Emerging Issues - City of Ottawa

An As-It-Was-Heard Report
Emerging Issues
Identified at the
Winter Maintenance in a Changing
Climate 2006 Symposium
February 8 & 9, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario
Facilitated by RANA International Inc.
Emerging Issues (A Brainstorming Session)
What impacts will climate change have on the
business of winter road maintenance,
as we know it?
(Pareto Vote- relative importance identified by participants at Symposium)
Educating the general public of the challenges of winter road maintenance in a
changing climate. (21)
Determining the worth of anti-icing practices and whether or not this practice is
worth pursuing. (1)
Soliciting political support for winter road maintenance at a municipal,
provincial and federal level. (28)
Addressing the need for additional resources that will be required for shifts and
call-over to meet the changing climate requirements. (4)
Identifying road maintenance quality standard triggers in a changing climate. (8)
Addressing pavement issues of winter road maintenance in a changing climate. (2)
Applying existing technology while keeping pace with new technology in
addressing climate change. (10)
Focusing in on drainage issues in a changing climate (0)
Training operational staff on the issues and technology to address climate
change. (20)
Changing life cycle strategies (life cycle management) to meet climate change.
Modifying service standards and response time based on complex weather
conditions. (27)
Addressing the challenges of freezing rain in maintaining roads and sidewalks.
Contracting of road maintenance services in winter as a result of a longer
construction season due to changing climate. (0)
Addressing the challenges of severe rain falls (flooding, mud slides, erosion,
etc.) in a changing climate. (3)
Exploring the use of various materials (noting effectiveness and environmental
safety) to combat severe winter weather on roads and sidewalks. (6)
Training of Road Maintenance Managers, Supervisors and Foremen on changing
climate issues and improving skill sets required to manage staff during complex
weather. (18)
Selling road operations services to public and politicians as an
emergency/essential service. (0)
Diversifying road maintenance equipment in order to meet the challenges of a
changing climate. (6)
The Key Emerging Issues Defined
The participants of the Winter Maintenance in a Changing Climate Symposium defined
the Key Emerging Issues by identifying the focus of the issues impact.
Emerging Issue # 1:
Educating the general public of the challenges of winter road maintenance in a
changing climate.
The focus of this impact is:
 To change expectations by public and modify perception of public works
o By reducing complaints from public
o By engaging public and create direct contact opportunities (Open
o By understanding LOS
o By meeting with special interest groups (seniors, handicapped,
etc.) to listen to concerns and inform
 To educate Media to get message out
o Build media ties and contacts
o Use media proactively (use to advantage)
o Update public of new technology/techniques and methods
 To inform staff/council of public works operations through special events
o By encouraging Intra departmental communication of climate
change issues
o By working collaboratively through O-ORD Initiative
Emerging Issue # 2:
Soliciting political support for winter road maintenance at a municipal,
provincial and federal level.
The focus of this impact is:
 To create a coordinated effort for Municipalities to get message of climate
change to various levels of government in their district.
i. By delivering consistent message with key facts
1. Key message to Council
a. Here is what is coming
b. Here is what we need to do
ii. By developing impacts on climate change for each municipality
1. Federal Report for Municipalities
a. Big Picture
b. Specific to your city
c. Identify Concerns and strategies for creating solutions
2. FCM could be a good resource for coordination
iii. By providing Educational opportunities re climate change
1. Partner with Environment Canada to present to local
iv. By developing strategies to get message out
1. Seek Council “endorsement’
2. Commitments should include:
a. Standards change/New policies
b. Funding
c. Determining Councils role in public outreach and
developing community plan
v. By considering a coordinating role for FCM
vi. By searching for and identifying ‘Champions’ at a local, provincial
and federal level
To obtain a commitment and endorsement from Municipal Councils re.
climate change initiatives
i. By making Councils aware of “normal conditions” vs. “abnormal
ii. By encouraging budgetary decisions that are made vis a vis climate
To obtain a commitment and endorsement from Provincial Governments re
climate change initiatives
i. By reviewing minimum standards
ii. By reinstating coordinated research
1. Through OGRA, NRC, TAC & Province
iii. By developing a Salt Management Plan
1. Need for Environment Canada to work with AIRG & Salt
Management Group
iv. By including others in future Climate Change Symposiums
1. Eg. NRC, TAC, others
Emerging Issue # 3:
Training operational staff on the issues and technology to address climate
The focus of this impact is:
 To be introduced to and adapt to new technology
i. By recognizing on-going need for training
ii. By recognizing and understanding why (need to understand theory)
iii. By recognizing that technology allows the drivers to focus on
driving rather than operating vehicle
 To buy-in climate change rationale
i. By change in operations from reactive to proactive
Emerging Issue # 4:
Modifying service standards and response time based on complex weather
The focus of this impact is:
 To have staff on 24 hour ready
 To have various equipment on 24 hour ready to handle various winter events
 To develop different standards for different types of winter events
i. By lobbying to have standards changed
 To have budget to reflect funding changes
 To set new standards for sidewalks during various winter events
Emerging Issue # 5:
Addressing the challenges of severe rain falls (freezing rain, flooding, mud
slides, erosion, etc.) in a changing climate.
The focus of this impact is:
 To review Environmental legislation (Not an Issue while adhering to S.M.P.)
i. By determining effective salt use during freezing rain
1. Storm duration
2. 3 R’s
3. More expensive
4. Changes services Levels
 To review inclusion of Road Maintenance in Severe Climate as Emergency
i. By reviewing Bill 148 and including Road Maintenance in Severe
Climate as an Emergency Service H.T.A. & G.S.A.
1. 13 dr/16 wks
2. Shifts
3. Storm duration
4. Letter to ministry to outline concern re Bill 148
 To understand public perception and service levels
i. By collaborating with Police
ii. By searching for a “winter driving champion” in each community
Emerging Issue # 6:
Training of Road Maintenance Managers, Supervisors and Foremen on
changing climate issues and improving skill sets required to manage staff
during complex weather.
The focus of this impact is:
 To identify existing skill set re: Climate Change amongst Managers,
Supervisors and Foreman
o By determining what is needed
o By understanding science (pre-wet/anti-wet) and methodology
 To determine Teaching expertise
o Environment Canada
o Equipment Suppliers
o National Suppliers
 To encourage ongoing training through OGRA and to work collaboratively
(with APWA, AORS, ORSMG) to advocate for ongoing training
Exploring the vulnerability, adaptation required uncertainty and
promising approaches that can be applied to the ‘Emerging Issues’
identified concerning winter road maintenance and climate change.
I. Educating the general public on the challenges of winter road maintenance in a changing
1) Focusing in on this Emerging Issue, where and how are we as road maintenance “experts”
potentially vulnerable to climate change variability and climate change?
 Making climate change information to complex
o KISS Method (Keep It Short and Simple)
 Failure to meet expectations in L.O.S. delivery due to rapid climate changes.
 Perception that public Works are not prepared (not being proactive) in addressing
climate change issues.
2.) What are we already doing to address this emerging issue in terms of adaptation to climate
and climate variability?
 Communication Plan
o Operational status updates during climate events to all municipal, staff,
councilors and the public
o Pre-season information sessions on processes and procedures, readiness
capability and LOS Standards
3.) What are the key uncertainties and knowledge gaps related to assessing and understanding
vulnerability to climate change concerning this emerging issue?
 Understanding Publics LOS Delivery Expectations
 Knowledge, Availability and Acquisition of appropriate emerging technologies
 Filling the information Gap of what the general public can/should do to help deal with
changing climate situations
o Allow more time to travel
o Use of Snow Tires
o Clear Sidewalks (If Possible)
4.) What are some promising approaches that can be explored to bridge key uncertainties and
knowledge gaps concerning this emerging issue?
 Build Inter-Departmental Relationships with other Emergency Services providers
(Police, Fire, Ambulance, etc.)
 Develop and Distribute to Council an Operational Procedures Manual
 Develop Customer Survey on LOS Expectations and/or willingness to pay for
improved LOS (i.e. threshold for plowing in residential areas)
 Develop relationships with all media outlets to take advantage of free exposure and to
get the “good”/”right” messages out
 Get message out to Boards of Education
 Get climate change information to public through media, on Municipal Web sites and
through call centre scripted message
 Teaching Curriculum in Driving Schools include variable winter road conditions
 Develop ready materials/messages/stories for the media to be distributed at key times
 Develop a ‘key word” index for media (e.g. non-toxic, salt brine, etc)
 Conduct special information events for general public, for schools and for special
interest groups to bring forward climate change issues and listen to concerns
Soliciting political support for winter road maintenance at a municipal, provincial and
federal level.
1) Focusing in on this Emerging Issue, where and how are we as road maintenance
“experts” potentially vulnerable to climate change variability and climate change?
 Liability
 Service levels
 Budgets and funding
 Hours of work
 Equipment and technology
2) What are we already doing to address this emerging issue in terms of adaptation to
climate and climate variability?
 Sharing limited information and knowledge of climate change issues to:
o Media
o Various levels of government
o Public Works working groups
3) What are the key uncertainties and knowledge gaps related to assessing and
understanding vulnerability to climate change concerning this emerging issue?
 Having accurate forecasts that are timely and more micro in scope
 Having up to date and site specific technology
 Incorporating information and knowledge on climate change into Municipal
Budget changes
4) What are some promising approaches that can be explored to bridge key
uncertainties and knowledge gaps concerning this emerging issue?
 Creating links to EMO
 Encouraging ongoing networking through Climate Change Symposiums
 Documenting Impacts of climate change at a municipal level.
 Building Reserves to address climate change issues (Realistic funding)
 Snow School
 Developing Communication Plan through OGRA, AORS
Training operational staff on the issues and technology to address climate change.
1. Focusing in on this Emerging Issue, where and how are we as road maintenance
“experts” potentially vulnerable to climate change variability and climate change?
 Need to multi task
o Snow/ice “science” training vs. basic operating is not appropriate
What are we already doing to address this emerging issue in terms of adaptation to
climate and climate variability?
 Attending and participating in Climate Change Symposiums is a beginning
 Identifying Equipment needs and modifications
 Shift Changes
3. What are the key uncertainties and knowledge gaps related to assessing and
understanding vulnerability to climate change concerning this emerging issue?
 Forecast Accuracy required
o Start Time/Quantity of Precipitation/ Type of Precipitation /
 Staff requirement vs. Service needs
 Technology gaps to assist operators
4. What are some promising approaches that can be explored to bridge key
uncertainties and knowledge gaps concerning this emerging issue?
 New and ongoing Training
 More versatile equipment
 RWIS Stations
 Meteorologist Hot Line for Public Works Operations
Modifying service standards and response times based on complex weather
1) Focusing in on this Emerging Issue, where and how are we as road maintenance
“experts” potentially vulnerable to climate change variability and climate change?
 Residential streets and sidewalks because of service windows
o Arterials/Collectors then residential
o Gravel Roads
2) What are we already doing to address this emerging issue in terms of adaptation to
climate and climate variability?
 Reserve funds for winter Road operations
 Formal or informal discretion
 Acknowledging climate change
3) What are the key uncertainties and knowledge gaps related to assessing and
understanding vulnerability to climate change concerning this emerging issue?
 Need BMP to address “extreme” events (include freezing rain)
o Include in Quality Standards - “in this instance / forecast staff will . .
 Address: what does Public want? In the light of climate change what type of
coverage would meet needs of general public? ( A type of insurance policy)
o Snow pack?
o Centre bare?
o When?
o Reality check-private contractors availability to respond
4) What are some promising approaches that can be explored to bridge key
uncertainties and knowledge gaps concerning this emerging issue?
 Local weather forecasts
 Education of public in what to expect weather wise in extreme events
Training of Road Maintenance Managers, Supervisors and Foremen on
changing climate issues and improving skill sets required to manage staff during
complex weather
1) Focusing in on this Emerging Issue, where and how are we as road maintenance
“experts” potentially vulnerable to climate change variability and climate change?
 Credibility with staff, public and Municipal Council
2) What are we already doing to address this emerging issue in terms of adaptation to
climate and climate variability?
 Formal Training through OGRA/AORS
 Informal Training through sharing practical experiences
 Testing/Pilot Projects
3) What are the key uncertainties and knowledge gaps related to assessing and
understanding vulnerability to climate change concerning this emerging issue?
 Weather forecasting and interpretation of weather
4) What are some promising approaches that can be explored to bridge key
uncertainties and knowledge gaps concerning this emerging issue?
 Specialized/ technical staff thus creating a more sophisticated operation
 Advanced Training Techniques
 Strategic solutions Based training
 Managers and Supervisors involved in the development of any training
Next Steps
1) As-It-Was-Heard Report of ‘Emerging
Issues’ Session (Winter Maintenance in a
Changing Climate Symposium)
2) Value Adding of AIWH report by
Participants to Winter Maintenance in a
Changing Climate Symposium forwarded to
Jocelyne Bégin
3) Access Climate Change Reports from
Environment Canada
4) That the City of Ottawa tables at its
Transportation Committee meeting a report
on behalf of the attendees of the Winter
Maintenance in a Changing Climate 2006
Symposium, the following (draft)
- That The Transportations Committee receive this report
February 17,
February 28,
Environment Canada
John Manconi
February 24,
May 1, 2006
for information
- That this report be forwarded on behalf of the attendees of
the Winter Maintenance In A Changing Climate 2006
Symposium, to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities,
the Ontario Good Roads Association and to all cities in
Ontario via the Association of Municipalities of Ontario
for information and consideration of including Winter
Maintenance Climate Change Adaptation into their
operational planning.
5) Message/Recommendations on Climate
Change and suggestions to change
Regulations concerning emergency personnel
(re Bill 148) forwarded to OGRA Board
6) Advocate for changes to Regulations re Bill
148 (emergency personnel)
7) Summary of Climate Change Issues part of
Education Report in ORS Newsletter
8) Develop plan to “sell” public works as an
essential service to the general public by
advocating for a ‘National Public Works
Week’ in Canada.
9) Training on Climate Change Issue
10) Current Training on Climate Change Issue
further developed
11) Information dissemination on Winter Road
Maintenance in a Changing Climate
forwarded to Municipal Councils across
12) ORSMG to host 2007 Winter Maintenance in
a Changing Climate Symposium in Toronto
June 2006
June 2006
June 2006
OPWA & Local
June 2006
AORS (Trade Show)
June 2006
September 2006
Fall 2006