JS0361 - Mormon Polygamy Documents

Joseph Smith Affidavits—from the LDS Church Archives—Ms 3423—Folder 2
Transcriber’s notes:
The documents in this folder are unbound loose sheets.
Within the limits of what a careful transcriber can ensure, errors of spelling,
punctuation, grammar, and usage are those of the original author or scribe.
This transcription has been compared against available published versions of
these documents and is more accurate, the published versions having frequently
been misread and standardized.
Some of the affidavits in these folders are handwritten copies of the originals;
others are the originals. In either case, they are the versions that appear to be the
earliest and most reliable. I have noted only significant variations in other copies.
Italicizing and underlining in the transcription indicate underlining in the originals.
Key to Transcription Symbols:
Folder #x
Folder number indicates the folder of the collection Ms 3423 in
which the document was found.
Image #x
The image numbers are numbers that were assigned to each
document page when it was put into digital form. They do not
reflect page numbers on the documents themselves, which are
generally unpaginated.
Lines like this above and below text mark off separate documents.
Words set off like this were added above the line.
Letters within brackets, where a “/” divides them indicate that the
first letter was written over the second.
[text here]
Bracketed text in any form other than [x/y] was added to clarify
meaning, indicate omissions, and supply document titles and dates.
[Affidavit of X]
Document titles written in brackets were added by me.
Affidavit of X
Document titles written without brackets are internal to the
document, generally having been written on the back of the
original. These titles were usually added by the Church Historian.
Book 2, page #X
Notations like “copied to Book 2, page #X” indicate where the
document was copied into the bound Joseph Smith Affidavits.
Folder 2, images 3-4
Z. H. Gurley’s letter to Lyman O. Littlefield [April 15, 1886]
[Typescript copy of letter published in the newspaper—Utah State Journal (Logan), June
5, 1886. The letter discusses the circumstances surrounding Gurley’s securing an
affidavit from Leonard Soby to the effect that Joseph Smith did practice polygamy.
Rather than transcribe this letter, I’m including a PDF copy of the Utah State Journal
article in which this letter, and a letter to Gurley from Littlefield, were printed. While the
exchange is not highly relevant to Joseph Smith’s practice of polygamy, it sheds light on
the context and accuracy of Soby’s statement.]
Folder 2, images 5-6
[Zina Huntington—Historian’s brief note about her first marriage being mentioned in the
Times and Seasons and of her affidavit, which was not quoted—not transcribed.]
Folder 2, images 7-8
Affidavit of Orson Hyde to the sealing of wives to him by Prest. J. Smith
Copied in Book 2, p. 45
Springtown, Sept. 15, 1869.
I, Orson Hyde, do hereby certify and declare according to my best recollection that on the
4th day of Septr. I was married to Miss Marinda N. Johnson, in Kirtland, Ohio, in the year
of our Lord 1834, and in the month of Feby. or March [1843], I was married to Miss
Martha R. Browitt, by Joseph Smith, the martyred Prophet and by him she was sealed to
me for time, and for all eternity. \In Nauvoo, Ills./ And in the month of April of the same
year 1843, I was married by the same person to Mrs. Mary Ann Price, and by him she
was sealed to me for time and for all eternity \in Nauvoo, Ills./, while the woman to
whom I was first married was yet living and gave her cordial consent to both transactions,
and was personaly present to witness the ceremony’s.
Orson Hyde
Sworn to and subscribed to before me this the 15th day of Septr. 1869, at Springtown,
Sanpete Co. U.T.
George Brough Justice of Peace.
I hereby certify that the above named George Brough is a Justice of the Peace for the
Precinct of Springtown in the county of Sanpete, U. T., and that he is duly qualified in
accordance with law; in testimony whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of
the County Court of Sanpete County, U. T. at my office [in Manti] this Sep 16, A.D.
Wm. T. Reid County Clerk.
Folder 2, images 9-10
[Handwritten duplicate of the above; no significant variation—not transcribed.]
Folder 2, images 11-16a
Statement of Joseph A. Kelting, taken in California by B. H. Roberts
For some time previous to the death of Joseph Smith, the Mormon prophet, I lived at
Nauvoo, Handcock County, Illinois. I acted for some years as agent for Bishop \George/
Miller, and was also a deputy sheriff in Handcock County. Wh I heard rumors of to the
effect that Joseph Smith was practicing polygamy; the matter frequently being repeated,
especially by the Wm and Wilson Law and the Higbees.
Calling at the house of the
prophet one day, early in the spring of 1844, on some business or other not now
remembered, the prophet invited me into a room up stairs in his house, called the
Mansion. After \we/ entered the room he locked it \the door,/ and then asked me if I had
heard the rumors connecting him with polygamy. I told him I had. He then began a
defense of the doctrine by referring to the Old Testament. I told him I did not want to
hear that as I could read it for my self. He claimed to be a prophet—I believed him to be
prophet—and I wanted to know what he had to say about it. He expressed some doubts
as to how I might receive it, and wanted to know what stand I would take if I should not
believe what he had to say about it. I then pledged him my word that whether I believed
his revelation or not I would not betray him. He then informed me that he had received a
revelation a revelation from God which taught the correctness of the doctrine of a
plurality of wives, and commanding him to obey it. He then acknowledged to having
married several wives. I told him that was all right. He then said he would like a further
pledge from me that I would not betray him. I asked him if he wanted me to ex accept
the principle by marrying a plural wife. He answered yes. A short time after this I
married two wives in that order of marriage.
On the occasion of Alexander H Smith, son of the prophet, visiting me in this
country some few years ago I related to him the above circumstances.
I also know that previous to the death of the prophet Joseph Smith there was a
movement on foot looking to the removal of the church from Illinois to the west. Joseph
Smith was the one who took the lead in that matter and called up certain brethren to go on
an exploring expedition to seek a suitable location for the church; and I was among the
number selected to go.
Joseph A. Kelting
State of California }
County of San Bernardino}s.s.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
A Notary Public this First day of March
A.D. 1894
D. Johnston
Notary Public in and for San Bernardino County,
State of California
Folder 2, images 17-20
[Statement of Joseph A. Kelting, 1903]
[Note: The term “moot” in this document means “discuss” or “introduce for discussion.”]
State of California
} s.s.
County of San Bernardino.}
Joseph A. Kelting, being first duly sworn, says, I was born
October 13 , 1811, at Philadelphia—P.A., and my present residence is Colton, San
Bernardino County, California.
I first knew Joseph Smith, the Prophet, in Ohio. I once called upon him
afterwards at his residence in Nauvoo, Illinois, and told him I wanted a private interview.
We walked up stairs together. His wife, Emma, was down stairs, and he did not wish her
to hear what we were going to talk about.
We went into the front room, and he locked the door. I told him it was mooted
about that he was teaching plural marriage, and asked him the question, “Are you
mooting plural marriage?”
His answer was, “[I] cannot answer you, as you are both a lawyer and sheriff of
Hancock County, and it might militate against you as an officer as well as against us.”
I said, “Joseph, whatever you tell me as your friend is safe; I came here to find
this out, and I assure you upon the square (and we were both Masons) it shall never
injure you in any shape.”
“I did moot plural marriage,” said the Prophet.
“Did you have a revelation to teach this?” I asked.
“I did,” he answered.
“Have you more than one wife sealed to you by this authority,” I asked.
“I have,” said he.
After giving me this information, he referred me to Brigham Young if I wanted
any more on this subject, Brigham seeming to be the man he trusted most with this
matter, and was putting him to the front.
The Prophet assured me that the revelation was as authoritative and binding as
any revelation given through him up to that time; and, in fact, that it was paramount to all
the rest.
William Law was once his right hand man, but he apostatized because of this
principle. He told me on one occasion that he left the Church because, said he, “I had
only wife and could obtain no more, but yet to gain eternal life one must have half a
score?” Joseph on the other hand, said he, “could cast his snares around and gather in
Snow-birds, Partridges and N[i/o]gthingales,” meaning by this, girls whom he had
married whose names were indicated by the names of these birds.
Joseph stuck to plural marriage to his death. Emma Smith, to my own personal
knowledge, promised to stand by Joseph on this question of polygamy, but she failed to
keep faith with her promise.
Joseph Smith was a mighty man and borrowed from no one; he was original and
inspiring in his talk.
I was his attorney at Carthage, and while I went to Nauvoo to get a little evidence
he was killed in cold blood.
The mob was afraid of Joseph and they killed him, as they did Hyrum, because
they were afraid of their influence.
J. A. Kelting
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of September, 1903.
J. B. Hanna.
Notary public.
Notary Public
in and for the County of San Bernardino,
State of California
Folder2, images 21-22
[Affidavit of Lucy Walker Smith Kimball, 1902]
United States of America, }
State of Utah.
County of Salt Lake. }
LUCY WALKER SMITH KIMBALL, being first duly sworn, says:
I was a plural wife of the Prophet Joseph Smith and was married for time and
eternity in Nauvoo, State of Illinois, on the first day of May, 1843, by Elder William
Clayton. The Prophet was then living with his first wife, Emma Smith, and I know that
she gave her consent to the marriage of at least four women to her husband as plural
wives, and that she was well aware that he associated and cohabited with them as wives.
The names of these women are E1iza and Emily Partridge, and Maria and Sarah
Lawrence, all of whom knew that I too was his wife.
When the Prophet Joseph Smith first mentioned the principle of plural marriage to
me I felt indignant and so expressed myself to him, because my feelings and education
were averse to anything of that nature. But he assured me that this doctrine had been
revealed to him of the Lord, and that I was entitled to receive a testimony of its divine
origin for myself. He counselled me to pray to the Lord, which I did, and thereupon
received from him a powerful and irresistible testimony of the truthfulness and divinity of
plural marriage, which testimony has abided with me ever since.
On the 8th day of February, 1845, I was married for time to President Heber C.
Kimball, and bore to him nine children. And in this connection allow me to say to his
everlasting credit that during the whole of my married life with him he never failed to
regard me as the wife for eternity of his devoted friend, the Prophet Joseph Smith.
Lucy Walker Smith Kimball.
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 17th day of December, 1902.
James Jack
Notary Public.
My Commission Expires,
Aug. 6th 1905.
Folder 2, 23-24
[Lucy Kimball statement duplicate—no significant variation—not transcribed]
Folder 2, 25-26
Affidavit of Martha McBride Kimball
Sealed to Joseph Smith
Copied in Book 2, page 36
[Note: Martha’s married surname is consistently spelled “Kimble” in this document.]
Territory of Utah, }
County of Millard } ss.
Be it remembered that on this eighth day of July, A. D. 1869 personaly appeared
before me Edward Partridge Probate Judge in and for said county, Martha McBride
Kimble who was by me sworn in due form of law, and upon her oath saith, that sometime
in the summer of the year 1842, at the city of Nauvoo, County of Hancock, State of
Illinois, she was married or sealed to Joseph Smith, President of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints, by Heber C. Kimble one of Twelve Apostles in said Church
according to the 1aws of the same regulating marriage.
Martha McBride Kimble
Subscribed and sworn to by the said Martha McBride Kimble the day and year first above
Edward Partridge
Probate Judge
Folder 2, images 27-28
[Martha McBride Kimball duplicate—no significant variation—not transcribed]
Folder 2, images 29-32
Affidavit [on] Celestial Marriage, Joseph C. Kingsbury [1886]
In reference to the Affidavit of Elder William Clayton, on the subject of the
Celestial Order of Patriarchal Marriage, published in the Deseret Evening News of May
20th 1886; and particularly to the statement made therein concerning myself, as having
copied the original revelation written by Brother Clayton at the dictation of the Prophet
Joseph, I will say that Bishop Newel K. Whitney handed me the revelation above referred
to on either the day it was written or the day following, and stating that it was asked me
to take a copy of it. I did so, and then read my copy of it to Bishop Whitney, who
compared it with the original which he held in his hand while I read to him. When I had
finished reading, Bishop Whitney pronounced the copy correct, and Hyrum Smith
coming into the room at the time to fetch the original, Bishop Whitney handed it to him.
I will also state that this copy, as also the original, are identically the same as that
published in the present edition of the Book of Doctrine and Covenants.
I will add that I also knew that the Prophet Joseph Smith had married other
women besides his first wife—Emma; I was well aware of the fact of his having married
Sarah Ann Whitney, the eldest daughter of Bishop Newel K. Whitney and Elizabeth Ann
Whitney, his wife. And the Prophet Joseph told me personally that he had married other
women, in accordance with the revealed will of God, and spoke concerning the principle
as being a command of God for holy purposes.
Joseph C. Kingsbury
Territory of Utah}
County of Salt Lake}ss
I hereby certify that the foregoing statement of Joseph C. Kingsbury concerning the
Revelation on \the/ Celestial Order of Patriarchal Marriage and the making of a copy
thereof by him, was by said affiant read in my presence on this 22nd day of May A.D.
1886, previous to his signing the same, that after reading it as aforesaid and on the date
aforesaid, he did thereupon subscribe his name thereto, and was then \and there/ at his
request duly sworn to the same by me, as to its correctness in every particular, and did so
swear that the same is true.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal, this
22nd day of May A.D. 1886, at my office in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, U. T.
Chas. W. Stayner
Notary Public
Salt Lake Co. U. T.