1 Supplementary Online Material 2 Data select 3 In the last two decades, the emergence of abundant pollen records and aeolian 4 deposits covering the entire desert of northern China enable the MH vegetation and 5 desert distribution. However, some of records tend to have low temporal resolution or 6 poor chronology. In this study, for the pollen sites (Table S1), we took into 7 consideration the criteria as follows: (1) a reliable chronology with a minimum of 8 three dating control points (2) high sampling resolution with a minimum 200yr per 9 sample. (3) continuous record covering mid-Holocene without depositional hiatus. In 10 cases where there was more than one diagram available from a site, the one with 11 better dating control and higher pollen sampling resolution was used. Besides, we 12 selected aeolian sequence sites (Table S2) based on two criteria: (1) the sequence are 13 mainly consist of eaolian deposits, the sediment sequences of which is a direct mark 14 to indicate the expansion and contraction of deserts migration. (2) there are 15 independent and reliable dating controls close or span the MH in a stratigraphy. The 16 age data included optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), accelerator mass 17 spectrometry (AMS), liquid scintillation counting (LSC 14C), (TL) 18 thermoluminescence dating. 19 Chronology and Dating control 20 The quality of the dating controls has been assessed at 6±0.5 14C ka. The dating 21 control (DC) codes are based on the COHMAP dating control scheme (Webb, 1985; 22 Yu and Harrison 1995) using 1-7 ranks. The details are presented in the following 23 Table S1 and Table S2. After that, we mapped the spatial distribution of the DC (Fig. 24 S1). 25 26 1 27 28 29 30 Table S1 Characteristics of the fossil pollen sites selected for 6 ±0.5 14C ka from deserts in northern China Name Hai laer Sheli Tailai Tongtu Tongyu Lop Bur Re shuitang Haiyuan Manas Aibi lake Bosten Lake2 Haoluku Liu zhouwan Xiaoniuchang Daihai Wulun Jiudaogou Bayanchagan Qingtu lake Bosten Lake Sanjiaoch Balikun Hurleg Midiwan Bahannur Chasuqi Qiguoshan Eastern Juyan Long. (°E) Lat. (°N) Elev. (m) No. of dates 119.00 123.31 123.43 123.30 123.10 90.25 117.65 105.97 85.92 82.75 87.00 116.76 116.68 116.82 112.66 87.25 96.65 115.35 103.61 87.21 103.34 92.77 96.90 108.62 109.27 111.13 119.37 101.85 49.17 45.23 46.40 45.23 44.83 40.50 43.75 36.43 45.83 44.92 42.00 42.87 42.71 42.62 40.55 47.25 40.50 42.08 39.07 41.96 39.01 43.62 37.28 37.65 39.32 40.67 43.97 41.89 760 150 146 150 148 780 1200 1600 257 194 1050 1333 1410 1411 1221 479 1376 1355 1302 1050 1320 1575 2817 1400 1278 1000 503 892 4 1 2 1 1 1 3 11 7 2 6 3 3 4 8 6 5 9 3 19 8 13 7 23 13 4 5 5 Date method 14 C AMS OSL 4 1 2 1 1 1 3 11 7 2 6 3 3 4 8 6 3 2 9 3 5 11 19 3 2 7 23 13 4 5 5 Date control 6ka Biomes References 2C 4D 5D 7D 5D 7D 1C 5D 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 1C 1C 1C 2C 1C 6C 1C 1C 1C 2C 1C 1C 4C 2C 1C STEP* STEP* STEP* STEP* STEP* DESE* STEP* COMX DESE STEP STEP COMX COMX COMX COMX DESE STEP TEDE STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP COMX COMX TEDE DESE Xia. 1993 Xia. 1993 Xia. 1993 Xia. 1993 Xia. 1993 Yan et al.,1998 Wu et al.,1992 Sun et al.,2007 Sun et al.,1994 Wu et al.,1996 Xv et al.,1998 Liu et al.,2002 Liu et al.,2002 Liu et al.,2002 Xiao et al.,2004 Xiao et al.,2006 Mao et al.,2007 Jiang et al.,2006 Li et al.,2009 Huang.2006 Chen,et al.,2006 Tao et al.,2010 Zhao et al.,2007 Li et al.,2003 Huang et al.,2009 Wang et al.,1997 Xv et al., 2002 Herzschuh et al., 2 Hulun Jinbian Diaojiaohaizi Dongdaohaizi Yili Mai li Qigainur 117.42 108.33 112.35 87.58 81.97 122.83 109.85 48.92 37.50 41.30 44.64 43.86 42.87 39.50 545 1688 2015 402 928 155 1300 13 3** 13 6 9 8 17 / 13 6 13 / 9 8 17 / 1C 2C 1C 1C 2C 1D 1C STEP STEP COMX DESE STEP DESE DESE 2004 Wen et al.,2010 Cheng.2011 Yang et al., 1997; 200 Li et al.,2001 Li et al.,2011 Yang et al.,2001 Sun & Feng. 2013 31 32 Dating control (DC) codes are based on the COHMAP dating control scheme (Webb, 1985; Yu & Harrison 1995). For sites with continuous 33 sedimentation (indicated by a C after the numeric code), the dating control is based on bracketing dates where 1 indicates that both dates are 34 within 2000 years of the selected interval, 2 indicates one date within 2000 years and the other within 4000 years, 3 indicates both within 4000 35 years, 4 indicates one date within 4000 years and the other within 6000 years, 5 indicates both dates within 6000 years, 6 indicates one date 36 within 6000 years and the other within 8000 years, and 7 indicates bracketing dates more than 8000 years from the selected interval. For sites 37 with discontinuous sedimentation (indicated by a D after the numeric code), 1 indicates a date within 250 years of the selected interval, 2 a date 38 within 500 years, 3 a date within 750 years, 4 a date within 1000 years, 5 a date within 1500 years, 6 a date within 2000 years, and 7 a date more 39 than 2000 years from the selected interval. 40 Date method: 14C-liquid scintillation counting; AMS- accelerator mass spectrometry; OSL – optically stimulated luminescence; TL- 41 thermoluminescence; “**” - dating based on a stacked loess grain size time series, termed the ‘‘Chiloparts’’ 42 Biomes: COMX: cool mixed forest, TEDE: temperate deciduous forest, DESE: desert, and STEP: steppe. “*” after the biome means the result 43 from the Members of China Quaternary Pollen Data Base (2000) 44 3 Table S2 Characteristics of aeolian deposits sites for 6 ±0.5 14C ka covering the entire deserts in northern China (abbreviations see below) Name Long.(°E) Lat.(°N) Elev.(m) No. of dates Date control 6ka Sedimentary facies 1 1 4D 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 2C 1C 1C 1C 1C paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol aeolian sand paleosol paleosol aeolian sand paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol Date method 14C AMS OSL TL Xiaxitai Mosuowan SGDL HLA HLB HLC Baicheng Qianguoxinmiao Qianguoshengjingzi Dumeng HSHN MJZ SG YS LW San Yi 98.06 86.33 115.95 118.14 118.16 118.30 122.83 124.53 124.53 124.07 116.13 117.51 115.95 116.82 114.97 116.77 36.31 44.67 42.69 49.20 49.19 49.13 45.62 45.28 44.80 47.20 43.25 43.25 42.67 43.23 41.41 43.33 3165 370 1319 590 596 637 153 128 169 143 1293 1072 1315 1263 1382 1233 5 9 5 7 10 3 2 1 1 1 4 5 5 5 2 3 2 8 3 Xilinhaote 116.08 43.87 1004 9 7 2 1C paleosol SanYi Chifeng Baxi Ganqika excavated section CLT LJY XS ZGT-A HTG 117.38 118.88 123.30 122.31 122.38 121.75 120.00 120.75 122.51 122.28 43.62 42.26 43.58 42.90 42.96 43.48 42.70 42.61 42.90 43.70 1476 586 152 255 250 210 482 427 241 175 5 5 13 8 5 5 2 1 5 4 4 5 13 1 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol aeolian sand paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol 1 5 7 10 3 2 1 4 5 5 5 2 3 2 8 3 5 2 1 5 4 References Niu et al., 2010 Chen et al., 2010 Zhou et al.,2008 Li and Sun, 2006 Li and Sun, 2006 Li and Sun, 2006 Li et al., 1991 Qiu et al., 1992 Qiu et al., 1992 Qiu et al., 1992 Zhou et al.,2005;2008 Zhou et al.,2005;2008 Han and Sun, 2004 Han and Sun, 2004 Zhou et al.,2008 Li et al., 2002 Li et al., 2005; Jin et al., 2003 Wang et al., 2005 Xv et al., 2002 Liu et al., 2011 Zhao et al., 2007 Zhao et al., 2007 Yang et al., 2010; 2011 Yang et al., 2010; 2011 Yang et al., 2010; 2011 Yang et al.,2012 Yang et al.,2012 4 KB JJ TYG CJG DBY Shenmu Sidaogou GLT Yangtaomao Zhenbeitai HX Yulin DC Guinan HMH WLS1 XXT1 XXT3 XXT4 XXT2 TGM MGTA GMY DY ZYC JXG BDK Zhongweinanshan S202-25KM Xiyijing Gonghetamai NMHDB GZEMD AMGLB XLBEX CG 110.00 109.60 110.12 109.79 110.39 110.45 110.40 108.57 110.45 109.70 107.33 109.72 98.53 101.06 99.80 97.77 98.10 98.07 98.05 98.11 100.14 100.50 101.00 101.07 100.87 100.30 100.87 105.22 105.23 105.11 100.62 118.95 118.23 118.37 118.43 118.15 40.40 38.50 39.00 38.13 38.81 38.80 38.80 38.65 38.80 38.35 36.57 38.32 35.30 35.74 36.70 36.02 36.25 36.25 36.25 36.23 36.00 35.68 35.63 36.25 36.63 36.58 38.22 37.33 37.35 39.10 36.34 47.98 48.34 48.28 48.16 49.25 1014 1157 1280 1084 1178 1176 1219 1330 1176 1114 1250 1065 4081 3375 3274 3101 3233 3249 3281 3297 3136 3020 3394 3277 3487 3362 3233 1634 1632 1274 3075 778 628 702 683 599 5 5 6 4 6 9 5 2 6 7 21 4 51 8 4 6 5 4 4 6 8 5 10 7 6 13 5 4 4 1 1 4 4 6 5 6 5 5 6 4 6 9 5 2 6 7 3 21 1 51 8 2 5 2 4 6 5 4 4 6 8 5 10 7 6 11 2 4 1 1 4 4 6 5 6 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 2D 2D 1C 2D 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 2C 1C 1C 1C 3D 1D 1D 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol loess paleosol paleosol loess loess loess loess loess paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol loess paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol aeolian sand paleosol Sun et al., 2006 Sun et al., 2006 Sun et al., 2006 Zhou et al., 2005 Lu et al., 2005 Zhou et al., 2002 Lu et al., 2005 He et al., 2010 Zhou et al., 1999 Zhou et al., 1998 Lu et al., 2006 Lu et al., 2010 Stauch et al.,2012 Dong et al., 1993 Lu et al., 2011a Yu et al., 2012 Yu et al., 2012 Yu et al., 2012 Yu et al., 2012 Yu et al., 2012 Qiang et al., 2013 Qiang et al., 2013 Qiang et al., 2013 Liu et al., 2012 Liu et al., 2012 Liu et al., 2012 Yu et al., 2006 Qiang et al., 2000 Feng et al., 2013 Gao et al., 1993 Gao et al., 1993 Zeng et al., 2013 Zeng et al., 2013 Zeng et al., 2013 Zeng et al., 2013 Zeng et al., 2013 5 WLCB HBRGN DTG JPW XZB BYMH Cagelebulu Tiegai KZZQ TPC Liu wang Hadenghushuo Jinjie Dalashi SX HK BTW MU11-35-ASE 114.65 115.81 115.16 117.45 121.10 123.38 108.30 100.21 122.00 123.30 115.00 115.83 110.15 109.29 113.50 108.78 108.65 108.24 42.75 42.45 41.26 43.24 42.70 43.27 39.88 35.99 44.00 44.11 43.00 42.49 38.74 38.58 43.00 38.09 38.00 38.24 1133 1383 1558 1069 422 133 1271 3104 182 144 1188 1352 1189 1261 1085 1217 1220 1352 3 2 4 3 7 4 8 1 5 5 2 6 10 3 5 2 1 1 3 2 4 3 7 4 8 1 5 5 2 6 10 3 5 2 1 1 1C 1D 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1D 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1D 1D 1D paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol loess paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol paleosol Zhou et al., 2013 Zhou et al., 2013 Zhou et al., 2013 Zhou et al., 2013 Yi et al., 2013 Yi et al., 2013 Zhou et al., 2002 Gao et al., 1993; 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