COMPARISON OF INFILTRATION MEASURING IRRIGATION IN CRACKING CLAY SOIL By TECHNIQUES FOR FURROW Haitham. Ragab Elramlawi 1 , Hassan Ibrahim Mohammed 2 , Abdel Moniem ElAmin Mohammed 3 1- Center of Dry land Farming Research and Studies, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Gadaref, Sudan. 2- Department of Agricultural Engineering, College of Agricultural Studies, Sudan University of Science and Technology, 3-Agricultural Engineering Department, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Gadarif. KEY WORDS: infiltration measurement, furrow irrigation, cracking clay soil. ABSTRACT Four different techniques of determining infiltration rate: namely ring infiltrometer, level basin-furrow, inflow-outflow and volume-balance, were compared in cracking clay soils in Rahad Irrigation Project to determine their effect on Kostiakov-Lewis equation on the basis of field measurements. The functional relationships among the coefficient of infiltration equation were studied for each method of infiltration measurement. Volume-balance technique showed the highest value of the intercept of Kostiakov equation while the inflow-outflow technique showed the lowest values. The exponent obtained by inflow-outflow technique was highest while the one found by volume-balance was lowest. Infiltration rate measured by the double ring infiltrometer method was found to be significantly (p < 0.05) different from the result of other methods. Statistical analysis showed that volumebalance technique was the most suitable and accurate method among the tested techniques for estimating infiltration rate in cracking clay soils. :الملخص تم مقارنة أربع طرق لتقدير معدل التسرب في األراضي الطينية المشققة في وشملت الطرق حلقات التسرب المزدوجة واألحواض المستوية.مشروع الرهد الزراعي استخدمت هذه الطرق لتحديد تأثيرها على دوال.التي بها سراب وطريقة الموازنة الحجمية نتج عن الطريقة الموازنة.لويس بناء على القياسات الحقلية-وثوابت معادلة كوستياكوف الحجمية أكبر قيمة للقاطع في معادلة كوستياكوف بينما أظهرت طريقة الدخل والخرج اقل كما أن األس الناتج بطريقة الدخل والخرج كان أعلى قيمه بينما ذلك المحدد بطريقة.قيم وجد أن معدل التسرب باستخدام طريقة حلقات التسرب.الموازنة الحجمية كان اقل قيمه اظهر التحليل اإلحصائي أن.المزدوجة يختلف معنويا عن القيم المحددة بالطرق األخرى طريقة الموازنة الحجمية أكثر الطرق دقه ومالئمة مقارنة بالطرق األخرى التي تمت .دراستها لتقدير معدل التسرب في األراضي الطينية المتشققة INTRODUCTION The design, operation, management and hydraulic evaluation of on-farm irrigation application methods depend on the water infiltration properties of the soil (Bali and Wallinder, 1987, Abdelwahab, 2000). This is because infiltration behavior of the soil directly determines the essential variables such as inflow rate, furrow length, application time, depth of percolation and tail-water run-off in furrow irrigation. Estimation of infiltration rate is a difficult task especially in clay soils due to: (a) temporal and spatial variations caused by soil heterogeneity, difference in soil moisture content, compaction, surface crust and cracking depth, (b) difficulty in choosing most suitable technique to best duplicate field conditions while making accurate measurement, and (c) use of empirical infiltration models rather than physical based mathematical ones and the difficulty in the characterization of coefficients of the empirical relations. Different methods were used to quantify infiltration rate of soil and each was yielding different results. However, ring infiltrometers were frequently used to determine the infiltration rate in clay soils (Adel Nour, 1988; Mohammed, 1982; Elkhidir, 1985). (Walker and Skogerboe, 1987) classified infiltration measure-ment techniques for irrigation purposes into techniques that use stagnant or ponded water conditions (cylinder infiltrometer and blocked furrow infiltro-meter), those which use flowing water (furrow and border infiltrometer) and prediction from measurement of water advance (Abdelwahab, 2000). Measure-ment methods under stagnant water conditions were reported to yield lower initial infiltration rate (Mohammed, 2002). They are widely used because of their simplicity and ease of operation. These methods are recommended in study of basin, drip and sprinkler irrigation. The methods involving stagnant water are described to be one dimensional are characterized by the sealing effect of fine soil particles when water is added to the ring, and in accuracy of simulating the field conditions when cracks are avoided (El Khidir, 1985). The methods employing flowing water express two dimensional water movements but can not be used for designing new irrigation system. These methods are reported to be difficult to employ in the fields and their accuracy is affected by back water curve (Yoo, 1987; Mohammed, 2002). There are different functional forms to characterize the infiltration behavior of a soil. These include theoretical and empirical equations. The theoretical infiltration equations are of little practic-al use because they inadequately describe the variable conditions that tend to dominate in furrow irrigation. While, the empirical equations are often used due to their simplicity and adequate representation of actual field conditions (Clemmens, 1981). The latter includes Kostiakov-Lewis, modified Kostiakov, Philip and Soil Conservation Equations of USDA-SCS (Walker and Skogerboe, 1987). However, Kostiakov-Lewis equation is the most popular equation for overland flow and takes the form: D kT0n Where: D: accumulated infiltration depth, mm, To: infiltration opportunity time, min, k and n: empirical constants. The objectives of this study were to compare different infiltration determine-ation methods on Vertisols on basis of field measurements and to establish the adequacy of Kostiakov-Lewis equation from field data of four infiltration estimation techniques. Consequently, the study was made to avail input data to aid in designing and evaluating the performance of furrow irrigation in clay soils. MATERIALS AND METHODES The infiltration measurements were made on montimorillonite clay soil (Vertisols) in Rahad Irrigation Project (latitude 14o 35/N and longitude 35o 55/E) to compare four infiltration techniques (double-ring infiltrometer (D. R.) basin-furrow infiltrometer (L. F. B), inflow-outflow (In-out), and volume-balance (V.B.) over a tested area of 16.3 ha prepared normally for cultivation of cotton crop using Rahad Irrigation Project standard practices. Each technique was conducted and replicated three times, whereas the double-ring infiltrometer was replicated nine times. The materials used and measurement procedure employed with each method were as follows: For the double-ring infiltrometer, the procedure outlined by (Elramlawi 1992 and Mohammed 1982) was adopted. Double-rings (28cm high, 0.25cm thick and 25cm diameter for inner ring and 55cm diameters for outer ring) were installed in crack free locations, for level basin-furrow infiltrometer, the method described by (Walker and Skogerboe, 1987) with basin area of (262.5m2) was used. In each basin six-50cm length rulers were randomly distributed to measure changes in depth of the ponded irrigation water with time, for the inflow-outflow the procedure proposed by (Merriam and Killer, 1978) and partially modified by (Elkhidir, 1985) was used. The inflow into each furrow (0.8m spacing) was delivered from the field by using a calibrated 5cm diameter siphon tubes while the rate was measured by Parshall flume (Elkhidir, 1985). The flume was installed at distance of 50m from inlet point of the siphon tube and the water levels were recorded every 5minutes, for the volumebalance method, the procedure given by (Shepard et. al., 1993) was followed. A flow rate of 1.3 l/s was turned into each furrow (275 m length). The furrow was divided into eleven stations spaced at 25m and advance and water surface profiles (depth and width) were recorded at each station. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (Fig. 1) shows the best fitted curves for the mean values of various infiltration measuring techniques. Each infiltration technique gave different value of infiltration rate at a given time. The rate during the first one to 1.5hours was in order of 29 to 35mm/hr. This is inconsistent with the result obtained by (Marriam and Killer, 1978) (Table1). Different results were given by (Elkhidir, 1985) and attributed to seepage from or into the furrow. (Fig.1) Infiltration rate (mm/hr) by using double-ring infiltrometer (D.R.), level furrow-basin infiltrometer (L.F.B.), inflow-out flow method (In-out.) and volumebalance method (V.B.). The initial infiltration rates (after 5minutes) of both level basin- furrow and double ring infiltrometers were 156.3 and 109.6mm/hr respectively. The relatively high initial infiltration rate of level basin-furrow infiltrometer might be attributed to the two-dimensional infiltration process that increases the infiltration rate (Holzapfel et al., 1988), while the process of cracks isolation before conducting the test of double ring infiltrometer decreases the infiltration rate Hanson, 1998). This is in contrast with (Yoo, 1987) who found that water infiltrates into border irrigation (one dimensional flow) to be faster than in the furrows (two dimensional flow). (Ali, 1964) found that the presence of extensive cracking in both fallowed and cotton fields resulted in high initial infiltration rate (after 5minutes using single ring infiltrometer) of 335.6mm/hr and 254mm/hr in fallowed and cotton fields respectively. However, these results neither justify nor compare to the results of (fig.1). As shown (Fig.1) after the initial period of infiltration, the rates of infiltration falls quiet abruptly and drastically falls to much lower values that ranged from 8.5 to 19.34mm/hr after six hours. 180 160 Infiltration rate (I) mm/hr 140 120 100 D.R. 80 L.F.B In-out V.B. 60 40 20 0 0 50 100 150 Infiltration opportunity time (To) (min) 200 250 Infiltration Opportunity time (To) min The situation of accumulated infiltration depth (D) is depicted in (Table 1). The Fig. 1: Infiltration rate (I) in mm/hr by using double-ring infiltrometer (D.R.), level furrow-basin inflow-outflow method gave(L.F.B), the inflow-outflow highest infiltration rate, while the volume - balance infiltrometer method (IN-out) and volume-balance method (V.B) gave the lowest (Abdelwahab, 2000). This may be due to of the flume back water effect or negligence of the estimation of surface storage in the inflow – outflow method (Singh and Chauhan, 1973). In contrast (Smedema, 1984) found that the infiltration rate decreases to a value of 2 to 3mm/hr. after a very long watering time (12hours). Similar trend of decreasing values of infiltration rate with time was observed by (Ali, 1964) who found decreasing values from 88mm/hr to 55mm/hr after 30minutes in cotton cultivated and fallow fields respectively. This high value may be due to effects of cracks. (Abd El Nour, 1988) found a final and constant infiltration rate of 22.0mm/hr in clay soils. This is close to the value of 23.1mm/hr obtained in this study. Table (1): Parameters of Kostiakov Equation Determined from the four Methods of Infiltration Measurement. Method of measuring Parameters of Accumulated Infiltration Infiltration infiltration Kostiakov Equation Depth (D) in cm Rate mm/hr K cm/minn n At 5 min At 240 min I* =k/ To n/ Double-ring infiltrometer 0.943 0.462 1.980 11.820 260.5 To-0..538 Level furrow-basin method 1.635 0.411 3.170 15.550 403.27 To-0.589 Inflow- outflow method 0.593 0.571 1.490 13.560 203.0 To-0.429 Volume – balance method 4.295 0.227 6.190 14.900 585.02 To-0.773 I*= infiltration rate mm/hr at To (min) , n/ = n- 1 , K/ = 600(n*k). (Table 1) shows the parameters of Kostiakov equation (k and n) obtained from each of the studied techniques. The predicted values of infiltration functions (Table 2) match very well the actual field data for the various infiltration techniques used (R2 = 0.77-0.93). However, though the poorest fit was given for inflow–outflow method but was still acceptable for estimating infiltration rate. The values of (n) which represent the incremental rate of cumulative infiltration ranged from 0.227 to 0.571, in which the largest (n) values were obtained from inflow–outflow method. This is in agreement with Yoo, 1987). The lowest (n) value was given by the volume balance method. However (n) is usually considered as soil character rather than to be dependent on the measurement technique used (Smerdon, 1988). (Table 1) also shows the value of (k) which described the initial infiltration rate for each method. The (k) value was reported to be the parameter that is most influenced by the type of measuring technique (Yoo, 1987). The lowest intercept was obtained by the inflowoutflow method (k = 0.593cm/min). This result is in agreement with the value given by (Yoo, 1987). He attributed his result to tendency of water to seal the soil surface causing a relative decrease in infiltration rate. However, the low (k) value obtained in inflow-outflow method of this study may be related to lack of measurement of storage volume inherent in the method itself. (Smederam, 1984) reported that infiltration rate in Vertisols during the first 1.5hr was in order of 20 to 35mm/hr. This is in agreement with the range of 29 to 35mm/hr reported in the first 1.5hr in this study (Fig.1). The large (k) value was given the volume balance method (k = 4.295cm/min), and it was mainly due to the nature of heavy clay soil which cracks when dry. (Smedema, 1984) found that dry cracking clay soils would absorb almost instantaneously an equivalent water depth of 15mm simply by filling the cracks. Using double ring infiltrometer method (Mohammed, 1982) found values of (k) and (n) for the dry soil to be 0.859cm/min and 0.44 respectively. This is in line with the results of this study when using double ring infiltrometer technique. However, using the same technique in the same soils, (Elkhidir, 1985) obtained values of (k) and (n) to be 0.99cm/min and 0.405 respectively. He also reported values of 8.05cm/min and 0.175 for (k) and (n) coefficient when using volume balance technique in furrow of 50 m length and 1.6 m apart. (Table 2) shows the regression analysis of the relation of the accumulated infiltrated depth (D) to infiltration opportunity time (T0) for all studied infiltration techniques. Significant correlation (p< 0.05) was obtained for the different techniques. Coefficient of determination in the range of 0.771 to 0.929 indicating acceptable fit to field conditions. However, the allowed value of coefficient of variance (CV%) of 2.62 was given by the volume balance technique which means that this method is stable and capable to give consistent results. Table (2): Regression Analysis of Accumulated Infiltration Depth (D) for the Different Methods of Measuring Infiltration Methods of Measuring Level of Significance Coefficient of Coefficient of Infiltration (P<0.05) Determination (R2) Variation (C.V %) Double-ring infiltrometer S* 0.873 12.8 Level furrow-basin method S 0.929 12.7 Inflow- outflow method S 0.771 13.2 Volume-balance method S 0.851 2.62 S* = coefficient at 0.05 probability level CONCOLUSIONS The comparison of infiltration measuring methods for furrow irrigation under clay soils reveals that: The predicted Kostiakov infiltration coefficients matched very well with actual field data measured by the studied techniques, the relationships among infiltration functions obtained from different techniques were developed. These functional relations are related to the type of the technique used and the purpose of intended study. They are also useful for estimating infiltration rate that may be used as a tool for the evaluation of the performance of surface irrigation, double ring infiltrometer method was found to be not suitable for measuring infiltration rate in heavy clay soils and it does not give a reliable measure for infiltration rate in real field conditions of furrow irrigation, inflow–outflow method, which ignores surface storage water, tends to overestimate the basic infiltration rate and underestimate the initial rate, Level basin–furrow method is recommended to measure infiltration rate in level basin–furrow irrigation fields, the volume balance method is the most suitable and most statistically acceptable technique to estimate infiltration rate in cracking clay soils and furrow irrigation due to its capability to maintain flowing water conditions and consider effects of cracks and surface storage. REFERENCES 1- Abdel Nour, A. A. (1988). Evaluation of furrow-basin irrigation. M.Ss. 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