Adriatic Sea (laboratory tests of water) Ammonium Test Into two test tubes we poured 5 ml of seawater. One was left untouched while in the other reagents were instilled/poured: 12 drops of NH4-1 and one lab-spoon of NH4-2. Then we shook the test tube and waited for 5 minutes. After that time we instilled 4 drops of reagent NH4-3 and the solution became yellow. Now we had to wait for 7 minutes. Conclusion – the solution is yellow – there is 0mg/l of NH+4. Nitrite Test Into two test tubes we poured 5 ml of seawater. One was left untouched while in the other reagents were instilled/poured. At first, we instilled 5 drops of reagent NO2-1, shook it and the color left the same. After that we put one lab-spoon of reagent NO2-2 into the same test tube, shook it again and waited for 1 minute, the color of water changed into faded-pink. Conclusion – there is 0mg/l of NO-2. Nitrate Test Two of the test tubes were rinsed with a water of subject, after that with the help of syringe we poured 5 ml of water into each of them. Into one of the test tubes we put two lab spoons of reagent NO3-1 and shook it for reagent to dissolve, then waited for one minute, other test tube was left as it is. Then both test tubes were inserted into comparator and colors were compared. Conclusion – there is 0 mg/l of NO3. Phosphate Test Two of the test tubes were rinsed with a water of subject, poured 5 ml of water into each of them. One of the test tubes was left as it is, while in the other we instilled 5 drops of reagent PO4-1 and put one lab spoon of reagent PO4-2 and shook it for reagents to dissolve. Then both of the test tubes were put on the phosphate card and then phosphate concentration was found. Conclusion – 0 mg/l of P04-3. General Hardness Test Test tube was rinsed with a water of subject and then 5 ml of water was poured into it. We instilled 3 drops of reagent H-1 into the test tube and shook it for good for reagent to dissolve. There were components of hardness, because we saw the solution to become red. Later we took some titration solution H-Z into titration pipettes and drop by drop instilled it into test tube, while rotating it. Theory said, that color of the solution should have became green and later violet-grey, but it didn’t happened, so we couldn’t determine the overall value of water hardness. pH Test Two of the test tubes were rinsed with a water of subject, after that with the help of syringe we poured 5 ml of water into each of them. One of the test tubes was left as it is, without any reagents, while in the other we instilled two drops of reagent PTL-1 and shook it for reagent to dissolve. After that both of test tubes were inserted into comparator and their colors were compared. The PTL was less than 8, so this means the water of subject was alkaline. Residual Hardness Test Test tube was rinsed with a water of subject and then 5 ml of water was poured into it. 3 drops of reagent H-1 were instilled into test tube. We shook it and the solution became red, what leads to a conclusion, that density of water is more than 0,50.