Minutes 7-10-13

600th CCTS Board Meeting, July 10, 2013
Canaveral Council of Technical Societies (CCTS)
Minutes of the 600th Executive Board Meeting
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
CCTS Board Room at 5:30 P.M.
Cape Royal Office Bldg., Suite 401
1980 N. Atlantic Ave., Cocoa Beach, FL 32931
CCTS Office Telephone:
CCTS Fax Number:
CCTS Office E-mail Address:
CCTS Internet Home Page:
Dave Fleming
Bill Macdonald
Bill Allen
Steve Schneider
Rich Kiefer
Christopher Han
Paul Hirschberg
Jenissa Garcia
J. P. Anderson
Ana Leonard
Bob Shaw
Laura Seward
Deborah Robbins
Ted Hartselle
Jim Johnson
(321) 868-1623
(321) 868-1623
CCTS Chairman, AIAA-CCS (American Institute of
Aeronautics and Astronautics – Cape Canaveral Section)
CCTS Secretary, AIAA-CCS (American Institute of
Aeronautics and Astronautics – Cape Canaveral Section
MSRPI (Missile, Space and Range Pioneers, Inc.)
PMI-SCC (Project Management Institute – Space Coast
CCTS Treasurer, INCOSE-SCC (International Council on
Systems Engineering – Space Coast Chapter)
IEEE - Canaveral (Institute of Electrical and Electronic
Engineers – Canaveral Section)
SAME-SCP (Society of American Military Engineers - Space
Coast Post)
SCHFES (Space Coast Human Factors and Ergonomics
AFCEA (Armed Forces Communications and Electronics
WID-SCC (Women in Defense - Space Coast Chapter)
CCTS Vice-Chairman, ASCE-CCB (American Society of Civil
Engineers – Cape Canaveral Branch)
NSS-FSDC (National Space Society – Florida Space
Development Council)
SME-CFC (Society of Manufacturing Engineers – Central
Florida Chapter) (by telephone call in)
AIChE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers) (by
telephone call in)
NAL-SCC (NASA Alumni League – Space Coast Chapter) (by
telephone call in, part time later in the meeting)
1.0 Introductions – Chairman – Dr. David Fleming
A quorum was present and Dave Fleming called the meeting to order at 5:40 P.M. He mentioned
that it was quite an accomplishment for an Organization to have had 600 Meetings. He also
reflected on how, about three years ago, Dick Russell encouraged him to become the Vice
Chairman of CCTS and after two Years as Chairman, he felt that CCTS has accomplished some
good things: founding of the Events Calendar; brought in new Member Societies; there has been
600th CCTS Board Meeting, July 10, 2013
the continuing of the Engineers Week Banquet and the give of the Excellence in Science
Awards; the new Robotics Event, first proposed by Joe Brown and implemented last year; and
re-starting the Space Congress® which Fred Martin, as General Chair, brought to fruition and for
which Jenissa Garcia will be shepherding the upcoming one, as Space Congress® General Chair.
As a token, he gave to each of the Officers a book entitled the “Florida Institute of Technology”
of The College History Series. He thanked, by name, the various Officers and Committee Chairs
for their contributions to the success of CCTS. Andy Anderson noted that he was sorry to have
to resign as Office Manager and as AFCEA Representative, but circumstances have brought this
about. Andy Anderson complimented Fred Martin for the excellent job in bringing about the
Space Congress® again, and with Dave Fleming, getting the Space Congress® Trademark
renewed. He also thanked Bill Allen and Laura Seward for stepping forward, as the new
leadership, to keep CCTS going.
2.0 Vice Chairman’s Report -- Robert Shaw
Thanked all for the support he has received from the Members, in carrying out his duties. As a
parting remark, he said that we need to do all we can to support our Member Societies.
3.0 Secretary’s Report –- Bill Macdonald
The minutes of the June meeting had been e-mailed out and hard copies are available on the
table. Bill Macdonald said there is a correction: On Page 7, Item 9.5, on the Second Line, it
should HDTV instead of HVTV and on the Last Line, eliminate VGA. After further review,
Andy Anderson Moved to approve the Minutes, as Amended. Bill Macdonald Seconded the
Motion and the Motion was Passed.
4.0 Treasurer’s Report –- Rich Kiefer
The Monthly Report was projected on the newly acquired Plasma Screen TV.
The Opening Balance as of 6/13/13 was $5,330.59 and the Closing Balance as of 7/10/13 is
$5,170.76. As of 7/9/13, the Total Value of the Savings Account was $130,708.65. This Balance
is to last through December 2013, and does not include any money for special events, such as a
Robotics Event or 43rd Space Congress and any seed money withdrawn for those events has to
come from the Savings Account. AFCEA contributed $500 for the Robotics Event. Andy
Anderson noted that for the other Member Society Representatives part of my plea is that that by
using the CCTS Tax Exemption Certificate, AFCEA has saved thousands of dollars over the
years and he thinks we ought to be able to pay back a little. Rich Kiefer said that INCOSE has
authorized to Contribute $500 to the Robotics Event. It was noted by Dave Fleming, that the
42nd Space Congress netted about $600 on the positive side. Bill Macdonald Moved that we
Receive the Treasurer’s Report. Andy Anderson Seconded the Motion and the Motion Passed.
5.0 Society Announcements – ALL
5.1 Bob Shaw -- ASCE is trying to have a Meeting every other Month.
5.2 Andy Anderson -- AFCEA is having a Luncheon July 18th at the Tides Restaurant
at Patrick AFB, and the Speaker will be a Boeing Engineer talking about the Commercial
Crew Development
5.3 Bill Allen – MSRPI will be having their Board Meeting on July 16th at Brano’s in
Cocoa Beach at 5:00 PM. MSRPI also visited the Atlantis Exhibit at the KSC Visitors
Center about a week before it opened to the public.
5.4 Ana Leonard -- WID will be holding a networking Meeting on August15th at the
Harris Customer Briefing Center. It is like a networking speed dating type of Event and I
have some flyers on the Event. It was appreciated that information was sent out about
5.5 Jenissa Garcia – SCHFES got together to figure out a plan to move forward and
gain momentum and they plan to have another Event in the Fall.
600th CCTS Board Meeting, July 10, 2013
5.6 Bill Macdonald – AIAA has no Events in July and plan to pick up in August.
5.7 Paul Hirschberg – Engineers without Borders, Space Coast Chapter is soon to be
papered, possibly next week, and he sees a lot of chances for collaboration with CCTS
and SAME.
5.8 Steve Schneider – PMI-SCC only has a Board Meeting in July and has plans for a
Dinner Meeting in August.
5.9 Christopher Han -- IEEE-Cape Canaveral has no announcements to make.
5.10 Laura Seward -- NSS-FSDC had a successful meeting in June. On August 13th,
most likely, they will have a Tour of the Space Flight Sciences Laboratory. That Tour
will be combined with the State Level presentation which we do every month. On
October 12th, we have our NSS Southeast Regional Workshop, and it will be sandwiched
between the MSRPI Banquet and the SpaceOp Orlando Meeting and all CCTS Members
are invited to attend, and it will be late morning to early afternoon.
5.11 Rich Kiefer -- INCOSE will be having a Meeting in August 2013. Rich Kiefer
inquired as to whether any one present head of an Organization call “Trebhub”? They
are located in Melbourne on U S 192, and have a sub-organization called “Coders,
Hackers and Founders”. Trebhub is a Software Entrepreneur effort and they offer, at a
cost, office space for software start-ups. They are also geared toward Internet type work
and Aps developments. They do a lot of Software Education, mostly along the lines of
Internet and High Order Software Languages. They also promote software products.
They have a Meeting every Tuesday on the Python Language and have a schedule of
other software products on which they talk. They will be speaking at the INCOSE
Meeting in October 2013 and will be available to speak at other CCTS Member Societies
5.12 Deborah Robbins -- SME will be having a tour of Florida Today on July 25th,
starting at 2:30 PM and lasting until about 4:00 PM with an after tour gathering for a
Social at Grill’s Riverside in South Rockledge and Members of CCTS are welcome to
join at this Event.
5.13 Ted Hartselle -- AIChE will be having their Fall Picnic on Saturday,
5.14 Dave Fleming -- The Cocoa Beach Air Show will be moving to Melbourne, at the
beachside, and held on November 2-3, 2013.
6.0 Old Business
6.1 Contacts with Societies Discussion -- Dr. David Fleming
Dave Fleming noted that Jill Stirling, our Membership Chair, is not active at this point.
Bill Allen mentioned that she has moved to Orlando and is not able to make the CCTS
Meetings, as she is too busy with her current job. Bill Macdonald said that in contacting
the Women in Aerospace (WIA) Headquarters in Washington, D.C., they said that while
their Space Coast Chapter existed as a pilot program, it was disbanded about one year ago
and WIA now has no Chapters or Sections nationwide. So, WIA is no longer a Member
Society of CCTS.
7.0 Committee Reports
7.1 By-Laws – TBD
No Report
7.2 Publicity – Andy Anderson
No Report
7.3 Outreach Education, Projects – Dr. Jim Johnson
No Report
7.4 Membership – Dave Fleming
600th CCTS Board Meeting, July 10, 2013
7.4.1 New CCTS Society Submittals Society for Technical Communication (STC)
Karen Lane, the President of the Orlando Central Chapter of STC, has
appointed Sarah Baca to take on the sending of a letter asking to join
CCTS. Bill Macdonald brought out that the STC Board has already
decided to re-join CCTS. Dawnell Claessen has been appointed to be the
Primary Representative and Karen Lane to be the Alternate Representative
to the CCTS Executive Board.
Dave Fleming has been in contact with the Chair of the Society of Women
Engineers (SWE) about re-joining CCTS, and at their Board Meeting later
this month, it will be brought up. Women in Defense (WID)
The Women in Defense-Space Coast Chapter have been voted in as a Full
Member Society of CCTS.
7.5 Long Range Planning and Goals - ALL
No Report
7.6 Other Conferences and Seminars - ALL
7.6.1 43rd Space Congress Planning Committee Meeting – Jenissa Garcia
Jenissa Garcia said that the 43rd Space Congress Planning Committee would be
holding a Meeting tomorrow, July 11th. We have two locations for a venue that
have replied to our invitation for the Event: the International Palms Resort and
Courtyard by Marriott, both in Cocoa Beach. Jenissa Garcia has a friend who has
created Conference Software and at tomorrow’s Meeting, he will give a long
distance presentation of that software. Bob Shaw will bring his Notebook so as to
connect to the TV in this conference room. Jenissa Garcia received a pretty
supportive letter from the 45th Space Wing’s Public Relations Office, as the Event
would help support their mission of educating the public and participants of
ground support provided here. 43rd Space Congress Exhibit Table -- Robert Shaw
at PMI Conference
Jenissa Garcia supplied some flyers of the 43rd Space Congress and Bob
Shaw put them on a table for viewing and retaining, at his PMI
Conference in Orlando, June 24-27, 2013. Bob Shaw also used his own
TV and Laptop for projecting information to show a preview of the Event.
Bob Shaw indicated that he might have a projector for use at other
Member Societies Meetings, to advertise the 43rd Space Congress Event.
7.6.2 Future Robotics Event Planning – Dave Fleming
Dave Fleming said there would be little activity over the Summer months.
INCOSE and AFCEA have announced their commitments to the CCTS 2nd
Annual Space Coast Robotics Day Event. Roosevelt Elementary School, where
the Event is planned to be held, said that the date of Saturday, October 5, 2013 is
OK with them. The next Planning Meeting will be at the beginning of August.
The outline of the Event is pretty much the same as that shown in the Minutes of
last month’s CCTS Board Meeting.
7.6.3 Engineers Week Banquet 2014 Venue -- Robert Shaw
For the forthcoming CCTS Engineers Week Banquet, Bob Shaw has tentatively
scheduled the Holiday Inn Melbourne-Viera Hotel & Conference Center in Viera,
Wickham Road and I-95, for the Thursday in Engineers Week in 2014. Andy
Anderson Moved that we set the date of Thursday, February 20, 2014 for the
CCTS Engineers Week Banquet and hold it at the Holiday Inn Melbourne-Viera
600th CCTS Board Meeting, July 10, 2013
Hotel & Conference Center. Bill Macdonald Seconded the Motion and the
Motion Passed.
Bob Shaw mentioned that one thing we need to stress on Engineers Week is that
Member Societies that wish to have Awards to their Members shown to the rest of
the Community here, its a great thing. We could give out Awards out for all the
Member Societies. Dave Fleming that now is a good time for everyone in the
room to seek co-hosts for the Event. Traditionally we have had one or two
Member Societies co-hosts for the Event. One of the duties is to identify a top
quality Speaker, another is to handle Registration, another is Advertising.
7.7 Awards – Bill Macdonald
No Report
7.8 Management and Budget – Dr. Jim Johnson
No Report
7.9 New Projects – ALL
8.0 Special Committee Reports
8.1 Computer/Web Site - Dr. Al Koller (Not Present, but Report below)
The CCTS web site continues to roll along intact, with updates for the monthly calendar
(thanks to Chairman David's persistence!) and regular posting of the meeting minutes
Orlando-based commercial service that provides much-improved throughput. I suspect
seconds. Since the service is provided to CCTS at no cost (my small contribution to the
me know what you think. It appears we've become more popular than I initially thought.
I was able to capture a report, which I have Attached to my Report. (Dave Fleming
extracted some data from that Attachment: in June2013 there were 326 visitors to the
site; making 1,080 page views and 497 spiders.) (If anyone wishes to see the Full Report,
contact Bill Macdonald.)
Last week Eddie Ellegood asked about the Space Congress site we put up last fall. That
site was shut down after the congress was completed, and it was not transferred when I
moved our hosting service from GoDaddy. The files all exist, and Eddie has those for
whatever use is determined appropriate as he prepares the needed information for this
year's event. He has complete access to administer that site as needed. For now it
remains "under construction". You can see it at www.spacecongress.org. If something
needs to be changed, added or removed, please be in touch. I enjoy the chance to serve in
this way and look forward to continuing to support when called upon to do so.
Jenissa Garcia indicated that Edward Ellegood has the keys to the website for entering
Space Congress® information; however, the Conference Software mentioned in Item
7.6.1 (above) purportedly has a way of handling a web site and we will probably find out
more tomorrow. Andy Anderson mentioned that we have the capability to set up a
spacecongress@cfl.rr.com on our Office Computer.
8.2 Orientation – TBD
No Report
8.3 Historian – Bill Macdonald
Bill Macdonald has taken the large plaques from this room to have updates put on for the
CCTS Chair and the Space Congress Chair.
8.4 Hospitality – TBD
A special treat in the variety of the food was offered today in honor of the 600th Meeting.
8.5 Investments – Dick Russell (Not Present)
No Report
8.6 Condominium – Dick Russell (Not Present)
No report.
8.7 Office – J. P. Anderson
600th CCTS Board Meeting, July 10, 2013
While the recommendation for getting a new Office computer has been made, he feels
that the usage of the present computer is so small it would not warrant getting a new one.
The present computer has Office 3 as its software system. Bob Shaw has recommended
getting a Laptop for use with teleconferencing. With Skype you have to have a computer
to log in each person calling in. Bob Shaw recommends that we purchase Skype-In,
about $60/year, with our own CCTS telephone number and call in to Skype from it,
Skype-In can handle 25 call-ins at a time. The call-in has to be to a computer and we can
probably purchase a Laptop for about $350. To attract other Member Societies to use our
Conference Room, we need to have a projector and use our TV. When people come to a
Conference, they expect to bring their Tablet and have Wi-Fi available for use in
transcribing the Conference information onto their Tablet. Bob Shaw recommends that
we do have the ability to hold a Conference here and he noted that outside hotels or
conference cents charge about $100/hour for that sort of Conference service. We can use
that to attract our Member Societies or potential new Member Societies to use our CCTS
Conference Room. Andy Anderson mentioned that on our Office computer we employ
Microsoft XP and we should probably upgrade it to Microsoft Office 7, as in April 2014
Microsoft XP will no longer be supported. It was recommended that we go to Microsoft
Office 13, which works fine. Rich Kiefer mentioned that, right now, we still need a
hardwire connection to the TV. We need an X-Box to which an Android could connect
wirelessly. Andy Anderson said that with Brighthouse the $78/month charge would be
the same for the next three years. Bob Shaw Moved that CCTS get a Skype-In number
for the CCTS Office, not to exceed $70/year. Steve Schneider Seconded the Motion and
the Motion Passed.
8.7.1 Telecommunication Wi-Fi Router, Use of Skype -- Robert Shaw
Bob Shaw indicated with a test of the Wi-Fi, here in the Office, it presently cuts in
and out, but that will be straightened out quickly.
8.8 Grants – TBD
No report
9.0 New Business
9.1 Retirement of 2012-2013 CCTS Officers -- Bill Macdonald
and Installation of 2013-2014 CCTS
Bill Macdonald, as Installing Officer, called Dave Fleming, Robert Shaw, William
Macdonald and Richard Kiefer to come forward and noted that as their successors have
been qualified, they are now retired with the grateful thanks for their strong contribution
of service given to the Executive Board and to the Member Societies and thanked them
for a job very well done. Dave Fleming was then retained forward and was expressly
thanked for his insight and effectiveness shown forth in his Chairmanship and was
presented with an Engraved Plaque with Gavel as a token of the esteem of the Executive
Board. Next, as Steve Schneider read off the names of the newly elected CCTS Officers,
Laura Seward, Vice Chair Elect, William Macdonald, Secretary Elect and Richard
Kiefer, Treasurer Elect, came forward and they were asked: Will you pursue the goal to
advance the arts, sciences and technology of CCTS and promote the professionalism of
those engaged in these pursuits? The response was in the affirmative and they were then
installed in their respective offices for the 2013-2014 CCTS year and wished good
fortune in the year ahead. Then, Bill Allen, Chair Elect, was called forward and asked
that in addition to the aforementioned goal, will you also honor our CCTS obligation to
society to be an intellectual, economic and social asset to this local professional
community in which we serve? The response was in the affirmative and he was installed
as Canaveral Council of Technical Societies Chair and was passed the perpetual gavel
and was wished Godspeed. This concluded the Retiring and Installation ceremonies.
9.2 Honoring a long time Member -- Bill Macdonald
600th CCTS Board Meeting, July 10, 2013
10.0 Adjourn
There being no further discussion, Bill Allen, as the new CCTS Chair, called for a Motion to
Adjourn. The Motion was made to Adjourn by Andy Anderson, it was Seconded by Bob
Shaw, and all Approved. The Meeting stood Adjourned at 7:02 PM.
NOTE: The Next Meeting of the CCTS Executive Board is scheduled for Wednesday, August
14, 2013, at 5:30 PM.