1 HEALTH SERVICES DELIVERY 1.1 PROGRAMME FOR ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 1.1.5 Blood Safety (as of March 2008) A Focal Point B Implementing Agencies C Target Areas & Beneficiaries DDG/LS assisted by D/NBTS D/NBTS Blood donors and patients requiring blood Teaching, Provincial, Base & Private Hospitals Hospital system in general and National Blood Transfusion Service in particular to the benefit of the patients Project Summary: The Blood Safety project aims to increase blood safety through provision of adequate amounts of safe blood and blood products and better utilization of blood through use of blood components and plasma fractions as well as appropriate clinical use. The areas that will be strengthened under the project by the National Blood Transfusion Service with help from Ministry of Health and local and international consultants are implementation of Blood Policy in both state and private sectors, Improvement of testing, processing, storage and transportation of blood and blood products and Introduction of plasma fractionation with help from international partners. Further the project will establish an IEC unit on Blood safety, improvement of Quality Assurance through introduction of quality systems and bio safety techniques and improvement of Human Resource Development with introduction of training programmes 1. Justification: The health achievements of Sri Lanka are attributable to many factors, out of which the wide spread availability of safe blood transfusion services are important. Over decades the blood transfusion service of Sri Lanka has been developed and widely spread. However with the spread of several blood borne diseases including HIV the need to have safe blood in an geographically equitable manner has been emphasised. Although the National Blood Transfusion Service – Sri Lanka has improved considerably during the last few years and several other development projects are currently under way, some areas still lag far behind. The major problem areas are; Implementation of blood policy in both state & private sectors Inadequate facilities for storage & transportation with cold chain maintenance Non availability of adequate amounts of components and plasma fractions Inadequate facilities for Publicity & awareness campaigns Inadequate facilities for Bio-safety Improving these areas are critical to make the best use of ongoing projects such as JBIC funded ‘Blood Bank Development Project ‘and World Bank funded ‘Blood donor recruitment & improvement of clinical use of blood and blood products’ projects. 2. Important Assumptions/Risks/Conditions: Availability of adequate human resources, availability of adequate funds to meet the needs of the Blood Transfusion Service and sustainability of Volunteer Donor System to meet the demand are important assumptions. The possible risks that need to be aware of are, private sector resistance to the Blood Policy, trade union action affecting system and the lack of resources for sustaining the programmes 3. Project Objective: Objective To have a safe and adequate supply of blood products for the entire population of Sri Lanka Indicators Annual total collection % of voluntary donors Percentage of replacement donors remaining Cross match/ Issue ratio Request/Cross match ratio No. of samples tested (+)ve for transfusion No. of transfusion transmitted infections No. of unfulfilled requests for blood & blood products Percentage of regular donors enrolled Means of Verification Donor Register Relevant registers 4. Project Output/Product: Outputs National Blood policy implemented Indicators NBTS as the sole organization for collection and supply of blood Cold Chain maintained Decreasing outdating Increased efficacy of products Contract fractionation introduced Availability of plasma fractions Improved Haemophilia therapy IEC unit established Increase in volunteer Means of Verification Availability of the policy document Reports and returns Reports and returns Reports and returns Bio Safety introduced Quality assurance system introduced 5. Reports and returns Reports and returns Related Projects: Project No. 6. donors Increase in regular donors Hospital infection control procedures in place Staff awareness increased GMP/ISO certification Project Title Blood Bank Development Project – JBIC World Bank Project for the Improvement of Blood Donor Recruitment & for the improvement of clinical use of blood & blood products Relevant Agencies to be Coordinated: MoH, NBTS 7. Monitoring & Evaluation: 1. Who? MoH & National Blood Transfusion Service 2. When? Annual & periodic surveys 3. What actions to be taken based on results of monitoring & evaluation? Positive Results – Continue Improvements Negative Results – Increase efforts 8. Activities: Activities 1.Formulate a National Committee 1 2 3 Develop blood bank s at Kandy, Matara, Anuradhapura, Ampara and Jaffna Develop a mechanism to promote autologous transfusions for planned surgeries 2. Phenotype group O donors 4 5 3. Provide automated cell washing centrifuges to all Hospital Based Blood Banks Expected Results Implementation of National Blood policy Fully functioning Blood Banks in these districts Autologous transfusions carried out Screening an identification panel production Improved sensitivity in Antiglobulin x-match Process Indicators Identify members Develop TOR Develop proposals Design method Develop specifications Identify the need Develop proposals 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4. Provide automated grouping at NBC Reliability of results & centralization of grouping 5. Develop a barcode system Barcode printers & scanners installed s required 6. Introduce automated documentation Interfacing software available Provide communication and other Compilation of donor equipment to mobile units database made easy Signing contract for fractionation No. Of plasma components issued for fractionation Types & no. Of fractionated products prepared from local plasma under the programme Conduct workshops for all categories Human Resource of staff Development Make provisions for accommodation of trainees from all over the country Human Resource Development Identify the need Develop proposals Develop the system Pilot test Develop the system Pilot test Identify the need Develop proposals Develop specifications Identify training needs Develop training materials Design training programmes Identify the need