EWMOVPE 2015 abstract template


16 th European Workshop on Metalorganic Vapour Phase Epitaxy (EWMOVPE XVI)

June 7 – 10, 2015, Lund, Sweden

The title of one-page abstract for the 16


EWMOVPE in Lund, Sweden

(Times New Roman, centered, bold, 1.2 spaced, 14pt, style “Title”)

Jonas Johansson


, Sepideh Gorji


, and Last Author


(12pt, style “Authors”)


Solid State Physics, Lund University, Box 118, SE-22100 Lund, Sweden


Department2 Name, University2 Name or Institution2 Name, Street, zip-code City, Country (11pt, italic, style “Affiliation”) corresponding author – Erik Author: e.author@mail.se (11pt, style “Corresponding Author”)

Keywords: Keyword_1, Keyword_2, Keyword_3 (max. 5 keywords) (11pt, style “Text”)

The authors are encouraged to submit a camera-ready, one-page abstract in pdf format by

February 15 th

, 2015. Please use this template and keep the formatting guidelines by using the given word styles. The length of the abstract should not exceed one single A4 page (margins – left and right, 30 and 20 mm (mirror like), bottom and top 25 mm). If you would like to include any figures they must also appear on this page. Please assure appropriate figure resolution but do not exceed a file size of 2MB. The body text should be written in Times

New Roman 12pt, style “Text”. The References should be numbered consecutively as cited in the text in square brackets.

After preparing your abstract please upload the file using the submission form which can be found on http://www.nano.lth.se/ewmovpe2015/abstractsubmission . If any problems arise do not hesitate to contact the organizing committee ( ewmovpe2015@ftf.lth.se


FIG. 1: Figure captions should be inserted right below the figure. The figure shows the workshop logo of the 16 th

European Workshop on Metalorganic Vapour Phase Epitaxy in Lund, Sweden (11pt, italic, style “Figure caption”).

[1] S. Nakamura, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.

30 (1991), L1705

[2] H. Amano et al., Appl. Phys. Lett.

48 (1986), 353
