a4 policy on the misuse of drugs and substances

Young people face growing pressures to use or experiment with controlled drugs, alcohol,
tobacco and other substances. Our purpose at Hurst Lodge is to do all we can to reduce these
pressures, to educate children about the risks of involvement with drugs and to maintain an
environment free from illegal drugs and from the temptation to use illegal drugs and other
harmful or potentially harmful substances.
The responsibility for the education of our pupils is shared with parents and effective
communication and co-operation is essential to the implementation of the School’s policy. The
School offers advice to parents and also hopes that parents will share concerns with the School
should they consider their child is involved in illegal drug usage.
Central to the School’s aims is the necessity for an environment which engenders safety and
well-being. Only then can the pupils make the best of the stimulating education and extracurricular activities on offer, and can they enjoy a supportive and friendly environment.
Controlled drugs are widely available illegally and will inevitably be used by some pupils during
their education. The School considers this to be a potential problem which can impede the
pursuit of its aims, and the school and parents should work together in order to avoid it.
It is also our purpose at Hurst Lodge:
 To ensure compliance with the criminal law under which it is an offence or any person to
possess, use, supply or sell controlled drugs or for the School to allow its premises to
be used for those purposes.
 To help develop in each of our pupils the moral courage to reject those parts of “youth
culture" which may be harmful to their health, integrity, independence, opportunities and
respect for the law.
 To maintain the integrity of the School community, to reflect the wishes of parents, and
to provide support and confidential counselling for those who may otherwise be tempted
to take risks or experiment with illegal drugs.
 To provide a firm disciplinary framework for dealing with pupils who bring illegal drugs
into School and use or tempt others to use them at or away from School premises.
Pupils involved with illegal drugs in this way are liable to exclusion from the school.
 To increase understanding of the implications and possible consequences of the use
and misuse of drugs and the law.
 To provide pupils with accurate information about drugs and other harmful or potentially
harmful substances and make them aware of consequences of substance misuse.
 To enable pupils to make healthy, informed choices by increasing knowledge,
challenging attitudes and developing coping strategies.
 To actively discourage the use of illegal drugs and to treat cases of illegal drug usage
by pupils as serious misconduct which will be dealt with by the full use of the sanctions
Reviewed: September 2015
Next Review: April 2016
Date: 18 February 2016
Applications: This policy relates to the misuse of controlled drugs and other substances and
applies to all pupils at Hurst Lodge School. It applies at all times, including holidays, whether or
not the pupil is in the care of the School.
Drugs and Substances: These expressions refer to the possession, use and supply of
controlled drugs and the paraphernalia of drugs or substances intended to resemble drugs, or
“legal” drugs which can be obtained from a chemist shop, performance enhancing drugs,
anabolic steroids, glue and other substances held or supplied in each case for the purposes of
Aims and Policies
Prevention: The central aim of this policy is to keep drugs out of Hurst Lodge School. We aim to
do so by means of education, pastoral care, detection of users and a sanctions policy.
Education: We educate pupils to understand that the use of illegal drugs is or may be a criminal
offence and will be harmful to their health, integrity, independence, opportunities and careers
and will damage the society in which they live. We educate by means of personal development
courses and by example, by discussion and by means of lectures from outside experts.
Pastoral Care: We encourage the pupils to discuss their anxieties about drugs or substances in
confidence with a member of staff or the school’s independent listener.
Detection: Every complaint or report of involvement with drugs and substances will be followed
up and investigated. A pupil suspected of involvement with drugs and substances may be
temporarily excluded. If a pupil is suspected of involvement with the illegal drugs the police will
always be informed.
Searching: the school reserves the right to search pupils, their possessions and their lockers
and rooms if they are suspected of being in possession of any drug or substance. The
procedure for searching is outlined in a separate policy.
Sanction for Supplying: Anyone supplying drugs must expect to be subject to the full range of
school sanctions including either being temporarily or permanently excluded, even if he or she
is about to sit public examinations, and may also be subject to drugs testing. If the pupil is
excluded parents will have the right to appeal which will take place under a separate procedure.
Sanction for Possession or Use: Anyone possessing or using drugs must expect to be subject
to the full range of school sanctions including either being temporarily or permanently excluded,
even if he or she is about to sit public examinations, and may also be subject to drugs testing.
If the pupil is excluded parents will have the right to appeal which will take place under a
separate procedure.
Testing for drugs
The school reserves the right to request a pupil provide a urine sample if use of drugs, either
inside or outside of school, is suspected.
Urine sample: If there is reason to suspect that a pupil has been involved with drugs or
substances, he or she may be required to supply, under medical supervision and after giving
informed consent, a urine sample for analysis. The reason for this policy is:
 to deter the use of drugs and substances
 to identify users
 to absolve those who have been wrongly suspected
Reason to suspect use of illegal drugs may arise as a result of information or a complaint
received or because of a pupil’s behaviour.
Reviewed: September 2015
Next Review: April 2016
Date: 18 February 2016
Informed Consent: The relevant consent to a drugs test is that of the pupil rather than the
parents, even if the pupil is under 16 years of age, provided he is of sufficient maturity and
understanding and signs to give his informed consent in writing.
Notifying Parents: Reasonable endeavours will be made, before a urine sample is taken, to
notify a parent, guardian or education guardian of the requirement for a urine sample and the
reasons for that requirement. It is the school’s policy to try, whenever possible to get a
countersignature on the consent form from a parent, carer or education guardian.
Medical supervision: The urine sample will be taken under the supervision of a member of the
Senior Management Team. It will then be placed in an envelope and sealed in front of the pupil.
All due care will be taken to respect the pupil’s privacy and human rights.
Refusal: If a pupil refuses to provide a urine sample, he will be asked to say why he has
refused. The School will be entitled to draw inferences from his response and general
demeanour, which may strengthen the case for exclusion, and the police, may be informed.
Testing procedures: These will be in accordance with standard good practice. Care will be
taken (including careful measurement of the urine temperature) to make as certain as possible
that the sample provided is genuine and uncontaminated.
Medical Record: If the outcome of the test is negative it will not form part of the pupil’s
permanent school record.
Outcome: When the School receives the laboratory report: Reasonable attempts will be made
to notify the parent by telephone. If this is not possible then an email will be sent.
Procedure: The School will treat a positive laboratory test, although not infallible, as evidence
that the pupil has been using drugs. A meeting will be arranged at which: The pupil will be
asked to attend with a parent, carer or education guardian. The evidence of the positive sample
and all other relevant evidence will be put to the pupil and they will be invited to respond.
Their response will be heard and considered and further inquiries will be made if necessary.
The Principal, or a member of the SLT designated by the Principal, will make a finding of fact
based on the evidence and supported by reasons.
Sanction: If the decision is that a pupil has been using drugs, the range of sanctions will be
outlined and then, or at a later meeting if requested, mitigating circumstances will be heard and
then with consideration of the pupil’s academic and disciplinary record a decision on the
sanction will be made.
Review: If the pupil is excluded parents will have the right to appeal which will take place under
a separate procedure.
Reviewed: September 2015
Next Review: April 2016
Date: 18 February 2016
This consent form is to be read and signed by the pupil. The relevant consent to a drugs test is
that of the pupil rather than the parents, even if the pupil is under 16 years of age, provided he
or she is of sufficient maturity and understanding and gives his informed consent in writing
below. It is the policy of Hurst Lodge to, whenever possible to get one of the pupil’s parents or
carers to countersign this consent. Reasonable endeavours will be made, before a urine
sample is taken, to notify a parent, carer or education guardian of the requirement for a urine
sample and the reasons for that requirement.
Consent of a pupil to provide a urine sample to be tested for drugs and substances.
I ………………………………………………………………………………. give informed consent
for a sample of my urine to be tested for drugs at a time decided by the school.
I understand that the sample will be taken under the supervision of a member of the Senior
Management Team. It will then be put in a sealed envelope and be sent away for testing by
I understand that the results of the test will be explained to me on their return.
I understand that if the result of the test is negative, it will not form part of my school record.
I understand that if the sample is positive then I will be subject to sanctions as stated in the
School Behaviour Policy and Drugs and Substance Policy which may include either permanent
or temporary exclusion.
I also understand that if I refuse to provide a urine sample, I will be asked to say why I have
refused. The School will be entitled to draw inferences from my response and general
demeanour, which may strengthen the case for sanctions.
Parent’s countersignature………………………………………………………………
Reviewed: September 2015
Next Review: April 2016
Date: 18 February 2016