Novel spread spectrum clock generators

Novel spread spectrum clock generator
Subramaniam Venkatraman, Matthew Leslie
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University of California, Berkeley
Spread spectrum clock generators are used to
reduce the electromagnetic radiation from highspeed digital systems. We review the different
methods used for spread spectrum clock
generation and suggest a novel method which
employs simpler circuitry and should yield
In modern integrated circuits, the greatest
amount of electromagnetic radiation is created by
the digital clock and signals derived from the clock.
This is due to the nature of the clock signal, which
is periodic with the highest frequency. Therefore,
the energy concentrated at discrete frequencies (odd
harmonics of this clock) is radiated off-chip.
Electromagnetic Interferences (EMI) are subject to
very strict regulations by US (FCC) and other
international regulatory bodies (EN, etc.) [1]. These
regulations aim at limiting the amount of EMI
electronic devices emit, and at preventing
interference between electronic devices, and
possible damages to the human body.
While conventional EMI reduction
methods (shielding, special coating, filtering
components, etc.) are still common practice, the
tightness of EMI regulations and the cost sensitivity
of their impact have led to the development of
alternative and less expensive solutions. By altering
the spectral profile of the digital clock, the
electromagnetic radiation at the clock frequencies
can be significantly reduced. In this manner, the
clock becomes composed of a greater range of
frequencies of lesser amplitude, essentially the
clock gets broadbanded and its energy gets spread
over a larger bandwidth.
There are two fundamentally different
ways to spread the spectrum of a digital clock
signal. In clock scrambling, or suppressed carrier
clocking, the clock signal is directly mixed with a
modulation signal, usually via an XOR gate. The
more prevalent technique for clock signal
conditioning involves modulating the clock
frequency with a waveform to spread its energy.
Both scrambling and clock frequency modulation
(herein referred to as spread spectrum clocking) are
described in detail below.
A. Suppressed Carrier Clocking
Clock scrambling involves mixing the
clock signal with a modulating signal, which is
much lower in frequency. The mixing is most
readily accomplished in a digital fashion with an
XOR gate [2], [3].
carrier clock
Figure 1 Time domain representation of suppressed
carrier clocking scheme
In theory, suppressed carrier clocking does
not introduce jitter. The attenuation of the
fundamental is slightly greater than 10dB.
However, there are important drawbacks to clock
scrambling. When the modulating signal
transitions, the transition on the suppressed clock is
lost. This equates to lost computation time for a
digital system. To obviate this problem, the
scrambled signal can be demodulated at the various
ends of the clock distribution network but this adds
demodulation circuitry. Moreover, this implies that
only the signal in the clock distribution network has
suppressed EMI wheras the signal in the rest of the
chip emits radiation at the clock frequencies and its
This issue is not mentioned in the previous
papers on the subject and poses a significant
limitation. It would be interesting to investigate
how much of the radiated emission from a chip is
from the clock distribution network and how much
from the rest of the chip. Yet another problem is the
introduction of even clock harmonics into the
spectrum which are not suppressed via scrambling.
B. Spread Spectrum Clock Generation
Spread spectrum clock generation (SSCG)
is equivalent to adding jitter to the clock signal. By
deviating the period of the clock signal from its
fundamental by a small percentage and in a
predictable fashion, the energy of the clock is
spread to a larger bandwidth and the peak emission
can be significantly attenuated [4]. The greater the
deviation, and slower the frequency of the
frequency modulating signal, the greater the
attenuation can be. Obviously, the timing
constraints of the digital systems being clocked will
provide a practical limit to the amount of deviation
that is tolerable.
   n  fo 
AdB  10 log 10  SSC
At the architecture level, there are two
fundamentally different ways of obtaining a spread
spectrum clock signal. The first method is to
directly modulate the clock’s frequency. Usually, a
voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) has its input
voltage controlled by a modulation waveform. The
industry-wide accepted solution to EMI reduction is
a PLL based SSCG. Lexmark markets several chips
for the PCB designer, and also has a patented
modulation profile which provides the optimal
flatness to the spread spectrum clock [4]. A simpler
technique is to use a triangular modulation profile
[5] which reduces efficiency but simplifies the
circuitry involved. Either of these techniques adds a
number of peripheral blocks including a phasefrequency detector (PFD) with charge pump output
and a VCO.
Another technique involves controlling the
transitions of the digital clock. By controlling the
temporal spacing of the edges, the clock’s
frequency is indirectly controlled. This is the delay
cell approach. [6] Employing significantly simpler
circuitry, the delay cell approach uses single or
multiple delay elements to control the speed of the
clock signal. The delay cell approach gives an
identical waveform to the PLL based technique
except that it manages to achieve the same with
reduced jitter.
Existing work on delay cell spread
spectrum clocks uses many delay elements in
series, each of which is programmable to one of
two possible delay states [7]. As the clock signal
progresses through the delay chain, each edge
encounters a specified number of unit delays. The
accumulation of these delays allows for the shaping
of the clock signal into a spread spectrum clock
Conventional SSC, implemented using
PLLs suffers from the drawback of reduction in
maximum achievable EMI reduction due to the
inherent jitter of the circuitry. This random jitter
exists due to thermal noise, shot noise or flicker
noise and poses critical limitation on performance
of the conventional SSCG based on modulation of
the period jitter of the PLL. PLL based systems
show additional jitter as compared to a delay cell
based system due a phenomenon called
accumulation jitter.
Accumulation jitter is exhibited by
autonomous systems, such as oscillators, that
generate a stream of spontaneous output transitions.
In the PLL, the oscillator and VCO exhibit
accumulation jitter. Accumulation jitter is
characterized by an undesired variation in the time
since the previous output transition, thus the
uncertainty of when a transition occurs accumulates
with every transition [8].
Consider a delay cell array and a PLL
based on the same delay element which shows a
jitter of variance J. Each transition of the PLL is
relative to the previous transition, and the variation
in the length of each period is independent, so the
variance in the time of each transition accumulates.
Therefore variance of the jitter of the PLL after the
signal has passed through k times is kJ. This effect
holds until the feedback loop of the PLL takes
effect (slow due to low pass filter of the PLL) and
corrects for the jitter on the clock. The delay cell
array on the other hand shows a variance of the
jitter only equal to J. This reduction in variance of
unintentional jitter is key to the delay cell array
technique being able to achieve greater reduction in
EMI using spread spectrum techniques.
It is essential for the delay cell array to be
simple and low jitter for this implementation to
succeed. Previous implementations have used a
digital delay cell array with 200 elements. This
large circuitry in itself is a large source of jitter. We
plan to use a differential current starved inverter
based delay cell which is a simple circuit to
implement. The current flowing through the
inverter can be controlled using a counter to create
a triangular modulation waveform. The clock
frequency is set to 100MHz to enable comparison
with the work in [7] and the modulating frequency
is set to 50 KHz.
Figure 2 Simulation of EMI reduction by spread spectrum modulation of a 100MHz clock
The previous implementation of a delay
cell array based spread spectrum clock [7] shows
an unnatural clock waveform with maximum
power at the 4th harmonic. A clean square clock
with 50% duty cycle should have very low
power in the 4th harmonic so this clock is
apparently not the natural clock used. Therefore,
the reported results are hard to understand and
replicate. We plan to implement a similar system
with a delay cell array with low jitter and prove
that the theory discussed will in fact give
significant reduction of clock radiation. The
expected EMI reduction of the 5th harmonic for
this implementation was simulated using Matlab
and is shown in Fig. 2.
We plan to implement a low jitter
spread spectrum clock generation technique
using a delay cell array. This technique is
expected to provide greater EMI reduction that
PLL based techniques while using a simpler
circuit. We plan to simulate this circuit using
0.35 micron technology and verify the reduction
in EMI.
1)Using spread spectrum technology to reduce
emi and lower costs. Phaselink corporation
application note EMI-01
2) D. Arnett, “Suppressed carrier digital clocks,”
IEEE International Symposium on
Electromagnetic Compatibility, 1999, pp. 816821.
3) Suppressed Carrier Clock for Reduction of
Electromagnetic Radiated Emission from Highspeed Digital System; Dong Gun Kam,
Jonghoon Kim and Joungho Kim Piljung Jun,
2003 IEEE Symposium on EMC
4) Spread Spectrum Clock Generation for the
Reduction of Radiated Emissions, Keith B.
Hardin John T. Fessler Donald R. Bush
5) A Spread-Spectrum Clock Generator With
Triangular Modulation Hsiang-Hui Chang,
Student Member, IEEE, I-Hui Hua, and ShenIuan Liu, IEEE journal of solid-state circuits,
vol. 38, no. 4, april 2003
6) Dithered timing spread spectrum clock
generation for reduction of electromagnetic
radiated emission from high speed digital
system, Jonghoon Kim, Joungho Kim, Piljung
7) Spread spectrum clock generator with delay
cell array to reduce the EMI from a high-speed
digital system, Jonghoon Kim, Joungho Kim,
Dong Gun Kam
8) Modeling Jitter in PLL-based Frequency
Synthesizers Ken Kundert, The Designer’s
Guide Community