Protein Protein is part of every cell; it is needed in thousands of chemical reactions. The word protein was discovered by the Dutch chemist Gerardus Mulder in 1838, and comes from the Greek word protos, meaning “of prime importance. Our bodies constantly syntheses, break down, and use proteins, so we need protein in our diet to replace what is being used. When we eat more protein than we need, the excess is either used to make energy or stored as fat. Plant foods such as dried beans and peas, grains, nuts, seeds, and vegetables also provide protein, not just animal foods. Many protein-rich plant foods are also rich in vitamins and minerals. These plant foods usually are low in fat and calories. When the diet lacks protein, the body breaks down body tissue such as muscle and uses it as a protein source. This causes loss, or wasting, of muscle, organs, and other tissues. Protein deficiency also increases susceptibility to infection, and impairs digestion and absorption of nutrients. Amino Acids: The Building Blocks of Protein Amino acids are the basic building blocks of protein. Proteins are sequences of amino acids. The body needs 20 different amino acids to choose from when building these sequences. Nine of these amino acids are called essential amino acids because your body cannot make them and must get them in the diet. Your body can manufacture the remaining 11, called nonessential amino acids, when enough nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are available. Nonessential amino acids do not need to be supplied in your diet. Sometimes, certain nonessential amino acids can become essential. Tyrosine and cysteine are both considered conditionally essential amino acids. Under normal circumstances, your body makes tyrosine from the essential amino acid phenylalanine, and cysteine from the essential amino acid methionine. When your intake of phenylalanine and methionine is low, however, your body needs 1 tyrosine and cysteine from your diet to free phenylalanine and methionine for protein formation. People with the disease phenylketonuria (PKU) must control their consumption of phenylalanine. PKU is a genetic disorder that impairs phenylalanine metabolism. People with PKU lack sufficient amounts of an enzyme (phenylalanine hydroxylase) that converts phenylalanine to tyrosine, so tyrosine becomes an essential amino acid. Phenylalanine hydroxylase Phenylalanine tyrosine 1) Melanine. 2) Epinephrine and norepinephrine. 3) Thyroxine. People with PKU must carefully monitor the amount of phenylalanine in their diets so they have enough to support growth and maintenance of body tissue, but not too much. Excess phenylalanine and byproducts of its abnormal metabolism (called phenylketones) can build up in the body and contribute to irreversible brain damage. Without treatment, the IQ of individuals with PKU averages about 40; however, those who are treated starting at birth have IQs in the normal range. Other amino acids also can become essential under certain circumstances. The amino acid glutamine is the main fuel for rapidly dividing cells and plays a key role in transporting nitrogen between organs. Although normally considered nonessential, glutamine can become essential after trauma or during periods of critical illness that increase the body’s need for it. The amino acid arginine can also become essential during conditions of illness or severe physiological stress. 2 Wasting: The breakdown of body tissue such as muscle and organ for use as a protein source when the diet lacks protein. Essential amino acid: An amino acid the body cannot make at all or cannot make enough of to meet physiological needs. Essential amino acids must be supplied in the diet. Nonessential amino acid: An amino acid the body can make if supplied with adequate nitrogen. Nonessential amino acids do not need to be supplied in the diet. Conditionally essential amino acid: An amino acid that is normally made in the body (nonessential) but becomes essential under certain circumstances, such as during critical illness. Structure of an amino acid All amino acids have a similar structure. Attached to a carbon atom is a hydrogen (H), an amino group (—NH2), an acid group (—COOH) and a side group (R). The side group gives each amino acid its unique identity. Forming a peptide bond When two amino acids join together, the carboxyl group of one amino acid is matched with the amino group of another. A condensation reaction forms a peptide bond and releases water. Amino Acids Are Identified by Their Side Groups The side group gives each amino acid its identity. It can vary from a simple hydrogen atom, as in glycine, to a complex ring of carbon and hydrogen atoms, as in phenylalanine. The side groups mean that amino acids differ in shape, size, composition, electrical charge, and pH. When amino acids are linked to form a protein, these characteristics work together to determine that protein’s specific function. 3 Protein Structure: Unique Three-Dimensional Shapes and Functions Proteins are very large molecules. Their chains of linked amino acids twist, fold, or coil into unique shapes. The body combines amino acids in different sequences to form a nearly infinite variety of proteins. For this reason, protein molecules are more diverse than either carbohydrates or lipids. Amino Acid Sequence Amino acids link in specific sequences to form strands of protein (called peptides) up to hundreds of amino acids long. One amino acid is joined to the next by a peptide bond. To form a peptide bond, the carboxyl (—COOH) group of one amino acid bonds to the amino (—NH2) group of another amino acid, releasing water (H2O) in the process. A dipeptide is two amino acids joined by a peptide bond, while a tripeptide is three amino acids joined by peptide bonds. The term oligopeptide refers to a chain of 4 to 10 amino acids, while a polypeptide contains more than 10 amino acids. Proteins in the body and in the diet are long polypeptides, most with hundreds of linked amino acids. Protein Shape The three-dimensional shape of a protein determines its function and its interaction with other molecules. For example, the unique folded and twisted shape of hemoglobin, the iron-carrying protein in red blood cells. In the lungs, hemoglobin binds oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. Hemoglobin delivers oxygen to other tissues and picks up carbon dioxide for the return trip to the lungs. Some amino acids carry electrical charges and therefore are attracted to the charged ends of water molecules (hydrophilic amino acids). Other amino acids are electrically neutral and do not interact with water (hydrophobic amino 4 acids). The amino acid cysteine, which has sulfur atoms in its side group, sometimes will chemically bond to another cysteine in the chain, creating a disulflde bridge, which helps stabilize the protein’s structure. Dipeptide: Two amino acids joined by a peptide bond. Tripeptide: Three amino acids joined by peptide bonds. Oligopeptide: Four to 10 amino acids joined by peptide bonds. Polypeptide: More than 10 amino acids joined by peptide bonds. Hemoglobin: The oxygen-carrying protein in red blood cells that consists of four heme groups and four globin polypeptide chains. The presence of hemoglobin gives blood its red color. Hydrophilic amino acids: Amino acids that are attracted to water (waterloving). Hydrophobic amino acids: Amino acids that are water-fearing. Disulfide bridge: A bond between the sulfur components of two sulfurcontaining amino acids that helps stabilize the structure of protein. Protein Denaturation Acidity, alkalinity, heat, alcohol, and oxidation can all disrupt the chemical forces that stabilize a protein’s three-dimensional shape, causing it to unfold and lose its shape (denature). Since a protein’s shape determines its function, denatured proteins lose their ability to function properly. Denaturation is the first step in breaking down protein for digestion. Stomach acids denature protein, uncoiling the structure into a simple amino acid chain that digestive enzymes can start breaking apart. Denaturation: An alteration in the three-dimensional structure of a protein resulting in an unfolded polypeptide chain that usually lacks biological activity. 5 Protein digestion The first step in using dietary protein is digesting its long polypeptide chains into amino acids. Like the other energy-yielding nutrients, digestion requires enzymes. Digestion of protein begins in the stomach. Stomach In the stomach, hydrochloric acid (HC) denatures a protein, unfolding it and making the amino acid chain more accessible to the action of enzymes. Glands in the stomach lining produce the proenzyme pepsinogen, an inactive precursor of the enzyme pepsin. When pepsinogen comes in contact with HC, it is converted to the active enzyme pepsin. Pepsin breaks down protein into individual amino acids and peptides of various lengths. Small intestine From the stomach, amino acids and polypeptides pass into the small intestine, where most protein digestion takes place. In the small intestine, proteases (protein-digesting enzymes) break down large peptides into smaller peptides. Both the pancreas and the small intestine make digestive proenzymes. The pancreas makes trypsinogen and chymotrypsinogen, which are secreted into the small intestine in response to the presence of protein. Here, these proenzymes are cleaved into their active forms, trypsin and chymotrypsin, respectively. These activated proteases break polypeptides into smaller peptides. Pancreatic enzymes completely digest only a small percentage of proteins into individual amino acids; most of the proteins at this point are dipeptides, tripeptides, and still larger polypeptides. The final stages of protein digestion take place on the surface of the intestine’s lining, and require enzymes secreted by the intestinal lining cells. Brush border (microvilli) peptidases react with intestinal fluids that come in contact with the cell surface and split the remaining larger polypeptides into tripeptides, dipeptides and even some all the way into amino acids. These smaller units are transported across the microvilli membranes into the cell. Inside the cell many 6 other peptidases specifically attack the linkages between the amino acids. These peptidases digest all the remaining dipeptides and tripeptides into individual amino acids for absorption into the bloodstream. Undigested protein Any parts of proteins that are not digested and absorbed in the small intestine continue on through the large intestine. People with celiac disease, for example, cannot properly digest gluten—a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, and oats. Unless treated with a gluten-free diet, people with celiac disease show poor growth, weight loss, and other symptoms resulting from poor absorption of protein and other nutrients. Celiac disease: A disease that involves an inability to digest gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye, oats, and barley. If untreated, it causes flattening of the villi in the intestine, leading to severe malabsorption of nutrients. Symptoms include diarrhea, fatty stools, and extreme fatigue. Amino acid and peptide absorption Absorption of some amino acids requires active transport while others are absorbed via facilitated diffusion. Although there are several active transport mechanisms, similar amino acids share the same active transport system. The amino acids leucine, isoleucine, and valine, for example, all depend on the same carrier molecule for absorption. Normally proteins in foods supply a mix of many amino acids, so amino acids that share the same transport system are absorbed fairly equally. Most protein absorption takes place in the cells that line the duodenum and jejunum. After they are absorbed, most amino acids are transported via the portal vein to the liver and then released into general circulation. Some amino acids remain in the intestinal cells and are used to synthesize intestinal enzymes and new cells. 7 Active transport: Amino acids are actively transported into the intestinal cell by a sodium co-transport strategy. First energy is used to pump sodium out of the cell. A special transport protein in the cell membrane allows the sodium to reenter the cell when accompanied by an amino acid. Note: All amino acids use facilitated diffusion to leave the cell and enter the bloodstream. Conclusion: Protein digestion begins in the stomach, where the enzyme pepsin breaks proteins into smaller peptides. Digestion continues in the small intestine, where proteases break polypeptides into smaller peptide units, which are then absorbed into cells where additional enzymes (proteases) complete digestion to amino acids. 8 Functions of Body Proteins 1) Structural and Mechanical Functions Structures such as bone, skin, and hair owe their physical properties to unique proteins. Collagen is the most abundant protein in mammals, and gives skin and bone their elastic strength. Hair and nails are made of keratin. So protein is essential for building these structures; therefore, protein deficiencies during a child’s development can be dangerous. Motor proteins are proteins that turn energy into mechanical work. These proteins are the final step in converting our food into physical work. Specialized motor proteins are also involved in a variety of processes including cell division and muscle contraction. Collagen: The most abundant fibrous protein in the body, it is the major constituent of connective tissue, forms the foundation for bones and teeth, and helps maintain the structure of blood vessels and other tissues. Keratin: A water-insoluble fibrous protein that is the primary constituent of hair, nails, and the outer layer of the skin. Motor proteins: Proteins that use energy and convert into some form of mechanical work. Motor proteins are active in processes such as dividing cells and contracting muscle. 2) Enzymes Enzymes are proteins that catalyze chemical reactions. Every cell contains thousands of types of enzymes, each with its own purpose. During digestion, for example, enzymes help break down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats into monosaccharides, amino acids, and fatty acids for absorption into the body. Enzymes release energy from these nutrients to fuel thousands of body processes. Enzymes also catalyze the reactions that build muscle and tissue. 9 3) Hormones Hormones are chemical messengers that are made in one part of the body but act on cells in other parts of the body. Many are proteins with important regulatory functions. Insulin, for example, is a protein hormone that plays a key role in regulating the amount of glucose in the blood. It is released from the pancreas in response to a rise in blood glucose levels and functions to lower those levels. Thyroid-stimulating protein (TSH) and leptin are two other protein hormones. The pituitary gland produces TSH, which stimulates the thyroid gland to produce the hormone thyroxine. Thyroxine, a modified form of the amino acid tyrosine, increases the body’s metabolic rate. 4) Immune Function Proteins play an important role in the immune system, which is responsible for fighting infection and invasion by foreign substances. Antibodies are blood proteins that attack and inactivate bacteria and viruses that cause infection. When your diet does not contain enough protein, your body cannot make as many protein antibodies as it needs. Your immune response is weakened and your risk of infection and illness increases. Antibody: A large blood protein produced by B lymphocytes in response to exposure to a particular antigen (e.g., a protein on the surface of a virus or bacterium). Each type of antibody specifically binds to and helps eliminate its matching antigen from the body. Once formed, antibodies circulate in the blood and help protect the body against subsequent infection. 5) Fluid Balance Fluids in the body are intracellular (inside cells) or extracellular (outside cells). There are two types of extracellular fluid—intercellular or interstitial, (between cells) and intravascular (in the blood). These interior and exterior fluid levels must stay in balance for body processes to work properly. Proteins in the blood help to maintain appropriate fluid levels in the vascular system. The force of the 10 heart’s beating pushes fluid and nutrients from the capillaries out into the fluid surrounding the cells. But blood proteins like albumin and globulin are too large to leave the capillary beds. These proteins remain in the capillaries, where they attract fluid. This provides a balancing and partially counteracting force that keeps fluid in the circulatory system. If the diet does not have enough protein to maintain normal levels of blood proteins, fluid will leak into the surrounding tissue and cause swelling, also called edema. Children with protein malnutrition often suffer from severe edema. 6) Acid-Base Balance The body works hard to keep the pH of the blood near 7.4, or nearly neutral. Only a few hours with a blood pH above 8.0 or below 6.8 will cause death. Proteins help maintain stable pH levels in body fluids by behaving as buffers; they pick up extra hydrogen ions when conditions are acidic, and they donate hydrogen ions when conditions are alkaline. If proteins are not available to buffer acidic or alkaline substances, the blood can become too acidic or too alkaline, resulting in either acidosis or alkalosis. Both conditions can be serious; either can cause proteins to denature, and this can lead to coma or death. 7) Transport Functions Many substances pass in and out of cells via proteins that cross cell membranes and act as channels and pumps. Channels allow substances to flow rapidly through the membranes by passive diffusion and require no input of energy. Pumps (active transporters), in contrast, must use energy to drive the transport of substances across membranes. More than one-third of the energy your body consumes at rest is used by sodium-potassium protein pumps that control cell volume and nerve impulses and drive the active transport of sugars and amino acids. Proteins also act as carriers, transporting many important substances in the bloodstream for delivery throughout the body. Lipoproteins, for example, 11 carries lipid particles in the blood. The protein transferrin carries iron in the blood. In the liver, iron is stored as part of ferritin. 8) Source of Energy and Glucose Although our bodies preferentially burns carbohydrate and fat for energy, if necessary it can use protein for energy or to make glucose. Thus, carbohydrate and fat are protein-sparing: they spare amino acids from being burned for energy and allow them to be used for protein synthesis. If the diet does not provide enough energy to sustain vital functions, the body will use its own protein from enzymes, muscle, and other tissues to make energy and glucose for use by the brain, lungs, and heart (e.g. starvation). To release energy from an amino acid, the body first removes the nitrogen group—a process called deamination. To make glucose, the body uses the remaining carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen compounds. If the diet contains more protein than is needed for protein synthesis, most of the excess is converted to glucose or stored as fat. The amino acid pool and protein turnover Cells throughout the body constantly and simultaneously synthesize and break down protein. When cells break down protein, the protein’s amino acids return to circulation. These available amino acids, found throughout body tissues and fluids, are collectively referred to as the amino acid pool. Some of these amino acids may be used for protein synthesis; others may have their amino group removed and be used to produce energy or non-protein substances such as glucose. The constant recycling of proteins in the body is known as protein turnover. Each day, more amino acids in your body are recycled than are supplied in your diet. Of the approximately 300 grams of protein synthesized by the body each day, 200 grams are made from recycled amino acids. This remarkable recycling capacity is the reason we need little protein in our diet. In a healthful diet, only 10 to 15 percent of our daily calories must come from protein, whereas 12 carbohydrate should supply about 55 to 60 percent and fat no more than 30 percent. Synthesis of non-protein molecules Amino acids have other roles, not just as components of proteins; they are precursors of many molecules with important biological roles. Your body makes non-protein molecules from amino acids and the nitrogen they contain. The vitamin niacin, for example, is made from the amino acid tryptophan. Precursors of DNA, RNA, and many coenzymes derive in part from amino acids. Your body also uses amino acids to make other important compounds, such as neurotransmitters, norepinephrine and epinephrine and histamine. Nitrogen balance The balance of nitrogen, and therefore protein, can be estimated in the body by comparing nitrogen intake to the sum of all sources of nitrogen excretion (e.g. urine, feces, skin). If nitrogen intake exceeds nitrogen excretion, the body is said to be in positive nitrogen balance. Positive nitrogen balance means that the body is adding protein, as in the case for growing children, pregnant women, or people recovering from protein deficiency or illnesses. If nitrogen excretion exceeds nitrogen intake, the body is in negative nitrogen balance. This means that the body is losing protein. People who are starving or on extreme weightloss diets or who suffer from fever, severe illnesses, or infections are in a state of negative nitrogen balance. If nitrogen intake equals nitrogen excretion, nitrogen balance is zero and the body is in nitrogen equilibrium. Healthy adults are in nitrogen equilibrium, which means their dietary protein intake is adequate to maintain and repair tissue. They have no net gain or loss of body protein and they simply excrete excess dietary protein. Negative nitrogen balance: Nitrogen intake is less than the sum of all sources of nitrogen excretion. 13 Nitrogen balance: Nitrogen intake minus the sum of all sources of nitrogen excretion. Nitrogen equilibrium: Nitrogen intake equals the sum of all sources of nitrogen excretion; nitrogen balance equals zero. Conclusion: Cells throughout the body constantly synthesize and break down protein. This process known as protein turnover. Nitrogen-containing end products of protein metabolism are excreted in urine via the kidneys. Comparison of nitrogen intake (from dietary protein) to nitrogen excretion gives a measure of nitrogen balance and indicates protein status in the body. Protein and nitrogen excretion Cells break down and recycle amino acids. Amino acid breakdown yields amino groups (-NH2). -NH2 molecule is unstable and quickly converts to ammonia (NH3). Ammonia is toxic to cells, so it is entered the bloodstream, as a waste product, and is carried to the liver. In the liver, and amino group and an ammonia group react with CO2 through a series of reactions (urea cycle) to generate urea and water. The nitrogen-rich urea is transported from the liver to the kidneys, where it is filtered from the blood and sent to the bladder for excretion in urine. Small amounts of other nitrogen-containing compounds, such as ammonia, uric acid and creatinine, are also excreted in urine. Some nitrogen is also lost through skin, GI cells, mucus, hair and nail cutting, but in a very small amounts. NH2 Urea: C=O NH2 14 Proteins in the diet Meat eggs, milk, legumes, grains, and vegetables are all sources of protein. Fruits contain minimal amounts and, along with fats, are not considered protein sources. Adults For adults, the RDA for protein intake is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. In clinical situations that require precise assessments, ideal body weight (rather than actual body weight) is typically used to determine protein needs. Other life stages Infants 0 to 6 months of age require 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram body weight, the highest protein need relative to body weight of any time of life. Both pregnancy and lactation (production of breast milk) increase a woman’s need for protein. Conclusion: Infants, who are growing rapidly, have the highest protein needs relative to body weight. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein declines from 2.2 grams per kilogram for infants 0 to 6 months old to 0.8 grams per kilogram for adults. Pregnancy and lactation can alter protein requirements. Protein quality Although both animal and plant foods contain protein, the quality of protein in these foods differs. Foods that supply all the essential amino acids are called complete or high quality protein. A high-quality protein (1) provides all the essential amino acids in the amounts the body needs, (2) provides enough other amino acids to serve as nitrogen sources for synthesis of nonessential amino acids, and (3) is easy to digest. Foods that lack adequate amounts of one or more essential amino acids are called incomplete, or low-quality protein. Complete protein: A protein that supplies all of the essential amino acids in the proportions the body needs. 15 Incomplete protein: A protein that lacks one or more essential amino acids in the proportions needed by the body. Also called low-quality proteins. Complete proteins Animal foods generally provide complete protein; that is, they provide all the essential amino acids in approximately the right proportions. Red meats, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, and milk products (all animal foods) contain complete protein. The protein isolated from soybeans also provides a complete, high-quality protein equal to that of animal protein. Complementary proteins With the exception of soy protein, the protein in plant foods is incomplete; that is, it lacks one or more essential amino acids and does not match the body’s amino acid needs as closely as animal foods do. Although the protein in one plant food may lack certain amino acids, the protein in another plant food may be a complementary protein that completes the amino acid pattern. So the protein of one plant food can provide the essential amino acid(s) that the other plant food is missing. For example, grain products such as pasta are low in the essential amino acid lysine but high in the essential amino acids methionine and cysteine. Legumes such as kidney beans are low in methionine and cysteine but high in lysine. In a dish that combines these foods, such as a pasta-kidney bean salad, the protein from pasta complements the protein from kidney beans, so together they provide a complete protein. Generally, when you combine grains with legumes, or legumes with nuts or seeds, you will get complete, high-quality protein. Small amounts of animal foods can also complement the protein in plant foods. Protein complementation is important only for people who consume little or no animal proteins. For these people, a wide variety of plant protein sources are the key to obtaining adequate amounts of all the essential amino acids. 16 Protein-energy malnutrition A deficiency of protein, energy, or both in the diet is called proteinenergy malnutrition, or PEM. Protein and energy intake are difficult to separate because diets adequate in energy usually are adequate in protein, and diets inadequate in energy inhibit the body’s use of dietary protein for protein synthesis. protein-energy malnutrition (PEM): A condition resulting from long-term inadequate intakes of energy and protein that can lead to wasting of body tissues and increased susceptibility to infection. The two famous forms of severe PEM are kwashiorkor and Marasmus: Kwashiorkor The term kwashiorkor is a Ghanian word that describes the “evil spirit which infects the first child when the second child is born.” In many cultures, babies are breast-fed until the next baby comes along. When it does, the first baby is weaned from nutritious breast milk and placed on a watered-down version of the family’s diet. In areas of poverty this diet is often low in protein, or the protein is not absorbed easily. The symptom of kwashiorkor that sets it apart from marasmus is edema, or swelling of body tissue, usually in the feet and legs. Lack of blood proteins reduces the force that keeps fluid in the bloodstream, and instead, fluid leaks out into the tissues. The belly (stomach) can also become bloated from both edema and accumulation of fat in the liver, since no proteins are available to transport 17 the fat. Other features of kwashiorkor include stunted weight and height, increased susceptibility to infection, dry and flaky skin, and sometimes skin sores, dry hair, and changes in skin color. Kwashiorkor usually develops in children between 18 and 24 months of age, about the time weaning occurs. Its onset can be rapid and is often triggered by an infection or illness that increases the child’s protein needs. In hospital settings, kwashiorkor can develop in situations where protein needs are extremely high (trauma, infection, burns) but dietary intake is poor. Kwashiorkor often caused by serious acute infection, especially measles, or abrupt weaning from the breast onto a starchy diet. Signs of kwashiorkor: 1) Edema. 2) Growth failure and a degree of wasting. 3) Hepatomegaly. 4) Changes to the hair and skin (hair sparse and thin). 5) Poor appetite and mental changes. 6) Anemia. 7) Moon face. 8) Loose stool. Marasmus Marasmus is derived from the Greek word marasmos, which means “withering or to waste away.” Marasmus is more common than kwashiorkor. It develops more slowly than kwashiorkor and results from chronic PEM. Protein, energy, and nutrient intake are all inadequate, depleting body fat reserves and severely wasting muscle tissue, including vital organs like the heart. Growth slows or stops, and children are both short and very thin for their age. Because muscle and fat are used up, a child with marasmus often looks like a frail elderly person. 18 Marasmus occurs most often in infants and children 6 to 18 months of age who are fed diluted or improperly mixed formulas. Because this is a time of rapid brain growth, marasmus can permanently stunt brain development and lead to learning disabilities. Marasmus also occurs in adults during cancer and starvation, including the self-imposed starvation of the eating disorder known as anorexia nervosa. Signs of marasmus: 1) Marked muscle wasting. 2) Loss of subcutaneous fat. 3) Growth failure. 4) “Old man’s” face. 5) Loose stool in some children. - Growth failure: Inadequate gain in weight/or height compared with a wellnourished individual. - Stunting: Shortness. - Wasting: Thinness. 19 Excess dietary protein In industrialized countries, an excess of protein and energy is more common than a deficiency. High protein intake can also cause health problems. Kidney function Since the kidneys must excrete the products of protein breakdown, high protein intake can strain kidney function and is especially harmful for people with kidney disease or diabetes. To prevent dehydration, it is important to drink plenty of fluids to dilute the byproducts of protein breakdown for excretion. Mineral losses High protein intake can cause the body to excrete more calcium, contributing to bone mineral losses and increasing the risk of osteoporosis. Obesity High-protein foods are also often high in fat. A diet high in fat and protein may provide too much energy, contributing to obesity. Heart disease Research has linked high intake of animal protein to high blood cholesterol levels and increased risk of heart disease. Foods high in animal protein, however, are also high in saturated fat and cholesterol. Cancer Some studies suggest a link between a diet high in animal protein foods and an increased risk for certain types of cancers. Cancer of the colon, breast, pancreas, and prostate have been linked to high protein and fat intake. As with obesity and heart disease, however, the independent effects of protein and fat are difficult to separate. 20