MATHEMATICS-7 ESSENTIAL UNIT 4 (E04) (2-Digit Addition) (July 2013) Unit Statement: In this unit the student will explore two-digit addition with the goal of recognizing and applying proper mathematics concepts and terminology, and developing and applying problem-solving skills. Essential Outcomes: (must be assessed for mastery) Problem solving and higher order thinking components are essential for ‘A’ level mastery. Each TSW can contain problem solving and higher order thinking components (as found in suggested text). 1. The Student Will find a sum by breaking apart an addend to make a multiple of 10. (Go Math! 2 4.1, 4.2)* 2. TSW apply place value concepts when using a “break-apart” strategy for 2-digit addition. (4.3) 3. TSW model 2-digit addition with regrouping. (4.4) 4. TSW model and record 2-digit numbers. (4.5, 4.6) 5. TSW practice 2-digit addition with and without regrouping. (4.7) 6. TSW rewrite horizontal addition in vertical form. (4.8) 7. TSW evaluate problems involving 2-digit addition by drawing a diagram. (4.9) 8. TSW write equations to represent addition situations. (4.10) 9. TSW find sums for three and four 2-digit numbers. (4.11, 4.12) *Suggested Go Math! chapter sections to use with TSW’s Introduced and Practiced Outcomes: (taught but not assessed) 1. The Student Will engage in critical mathematical thinking and problem solving. 2. TSW choose an appropriate computation method for addition. 3. TSW engage in daily calendar activities. 4. TSW discuss the unit concepts using the key terms. 5. TSW practice counting beyond 100. 6. TSW practice skip counting by two, three, four, five, and ten. Key Terms and Concepts: Digits ones tens hundreds sum addend regroup 13 QSI MATHEMATICS-7 E04 Copyright © 1988-2013 Suggested Assessment Tools and Strategies: Attached rubric or teacher generated rubric Go Math! 2 Assessment Guide: Chapter 4 Soar To Success Math, online Suggested Resources: Go Math! 2, Chapter 4, Student Edition (SE): Chapter 4 2-Digit Addition Go Math! 2, Chapter 4, Standard Practice Book Go Math! 2, Chapter 4, Teacher Edition (TE): Chapter 4 2-Digit Addition Go Math! 2, Planning Guide: pgs. 50, 51 Everyday Counts Calendar Math kit Go Math! 2 Online resources (see Course Outcomes) Additional Resources: These materials are not provided automatically, but schools are encouraged to purchase them to support the course. MathBoard Counting Tape Technology Links: Destiny Webpath Express (found in school’s automated library system) List of suggested online resources (See Course Outcomes) Suggested Activities: Grab and Go! Activity Cards: blue – 9, 11, orange – 9, 11, purple – 9, 11 Grab and Go! Literature: Nature’s Numbers, Butterfly Farm Grab and Go! Games: 2-Digit Shuffle, Soccer Sums Suggested Cross-curricular Activities: Go Math! 2, Chapter 4 TE, pgs. 183, 187, 191 EVALUATION RUBRIC FOUND ON FOLLOWING PAGE………………… 14 QSI MATHEMATICS-7 E04 Copyright © 1988-2013 Student Name: _____________________________ Date: ______________________________ MATHEMATICS-7 E04 RUBRIC 2-Digit Addition Rubric To receive a ‘B’, the student must show ‘B’ level mastery on ALL Essential Outcomes (TSW’s). To receive an ‘A’, the student must show ‘A’ level mastery on All available TSW’s and ‘B’ level mastery on all remaining TSW’s. Task TSW What I need to do…..E04 2-Digit Addition ‘A’ LEVEL ‘B’ LEVEL Find a sum by breaking apart an addend to make a multiple of 10. I can break apart an addend to make a multiple of 10. Apply place-value concepts when using a “break-apart” strategy for 2-digit addition. I can use the “break-apart” strategy for 2-digit addition with place value. Model 2-digit addition with regrouping. I can generate and solve my own word problems from a model or equation. I can find sums with regrouping by using models. Model and record 2-digit numbers. I can find and write sums of 2-digit numbers by using pictures. Practice 2-digit addition with and without regrouping. I can find sums with or without regrouping. Rewrite horizontal addition in vertical form. I can rewrite addition problems in vertical form. Evaluate problems involving 2-digit addition by drawing a diagram. I can explain how I solved 2-digit addition problems using different strategies. I can solve 2-digit addition problems by drawing a diagram. Write equations to represent addition situations. Find sums for three and four 2-digit numbers. I can write a number sentence. I can solve multi-step word problems involving three and four 2-digit numbers. 15 QSI MATHEMATICS-7 E04 Copyright © 1988-2013 I can find sums for three and four 2-digit numbers. P Teacher comments