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Compston (eds), Policy Concentation and Social Partnership in Western Europe. (2002), P. 279-93 (14 p.). Gerholm, Lena 1994. "The Concept of Culture in Ethnology” In: Sjögren, Annick & Lena Jansson (eds.). Culture and Management. p.15-27 (13 p.) Gullestad, Marianne: The Scandinavian Version of Egalitarian Individualism. Ethnologia Scandinavica 1991 pp 3-18 (16 p.) Gustafsson, Lotten 2000: Medieval selves and current communities. In: Folklore, heritage politics and ethnic diversity : a festschrift for Barbro Klein. Botkyrka : Multicultural Centre (Mångkulturellt centrum); , p. 158-176 (19 p.) Marks, Hans: Explaining illegitimacy incl Comment by Jonas Frykman Ethnologia Scandinavica pp 126-143 (17 p.) Johansson Ella: National Maids Manuscript to be handed out. Ca 20 p Johansson, Ella 2000: Difference or similarity. Narrativity, Politics and Theory: Ethnologia Scandinavica ., Lund : Folklivsarkivet ; Lund; 30, p. 102-114 (13 p.) Johansson, Ella: (2003). Beautiful men, fine women and good work people: gender and skill in Northern Sweden 1850-1950. Moulding masculinities. Vol. 1, Among men. S. 66-80 15 p. Jönsson, Lars-Eric (2005): Home, Women, and Children: Social Services Home Visits in Postwar Sweden: Home Cultures, Volume 2, Number 2, July 2005. Berg Publishers pp. 153-174 (22 p.) Klein, Barbro (2000): Foreigners, foreignness and the Swedish folklife sphere. Ethnologia Scandinavica.Lund : Folklivsarkivet ; Lund; 30, s. 5-23 (18 p.) OR Barbro Klein: Cultural heritage politics In: Folklore, heritage politics and ethnic diversity: a festschrift for Barbro Klein., Botkyrka : Multicultural Centre (Mångkulturellt centrum); , ca 20 p.) Löfgren, Orvar 1993/2001): The Great Christmas Quarrel and Other Swedish Traditions. I: Miller (ed) Unwrapping Christmas. Oxford University Press. (ca. 20p.) Löfgren, Orvar 1996: Linking the local, the national and the global: Ethnologia Scandinavica . Lund : Folklivsarkivet ; Lund; 26, p. 157-168 (12 p.) Löfgren, Orvar: Family and Household among Scandinavian. Peasants: An Exploratory Essay Ethnologia Scandinavica.: 1974 ca 15 p. Lund, Kristina: The Communal Laundry. A Swedish Story. Ethnologia Scandinavica. A Journal for Nordic Ethnology: 2011 ca 10 p. O'Dell, Tom 1997: Culture unbound : Americanization and everyday life in Sweden. Lund: Nordic Academic Press, 1997.: ill. (256 p.) Sehmsdorf Henning K: Envy in the Scandinaivian tradition. Ethnologia Scandinavica 1988 p. 34-42 (9 p.) Sjögren, Annick 1992: Moulding a community in Botkyrka. In: To make the world safe for diversity: towards an understanding of multi-cultural societies., Tumba : The Swedish Immigration Institute and Museum [Sveriges invandrarinstitut och museum]; Stockholm; , p. 63-78 (16 p.) Sweeney, Brendan: The Disappearance and Return of History in Modern Sweden. Ethnologia Scandinavica, 2006, vol. 36 (pp. 107-119) Tidholm, Po & Lilja, Agneta (2010). Celebrating the Swedish way: traditions and festivities. Stockholm: Swedish Institute (SI)) 47 p. (web version at the Swedish Institute home page) Ulfstrand, Anna: Making the Swedish National Day a Work-free Holiday – and its Use as a Day of Welcoming New Citizens. Arv. Nordic Yearbook of Folklore: 2008 ca. 15 p. Work material: printed and web based material on Sweden from the Swedish Institute, Migrationsverket, Swedish Foreign office etc. ca. 20 p s.