Dr Matthew Moran – Publications (updated March 2013) Books

Dr Matthew Moran – Publications (updated March 2013)
Nuclear Dominoes? Exploring Regional Responses to a Nuclear Iran (Palgrave
Macmillan, forthcoming 2013) [co-authored with Christopher Hobbs].
The Republic and the Riots: Exploring Urban Violence in French Suburbs (Oxford: Peter
Lang, 2012).
 Reviewed by Professor David Waddington in Modern and Contemporary
France (2012), Vol.20, Issue 2.
Peer-reviewed Articles
'Sanctions and the Insurance Industry: Challenges and Opportunities', CSSS
Occasional Paper Series, No.1 (King's College London: 2013). [Matthew Moran and
Daniel Salisbury]
‘Looking Beyond a Nuclear-Armed Iran: Is Regional Proliferation Inevitable?’, The
International Spectator (2012), Vol.47, No.4, pp. [Co-authored with Christopher
‘The Iranian Nuclear Dilemma: Light at the End of the Tunnel’, Defense and Security
Analysis (2012), Vol.28, No.3, pp.202-212 [Co-authored with Christopher Hobbs]
‘Sarkozy versus the banlieues: Deconstructing Urban Legend’, Journal of FrancoIberian Studies, Special Issue: ‘Beyond Hate: Representations of the Parisian banlieue’
(2011), 7, pp. 19-29.
‘Bound by History? Exploring the Challenges to French Nuclear Disarmament’,
Defense and Security Analysis (2011), 27:4, pp. 341-357 [Co-authored with Matthew
‘Opposing Exclusion: The Political Significance of the Riots in French Suburbs (20052007)’, Modern and Contemporary France (2011) 19:3, pp.297-313.
Book Chapters
‘Republic of Lies? Exploring the 2005 riots in French banlieues’, in Le Mensonge:
Multidisciplinary Perspectives in French Studies (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press,
2010) [Co-authored with Michel Kokoreff].
Review – Nuclear Iran: Birth of an Atomic State, by David Patrikarakos in International
Affairs (2013), Vol.89, No.1.
Review – The Iranian Nuclear Crisis: A Memoir, by Seyed Hossein Mousavian in
International Affairs (2012), Vol.88, No.6.
Review - Collective Terms: Race, Culture and Community in a State-Planned City in
France, by Beth S. Epstein in Modern and Contemporary France (2012), Vol.20, No.1.
Review - Sociologie des émeutes, by Michel Kokoreff in Modern and Contemporary
France (2009), Vol.17, No.1.
Review - L’Etat et les quartiers. Genèse d’une catégorie de l’action publique, by Sylvie
Tissot in Modern and Contemporary France (2009), Vol.16, No.3.
Recent Conference Presentations
‘Assessing the Regional Response to a Nuclear-Armed Iran’, Nuclear non-proliferation
in the Gulf, Conference organised by the British American Security Information
Council (BASIC), 25-26 March 2013, Istanbul.
‘Rioting in the French banlieues: Causes and Complexities’, Sheffield Hallam
University, 6 February 2013.
‘Industry outreach in the United Kingdom’, Export Controls and Non-proliferation,
Annual Workshop organised by King’s College London, China Arms control and
Disarmament Association (CACDA) and China Academy of International Trade and
Economic Cooperation (CAITEC), 29-30 November 2012, Dalian, China.
‘Iranian Diplomacy: The Constraining Effects of Nuclear Nationalism’, One-term
President, long-term legacy: Jimmy Carter and Iran, 19 October 2012, Durham
‘An Impossible Solution? Exploring the Role of Trust in Iranian Nuclear Diplomacy’,
Trust, Cooperation and the Global Nuclear Future, The Challenges to Trust-building in
Nuclear Worlds Third Annual Conference, 4 September 2012, University of
‘Opposing Exclusion: The Political Significance of the Riots in French Suburbs (20052007)’, Living Together, CRONEM 6th Annual Conference, 29-30 June 2010, University
of Surrey.
‘“La Police de Proximité” – The Missing Link?’, Association for the Study of Modern &
Contemporary France, 16 February 2008, Institut Français, London.
‘Les ‘Quartiers Sensibles’: A Testing-ground for the Republic?’, Mapping France,
Association for the Study of Modern & Contemporary France Annual Conference, 6-8
September 2007, University of Reading.
Media and Online Commentry
Christopher Hobbs and Matthew Moran ‘Would a nuclear Iran really trigger a new
arms race in the Middle East?’, The Guardian, 19 December 2012
Matthew Moran, ‘Amiens riots: a police crackdown is not the answer to violence in
the banlieues’, The Guardian, August 2012
‘Further proliferation in the Middle East is not a foregone conclusion’, Euro-Atlantic
Quarterly (April 2012) [co-authored with Christopher Hobbs]
Matthew Moran, 'Back to the Future for Iranian Nuclear Diplomacy?', WMD Junction,
June 2012 <http://wmdjunction.com/120615_iran_diplomacy.htm>
Matthew Moran, ‘Playing the victim: Iran's nuclear nationalism’, The Interpreter, 1
June 2012 <http://www.lowyinterpreter.org/post/2012/06/01/Playing-the-victimIrans-nuclear-nationalism.aspx>
Matthew Moran, ‘Understanding the UK riots’, Le Monde diplomatique – English
Edition, January 2012 <http://mondediplo.com/blogs/understanding-the-uk-riots>
Matthew Moran, ‘The Left's Nuclear Dilemma’, France24, 21 November 2011
Matthew Moran, ‘UK riots: lessons from the banlieues?’, Le Monde diplomatique –
English Edition, August 2011 < http://mondediplo.com/blogs/uk-riots-lessons-fromthe-banlieues>
Matthew Moran and Carl Miller, ‘France, and the Socialists, need a debate on
nuclear’, Le Monde diplomatique – English Edition, July 2011
Matthew Moran, ‘The French presidency: When absence makes the heart grow
fonder’, France24, 10 June 2011
Matthew Moran and Carl Miller, 'The debate on the "nuclear renaissance" needs a bit
more enlightenment', Prospect, 21 March 2011
Matthew Moran and Matthew Cottee, 'Nuclear terrorism: should the UK be
concerned?’, OpenDemocracy, 9 November 2010
Matthew Moran, ‘Money won't buy truth in Villiers-le-Bel riots trial’, The Guardian,
23 June 2010 <http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2010/jun/23/paris-villiersle-bel-riots>
Matthew Moran, ‘Back to the future’, The Guardian, 19 October 2008