Heating of ceramic flat layer with cooled and heat-insulated walls P.V. Kozlov, V.M. Lelevkin Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan ABSRRACT The mathematical model of ceramic material heating in a microwave with cooled and heat-insulated walls was developed. Calculation of thermal and electromagnetic characteristics of flat plate made of aluminum oxide has been carried out subject to time of heating, plate thickness, electromagnetic field power and frequency. INTRODUCTION At the present time, tasks of the mathematical modeling of ceramic material heating by microwave radiation intensively are developed [1-6]. Nonlinear dependences of temperature changes of ceramic material made of aluminum oxide and silicium nitride on electromagnetic radiation input power and frequency were established. Nearly constant temperature distribution on a ceramic cross-section was obtained. Possibility of stepped monotonous heating of ceramic plate and implementation of stable and unstable thermal conditions are showed. In this work the model of flat plate heating in a microwave with cooled and heat-insulated walls is offered. MODEL Unsteady heating of flat ceramic plate in a microwave with cooled and heatinsulted walls with symmetrical supply of electromagnetic waves (fig.1) with the components E 0, 0, E z E ( x) exp( it ) , H 0; H y H ( x),0exp( it ) is considered. The process description of ceramic item microwave heating is carried out on the base of the solution of non-stationary equation of energy balance and wave equation: T T 1 * cC p i 0 EE , t x x 2 (1) d 2E k 02 K E 0 , dx 2 (2) where T – temperature, E, E* – complex and complex conjugate amplitude of electrical field, 0 – dielectric constant , , c, Cp – heat conductivity, density, thermal capacity, k r i i – complex permeability, r Re k , i Im k real and imaginary parts of complex permeability, k 0 / c - wave number in the vacuum, – circular frequency, с – speed of light, x, y, z – rectangular coordinate system with center in the middle of a plate. 1-181 Fig. 1. Scheme of ceramic plate heating with symmetrical supply of electromagnetic field power: 2R, 2Rc – lateral dimensions of a microwave chamber and plate thickness. Fields: I, III – gaseous medium of a microwave (region of conductive heat removal to chamber’s walls), II – ceramic plate (region of electromagnetic field energy dissipation). In consequence of the symmetry of task rated operating conditions are specified in the interval 0 ≤ x ≤ R. In the case of cooled walls of a microwave’s chamber initial and boundary conditions are in the following form: t = 0, 0 ≤ x ≤ R: T (x, 0) = TR, E(x, 0) = 0; t > 0, x = 0: x = R, ∂ T / ∂x = 0, ∂E/∂x = 0; T = TR, E = ER. On the surface (plate – gaseous medium) continuity of temperature and thermal flow is supposed, and electrical field on the walls of chamber ER(t) is determined by input power value of electromagnetic radiation Qn(t). THE METHOD OF SOLUTION As the analysis of stationary conditions and calculation of non-stationary task [6] show, temperature drop on cross section of ceramic made of aluminum oxide represents small value with respect to maximal temperature. Therefore, in order to solve the wave equation (2) model approximation of uniformly distributed coefficients can be used [6]. Obtained solution can be used at the model approximation of stationary conditions to determine electrical field tensity in ceramic material: E( x, t ) E0 (t ) cos kx, k k 0 K , (3) . In the center of a plate, E0(t) links to value of microwave radiation input power Qп(t) and maximal temperature in the center of plate T0(t) (via dependence of coefficients on T0) by the next ratio: 1-182 E0 (t ) 4 0 cQп (t ) / cos( kRc ) i k sin( kRc ) . (4) Relations (3) and (4) define the source of energy release in the energy equation (1) at specified law of temporal changes of electromagnetic radiation input power. The heat balance equation (1) numerically is solved by the lines method, for this equation digitization on spatial variable is performed by the volume control method. The task of temperature determination comes to the solution of the simple differential equations system by temporary variable in spatial grid nodes. In matrix form it can be expressed as: ∂T / ∂t = [A] T, (5) where [А] is tridiagonal matrix. Numerical solution of equations (5) is carried out in the computer system Matlab 7 with the function ode23t. For reflection and absorption η coefficients of electromagnetic power in ceramic material the approximation of coefficient uniform distribution gives the next dependences on temperature in the center of a plate. [1]: (6) For cos kRc i K sin kRc cos kRc i K sin kRc 2 , 1 . k 0 Rc r tg 1 ( tg i / r - tangent of angle of dielectric loss), absorption coefficient of a plate (6) is defined by the next expression [6]: the 2F , 1 F relatively transparent materials tg 1 , sin 2 ) 2 F , k 0 Rc r . 1 ( r 1) sin 2 r tg(1 (7) The formula (7) shows, that dependence () suffers significant resonance quasiperiodic fluctuations with the period close to , and fluctuations amplitude practically linear depends on the value k 0 Rc r tg (fig.2). As a result of it non-monotonous relation occurs between input power of electromagnetic field and temperature in the center of a plate (fig.3 and fig.4). Maximums of the dependence Qп(T0) take a special part at nonstationary ceramic heating, extracting parts of the heating process stability (dQп/dT0>0 ) and instability (dQп/dT0<0 ). 1-183 Fig. 2. Dependence of plate absorption coefficient on dimensionless parameter / . Fig. 3. Reflection coefficient and density of input power as the functions of electromagnetic radiation frequency f and temperature in the center of ceramic plate for stationary states at microwave heating [6]. Fig. 4. Dependence of input power and reflection coefficient of electromagnetic field on temperature in the center of ceramic plate. RESULTS 1-184 The calculation of microwave heating of a flat plate made of Al2O3 is carried out at Qn = 80 kilowatt/m2, f= 30 GHz, Rc = 15 mm in a chamber with cooled walls R =50 mm, filled with the air at the atmospheric pressure. Coefficients (, ρc, Cp , K) for ceramic material made of aluminum oxide at the frequency f=30 GHz and for the air are taken from the same sources as [6] . As it follows from the calculation results (fig. 5), for this heating regime increase of plate temperature up to Т0 = 1000°К during 15 hours progresses approximately in proportion to time. Because of high thermal conductivity of aluminum oxide the temperature profile on a plate cross-section Т(х, t) ≈ const. The temperature of ambient air parabolically changes from Тс to the temperature of cooled walls. Power dissipation of electromagnetic radiation insignificantly changes Qd ≈ 2 кВт/м2, reflection coefficient ρ ≈ 95%. Further, during 2 hours of heating (15 < t < 17 hours) reflection coefficient decreases to 30%, absorption coefficient increases возрастает, Qd ~ 50 kilowatt/м2, the temperature of ceramic plate rapidly rises up to 1700°К. At t > 17 hours of heating speed of plate temperature rising gradually decreases and during t ≈18,3 hours temperature reaches 2000°K. During the heating process (fig. 5) such regimes can be divided: rapid heating (max |Eo|(To), min (To)), slow heating – (min |Eo|(To), max (To)), quasi-stationary (|Eo|(To) const, (To) const). Time of plate heating tmax up to specified temperature 2000°К nonlinearly depends on frequency and input power of electromagnetic field (fig. 6). At f=30 GHz ceramic items’ heating time, as the function of electromagnetic radiation input power, changes under near-exponential law. Dependence of heating time on frequency has more complex oscillating character at fixed input power. It relates to non-monotonous character of reflection and absorption coefficients of electromagnetic energy changes in ceramic material (fig. 3). In the process of electromagnetic field’s frequency increases the reduction of heating time of flat ceramic plate up to specified temperature occurs. 1-185 Fig. 5. Changes of T, η, E in a flat ceramic plate and in the air at heating in a microwave with cooled walls. Fig6. Influence of input power of electromagnetic field on ceramic plate heating. Heat-insulted (adiabatic) chamber’s walls. The heating of ceramic items in a chamber with heat-insulted walls, i.e. when conductive and radiation heat exchange with environmental gaseous medium and cooled walls of a microwave’s chamber is absent (thermal baths) х = R: ∂T / ∂x = 0, represents the great interest for practical aims. For the acceleration of heating process a chamber’s area occupied with air may be excluded (Rc ≤ x ≤ R), and “adiabatic walls” on the boundary of ceramic plate (х = Rc : ∂T / ∂x = 0) can be placed. «Adiabatic walls» must be made of dielectric material with the following properties ( ≈ 0, εr = const, εi ≈ 0), which practically don’t take heat from a plate in the heating process and don’t influence on electromagnetic waves propagation. As the calculation results shows (fig.7), temperature profile practically is constant on cross-section at the flat ceramic plate heating in such “adiabatic” packing or “thermal bath”. The plate heating occurs in 1,5 times faster ( t = 11,8 hours at Qп=80 kilowatt/m2, f=30 GHz) than in a chamber with cooled walls. Character of T(t), ρ(t), Qd(t) changes qualitatively remains the same as in the case of heating with cooled walls (fig.7). Uniform volume heating of ceramic plate in T(x, t) ≈ T0(t) is realized. In a chamber with heat-insulted walls the dynamics of plate heating by microwave radiation is defined by simple energy balance equation 1-186 cC p dT0 Qп , dt 2 Rc (8) As it follows from the fig. 7, ceramic plate temperature rises linearly by heating time on sections of insignificant changes of absorption coefficient. Sharp temperature rise is observed on the parts of resonance change of η(ξ) dependence. Lets consider the next regimes of ceramic plate heating: 1. Heating with constant input power of electromagnetic radiation. In this case the heating time of ceramic plate up to specified temperature is found by equation (8). 2R t (T0 ) c Qп сC p dT . T T0 R (9) It follows from the (9), that heating time tmax up to specified temperature T0 depends on field frequency and plate thickness by quasi-periodic form (fig.8). 2. Heating of ceramic plate with specified speed of linear temperature rise. T0 (t ) TR (Tm TR )t / t m Then, from the (8) temporal dependence of microwave radiation’s input power, providing linear temperature rise in time through coefficients (ρc, Сp , ) is found: Qп (t ) 2 Rc (Tm TR ) c C p . tm (10) 1-187 Fig. 7. Microwave heating of ceramic plate in a chamber with “adiabatic” walls in the regime with specified input power Qп=80 kilowatt/m2 (on the top) and in the regime of linear temperature rise (below). Fig. 8. Dependence of heating time tmax at Qп=30 kilowatt/m2 on electromagnetic field frequency (Rc = 15 mm) and plate thickness (f=30 GHz). CONCLUSIONS Simple one-dimensional mathematical model of the heating of flat ceramic plate in a microwave with cooled and heat-insulted walls was worked out. It was showed, that the heating of ceramic items is more effective to carry out in a microwave with heat-insulted walls. The heating time of ceramic items in a microwave (and counting time) noticeably grows shorter at plate packing in heat-resistant material with low heat conductivity (analog of “adiabatic walls” of a chamber) and “transparent” for electromagnetic radiation material. 1-188 REFERENCES 1. Kulumbaev E.B. Ceramic cylinder heating by radial microwave radiation// Materials of the International workshop «The problems of modeling and development of ceramic obtaining technology». Bishkek: – 2005, - 31-35 p. 2. Kozlov P.V., Kulumbaev E.B., Lelevkin V.M. Stationery thermal conditions the ceramic cylinder in the field of microwave radiation. Strong Microwave in Plasmas. IAP Nizhny Novgorod . 2006. V.-2. P. 709-714. 3. Kozlov P.V. Kulumbaev E.B., Lelevkin V.M. Channel model of ceramic plate heating with help of microwave space. Microwave Discharges: Fundamentals and Applications. 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