <item displayName="$(string.Sample_DropDownList_Third)"> <value> <decimal value="3" /> </value> </item> </enum> 85 This XML fragment is an example of an enum element that is associated with a choice of two sets of values (defined in ADM files as an ACTIONLIST) with different display names in a drop-down list. <elements> <enum id="enum_example" valueName="exampleValueName" required="true"> <item displayName="$(string.displayChoice1)"> <value> <decimal value="1" /> </value> <valueList> <item key="Software\Policies\Examples\1" valueName="1"> <value> <decimal value="3" /> </value> </item> <item key="Software\Policies\Examples\2" valueName="2"> <value> <decimal value="3" /> </value> </item> </valueList> </item> <item displayName="$(string.displayChoice2)"> <value> <decimal value="2" /> </value> <valueList> <item key="Software\Policies\Examples\1" valueName="1"> <value> <decimal value="1" /> </value> </item> <item key="Software\Policies\Examples\2" valueName="2"> <value> <decimal value="3" /> </value> </item> </valueList> </item> </enum> </elements> Additional references elements Element dropdownList Element 86 expandable Attribute The expandable attribute is a Boolean value. If true, the registry subkey value will be created as an expandable string type (REG_EXPAND_SZ); otherwise, the registry subkey value will be created as a string type (REG_SZ). Syntax expandable="<true|false>" where true represents expandable string type (REG_EXPAND_SZ) and false represents string type (REG_SZ) Remarks The expandable attribute is an optional attribute, false by default. Examples This XML fragment is an example that specifies a text element that will store its value in a REG_EXPAND_SZ registry subkey. <text id="Sample_textboxExpandszPrompt" valueName="Example2TextboxExpandsz" required="true" expandable="true" /> Additional references list Element text Element 87 explainText Attribute The explainText attribute, defined in the .admx file, is a string value referenced in the .adml file representing Help or Explain text for either a category or policy setting. Syntax explainText="$(string.<placeholderTextID>)" where placeholderTextID is the unique name for a string text defined in the .adml stringTable element. Remarks The XML notation $(string.<placeholderTextID>) indicates an external reference to the related .adml file with reference to the string elements for the placeholderTextID. Examples This XML fragment displays an example of the explainText attribute referencing a string for supported text with an ID of SAMPLEHELP. explainText="$(string.SAMPLEHELP)" Additional references category Element policy Element stringTable Element 88 explicitValue Attribute The explicitValue attribute is a Boolean value. If true, the user must specify the registry subkey name and the registry subkey value. The list box shows two columns, one for the name and one for the data. If false, the user specifies only the registry subkey value. The registry subkey name is created automatically. Syntax expandable="<true|false>" where true represents create a two-column list showing registry subkey name and registry subkey value and false represents only apply the new values from the list box. Remarks The explicitValue attribute is an optional attribute. The explicitValue attribute will be set to false, by default. This option cannot be used with the valuePrefix attribute. Examples This XML fragment example specifies a list element that appends the existing subkeys to the ones that would be specified through the list box associated with this list element. <list id="Sample_ListBox_SingleColumn_Param" key="Software\Policies\Examples\listbox1" additive="true" /> Additional references list Element valuePrefix Attribute 89 fallbackCulture Attribute The fallbackCulture attribute specifies the default language to use when the .adml file does not exist on the machine or ADMX central store for the required language. Syntax fallbackCulture="<placeholder for culture/language name>" Remarks US English, en-us, is the default fallbackCulture when the fallbackCulture attribute is not declared in the resources element. For a list of ISO-style language/culture names, see Locale Identifiers. Examples This XML fragment displays an example of a fallbackCulture of US English. fallbackCulture="en-us" Additional references resources Element (.admx) falseList Element The falseList element is used to set the multiple registry values when a boolean element is set to the false state. Syntax <falseList defaultKey="<placeholder for registry subkey>"> <item> … </item> </falseList> 90 Attributes Attributes Required Description defaultKey Attribute No Represents a default registry subkey for all items. Child elements Element Required Description item Element Yes Represents a registry subkey with an associated value. Note For simplicity of documentation, nested elements located one level down, known as child elements, will only be described for a given element. Remarks The falseList element is an optional element. If you use the falseList element when defining a boolean element, you must define at least one item element. If not, the Group Policy Object Editor will display an error. You can define a maximum of one falseList element for a boolean element. There is no limit to the number of items that can be defined for a single falseList element. Examples This XML fragment demonstrates the use of the falseList. The first two registry subkeys are set to a string value and a decimal value, respectively, for the boolean element false state. The third registry subkey is deleted for the boolean element false state. <falseList> <item key="Software\Policies\Examples" valueName="ExamplefalseList1"> <value> 91 <string>0</string> </value> </item> <item key="Software\Policies\Examples" valueName="ExamplefalseList2"> <value> <decimal value="10" /> </value> </item> <item key="Software\Policies\Examples" valueName="ExamplefalseList3"> <value> <delete /> </value> </item> </falseList> Additional references boolean Element falseValue Element The falseValue element sets the registry value for the false condition of a boolean element. Syntax <falseValue> <delete /> | <decimal> … </decimal> | <string> … </string> </falseValue> You must include a choice of either the delete element, decimal element, or string element. Attributes There are no attributes associated with this element. 92 Child elements Element Required Description delete Element One of three must be used in the enabledValue element. Represents a deleted registry value or key. decimal Element (elements) One of three must be used in the enabledValue element. Represents an unsigned decimal number. string Element (.admx) One of three must be used in the enabledValue element. String type limited to 255 characters in length. Note For simplicity of documentation, nested elements located one level down, known as child elements, will only be described for a given element. Remarks The falseValue element is an optional element. If you use the falseValue element when defining a boolean element, you must define one child element: delete, decimal, or string element. If not, the Group Policy Object Editor will display an error. Examples This XML fragment is an example of a falseValue element used to configure a registry setting value to a decimal value of 0. <falseValue> <decimal value="0" /> </falseValue> Additional references boolean Element 93 fileName Attribute The fileName attribute specifies a valid file name. Syntax fileName="<placeholder for file name>" Remarks The file name must be specified without a file path. Examples This XML fragment displays an example of specifying the example1.adm file. fileName="example1.adm" Additional references supersededAdm Element id Attribute The id attribute specifies a string used as a logical name for an element. Syntax id="<placeholderID>" where the placeholderID is a string value. Examples This XML fragment identifies a logical name, Checkbox_1, for a boolean element. 94 <boolean id="Checkbox_1" valueName="Example2Checkbox1"> Additional references boolean Element decimal Element (elements) text Element enum Element list Element string Element (.adml) presentation Element item Element The item element represents a singe registry entry and its value. Syntax <disabledList> <item> … </item> </disabledList> Attributes Attributes Required Description key Attribute No Represents a registry subkey. valueName Attribute Yes Represents a registry entry name. 95 Child elements Element Required Description value Element Yes Represents a registry entry value. Note For simplicity of documentation, nested elements located one level down, known as child elements, will only be described for a given element. Remarks If a key attribute is not defined for an item, the default registry key defined for the enabledList element or disabledList element will be used. The Group Policy Object Editor will display an error if both the defaultKey attribute and the key attribute for an item element do not exist. Examples This XML fragment demonstrates the use of the item element to set the registry subkey, Software\Policies\Examples\Example2ActionList1, to a value of 5 stored as a string. <item key="Software\Policies\Examples" valueName="Example2ActionList1"> <value> <string>5</string> </value> </item> Additional references enabledList Element disabledList Element valueList Element 96 item Element (enum) The item element is a child element of the enum element representing a display name associated with one single value or a single value with a set of registry subkey values. Syntax <item displayName="$(string.<placeholder for text>)"> <item> … </item> </item> Attributes Attributes Required Description displayName Attribute Yes displayName="$( string.<placeholder for name>)" The reference to a display string located in the .adml file string table. Child elements Element Required Description value Element Yes Represents a registry entry value. valueList Element No A list of items with an associated registry key and value. 97 Note For simplicity of documentation, nested elements located one level down, known as child elements, will only be described for a given element. Remarks The key attribute defined in the enum element or policy element will be used to define the default registry key location for all value elements and valueList elements. Examples This XML fragment demonstrates the use of the item element, child element of the enum element, to configure a single choice for an enum. This could represent one choice from a drop-down list in the parameter of a policy setting. <item displayName="$(string.displayChoice1)"> <value> <decimal value="1" /> </value> <valueList> <item key="Software\Policies\Examples\1" valueName="1"> <value> <decimal value="3" /> </value> </item> <item key="Software\Policies\Examples\2" valueName="2"> <value> <decimal value="3" /> </value> </item> </valueList> </item> Additional references enum Element key Attribute The key attribute specifies a string that represents the name of the registry subkey 98 Syntax key="<placeholder for registry key>" The registry subkey will be specified from the node directly under Administrative Templates. Remarks If a key attribute is not defined for an item element, the default registry key, defaultKey attribute, defined for the enabledList element or disabledList element will be used. The Group Policy Object Editor will display an error if both the defaultKey attribute and the key attribute for an item element do not exist. Examples This XML fragment identifies the registry key under which all policy setting's values from both sample files will be placed. key="Software\Policies\Examples" Additional references policy Element item Element keywords Element The keywords element is a list of searchable keywords associated with categories and policy settings. Syntax <keywords> <placeholder for keywords> </keywords> 99 Attributes There are no attributes associated with this element. Child elements There are no child elements associated with this element. Remarks This is an optional element unsupported by Local Group Policy Editor and Group Policy Management Console. Examples This XML fragment is an example of a keyword for the company, Contoso. This keyword could be used to search for all categories or policy settings specifically developed by the Contoso company. <keywords> Contoso </keywords> Additional references category Element policy Element label Element The label element is a localized string label for the text box parameter. Syntax <label>Placeholder localized text</label> 100 Attributes There are no attributes associated with this element. Child elements There are no child elements associated with this element. Remarks The Group Policy Object Editor will display an error if the label element is not the first child element of the textBox element. Examples This XML fragment specifies a text box parameter with a label, "This text box allows input of environment variables:" <textBox refId="Sample_textboxExpandszPrompt"> <label>This text box allows input of environment variables:</label> <defaultValue>%SYSTEMROOT%\Example</defaultValue> </textBox> Additional references textBox Element comboBox Element list Element The list element sets a list of different registry subkeys when a policy setting is enabled through the Group Policy Object Editor. The list element is generally associated with a show box parameter in the Group Policy Object Editor. Syntax <list id="<placeholderID>" 101 clientExtension="<placeholderGUID>" key="<placeholderRegKey>" valuePrefix="<placeholderName>" additive="true|false" expandable="true|false" explicitValue="true|false" > </list> Attributes Attributes Required Description id Attribute Yes A mapping to the list element. clientExtension Attribute No The client-side extension will process, on the client computer, the particular settings represented by the list element. key Attribute No The registry key location under which the registry value will be created. valuePrefix Attribute Yes The prefix prepended to an incremented integer will create the registry sub-key used in setting policy values. additive Attribute No If this option is specified true, existing subkeys are not deleted, and the values set in the list box are appended to the existing subkeys. expandable Attribute No The registry subkey value will be created as an expandable string type (REG_EXPAND_SZ) instead of a string type (REG_SZ). 102 Attributes Required Description explicitValue Attribute No If this option is specified true the user must specify the registry subkey value and the registry subkey name. The list box shows two columns, one for the name and one for the data. Child elements There are no child elements associated with this element. Remarks The list element will require a matching listBox element in the corresponding .adml file with id that matches as declared in the list element. Examples This XML fragment is an example of using a list element to create a one-column list box for parameter entry. Each registry subkey name will have "SAMPLE" prepended to its name. <list id="Sample_ListBox_SingleColumn_Param" key="Software\Policies\Examples\listbox1" valuePrefix="SAMPLE" /> Note If the valuePrefix attribute is not specified, the registry sub-key name will match the name of the value entered. If you want the registry sub-keys to be named with incremental integers only, set the valuePrefix attribute to a null value, valuePrefix="". This XML fragment is an example of using a list element to create a two-column list box for parameter entry. <list id="Sample_ListBox_DoubleList" key="Software\Policies\Examples\listbox2" 103 explicitValue="true" /> Additional references elements Element listBox Element listBox Element The listBox element represents a list parameter. The listBox element must be associated with a list element defined in the elements element. Syntax <listBox refId="<placeholderID>">Placeholder label:</listBox> where Placeholder label is label text for the parameter. Attributes Attributes Required Description refId Attribute Yes A mapping to the element. Child elements There are no child elements associated with this element. Remarks The listBox element is associated with a list parameter in the Group Policy Object Editor. To open the list, click the show button. The listBox element will require a matching list element in the corresponding .admx file with matching id attribute as declared in the presentation element containing the listBox element. 104 Examples This XML fragment specifies a listBox element with label, "Single Column Title". <listBox refId="Sample_ListBox_SingleColumn_Param">Single Column Title</listBox> Additional references list Element presentation Element maxLength Attribute The maxLength attribute specifies the maximum number of text characters for a text element. The default value is 1023. Syntax maxLength ="<PlaceholderNumber>" where <PlaceholderNumber> is a placeholder for the maximum number of text characters. Examples This XML fragment example sets the maximum number of text characters for a text element to 1024. <text id="Sample_TextboxPrompt" valueName="Example2textbox" maxLength="1024"/> Additional references text Element 105 maxValue Attribute The maxValue attribute specifies the maximum value for a decimal element. The default value is 9999. Syntax maxValue="<PlaceholderNumber>" where <PlaceholderNumber> is a placeholder for the maximum value. Remarks The decimal element is defined as an unsigned element. The largest value allowed for the maxValue attribute is 9999. Examples This XML fragment example sets the maxValue of a decimal element to 60. <decimal id="Sample_NumericTextLabel" valueName="Example2NumericText" required="true" minValue="10" maxValue="60" /> Additional references decimal Element (elements) 106 minRequiredRevision Attribute The minRequiredRevision attribute determines the minimum version of the .adml file that will interoperate with the .admx file. The minRequiredRevision is an attribute of the .admx resources element. Syntax minRequiredRevision="<MajorVersion.MinorVersion>" where <MajorVersion.MinorVersion> is a placeholder for the revision number. MajorVersion has the format XXXX where X designates a single decimal digit. MinorVersion has the format XXXXX where X designates a single decimal digit. Remarks The policyDefinitionResources revision attribute works in conjunction with the minRequiredRevision attribute. The MajorVersion value of the policyDefinitionResources revision attribute in the .adml file must be equal to the MajorVersion value of the minRequiredRevision attribute in the .admx file. The MinorVersion value of the policyDefinitionResources revision attribute in the .adml file must be greater than or equal to the MinorVersion value of the minRequiredRevision attribute in the .admx file. Examples This XML fragment displays the revision attribute in the .admx file filled out to the full number of allowed digits. minRequiredRevision="1000.12345" The following examples demonstrate the relationship between the policyDefinitionResources revision attribute in the .adml file and the minRequiredRevision attribute in the .admx file. If the minRequiredRevision attribute in the .admx file equals 1.1 then the policyDefinitionResources revision attribute could have any value from 1.1 up to but not including 2.0. 107 revision="1.1" or revision="1.1001" to a maximum value of revision="1.9999" Additional references policyDefinitions Element revision Attribute minValue Attribute The minValue attribute specifies the minimum value for a decimal element. The default value is 0. Syntax minValue="<PlaceholderNumber>" where <PlaceholderNumber> is a placeholder for the minimum value. Remarks The decimal element is defined as an unsigned element. The smallest allowed value for the minValue attribute is 0. Examples This XML fragment example sets the minValue of a decimal element to 10. <decimal id="Sample_NumericTextLabel" valueName="Example2NumericText" required="true" 108 minValue="10" maxValue="60" /> Additional references decimal Element (elements) name Attribute The name attribute is a logical or friendly name used as a mapping to a string value referenced in the .adml file. This attribute can be used in the category, definition, or policy element. Syntax name="<placeholder for logical or friendly name>" Remarks Each name attribute must be unique for a mapping to a string reference within an .admx file. For example, if you have two policy name strings you want to reference, you cannot use a single name="policy" to map to each string. Instead they must be unique; for example, name="policy1" and name="policy2" to reference the policy string names. Examples This XML fragment displays an example of name attribute used for a supportedOn text string logical name. name="SUPPORTED_ProductOnly" Additional references category Element definition Element 109 policy Element namespace Attribute The namespace attribute specifies the URI used to identify the elements within an ADMX file. Syntax namespace="<placeholder for URI>" Remarks Each URI for an ADMX file must be unique from all other ADMX files. For example, "Microsoft.Policies.Example1" cannot be defined as a namespace for more than one ADMX file. However, a URI can be referred to from one ADMX file to another with the using element. The URI follows .NET framework naming guidelines (for example, use "InternetExplorer," but not "ie," "inet," or "internetexplorer"). Examples This XML fragment displays an example of a namespace for the example1.admx file. namespace="Microsoft.Policies.Example1" Additional references target Element using Element 110 noSort Attribute The noSort attribute is a Boolean value. If true, display the suggested values in the defined order of the suggestion elements; otherwise, sort the suggested values in alphabetical or numerical order. Syntax noSort="<true|false>" where true represents display the suggested values in the defined order of the suggestion elements. false represents display in alphabetical or numerical order. Remarks The noSort attribute is an optional attribute, false by default. Examples This XML fragment specifies a comboBox element that will display the list of suggestions in elemental order. <comboBox refId="Sample_ComboBox_Filename" noSort="true" > <label>Sample Executable File Name</label> <default>None</default> <suggestion>Filename A</suggestion> <suggestion>Filename B</suggestion> <suggestion>EXECUTABLE.EXE</suggestion> </comboBox> Additional references comboBox Element dropdownList Element 111 parentCategory Element The parentCategory element specifies the location of the category in relationship to its parent category in the Group Policy Object Editor tree structure. Syntax <parentCategory ref="<placeholderNamespace>:<placeholderLogicalName>" /> Attributes Attributes Required Description ref Attribute Yes ref="<placeholderNamespace>:<placeholderLogicalName>" References a previously defined category. Child elements There are no child elements associated with this element. Remarks If the parentCategory element is omitted, the Group Policy Object Editor will display the category element under the Administrative Templates node. You cannot define more than one parentCategory for a category element. Examples This XML fragment is an example of a custom parentCategory element that is assumed to be declared inside the same .admx file as the element being referenced. <parentCategory ref="SAMPLE" /> This XML fragment is an example of how to define a parentCategory element referencing the category defined in the Windows base file, Windows.admx. 112 <parentCategory ref="windows:WindowsComponents" /> Additional references category Element policy Element Referencing the Windows Base ADMX File Creating a Custom Base ADMX File policy Element The policy element corresponds to a single Group Policy setting displayed in the Group Policy Object Editor. The policy element describes all of the information about the policy setting, but includes a reference to the parameter definition. Syntax The syntax of the policy element declaration is: <policy name="="<placeholder for logical or friendly name>" class="Machine|User|Both" displayName="$(string.<placeholder for category text>)" explainText="$(string.<placeholder for help text>)" presentation="$(presentation.<parameter placeholder>)" key="<placeholder for registry key>" valueName="<placeholder for registry valuename>"> <parentCategory> … </parentCategory> <supportedOn> … </supportedOn> <enabledValue> … </enabledValue> <disabledValue> … </disabledValue> <enabledList> … </enabledList> <disabledList> … </disabledList> <elements> … </elements> </policy> Attributes 113 Attributes Required Description name Attribute Yes name="<placeholder for logical or friendly name>" Specifies a logical name to use for a specific supported application and revision. class Attribute Yes Identifies whether the policy will be located under a single node of the Group Policy Object Editor (computer or user) or both nodes. The class attribute can be defined as "User," "Machine," or "Both." displayName Attribute Yes displayName="$( string.<placeholder for category text>)" The reference to the policy setting title text string located in the string table of the .adml file. explainText Attribute No explainText="$( string.<placeholder for help text>)"> Explain or Help text associated with a specific policy setting. presentation Attribute No presentation="$(presentation.<parameter placeholder>)" An identifier used to reference the localized portions of the parameter definition located in the presentation table of the .adml file. key Attribute Yes The registry key location under which the registry value will be created. valueName Attribute No The registry value that will be configured for this specific policy element. Child elements 114 Element Required Description parentCategory Element Yes Reference to parent of the current category. seeAlso Element element No Reference to another element that may be related. This element is not supported and will be ignored by current Group Policy. keywords Element No Contains index words that could be used to search for elements. This element is not supported and will be ignored by current Group Policy tools. supportedOn Element (policy) No supportedOn logical name as defined in the supportedOn element for this file. enabledValue Element No A decimal or string value representing the enabled value of the registry valueName element. disabledValue Element No A decimal or string value representing the disabled value of the registry valueName element. enabledList Element No A set of decimal or string values and registry keys representing the enabled state of the policy element. disabledList Element No A set of decimal or string values and registry keys representing the disabled state of the policy element. 115 Element Required Description elements Element No One of five parameters types that can be set in a policy setting. Note For simplicity of documentation, nested elements located one level down, known as child elements, will only be described for a given element. Remarks One thing to keep in mind when declaring a policy element is that you have the freedom to mix and match the elements for enabling and disabling the policy element. For example, you can declare an enabledValue with a disabledList element. You do not have to match the enabledValue with a disabledValue or an enabledList with a disabledList. You can even define a policy element with only a parameter to the policy element through the presentation attribute. This will have the net effect of only setting a registry value when the policy is enabled with a set parameter. In this case, you will still need to define a registry key as a policy attribute, even though the registry key will be determined through the parameter definition via the referenced presentation table entry. Examples This XML fragment is an example of a single policy element that defines a policy setting configured to a string value based on the enabled or disabled state. <policy name="Sample_NoParamPolicy" class="Both" displayName="$(string.Sample_NoParamPolicy)" explainText="$(string.Sample_NoParamPolicy_Help)" key="Software\Policies\Examples" valueName="Example1NoParam"> <parentCategory ref="SAMPLE" /> <supportedOn ref="SUPPORTED_ProductOnly" /> <enabledValue> <decimal value="1" /> </enabledValue> <disabledValue> <decimal value="0" /> </disabledValue> </policy> 116 This XML fragment is an example of a policy element that contains only a text input box parameter definition declared through the elements element. <policy name="Sample_Textbox" class="User" displayName="$(string.Sample_Textbox)" explainText="$(string.Sample_Textbox_Help)" presentation="$(presentation.Sample_Textbox)" key="Software\Policies\Examples"> <parentCategory ref="TEXTBOX_CATEGORY" /> <supportedOn ref="SUPPORTED_ProductOnly" /> <elements> <text id="Sample_TextboxPrompt" valueName="Example2textbox" /> </elements> </policy> Additional references policies Element policyDefinitionResources Element The policyDefinitionResources element is the document element for an .adml file that defines all the localized resource information with a single language/culture per file for each supported language/culture setting. The policyDefinitionResources element also declares a default namespace for all of the elements in the .adml file. Syntax <policyDefinitionResources xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" revision="<MajorVerison.MinorVersion>" schemaVersion="<MajorVerison.MinorVersion>" xmlns= "" > <displayName> … </displayName> <description> … </description> <annotation> … </annotation> <resources> … </resources> </policyDefinitionResources> Attributes 117 Attributes Required Description xmlns Attribute No xmlns:xsd ="" Designation for elements and data types used in the schema that comes from the "" namespace. This attribute is typed as shown. xmlns Attribute No xmlns:xsi="" Designation for the "XML Schema Instance" namespace available is from the "" namespace. This attribute is typed as shown. revision Attribute Yes revision="<MajorVerison.MinorVersion>" Version of the .admx file for tracking purposes. schemaVersion Attribute Yes xmlns Attribute No schemaVersion="<MajorVerison.MinorVersion>" Schema version used by the Group Policy tools. For Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 schemaVersion must be set as follows; schemaVersion="1.0" The Group Policy schema namespace. Note The Group Policy tools will successfully consume the .adml file that does not include the xmlns:xsd, xmlns:xsi, and xmlns attributes. The .adml file may not validate as a fully-formed XML file if the xmlns:xsd, xmlns:xsi, and xmlns attributes are not included in the .adml file. Child elements 118 Element Required Description displayName Element Yes The localized friendly name of the .adml file. description Element No The localized description of policy settings contained in the .adml file. annotation Element Yes A localized comment at the beginning of the .adml file. resources Element (.adml) No Contains the stringTable and presentationTable elements for specific MUI languages. Note For simplicity of documentation, nested elements located one level down, known as child elements, will only be described for a given element. Remarks Because the policyDefinitionResources element is the document element, it contains all the other elements in the document representing the .adml file. The XML declaration is not part of the document element. Examples This XML fragment is the corresponding localized resources for the single policy setting example in the policyDefinitions element. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <policyDefinitionResources xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" revision="1.0" schemaVersion="1.0" xmlns=" "> <displayName>enter display name here</displayName> <description>enter description here</description> <resources> <stringTable> <string id="SAMPLE">Example 1 - Simplest single Group Policy setting</string> <string id="Sample_NoParamPolicy">Set state only</string> <string id="Sample_NoParamPolicy_Help">This is an example of a Group Policy 119 setting that only sets a value for the enabled, disabled states. If you enable this setting, the Example1NoParam value will be set to 1. If you disable this setting, the Example1NoParam will be set to 0. If you do not configure this setting, the value will be deleted, if currently set to a value.</string> <string id="SAMPLEHELP">Example 1 Contains an example of the simplest policy setting that can be created. This will be displayed as both a machine and user policy setting.</string> <string id="SUPPORTED_ProductOnly">Only works on placeholder product</string> </stringTable> </resources> </policyDefinitionResources> Additional references XML declaration policyDefinitions Element The policyDefinitions element is the document element for an .admx file that defines a set of registry-policy settings. The policyDefinitions element also declares a default namespace for all of the elements in the .admx file. Syntax <policyDefinitions xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" revision="<MajorVerison.MinorVersion>" schemaVersion="<MajorVerison.MinorVersion>" xmlns="" > <policyNamespaces> … </policyNamespaces> <supersededAdm> … </supersededAdm> <resources> … </resources> <supportedOn> … </supportedOn> <categories> … </categories> <policies> … </policies> </policyDefinitions> 120 Attributes Attributes Required Description xmlns Attribute No xmlns:xsd ="" Designation for elements and data types used in the schema that comes from the "" namespace. This attribute is typed as shown. xmlns Attribute No xmlns:xsi="" Designation for the XML Schema Instance namespace available is from the "" namespace. This attribute is typed as shown. revision Attribute Yes revision="<MajorVerison.MinorVersion>" Version of the .admx file for tracking purposes. schemaVersion Attribute Yes xmlns Attribute No schemaVersion="<MajorVerison.MinorVersion>" Schema version used by the Group Policy tools. For Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 schemaVersion must be set as follows; schemaVersion="1.0" The Group Policy schema namespace. Note The Group Policy tools will successfully consume the .admx file that does not include the xmlns:xsd, xmlns:xsi, and xmlns attributes. The .admx file may not validate as a fully-formed XML file if the xmlns:xsd, xmlns:xsi, and xmlns attributes are not included in the .admx file. Child elements 121 Element Required Description policyNamespaces Element Yes Contains mappings of .admx files to unique namespaces. supersededAdm Element No Reference to the file name for an .adm file. Group Policy Object Editor will not read any .adm file designated as superseded. resources Element (.admx) Yes Contains the required minimum revision of the .adml file. supportedOn Element No Mapping of products and definitions. categories Element No Contains a list of categories under which Group Policy settings will be displayed in the Group Policy Object Editor and the Group Policy Management Console. policies Element No Contains a list of policy setting definitions. Note For simplicity of documentation, nested elements located one level down, known as child elements, will only be described for a given element. Remarks Because the policyDefinitions element is the document element, it contains all the other elements in the document representing the .admx file. The XML declaration is not part of the document element. 122 Examples This XML fragment is an example of a single policy setting to configure a registry-based value with numeric values for the enabled and disabled policy states. If the policy setting state is changed from a defined state to the not configured policy state, the existing registry value will be deleted when Group Policy is processed. <policyDefinitions xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" revision="0.9" schemaVersion="1.0" xmlns=""> <policyNamespaces> <target prefix="example1_singlepolicysetting" namespace="Microsoft.Policies.Example1_singlepolicysetting" /> </policyNamespaces> <supersededAdm fileName="example1_singlepolicysetting.adm" /> <resources minRequiredRevision="0.9" /> <supportedOn> <definitions> <definition name="SUPPORTED_ProductOnly" displayName="$(string.SUPPORTED_ProductOnly)"/> </definitions> </supportedOn> <categories> <category name="SAMPLE" displayName="$(string.SAMPLE)" explainText="$(string.SAMPLEHELP)" /> </categories> <policies> <policy name="Sample_NoParamPolicy" class="Both" displayName="$(string.Sample_NoParamPolicy)" explainText="$(string.Sample_NoParamPolicy_Help)" key="Software\Policies\Examples" valueName="Example1NoParam"> <parentCategory ref="SAMPLE" /> <supportedOn ref="SUPPORTED_ProductOnly" /> <enabledValue> <decimal value="1" /> </enabledValue> <disabledValue> <decimal value="0" /> </disabledValue> </policy> </policies> </policyDefinitions> Additional references XML declaration 123 policyNamespaces Element The policyNamespaces element defines the unique name for the policy namespace in an ADMX file as well as any namespaces it references in other ADMX files. Syntax <policyNamespaces> <target> … </target> <using> … </using> </policyNamespaces> Attributes There are no attributes associated with this element. Child elements Element Required Description target Element Yes Defines the unique name for the policy namespace in an .admx file. using Element No References an existing category or supportedOn name from a different policyNamespace. Note For simplicity of documentation, nested elements located one level down, known as child elements, will only be described for a given element. Remarks ADMX files treat all elements defined within a specific policyNamespace as a unique name. Using a category element name in multiple ADMX files will cause duplicate category nodes to be displayed in the Group Policy Object Editor. See the using Element 124 section for more information about avoiding duplicate nodes within the Group Policy Object Editor. Examples This XML fragment is an example of the "policy" namespace definition and one reference to the windows.admx base file in order to use existing category and supportedOn text definitions. <policyNamespaces> <target prefix="example" namespace="Microsoft.Policies.Example" /> <using prefix="windows" namespace="Microsoft.Policies.Windows" /> </policyNamespaces> Additional references policyDefinitions Element policies Element The policies element is a table of policy elements. Syntax <policies> <policy> … </policy> </policies> Attributes There are no attributes associated with this element. Child elements 125 Element Required Description policy Element Yes Represents a single policy setting. Note For simplicity of documentation, nested elements located one level down, known as child elements, will only be described for a given element. Remarks If there are no policy elements to be specified in this .admx file, you can omit the policies element. If you include the policies element in the .admx file, you must define at least one policy element. The policies element is defined at most once in an .admx file. Examples This XML fragment is an example of a single unique policy setting that sets a registry value to a decimal number, based on the policy setting enabled, disabled, or not configured state. <policies> <policy name="<placeholder for logical or friendly name>" displayName="$( string.<placeholder for policy text>)" explainText="$( string.<placeholder for help text>)" key="<placeholder for registry key>" valueName="Example1NoParam"> <parentCategory ref="SAMPLE" /> <supportedOn ref="SUPPORTED_ProductOnly" /> <enabledValue> <decimal value="1" /> </enabledValue> <disabledValue> <decimal value="0" /> </disabledValue> </policy> </policies> Additional references policyDefinitions Element 126 prefix Attribute The prefix attribute specifies the logical name that refers to the namespace within the current or referenced ADMX file. Syntax prefix="<placeholder for logical or friendly name>" Remarks The prefix attribute must be unique within this ADMX file. It is a good idea to keep this name unique to all ADMX files to avoid confusion. One method for naming the logical name is to use the ADMX file name as the logical name; for example, use example1 as the prefix in the example1.ADMX file. Examples This XML fragment displays an example of a prefix attribute. prefix="example1" Additional references target Element using Element presentation Attribute The presentation attribute, defined in the .admx file, is a presentation value referenced in the .adml file representing the localized portions of a policy setting parameter. Syntax presentation="$(presentation.<placeholderTextID>)" 127 where placeholderTextID is the unique name for the localized portions of a policy setting parameter as defined in the .adml presentationTable element. Remarks For example, a check box parameter will need a localized label for the check box in the policy setting display. The presentation attribute will provide a reference to the correct localized text for the check box label. The XML notation $(presentation.<placeholderTextID>) indicates an external reference to the related .adml file with reference to the presentation elements for the placeholderTextID. Examples This XML fragment displays an example of the presentation attribute referencing a presentation element for the localized portions of a check box parameter. presentation="$(presentation.Sample_Checkbox)" Additional references policy Element presentation Element The presentation element corresponds to the parameters for a single Group Policy setting displayed in the Group Policy Object Editor. Syntax The syntax of the presentation element declaration is: <presentation id="<placeholder for logical or friendly name>"> <text> … </text> <decimalTextBox> … </decimalTextBox> <textBox> … </textBox> 128 <checkBox> … </checkBox> <comboBox> … </comboBox> <dropdownList> … </dropdownList> <listBox> … </listBox> </presentation> Attributes Attributes Required Description id Attribute Yes Specifies a logical name when referencing the presentation information for a specific policy setting. Child elements Element Required Description text Element (presentation) Yes A localized string. Used for defining text located above and below the parameter input. decimalTextBox Element No Represents a text box with or without a spin control for entering decimal numbers as a policy setting parameter. Must be associated with a decimal element defined in the elements element. textBox Element No Represents a text box parameter. Must be associated with a text element defined in the elements element. 129 Element Required Description checkBox Element No Represents a check box parameter. Must be associated with a boolean element defined in the elements element. comboBox Element No Represents a combo box parameter with default or suggested entries. Must be associated with a text element as defined in the elements element. dropdownList Element No Represents a drop-down list parameter with which a user can pick one of the displayed entries. Must be associated with an enum element defined in the elements element. listBox Element No Represents a list box parameter with Add and Remove buttons. This is the only parameter that can be used to manage multiple values under one key. Must be associated with a list element defined in the elements element. Note For simplicity of documentation, nested elements located one level down, known as child elements, will only be described for a given element. Remarks The child elements specified in the presentation element must correspond to those defined in the elements element of the .admx file. The Group Policy Object Editor will 130 display an error if there is not a matching presentation child element for an existing elements child element. Examples This XML fragment is an example of a presentation element that contains the corresponding elements for a text box parameter declared through the elements element. <presentation id="Sample_Textbox"> <textBox refId="Sample_TextboxPrompt"> <label>Prompt label for textbox</label> </textBox> </presentation> Additional references presentationTable Element elements Element presentationTable Element A table of presentation elements representing the layout of parameter controls for individual Group Policy settings. The layout of parameter controls include: type of parameter entry mechanism (edit box, spin control, drop-down box, list box, show box, and combo box); labels and prompt text for the parameter entry; and the default and range values for each parameter entry. Syntax <presentationTable> <presentation> … </presentation> </presentationTable> Attributes There are no attributes associated with this element. 131 Child elements Element Required Description presentation Element Yes Represents the display information of the parameters for a policy setting. Note For simplicity of documentation, nested elements located one level down, known as child elements, will only be described for a given element. Remarks If there are no presentation elements to be specified in the .adml file, you can omit the presentationTable element. If you include the presentationTable element in the .adml file, you must define at least one presentation element. The presentationTable element is defined at most once in an .adml file. Examples The XML fragment is an example a set of parameters for multiple policy settings. <presentationTable> <presentation id="Sample_Checkbox"> <checkBox refId="Checkbox_1">First check box</checkBox> <checkBox refId="Checkbox_2" defaultChecked="true">2nd check box</checkBox> </presentation> <presentation id="Sample_ComboBox"> <comboBox refId="Sample_ComboBox_Filename"> <label>Sample Executable File Name</label> <suggestion>Filename A</suggestion> <suggestion>Filename B</suggestion> <suggestion>EXECUTABLE.EXE</suggestion> </comboBox> </presentation> <presentation id="Sample_DropDownList"> <dropdownList refId="Sample_Dropdownlist_Box" defaultItem="0">Drop-down list box choices:</dropdownList> </presentation> <presentation id="Sample_ListBox_DoubleColumn"> 132 <text>Prompt text can be added above the listbox.</text> <text>Enter an item name paired with a value.</text> <text> </text> <listBox refId="Sample_ListBox_DoubleList">name pair:</listBox> <text> </text> <text>Possible values:</text> <text>value1 stored as a string representing action 1</text> <text>value2 stored as a string representing action 2</text> </presentation> <presentation id="Sample_ListBox_SingleColumn"> <listBox refId="Sample_ListBox_SingleColumn_Param">Single Column Title</listBox> </presentation> <presentation id="Sample_NumericSpin"> <text>These are optional lines of text that provide</text> <text>additional help text within the parameter display.</text> <text> </text> <decimalTextBox refId="Sample_NumericTextLabel" defaultValue="900" spinStep="60">Spin box label:</decimalTextBox> </presentation> <presentation id="Sample_NumericText"> <text>These are optional lines of text that provide</text> <text>additional help text within the parameter display.</text> <text> </text> <decimalTextBox refId="Sample_NumericTextLabel">Spin box label:</decimalTextBox> </presentation> <presentation id="Sample_Textbox"> <textBox refId="Sample_TextboxPrompt"> <label>Prompt label for textbox</label> </textBox> </presentation> <presentation id="Sample_textboxExpandsz"> <textBox refId="Sample_textboxExpandszPrompt"> <label>This text box allows input of environment variables:</label> <defaultValue>%SYSTEMROOT%\Example</defaultValue> </textBox> </presentation> </presentationTable> Additional references resources Element (.adml) 133 ref Attribute The ref attribute references a logical name for the parent category. Syntax ref="<placeholderNamespace>:<placeholderLogicalName>" where placeholderNamespace is the unique name for a namespace where the LogicalName is defined, if not in the current namespace. This is an optional definition of the ref attribute placeholderLogicalName is the logical name of the parent category or supportedOn text to be referenced in the .adml file stringTable element. Remarks The LogicalName will be assumed to be part of the current .admx file namespace unless specified in the ref statement. Examples This XML fragment is an example of a reference to a logical category name defined within the same .admx file. <parentCategory ref="SAMPLE" /> This XML fragment is an example of a reference to a logical category name defined in a different .admx file; for example, the Windows base file, Windows.admx. The Windows base file uses a unique namespace, referred to using the prefix "windows". <parentCategory ref="windows:WindowsComponents" /> Additional references parentCategory Element policy Element 134 stringTable Element supportedOn Element (policy) refId Attribute The refId attribute specifies a string used as a logical name. This attribute allows an element from the .admx file to refer to an element in the .adml file. Syntax refId="<placeholderID>" where placeholderID is a string value. Examples This XML fragment identifies a logical name, Sample_ListBox_SingleColumn_Param, for a listBox element. <listBox refId="Sample_ListBox_SingleColumn_Param">Single Column Title</listBox> Additional references decimalTextBox Element textBox Element checkBox Element comboBox Element dropdownList Element listBox Element 135 required Attribute The required attribute specifies a Boolean value that represents whether a value must be specified for the parameter. Syntax required="true|false" where the required attribute is specified as true or false. This is an optional attribute. The required attribute default value is false. Examples This XML fragment identifies an enum element representing a drop-down list where a value must be selected when the policy setting is enabled. <enum id="Sample_Dropdownlist_Box" valueName="Example2DropDownList" required="true"> Additional references decimal Element (elements) text Element enum Element resources Element (.adml) The resources element in the .adml file contains the stringTable and presentationTable elements for specific MUI languages. Syntax <resources> <stringTable>…</stringTable> <presentationTable>…</presentationTable> 136 </resources> Attributes There are no attributes associated with this element. Child elements Element Required Description presentationTable Element No A table of presentation elements representing parameter controls in a single Group Policy setting. stringTable Element No A table of referenced localized strings. Note For simplicity of documentation, nested elements located one level down, known as child elements, will only be described for a given element. Remarks The .adml file resources element contains all of the language strings and parameter presentation information needed by the .admx file. There is only one resources element for each .adml file. Examples This XML fragment provides an example of a resource element containing the text and presentation information for a single policy setting containing check boxes. <resources> <stringTable> <string id="CHECKBOXTWOTYPES_CATEGORY">Checkbox example</string> <string id="SAMPLE">Example 2 Policy settings</string> <string id="Sample_Checkbox">Sets policy setting parameter via a check box</string> 137 <string id="Sample_Checkbox_Help">This is an example of a Group Policy setting that configures a parameter using a check box. If you enable this policy setting, check box1 and check box2 will be active. Note: Check box2 will be checked by default. If you disable this policy setting, no check box will be active. If you do not configure this policy setting, the value will be deleted, if currently set to a value. Note: This policy setting changes the Example2Checkbox1 and Example2Checkbox2 registry values.</string> </stringTable> <presentationTable> <presentation id="Sample_Checkbox"> <checkBox refId="Checkbox_1">First check box parameter</checkBox> <checkBox refId="Checkbox_2" defaultChecked="true">Second check box parameter - checked by default</checkBox> </presentation> </presentationTable> </resources> Additional references policyDefinitionResources Element resources Element (.admx) The resourceselement, in the .admx file, specifies the minimum revision level of the matching .adml file and optionally the fallback language to use. Syntax <resources minRequiredRevision="<MajorVersion.MinorVersion>" fallbackCulture="<placeholder for culture/language name>"/> Attributes 138 Attributes Required Description minRequiredRevision Attribute Yes minRequiredRevision="<MajorVersion.MinorVersion>" fallbackCulture Attribute No A minimum revision level of the matching .adml file. fallbackCulture="<placeholder for culture/language name>" Default language to use when the .adml file does not exist on the machine or ADMX central store for the required language. Child elements There are no child elements associated with this element. Remarks The .admx file specifies all the language independent declarations for the ADMX files. The .admx file references language resources, such as UI display strings, from the .adml file. The minimum revision value guarantees the .admx file will not be referencing information that does not exist in the .adml file. US English, en-us, is the default fallbackCulture when the fallbackCulture attribute is not declared in the resources element. Examples This XML fragment is an example of specifying a minimum required version of .9 for the .adml file with the default fallbackCulture, en-us. <resources minRequiredRevision="0.9" /> Additional references policyDefinitions Element 139 revision Attribute The revision attribute provides a method of tracking changes made to the .admx or .adml file. Syntax revision="<MajorVersion.MinorVersion>" where <MajorVersion.MinorVersion> is a placeholder for the revision number. MajorVersion has the format XXXX where X designates a single decimal digit. MinorVersion has the format XXXXX where X designates a single decimal digit. Remarks The revision attribute exists for both the .admx and .adml files. The revision attributes' values can be incremented independently of each other The policyDefinitionResources revision attribute works in conjunction with the minRequiredRevision attribute. The MajorVersion value of the revision attribute in the .adml file must be equal to the MajorVersion value of the minRequiredRevision attribute in the .admx file. The MinorVersion value of the revision attribute in the .adml file must be greater than or equal to the MinorVersion value of the minRequiredRevision attribute in the .admx file. Examples This XML fragment displays the revision attribute in the .admx file filled out to the full number of allowed digits. revision="1000.12345" The following examples demonstrate the relationship between the revision attribute in the .adml file and the minRequiredRevision attribute in the .admx file. If the minRequiredRevision attribute in the .admx file equals 1.1, then the revision attribute could have any value from 1.1 up to but not including 2.0. revision="1.1" 140 or revision="1.1001" to a maximum value of revision="1.99999" Additional references minRequiredRevision Attribute policyDefinitions Element policyDefinitionResources Element schemaVersion Attribute The schemaVersion attribute specifies the ADMX schema verison that the .admx and .adml files conform to. Syntax schemaVersion="<MajorVersion.MinorVersion>" where <MajorVersion.MinorVersion> is a placeholder for the schema version number. MajorVersion has the format XXXX where X designates a single decimal digit. MinorVersion has the format XXXXX where X designates a single decimal digit. Remarks The schemaVersion attribute is used by the Group Policy tools to determine if the ADMX files are in a format that the Group Policy tools support. For Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 the schemaVersion must be set as follows; schemaVersion="1.0" 141 Examples This XML fragment displays the schemaVersion attribute value that is used to represent the schema supported by the Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 Group Policy tools. schemaVersion="1.0" Additional references policyDefinitions Element policyDefinitionResources Element seeAlso Element The seeAlso element is a descriptive phrase that can be used to reference related categories or policy settings. Syntax <seeAlso> <placeholder for text description> </seeAlso> Attributes There are no attributes associated with this element. Child elements There are no child elements associated with this element. Remarks This is an optional element unsupported by the Group Policy Object Editor and the Group Policy Management Console. 142 Examples This XML fragment is an example of a seeAlso element containing the phrase "policy." <seeAlso> policy </seeAlso> Additional references category Element policy Element soft Attribute The soft attribute is a Boolean value. If true, a registry value will not overwrite a previously set value; otherwise, registry values will always be saved. Syntax soft="<true|false>" where true represents only apply the registry value if no current value exists. false represents always apply the registry value. Remarks The soft attribute is an optional attribute, false by default. This attribute can be used in cases where you might use Group Policy to set a user configurable option for an application. Group Policy would then predefine the option if the user had not already configured it. Examples This XML fragment specifies a decimal element that will store its value in a REG_DWORD registry value if it doesn't currently exist. <decimal id="Sample_NumericTextLabel" 143 valueName="ExampleAppConfig" soft="true" /> Additional references decimal Element (elements) text Element spin Attribute The spin attribute is a Boolean value. If true, a spin control is created in addition to the numeric text box; otherwise, a numeric text box is created. Syntax spin="<true|false>" where true represents a spin control is created in addition to the numeric text box and false represents a numeric text box is created. Remarks The spin attribute is an optional attribute, true by default. Examples This XML fragment specifies a decimalTextBox element that creates a spin control and numeric text box. Notice the spin attribute does not need to be specified. <decimalTextBox refId="Sample_NumericTextLabel" defaultValue="900" spinStep="60">Spin box label:</decimalTextBox> This XML fragment specifies the same spin control and numeric text box as in the first example. This fragment includes the spin attribute. 144 <decimalTextBox refId="Sample_NumericTextLabel" spin="true" defaultValue="900" spinStep="60">Spin box label:</decimalTextBox> This XML fragment specifies a numeric text box without the spin control. <decimalTextBox refId="Sample_NumericTextLabel" spin="false" >Spin box label:</decimalTextBox> Additional references decimalTextBox Element spinStep Attribute The spinStep attribute specifies the increment of change for the spin control. If not specified, the spinStep attribute will be set to 1. Syntax spinStep="<placeholder for unsigned decimal integer number>" Examples This XML fragment specifies a spin control parameter increment of 60. spinStep="60" Additional references decimalTextBox Element storeAsText Attribute The storeAsText attribute is a Boolean value. If true, the decimal element will store the decimal value as a REG_SZ registry value; otherwise, as a REG_DWORD. 145 Syntax storeAsText="<true|false>" where true represents a REG_SZ registry value false represents a REG_DWORD registry value Remarks The storeAsText attribute is an optional attribute, false by default. Examples This XML fragment specifies a decimal element that will store its value in a REG_SZ registry value. <decimal id="Sample_NumericTextLabel" valueName="Example2NumericSpin" maxValue="599940" storeAsText="true" /> Additional references decimal Element (elements) string Element (.adml) The string element represents a localized display string. Syntax <string id="<placeholderID>">Placeholder text</string> where Placeholder text is the localized text string that will be displayed. 146 Attributes Attributes Required Description id Attribute Yes A mapping to the string element. Child elements There are no child elements associated with this element. Remarks Unlike the string definitions in the ADM files, the placeholder text does not use special formatting characters. Instead, hard carriage returns and spacing will be displayed in the same manner they are inserted. Examples This XML fragment shows a string element for Explain text. The Explain text shows how formatting is included in the string element text. <string id="Sample_Actionlist_Help">This is an example of a Group Policy setting that configures parameters using an action list. If you enable this policy setting, three registry values will be set. Note:The action list parameter does not create a unique user interface and can be used to set as many registry values as needed. If you disable this policy setting, the first two values will be set and one value will be deleted. If you do not configure this policy setting, all values will be deleted, if currently set. Note: This policy setting changes the Example2Actionlist1, Example2Actionlist2 and Example2Actionlist3 registry values.</string>> 147 Additional references stringTable Element string Element (.admx) The string element sets a value to string text. Syntax <string><placeholder for string text></string> where placeholder for string text is the literal text. Attributes There are no attributes associated with this element. Child elements There are no child elements associated with this element. Examples This XML fragment is an example of the string element to a literal string, "String3". <string>String3</string> Additional references enabledValue Element disabledValue Element value Element 148 stringTable Element The stringTable element contains the display strings for the following types of information: Group Policy setting title. Explain text. SupportedOn text. Category names and Explain text. Parameter labels. Syntax <stringTable> <string> … </string> </stringTable> Attributes There are no attributes associated with this element. Child elements Element Required Description string Element (.adml) Yes A localized string. Note For simplicity of documentation, nested elements located one level down, known as child elements, will only be described for a given element. Remarks If there are no string elements to be specified in the .adml file, you can omit the stringTable element. If you include the stringTable element in the .adml file, you must 149 define at least one string element. The stringTable element is defined at most once in an .adml file. Examples The XML fragment displays a stringTable element for a single policy setting to configure two check boxes. <stringTable> <string id="CHECKBOXTWOTYPES_CATEGORY">Checkbox example</string> <string id="SAMPLE">Example 2 Policy settings</string> <string id="Sample_Checkbox">Sets policy setting parameter via a check box</string> <string id="Sample_Checkbox_Help">This is an example of a Group Policy setting that configures a parameter using a check box. If you enable this policy setting, check box1 and check box2 will be active. Note: Check box2 will be checked by default. If you disable this policy setting, no check box will be active. If you do not configure this policy setting, the value will be deleted, if currently set to a value. Note: This policy setting changes the Example2Checkbox1 and Example2Checkbox2 registry values.</string> </stringTable> Additional references resources Element (.adml) suggestion Element The suggestion element is a localized string displayed as a drop-down choice of the combo box parameter. Syntax <suggestion>Placeholder localized text</suggestion> 150 Attributes There are no attributes associated with this element. Child elements There are no child elements associated with this element. Remarks The suggestion element is optional. There is no limit to the number of suggestion elements allowed for a comboBox element. Examples This XML fragment specifies a combo box parameter with three suggested items displayed in the combo box parameter. <comboBox refId="Sample_ComboBox_Filename" noSort="true" > <label>Sample Executable File Name</label> <default>None</default> <suggestion>Filename A</suggestion> <suggestion>Filename B</suggestion> <suggestion>EXECUTABLE.EXE</suggestion> </comboBox> Additional references comboBox Element supersededAdm Element The supersededAdm element references an ADM file name to be replaced by an ADMX file. Group Policy Object Editor will not read any ADM file designated as superseded. Syntax <supersededAdm fileName="<placeholder for ADM file name>" /> 151 Attributes Attributes Required Description fileName Attribute Yes fileName="<placeholder for ADM file name>" ADM file name to be superseded by the ADMX file. Child elements There are no child elements associated with this element. Examples This XML fragment is an example using the supersededAdm element to direct the Group Policy Object Editor to ignore the example1.adm file when processing the .admx file containing this element. <supersededAdm fileName="example1.adm" /> Additional references policyDefinitions Element supportedOn Element The supportedOn element provides a mapping of products to definitions. Syntax <supportedOn> <definitions> … </definitions> </supportedOn> 152 Attributes There are no attributes associated with this element. Child elements Element Required Description definitions Element No Contains the definitions of the supported product information. Note For simplicity of documentation, nested elements located one level down, known as child elements, will only be described for a given element. Remarks Group Policy provides a enterprise management of the Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows Server 2003, and Microsoft Windows XP as well as applications that run on the Windows platform. The enterprise will typically include multiple versions of operating systems and other applications. In order to administrate for these different versions, the Group Policy settings cannot be deprecated when a policy setting no longer applies to the current version of an operating system or application. Instead of removing Group Policy settings that apply only to earlier operating systems or applications, the Group Policy setting remains in the ADMX files, and the supportedOn element is used to specify what operating system or application version is affected by an individual Group Policy setting. The supportedOn element is an optional element. The supportedOn element can be removed if all individual Group Policy settings reference supportedOn elements defined in a different .admx file; for example, the Windows base file, windows.admx. 153 Examples This XML fragment is an example of a custom supportedOn element for a specific product version. <supportedOn> <definitions> <definition name="SUPPORTED_ProductOnly" displayName="$(string.SUPPORTED_ProductOnly)"/> </definitions> </supportedOn> Additional references policyDefinitions Element Referencing the Windows Base ADMX File Creating a Custom Base ADMX File supportedOn Element (policy) The supportedOn element provides a mapping of products to policy setting definitions. Syntax <supportedOn ref="<placeholderNamespace>:<placeholderLogicalName>" /> Attributes Attributes Required Description ref Attribute Yes ref="<placeholderNamespace>:<placeholderLogicalName>" References a previously defined category. 154 Child elements There are no child elements associated with this element. Remarks Group Policy provides a enterprise management of Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, and Windows XP as well as applications that run on the Windows platform. The enterprise will typically include multiple versions of operating systems and other applications. In order to administrate for these different versions, the Group Policy settings cannot be deprecated when a policy setting no longer applies to the current version of an operating system or application. Instead of removing Group Policy settings that apply only to earlier operating systems or applications, the Group Policy setting remains in the ADMX files, and the supportedOn element is used to specify what operating system or application version is affected by an individual Group Policy setting. The supportedOn element is an optional element. There can be a maximum of one supportedOn element defined for a single Group Policy setting. Examples This XML fragment is an example of a supportedOn element referencing a product defined in the same .admx file. <supportedOn ref="SUPPORTED_ProductOnly" /> This XML fragment is an example of a supportedOn element referencing a product defined in the Windows base file, windows.admx. <supportedOn ref="windows:SUPPORTED_WindowsVista" /> Additional references policyDefinitions Element Referencing the Windows Base ADMX File Creating a Custom Base ADMX File 155 target Element The target element provides the mapping of a logical or friendly name to an unique URI name representing a policy namespace. Syntax <target prefix="<placeholder for logical or friendly name>" namespace="<placeholder for URI>" /> Attributes Attributes Required Description prefix Attribute Yes prefix="<placeholder for logical or friendly name>" A logical name to use for referring to the namespace within the current ADMX file. namespace Attribute Yes namespace="<placeholder for URI>" The URI follows .NET framework naming guidelines; for example, "InternetExplorer," and not "ie," "inet," or "internetexplorer." Each URI for an ADMX file must be unique from all other ADMX files. For example, "Microsoft.Policies.Example1" cannot exist in any other ADMX file. Child elements There are no child elements associated with this element. 156 Remarks The target element defines a unique name for the policy namespace in an ADMX file with a unique URI. The dotted notation is used for the unique URI instead of the http notation. The URI should start with the company's domain or name in order to make the origin of the ADMX file identifiable. The friendly name used in the target element can be reused in other files, but the target namespace must be unique for all ADMX files. Examples This XML fragment is an example of assigning a friendly name to the namespace, "Microsoft.Policies.Example1." <target prefix="example1" namespace="Microsoft.Policies.Example1" /> Additional references policyNamespaces Element text Element The text element sets the specified registry value to a specified text input value when a policy setting is enabled through the Group Policy Object Editor. Syntax <text id="<placeholderID>" clientExtension="<placeholderGUID>" key="<placeholderRegKey>" valuename="<placeholderName>" required="true|false" maxLength="<placeholderMaxLength>" expandable="true|false" soft="true\false" /> Attributes 157 Attributes Required Description id Attribute Yes A mapping to the text element. clientExtension Attribute No The client-side extension will process, on the client computer, the particular settings represented by the text element. key Attribute No The registry key location under which the registry value will be created. valueName Attribute Yes The registry value that will be configured for this specific policy element. required Attribute No Requirement to enter a value in the parameter box. maxLength Attribute No The maximum number of text characters. expandable Attribute No The registry subkey value will be created as an expandable string type (REG_EXPAND_SZ) instead of a string type (REG_SZ). soft Attribute No This attribute flags whether to overwrite an existing subkey. Child elements There are no child elements associated with this element. Remarks The text element will allow for string values up to 1023 characters long. The text element is generally associated with either a text box or a combo box parameter in the Group Policy Object Editor. 158 The text element will require a matching text box or combo box presentation element in the corresponding .adml file with id that matches as declared in the text element. Examples This XML fragment is an example of a text element that is associated with a text box. The value will be stored as a text string, REG_SZ. <text id="Sample_TextboxPrompt" valueName="Example2textbox" /> This XML fragment is an example of a text element that will create a string value stored as an expandable string (REG_EXPAND_SZ). The text box in this case will require a value to be input before the policy setting change can be applied in the enabled state. <text id="Sample_textboxExpandszPrompt" valueName="Example2TextboxExpandsz" required="true" expand="true" /> Additional references elements Element textBox Element comboBox Element text Element (presentation) The text element, when used within the presentation element, is a localized string displayed within the parameter box by the Group Policy Object Editor. Syntax <text>Placeholder string text</text> where Placeholder string text is a character string localized for a specific language. 159 Attributes There are no attributes associated with this element. Child elements There are no child elements associated with this element. Examples This XML fragment is an example of using the text element to provide additional help text above the spin control parameter. <presentation id="Sample_NumericText"> <text>These are optional lines of text that provide</text> <text>additional help text within the parameter display.</text> <text> </text> <decimalTextBox refId="Sample_NumericTextLabel">Spin box label:</decimalTextBox> </presentation> Additional references presentation Element textBox Element The textBox element represents a text box parameter. The textBox element must be associated with a text element defined in the elements element. Syntax <textBox refId="<placeholderID>"> <label> … </label> <defaultValue> … </defaultValue> </textBox> 160 Attributes Attributes Required Description refId Attribute Yes A mapping to the element. Child elements Element Required Description label Element Yes String label for the text box parameter. defaultValue Element No A default string displayed in the text box parameter. Note For simplicity of documentation, nested elements located one level down, known as child elements, will only be described for a given element. Remarks The textBox element is associated with a text box parameter in the Group Policy Object Editor. The textBox element will require a matching text element in the corresponding .admx file with matching id attribute as declared in the presentation element containing the textBox element. If the label element is not defined as the first child element of the textBox element, the Group Policy Object Editor will display an error message. Examples This XML fragment is an example of a textBox element with default text displayed in the text box parameter when the policy setting is enabled. <textBox refId="Sample_textboxExpandszPrompt"> <label>This text box allows input of environment variables:</label> <defaultValue>%SYSTEMROOT%\Example</defaultValue> </textBox> 161 Additional references presentation Element text Element trueList Element The trueList element is used to set the multiple registry values when a boolean element is set to the true state. Syntax <trueList defaultKey="<placeholder for registry subkey>"> <item> … </item> </trueList> Attributes Attributes Required Description defaultKey Attribute No Represents a default registry subkey for all items. Child elements Element Required Description item Element Yes Represents a registry subkey with an associated value. 162 Note For simplicity of documentation, nested elements located one level down, known as child elements, will only be described for a given element. Remarks The trueList element is an optional element. If you use the trueList element when defining a boolean element, you must define at least one item element. If not, the Group Policy Object Editor will display an error. You can define a maximum of one trueList element for a boolean element. There is no limit to the number of items that can be defined for a single trueList element. Examples The XML fragment is an example of three registry values set to either a string or decimal value for a boolean element true state. <trueList> <item key="Software\Policies\Examples" valueName="ExampletrueList1"> <value> <string>1</string> </value> </item> <item key="Software\Policies\Examples" valueName="ExampletrueList2"> <value> <decimal value="11" /> </value> </item> <item key="Software\Policies\Examples" valueName="ExampletrueList3"> <value> <string>String3</string> </value> </item> </trueList> Additional references boolean Element 163 trueValue Element The trueValue element sets the registry value for the true condition of a boolean element. Syntax <trueValue> <delete /> | <decimal> … </decimal> | <string> … </string> </trueValue> You must include a choice of either the delete element, decimal element, or string element. Attributes There are no attributes associated with this element. Child elements Element Required Description delete Element One of three must be used in the enabledValue element. Represents a deleted registry value or key. decimal Element (elements) One of three must be used in the enabledValue element. Represents an unsigned decimal number. string Element (.admx) One of three must be used in the enabledValue element. String type limited to 255 characters in length. Note For simplicity of documentation, nested elements located one level down, known as child elements, will only be described for a given element. 164 Remarks The trueValue element is an optional element. If you use the trueValue element when defining a boolean element, you must define one child element: delete, decimal, or string element. If not, the Group Policy Object Editor will display an error. Examples This XML fragment is an example of a trueValue element used to configure a registry setting value to a decimal value of 1. <trueValue> <decimal value="1" /> </trueValue> Additional references boolean Element using Element The using element provides the mapping of the logical name to a unique URI name of a previously defined policy namespace located in a different ADMX file. This is an optional element with no limit to the maximum number of using elements that can be declared in a policyNamespaces element. Syntax <using prefix="<placeholder for logical or friendly name>" namespace="<placeholder for URI>" /> Attributes 165 Attributes Required Description prefix Attribute Yes prefix="<placeholder for logical or friendly name>" A logical name to use for referring to the namespace within the current ADMX file. namespace Attribute Yes namespace="<placeholder for URI>" A URI using dotted notation; for example, Microsoft.Policies.Example1. Child elements There are no child elements associated with this element. Remarks ADMX files treat all elements defined within a specific policyNamespace as a unique name. You use the using element to reference an existing category element from a different policyNamespace in order to avoid creating duplicate category names in the Group Policy Object Editor. You must use the using element to reference previously defined supportedOn text from another ADMX file or the parser will give you an error. If you are writing a number of ADMX files that may reference another file, you should take care to build a single file containing the category and supportedOn elements referenced from all files, also called a base file. This will help avoid circular referencing that may cause problems when the Group Policy Object Editor reads the ADMX files. The base file for all Windows components is called windows.admx. Examples This XML fragment is an example of referencing the Windows base file, windows.admx, via the using element. <using prefix="windows" namespace="Microsoft.Policies.Windows" /> 166 Additional references policyNamespaces Element value Attribute The value attribute specifies the numerical value for the decimal element. Syntax value="<placeholder for unsigned decimal integer number>" Examples This XML fragment specifies a decimal value of 2. <decimal value="2"/> Additional references decimal Element (value) value Element The value element represents the actions to delete a registry subkey or set the value of the registry subkey to a decimal or string value. Syntax <value> <delete /> | <decimal> … </decimal> | <string> … </string> </value> You must include a choice of either the delete element, decimal element, or string element. 167 Attributes There are no attributes associated with this element. Child elements Element Required Description delete Element One of three must be used in the value element. Represents a deleted value of a registry subkey or the subkey itself. decimal Element (elements) One of three must be used in the value element. Represents an unsigned decimal number. string Element (.admx) One of three must be used in the value element. String type limited to 255 characters in length. Note For simplicity of documentation, nested elements located one level down, known as child elements, will only be described for a given element. Remarks The value element is an optional element. If you use the value element when defining a policy element, you must define one child element: delete, decimal, or string element. If not, the Group Policy Object Editor will display an error. Examples This XML fragment is an example of a value element used to configure a registry setting value to a decimal value of 10. <value> <decimal value="10" /> </value> 168 Additional references item Element valueList Element The valueList element is used to set the multiple registry values within the item element when defined as a child of the enum element. Syntax <valueList defaultKey="<placeholder for registry subkey>"> <item> … </item> </valueList> Attributes Attributes Required Description defaultKey Attribute No Represents a default registry subkey for all items. Child elements Element Required Description item Element Yes Represents a registry subkey with an associated value. Note For simplicity of documentation, nested elements located one level down, known as child elements, will only be described for a given element. 169 Remarks The valueList element is an optional element. If you use the valueList element nested within an enum element, you must define at least one item element. If not, the Group Policy Object Editor will display an error. There is no limit to the number of items that can be defined for a single valueList element. The valueList element is most commonly used to set multiple registry key values for a drop-down list choice of a policy setting parameter. Note This topic refers to two separate item elements, each defined differently. They are distinguished from each other based on the relative level within the enum element definition. One item element is the parent to the valueList element. This item element represents the display and registry keys and values that will be configured for a single choice (for example, in a drop-down list). The second item element is the child element of the valueList element. This item element represents a single registry subkey with its associated value. Examples This XML fragment is an example of three registry values set to either a string or decimal value when a policy setting is configured to the enabled state. <enabledList> <item key="Software\Policies\Examples" valueName="Example2ActionList1"> <value> <string>1</string> </value> </item> <item key="Software\Policies\Examples" valueName="Example2ActionList2"> <value> <decimal value="11" /> </value> </item> <item key="Software\Policies\Examples" valueName="Example2ActionList3"> <value> 170 <string>String3</string> </value> </item> </enabledList> Additional references item Element (enum) valueName Attribute The valueName attribute specifies a string that contains the name for a registry entry. Syntax valueName="<placeholder for registry valuename>" where the registry value name is a string value representing the name of the registry entry. Examples This XML fragment identifies the valueName for the policy setting from Example 1. valueName="Example1NoParam" Additional references boolean Element decimal Element (elements) enum Element item Element list Element policy Element 171 text Element valuePrefix Attribute The valuePrefix attribute specifies the text string that will be prepended to an incremented integer. The combined text string and integer will create the registry subkey used in setting policy values. Syntax valuePrefix="<placeholderTextString>" where placeholderTextString represents the text string to be prepended to the incremented integer for registry subkey creation. Remarks The valuePrefix attribute is an optional attribute. If this attribute is not specified, the registry subkey name will match the name of the value entered. If you want the registry subkeys to be named with incremental integers only, set the valuePrefix attribute to a null value, valuePrefix="". Examples This XML fragment is an example of a list element that will prepend the text string "SAMPLE" to an incremented integer for generating the subkey name. In this case, the first subkey created will have the name, HKLM|HKCU\Software\Policies\Examples\listbox1\SAMPLE1. <list id="Sample_ListBox_SingleColumn_Param" key="Software\Policies\Examples\listbox1" valuePrefix="SAMPLE" /> 172 Additional references list Element XML declaration All ADMX files may start with the XML declaration. The XML declaration is not considered to be part of the ADMX document. However, it is good practice to start the ADMX file with the XML declaration to specify that this is an XML document. Syntax <?xml version="<placeholder for version number>" encoding="<placeholder for character encoding"?> Where: Attributes Attributes Required Description version Yes version="<placeholder for version number>" The version of XML used in the document. Currently, the only version of XML available is 1.0. encoding No encoding="<placeholder for character encoding" Character encoding information used by XML parsers. ADMX files are always UTF-8 encoded. 173 Note The Group Policy tools will successfully consume the ADMX file that does not include the XML declaration. The ADMX file may not validate as a fully-formed XML file if the XML declaration is not included in the .admx file. Child elements There are no child elements associated with this element. Remarks At a minimum, the XML declaration must specify the XML version attribute. The XML declaration may also contain the document encoding attribute. Both attributes are set at the start of each file through one declaration. The declaration begins with the notation, '<?', and ends with the notation, '>?'. The declaration must not be preceded by comments, white space or other XML processing instructions. Examples The XML fragment is an example of an XML declaration that includes the version and character encoding attributes. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> Additional references ADMX syntax xmlns Attribute The xmlns attribute specifies the default namespace for all elements in either the .admx or .adml file. Syntax xmlns= "" > 174 Remarks The purpose of the URI is to identify the standard schema used to describe the ADMX format. Even though the namespace name begins with "http:", it has nothing to do with the HTTP protocol, a specific web site or any network-accessible resource. Examples This XML fragment displays the header for the .adml file containing the URI all Microsoft Group Policy .admx and .adml files must use. <policyDefinitionResources xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" revision="1.0" schemaVersion="1.0" xmlns=""> Additional references policyDefinitions Element policyDefinitionResources Element