Activity Preparing Country Presentations PREPARING COUNTRY PRESENTATIONS ACTIVITY Preparing Country Presentations Activity Purpose and Content The purpose of this session is to give participants time to work in country groups to develop the outline of a rapid appraisal or intervention proposal that can be presented to other course members on the last day of the course. This will help participants to develop a more detailed proposal back home. Objectives By the end of this session participants will be able to: 1. Outline a problem faced in their country 2 a) IF you do not know enough about the problem: Design a Rapid Appraisal. Or: 2b) IF you do know (almost) enough about your problem to list and select possible interventions to address the problem; which will be planned and evaluated (Intervention study), including a limited Rapid Appraisal. 3. Plan the collection of data 4. Plan the analysis of data 5. Prepare a chart to display results 7. Prepare an activity time line 8. Prepare a budget 9. Make a presentation 1 PREPARING COUNTRY PRESENTATIONS ACTIVITY Country Presentation Worksheet For the Rapid Appraisal (2a) Based on the issues raised in this course regarding doing a rapid appraisal, design a Rapid Appraisal. Remember that a good analysis of the prioritized drug use problem, and participatory identification of possible solutions are essential to be able to develop a successful intervention to improve drug use in the community. (See Chapter 4 of the Manual for activities to be undertaken in a Rapid Appraisal) Please, answer the following questions. 1) What core problem did you select? 2) What are the most important factors causing this problem? Design a problem analysis diagram, and discuss the factors in ‘Justification of the study’. 3) What documents and literature is available about this core problem in the local setting, or from other countries? (Focused literature review). 4) Which stakeholders do you involve in the multi-stakeholder workshop? 5) What objective do you formulate for the fieldwork research? 6) What methodologies will you use to collect data in the fieldwork? 2 PREPARING COUNTRY PRESENTATIONS ACTIVITY 7) What will be your sampling strategies and sample size? 8) What ethical criteria do you have to consider when doing the fieldwork and when reporting/publishing? 9) How will you analyze the data? Produce a dummy table or chart of the results. 10) What mechanisms and arrangements do you set up to ensure active involvement of various stakeholders during and after the appraisal. 11) Give some ideas on relevant and feasible interventions (educational, managerial, and regulatory) that you may want to develop and undertake based on the results of this Rapid Appraisal. 12) How will the results of this Rapid Appraisal be fed back to the stakeholders? 13) How will the results of this Rapid Appraisal be publicized? Who will do it? What methods will be used? (NB Take note of the questions about Activities Timeline and the Budget at the end of this document) 3 PREPARING COUNTRY PRESENTATIONS ACTIVITY Country Presentation Worksheet For the intervention study (2b) Based on the discussions concerning intervention selection and the points raised in this course, design a simple intervention (educational, managerial, and regulatory) to improve drug use in the community. Please, answer the following questions: 1) What specific behaviors / core problem will be addressed? 2) Who are stakeholders that should be involved in this intervention study? What mechanisms and arrangements do you set up to ensure active involvement of various stakeholders in the entire process of the intervention study? (Make sure that – back home - you involve stakeholders by means of reviewing the problem analysis diagram with them and in the prioritization of the intervention(s) to be selected.) 3) What are the most important motivations/factors causing this behavior / problem? Design a problem analysis diagram, and discuss the motivations / factors in the ‘Justification of the study’. 4) What constraints exist to prevent changes? 4 PREPARING COUNTRY PRESENTATIONS ACTIVITY 5) If you need more information, how would you go about getting this additional information? Please, see points 3-13 of the Activity sheet for the Rapid Appraisal. 6) List five possible interventions (educational, managerial, and regulatory) you could use to address this problem. 7) What sort of intervention would you select? Do a prioritization exercise to justify the selection of your intervention, and complete below Matrix. (Fill in Types of possible interventions and criteria applied.) Please note that your ideas about the interventions may change after having done the ‘limited’ Rapid Appraisal. Criterion Intervention 1 Intervention 2 Intervention 3 Intervention 4 Intervention 5 Rate / Rank (1-5) 5 PREPARING COUNTRY PRESENTATIONS 8) Describe the intervention in detail (include pre-testing!) 9) How will you monitor and evaluate your intervention? ACTIVITY 10) What sort of study could you use to evaluate the intervention? 11) What would be your study and control groups? If no control group is possible, explain why it is not? 12) How will you select the intervention and control groups? 13) What will be your sample size? 6 PREPARING COUNTRY PRESENTATIONS ACTIVITY 14) What ethical criteria do you have to consider when doing the intervention study and when reporting and publishing about the study? 15) What outcome variables (indicators) will you compare? 16) How often will these variables be measured? How will you collect the data? 17) How will you analyze the data? 18) Produce a dummy table of the results. 19) Produce a dummy chart to show how you will present data. 20) How will the results of this intervention studies be fed back to the stakeholders? How will you use the results of the study to improve drug use in the community? 21) How will the results of this intervention activity be publicized? Who will do it? What methods will be used? 7 PREPARING COUNTRY PRESENTATIONS ACTIVITY Activity timeline and Budget (For both Rapid Appraisals and Inventory Studies) 1) Fill in the activity timeline to show how the different activities will be scheduled. (See Annex 1) 2) Produce an illustrative budget, based on realistic estimations. (See also Annex 2)Make sure that you include expenses for pre-testing, monitoring, evaluation and distribution of results. Personnel-------------Transport-------------Field Allowances----Other Direct Costs --Subtotal---------------Admin. Overhead---Grand Total----------- 8 Annex 1: Activity Timeline Project: Activities Duration Period Required human resources: Available human resources: 9 Annex 2: Budget (NB You can use this extended budget when finalizing your proposal back home. You do not need to complete it for the presentation on Friday. But it may guide you in making your estimations) Project Date Budget Category 1.) Personnel Principle Investigator Research Associate(s) Consultants (statistics, sampling, etc.) Field Supervisor(s) FGD Moderator(s) FGD Recorder(s) Interviewers Data Collection Staff (Quant.) Surrogate Patients Review Panel (Indicator Std.) Secretarial Support Principal Investigator local currency units = U.S. $ 1.00 Unit Cost (local currency) Multiplying Factor Total Cost (local currency) /day /day /day /day /day /day /day /day /day /day days days days days days days days days days days /day / km days km (return) km (return) Public Transport Mini-bus Train / trip / trip Trips (return) Trips (return) Airfares Local International Travel (Present Results) / trip / trip Trips (return) Trips (return) / day / day / day / day / day / day / day / day days days days days days days days days / day days 2.) Transport Vehicles Rental Fuel 3.) Field Allowances (Food, lodging, incidentals) Principle Investigator Research Associate(s) Field Supervisor(s) FGD Moderator(s) FGD Recorder(s) Interviewers Data Collection Staff (Quant.) Surrogate Patients Presentation of Results (Overseas) Total cost (US $) Total Cost (US $) 10 Project Date Budget Category 4.) Other Direct Costs Stationary Supplies Paper Envelopes Postage Typewriter ribbons Communications Telephone (internal) FAX expenses Interview and FGD Materials tape recorder tapes & batteries FGD refreshments extension cord Survey Materials Surveyor training materials Printing of Survey Instruments Clipboards & bags for interviewers "show card" materials (e.g., cardboard, pictures) Computing Expenses Purchase of computer & printe Disks, printer ribbon Printer Paper Data Entry & Verification Services Software (list packages needed) Intervention Materials Printing of manuals Design of Intervention Materials Printing of Materials Outside Services Computer training Typing Transcription, translation Dissemination of Results Graphics for Report (OH/slides) Photocopying Report Meetings to Disseminate Results Misc Equipment and Supplies Calculators Reference books & manuals Lab reagents & supplies Principal Investigator local currency units = U.S. $ 1.00 Unit Cost (local currency) Multiplying Factor / / / / ream 100 letter ribbon Total Cost (local currency) Total Cost (US $) reams envelopes letters ribbons / month / month months months each total / group each groups cords /surveyor /form /team /Interviewer /Interviewer interviewers forms reams interviewers interviewers each unit total /box (2500) /form /package units /manual total each manuals /participant /page /page participants pages pages /graph, slide /page /meeting pages meetings each total Total cost (US $) boxes forms packages calculators 11 SUBTOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE FEES, OVERHEADS GRAND TOTAL of Total