Universal Conductance Fluctuations Phase coherent specimens show sample-specific, aperiodic structure due to their non-self-averaging nature. In contrast, macroscopically similar classical specimens – having the same dimensions, electron density, and average density of scatterers – should show negligible specimen-to-specimen conductance fluctuations in the diffusive (or quasi-ballistic) transport regime. Illustration 1: Dimensionless conductance vs B at three gate voltages for the inversion layer deivce below. The aperiodic g variation is of order e2 / . [PRL 56,2865 (1986)] Typical geometry of a MOSFET inversion layer with six voltage probes. UCF 1 Illustration 2: [PRL 58,2347 (1987)] Resistance measured between various pairs of probes for the short device with 0.15 m probe spacing. UCF 2 Illustration 3: [Physical Review Letters, 55, 2987 (1985)] Aperiodic Magnetoresistance Oscillations in Narrow Inversion Layers in Si Change of resistance with magnetic field at four gate voltages VG (threshold at VG 3.4 V ). Note that the resistance scales are different at each VG . The devices used are metal-oxide-Si field-effect transistors (MOSFET’s) in which the metal gate electrode is a narrow ( ~ 70 50 nm ) tungsten wire. A positive voltage VG applied to the gate electrode creates an n -type inversion layer at the surface of the p -type Si and simultaneously confines the inversion layer to a narrow strip under the wire. UCF 3 Illustration 4: Observation of h / e Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in Normal-Metal rings [Physical Review Letters, 54, 2696 (1985)] (a) Magnetoresistance of the ring measured at T 0.01 K . (b) Fourier power spectrum in arbitrary units containing peaks at h / e and h / 2e . The inset is a photograph of the larger ring. The inside diameter of the loop is 784 nm, and the width of the wires is 41 nm. UCF 4 Illustration 5: Fluctuation independent of the background conductance [Physical Review B, 35, 1039 (1987)] Comparison of aperiodic magnetoconductance fluctuations in two different systems. (a) g (B ) in 0.8 - m - diam gold ring in the previous illustration (the rapid Aharonov-Bohm oscillations have been filtered out). (b) g (B ) for a quasi-1D silicon MOSFET (illustration 2). Conductance is measured in units of e 2 / h , magnetic field in Tesla. Note the 3 order-of-magnitude variation in the background conductance while the fluctuations remain order unity. UCF 5 Illustration 6: Spin degeneracy and Conductance Fluctuations in Open Quantum Dots [Physical Review Letters, 86, 2102 (2001)] A sample of conductance fluctuations in one of the 8 m 2 dots, as a function of Bperp and at (a) zero parallel field Bpar 0 , and (b) Bpar 4 T . The variance of fluctuations in (b) is reduced from that of (a) by a factor of 4. A factor of 2 is expected for Zeeman splitting of spin-degenerate channels. The larger suppression might arise from a field-dependent spin-orbit scattering. UCF 6 A summary about the major features of UCF Provided that the incoherent length l is larger than any of the sample dimensions (or the temperature is sufficiently low), then e2 1. G independent of the degree of disorder and the h size of the sample 2. G fluctuations are not time-dependent noise 3. G fluctuations is a deterministic, albeit fluctuating, functions of its arguments for a given realization of the impurity configuration. UCF 7 In the regime where Universal Conductance Fluctuations are important, the conductance is most naturally given by the Landauer-B ü ttiker formula, which relates the conductance to the transmission coefficients of modes at the Fermi energy. We present, in the following, a simple derivation of the Landauer-Büttiker formula in a two-probe single-channel case. A conductor (represented by the barrier in the middle) is connected via leads to two electrodes. The electrodes are particle and heat reservoirs within which incoherent and inelastic processes occur. They are characterized by chemical potentials L and R . Here we assume L R . I e k dn (L R ) F T , dE m dn m dE 2 2 k F , Conductance UCF G e I ( L R ) T h I [( L R ) /( e)] e2 G T . h 8 Note that G even if the conductor is a perfect conductor, with T 1 . The resistance comes from the contact resistance because the incoherent processes occur within the electrodes. When the conductor has a finite width, the electrons can traverse from left to right via more than one channel. The corresponding Landauer-Büttiker formula is e2 N G t h , 1 2 where , are, respectively, the incoming (say on the left) and the outgoing (on the right) channels. N is the number of channels given approximately by N ( Lk F ) d 1 where L is the transverse dimension. Here we have not included the spin factor 2 just for the sake of simpler presentation. [R. Landauer, IBM J. Res. Dev. 1, 223 (1957); M. Büttiker, Physical Review Letters, 57, 1761 (1986)] Equipped with this expression for the conductance G , we turn to the discussion about the phenomena of UCF. UCF 9 The following discussion focuses upon the diffusive regime: when L, l le . A theoretical understanding to UCF has to invoke the technique of Green’s function [Ref.: P.A. Lee, A.D. Stone, Physical Review Letters, 55, 1622 (1985)]. Instead, we present a simplified explanation due to the insightful heuristic argument of Lee [Ref.: P.A. Lee, 140A, 169 (1986)]. Suppose that we start out with considering the fluctuation of 2 each transmission probability t . M t A (i ) i 1 where A (i ) is the transmission amplitude from channel to , and there are M such Feynman paths. The presence of disorder causes the important Feynman paths to be that of diffusive motion and covering much of the sample. There should be many such important Feynman paths. Assuming that A (i ) are independent complex random variables (We can always group the Feynman paths into sets such that the paths are correlated only within a set. Then we use the set labels as our new labels for uncorrelated 2 paths.), we can calculate the fluctuation in t : t UCF 2 t 4 t 2 2 10 t 4 * * A (i ) A ( j ) A (k ) A (l ) ijkl * * A (i ) A ( j ) A (k ) A (l ) ijkl * * A (i ) A (l ) A (k ) A ( j ) ijkl 2 2 t t 2 2 t 2 To estimate the lower bound G' of G , we further assume that different channels are uncorrelated. Thus we have e2 G' h Now we need to estimate t N 2 t 2 2 : Ohm' s Law gives G Ld 2 ; ( e 2 / h )k F l ; N ( Lk F ) d 1 2 2 l 1 LN t e2 l G' h L which is much smaller than the observed results. 2 Thus the correlation in the transmission probability t for different channels and may not be neglected. UCF 11 Since the contributions to G are from transmitting channels, the reflection coefficients may then have much smaller correlations (i.e. more easily averaged). Another reason supporting this is that the reflection would seem to be dominated by only a few scattering events. Whereas t must involve multiple scatterings in order to traverse the sample, and sequence of scattering events might be shared by different channels, therefore it is not a surprise to see more correlations among channels in the transmission. e2 G h t e2 G h 2 e2 h N 2 1 r 1 1 N 2 N r var( G) G 2 G e2 var( G ) h 2 2 2 N r 2 e2 var r h e2 h 2 e2 h 2 2 N r 2 var r 2 2 2 we have assumed that r and r ' ' are uncorrelated. UCF 12 . 2 e2 2 var( G ) N var r h var r r 4 2 4 r r 2 2 2 * B (i ) B ( j ) B* (k ) B (l ) ijkl 2 r 2 var r 2 2 r 2 2 2 N r e G h N r 2 UCF 2 e var( G ) h 2 2 2 2 13 Estimation of the reflection probability coefficient r 2 : From the conservation of current, we have 1 t r 2 1 N t r 2 2 1 N 2 N r 2 1 N t 2 According to Landauer-Büttiker formula: e2 G h t 2 e2 2 N t h 2 and the order of magnitude of G can also be estimated from the Drude conductance: (for the 2D case) ne 2 V 1 G W m L V W ne 2 W e 2 k F2 G L m L m 4 2 W e2 kF l e2 l G N L h 2 h 2L Therefore t UCF 2 l 2 NL 14 var r 2 r 2 2 1 N e2 var( G ) h 2 l 1 2 L 2 l 1 L e2 l G O h L 2 2 The zero temperature conductance has a variance (e / h ) independent of l (i.e. disorder of the sample) or L (the size of the sample) as long as we are in the diffusive regime and the mesoscopic regime ( l L ). The correction is of order l / L . The numerical prefactors have to be determined by diagrammatic analysis, the result is g s g v 1 / 2 e 2 G C 2 h where C is a constant of order one and weakly dependent on the shape of the sample. UCF 15 Typically: C 0.73 C gS W L in a narrow channel with L W if W L . is the spin degeneracy. And if the spin degeneracy is lifted, such as by a magnetic field, then g s will be replaced by gs . The applied magnetic field must be large enough so that spin up and spin down electrons at the Fermi energy will have sufficient energy difference to render their reflection processes become uncorrelated (or statistically independent). gv is the valley degeneracy. 1 in a zero magnetic field when time-reversal symmetry holds. 2 when time-reversal symmetry is broken by a magnetic field. UCF 16 Nonzero temperatures (T 0) : Two length scales l and lT are of importance here. First, the phase coherence length l D are of importance because it varies with temperature. Second, the thermal length lT D / k BT characterizes the effect of thermal averaging. Together, these two effects bring in partial restoration of self-averaging. In the following, we limit our discussion to the 1D (W l L) regime. Case 1: l lT In this case we can neglect the thermal averaging. The system can be thought of as subdivided into uncorrelated segments of length l . The conductance fluctuation of each segment will be of order e 2 / h , according to the previously discussed UCF. Furthermore, the segments are in series and their resistances add according to Ohm’s law. UCF 17 For an individual segment (of length l ), the resistance is R1 denoted by G1 1/ R1 . and the corresponding conductance 2 Assuming that R1 h / e 25.8 k , we have R1 1 1 G1 1 G1 G1 G1 G1 var R1 var R1 R1 1 G1 4 4 var G1 G1 1 var R1 R1 4 e2 h 2 R of the system is The average of the total resistance L R R1 l L L var R var R1 R1 l l R L scales as l 4 e2 h 2 1/ 2 for L l How about G ? UCF 18 From G 1 / R , and assuming that R h / e 2 , we have 1 1 G R 1 G G G G G R 4 var( G ) var( R) var G 2 var( G ) R 4 l var( G ) R1 L 4 4 var( R ) L R1 l l G constant L G scales as UCF l L 3/ 2 3/ 2 4 e2 h 2 e2 h in the regime when l lT . 19 Case 2: l lT Two interfering Feynman paths, traversed with an energy difference E , have to be considered as uncorrelated after a time t1 , if the acquired phase difference t1E / is of order unity. The distance diffused by the electrons in time t1 is L1 Dt1 ~ D / E . In this case the total energy interval k BT around the Fermi level that is available for transport is divided into sub-intervals of width E c (l ) / . Phase coherence is maintained in each such sub-intervals. The reason for doing this is that at finite temperatures we are actually doing the energy averaging. Suppose there are N such sub-intervals: D N k BT / Ec (l ) lT 2 2 D l l l T 2 then the var( G1 ) in the previous case will be affected in the following way: var( G1 ) N 2 var( G1i ) if all N sub - intervals were coherent var( G1 ) N var( G1i ) if all N sub - intervals were incoherent where G1i is the conductance due to the i -th sub-interval. UCF 20 var( G ) R 4 var( R ) R 4 L var( R1 ) R l 4 l var( G ) R1 L 4 4 L R1 l 4 var( G1 ) L 4 R1 var( G1 ) l 4 l var( G ) var( G1 ) L Therefore G would be reduced by a factor e 2 lT l G constant h l L l 1 T N l 3/ 2 1/ 2 e 2 lT l G constant 3 / 2 h L UCF 21 Experiment vs Theory [Physical Review Letters, 56, 2865 (1986)] (W.J. Skocpol, P.M. Mankiewich, R.E. Howard, L.D. Jackel, D.M. Tennant, and A.S. Stone) l 0.25 m Normalized correlation function vs. displacements of magnetic field and gate voltage. Measured vs. predicted rms fluctuation amplitude in units of e 2 / h for many data sets with a wide range of experimental parameter values. (Open symbols, 4.2 K; solid 2 K.) UCF 22 Measured vs. predicted magnetic field correlation half-width. The 1D and 2D theoretical predictions (for the case l lT ) 1 2 max (l , W ) l L L g 2.4(h / e) Bc l min (W , l ) UCF 23 Experiment vs. Theory [Physical Review Letters, 58, 2347 (1987)] (W.J. Skocpol et al, and A.D. Stone) Amplitude of resistance fluctuations as a function of probe spacing for the long and short devices: showing distinctly different l dependence (i.e. G varies as L UCF 2 e2 in the L l regime). h 24