3.9 STAFF PERFORMANCE FEEDBACK AND DEVELOPMENT APPRAISAL 01/04 PURPOSE: The purpose of this process is to help staff to continually develop in their job functions so they and their departments are successful in meeting the College’s Mission and contributing to the College’s Vision. FOCUS: To facilitate individual employee development so they are able to fulfill their performance descriptions and enhance needed knowledge and skills. Note: This appraisal does not address disciplinary issues and unsatisfactory performance. Managers should address these issues through the use of the Corporate Disciplinary Policy. POLICY: 1. Responsibilities for the process are: A. Administration is accountable for: i. Coordination of the process. ii. Providing the format and the core/generic forms. iii. Maintaining a computerized filling system for the forms and giving users access to the system. iv. Initiating the annual process. v. Providing instructions and serving as a resource to answer questions and educate on the process and feedback skills. vi. Maintaining the policy and procedure. vii. Providing reports on completion. viii. Partnering with leaders to manage the consequences/rewards. B. The employee is accountable for: i. Setting the meeting with leader/designee. ii. Preparing for the feedback session by completing a self-appraisal, soliciting additional feedback (if applicable), and drafting ideas for the development plan. iii. Participating in the feedback meeting. iv. Carrying out the plan for development. v. Verbalizing any barriers to completion. C. The manager is accountable for: i. Communicating the mechanism for scheduling the appointment. ii. Preparing for the feedback and development session. iii. Making time available and setting the appropriate environment. iv. Providing feedback to the employee and soliciting feedback for the employee. v. Following the procedure for the filling/recording of the forms. vi. Providing support and check-in with employee. 2. A Development Plan is recommended for new employees at the end of the first 80 days. 3. The Annual Staff Performance Feedback and Development Process will be carried out between March and May of each year. 4. Annual Development Plans need not be repeated for new employees who had Probationary Development Plans completed within 2 months of the initiation of the Annual Appraisal and Development process. (March) PROCEDURE: 1. Administration initiates the process by providing information on the policy and procedure, how to access the appropriate forms, and how to complete all numbered sections on the Self-Appraisal. 2. Managers communicate the process for scheduling feedback and development meetings. 3. Employees carry out a self-assessment; identify potential items for their development plan and schedule an appointment with their manager. 4. During the employee-manager/designee meeting, the employee’s assessment and any additional feedback are reviewed and the manager provides feedback to the employee. Instructions for use of performance and development appraisal form: 1. You will find the form on the computer system at Z:\forms\allcollege\self appraisal-feedback development form. 2. Click on the file – then SAVE AS to save the form onto your H:drive and complete your portion. Then email the form to your manager as an attachment. The manager should save the attachment on their H: drive and complete their portion prior to the scheduled feedback and development meeting. 3. The employee must fill in all sections of the Performance and Development Appraisal. The manager need only fill in appropriate sections. 4. The manager will provide two copies of the completed Performance and Development Appraisal form for the feedback session. 5. After completion of the feedback session one copy of the form will be signed. The signed copy will be forwarded to Administration for filing in the employee’s Personnel Record and the other copy will be given to the employee. The employee and manager should delete the working copies from the network. 6. All appraisals must be completed by May 15th of each year. STAFF PERFORMANCE FEEDBACK AND DEVELOPMENT FORM Name: Period under review: Date: from to Staff being evaluated fills in left hand column, manager completes right hand column. 1. Performance strengths and specific accomplishments since the last appraisal period: 2. Goals, key duties, and/or job expectations not met and why: 3. Recommendations that could help me do a better job: 4. Changes that would improve my effectiveness: Recommendations to improve your job performance: 5. My present job utilizes my capabilities (yes or no; why?): 6. My position description accurately describes my job; (yes or no;) if no, please elaborate: 7. Things I need more experience or development in for my current job: 8 Goals to achieve by the next performance appraisal: Should the employee or manager request to meet sooner that one year to review completion or progress toward goals - please include a statement within the goal section. 9. Additional Comments: Employee signature does not constitute agreement or disagreement, but only identifies that you have reviewed this document. __________________________________________________________________________________ Employee Signature Date Evaluator Signature Date