Pre-K Framework Handbook Materials Organized by Lesson Part 1: Introduction to Frameworks Lesson 1 – Overview of the AECE Framework Handbook Essential Materials Transparencies/slides Self-stick notes Highlight Markers Flip chart paper & Colored Markers Index cards Arkansas Early Childhood Education (AECE) Framework Handbook Obj. 4, p.3 Materials Prepared by Trainer (1 hour) Materials Provided for Participants * Large Poster: Elements of Quality Early Childhood Education Programs Obj.5, p.3 Pre-K Framework Handbook Participants’ Manual (1 for each, Participants must bring to each class) Matching element cards Obj.5, p.6 Arkansas Early Childhood Education (AECE) Framework Handbook (1 for each, participants must bring to each class) *Arkansas Early Childhood Education Framework Benchmarks Poster Obj.6, p.10 (Free from Arkansas Department of Human Services, The Participants can order their own, Handout green pages with the order information will be given out in lesson 7. Summary of Benchmarks of Pages 689 of the AECE Framework Handbook Obj.7, p.15 Lesson 2 – Curriculum Development in Early Childhood Essential Materials Materials Prepared by Trainer Arkansas Approved Early Childhood Curriculum List & Supplemental Curricula (Download) Obj.3, p.26 Transparencies/slides Self-stick notes Highlight Markers Flip chart paper & Colored Markers Learning to Read and Write Obj.6, p.32 (Bluegreen, Optional) Given out in Pre-K ELLA Association of Measurements (AOM) Obj.7, p.34 Developmentally Appropriate Practice (2009) (Green Book) Obj.8, p.37 Association of Measurements (AOM) (1 for each, participants must bring to each class) Wall charts for the activity: Pros and Cons of Early Learning Standards Obj.4, p.28 Wall charts for the activity: Care or Education? Obj.9, p.38 *Poster: Components of An Approach to Curriculum Development Obj.11, p.40 (red, yellow, blue) & 7 Stickers with all the 7 different topics i.e. ”Knowing Children” Lesson 3 – Knowing Children: Theory and Research Essential Materials Transparencies/slides Flip chart paper and Markers Start Smart, Building Brain Power in the Early Years, Pam Schiller (Obj.3, p.69 Materials for the activity: Experiencing the Types of Play The Creative CurriculumR for Preschool Obj.7, p.78 (2hours) Materials Provided for Participants (2 hours) Materials Prepared by Trainer Materials Provided for Participants Wall charts for the activity: KWL: Know, Want to Know, Learned. Obj.1, p.64 (Keep these Charts for Lessons 4 & 5) The Creative CurriculumR for Preschool ,Classroom set (I provide a copy for each participant to work with …but they must leave books with me) Short Biographies of Marie Montessori and John Dewey Obj.2, p.65 Match the Theorist to the Scenario: Obj.2, p.66 Experiencing the Types of Play: Functional Play, Constructive Play, Dramatic Play, & Games with Rules. Obj.5, p.76-7 Music CD player or cassette player for Games with rules Obj.5, p.77 Courtesy Dr. Mary Gardner, ECEP Trainer Page 1 of 6 14Jul2011 Pre-K Framework Handbook Materials Organized by Lesson Lesson 4 – Knowing Children: Child Development Essential Materials Materials Prepared by Trainer Transparencies/slides Developmental Charts Obj.3, p.92 Self-stick notes Copy of Trainer Resource: Sequencing; Sorting Cards Obj.4, p.94 Flip chart paper and Markers The Creative Curriculum for Preschool Obj.3, p.92 (Used through out R Boys A Drift, by Leonard Sax Obj.6, p.98 Wall charts: Low, Average High Obj.7, this lesson Young Children and the Arts: Making Creative Connections Obj.3, p.92 Developmentally Appropriate Practice (2009) Obj.3, p.92 (3 hours) Materials Provided for Participants The Creative Curriculum for Preschool (I provide a copy for each R participant to work with …but they must leave books with me Association of Measurements (AOM) AECE Framework Handbook p.101 KWL Charts left over & saved from Participants’ Lesson 3. Obj.13, p.114 Association of Measurements (AOM) Obj.4, p.94 AECE Framework Handbook Obj.8, p.103 Lesson 5 – Preparing the Environment (4 hours) Essential Materials Transparencies/slides Flip chart paper (Lots and extras) AECE Framework Handbook Obj.3, p.130 The Creative Curriculum for Preschool Obj.4, p.136 , Obj.9, p.166-7 & R Materials Prepared by Trainer Materials Provided for Participants Be’ in With You This Way, Michael Bryant Obj.8, p.159 AECE Framework Handbook Duplicate sets of numbered tickets in a container Obj.8, p.160 The Creative Curriculum for Preschool (Classroom set) Obj.9, p.166-7 Sweet Dream’s Basket Obj.11, p.177 Obj.11, p.173 Obj.3,pp.130-34 R & Obj.11, p.173 Flip Chart sheets for Participants to Make: 1. *Connecting Language Benchmarks to Quality Environments Obj.3, p.130 Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale, Revised Ed. (ECERS,2005) 2. *Create a Comfortable Environment with Touches of Home Obj.4, p.141 Obj.4, p.140 Video: Creating an Environment that Invites Play and Learning Obj.5, p.144 3. *Carousel Brainstorming—Learning Centers Promote Development and Learning Obj.7, p. 157 Markers of 7 various colors Obj.9, p.165 4. *Enriching the Outdoor Environment Obj.7, p.158 Whistle Obj.9, p.165 5. Beanbag Obj.12, p.184 Courtesy Dr. Mary Gardner, ECEP Trainer Page 2 of 6 *Stand and Be Counted Obj.11, p.175 14Jul2011 Pre-K Framework Handbook Materials Organized by Lesson Part 2: Curriculum Development, Planning and Implementation Lesson 6 – Topics of Study Approach to Curriculum Development Essential Materials Transparencies/slide Adventures In Learning Obj.4, p.218-20 The Creative Curriculum for Preschool Obj.5, p.221 R Materials Prepared by Trainer (1 hour) Materials Provided for Participants Example of Notebook: Adventures in Learning compiled by downloading materials from the Website; Lesson 7 – Tips and Techniques for Planning and Implementing Activities (4 hours) Essential Materials Materials Prepared by Trainer Transparencies/slides *Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star Obj.3, Self-stick notes p.228 Flip chart and Markers Patterns for one story from A Story a Month Obj.3, p.228 Materials Provided for Participants Adventures in Learning Curriculum Supplement Obj.2, p.226 (Used through out this lesson Adventures in Learning Curriculum Supplement Obj.2, p.226 (Used through out this lesson The Creative Curriculum for Preschool Obj.4, p.236 onth.html Sample of a population card Obj.3, p.232 R Beanbags & Balls Obj.4, p.242 AECE Framework Handbook Obj.5, p.246 Harry the Dirty Dog book & Storytelling figures, Make Prop Box Obj.3, p.233 The Creative Curriculum for Preschool (Classroom set) Obj.4, p.236 R AECE Framework Handbook Obj.5, p.246 Green Handout with the web address for the Arkansas Department of Human services so they can order materials for their classes: Obj. 7, p. *Wall chart:: Whole Group 247 Experiences Obj.4, p.235 Benchmark Poster ordered from Division Obj.4, p.236 Go to services, and then print materials, selecting the items you want to receive. *Graph: Our Favorite Color & Self-stick notes with first names of ten participants Obj.4, p.237 Strips of paper with selected song titles in a container Obj.4, p.238 *Farm Animal Cube Obj.4, p.239-40 B.A.M.M.M.! Obj.4, p.242 Family Connection Obj 6, p.246 Sample of Online Publication Order Form & Samples of resources available from the Division: Collect as many as you can Obj.7, p.247 l Courtesy Dr. Mary Gardner, ECEP Trainer Page 3 of 6 14Jul2011 Pre-K Framework Handbook Materials Organized by Lesson Lesson 8 – In-depth Exploration of a Topic of Study (3 hours) Essential Materials Materials Prepared by Trainer Transparencies/slides *Picture Chart: Inquisitive, Inquiring,& Flipchart paper and markers Questioning Minds want to Know Obj. Self-stick notes Highlighters and markers Adventures in Leaning Curriculum Supplement Obj.3, p.256 Association of Measurements (AOM) Obj 3, p.256 Topics of Study (2004 copy) Obj.4, p.257 AECE Framework Handbook Obj.5, p.259 The Creative Curriculum for Preschool Obj.6, p.260 R Three children’s books: Water Obj. , p.263 Mr. Gumpy’s Outing Obj.9, p.264 Harry the Dirty Dog Obj.9, p.265 Felt or Magnetic Board Obj.10, 2667 Used through out this lesson Mary Engelbreit’s Mother Goose (or select book with one picture per page) Obj.10, p.268 Illustrated rhyme chart for the rhyme, Jack and Jill Obj.10, p.268 CD Player & CD: Rock 'N Roll Songs That Teach; Singing in the Rain Obj.4, Association of Measurements (AOM) Obj.3, p.256 Topics of study on slips of paper for the activity: Create a Web Obj. 4, p. 257 AECE Framework Handbook Obj.5, p.259 Display Materials for the activity: Explore Materials and Resources for The Creative Curriculum for Water in Our World (Cover all with Preschool (Classroom set) Obj.6, p.260 & R sheet) Obj. 7, p.260 1. Water 2. Mr. Gumpy’s Outing and magnetic figures story-telling figures 3. Harry the Dirty Dog, magnetic figures storytelling figures and Prop Box 4. Rhyme chart and storytelling figures for Jack and Jill 5. Illustrated little Turtle Poetry chart 6. Wave bottle 7. Glitter bottle 8. Tea Party Dramatic Play Prop Box Obj.12, p.271 Water by Frank Asch (1 for each participant) Obj 9, p.263 Books and Movement – A magical Mix: B.A.M.M.M.! Obj 13, p.272 *Felt or magnetic Felt or magnetic figures story-telling figures for the book: Mr. Gumpy’s Outing Obj.10, p.266-7 Felt or magnetic figures for the rhyme, Jack and Jill Obj.10, p.268 Felt or magnetic figures for: Five Little Speckled Frogs Obj.10, p.268 *Poetry chart for the poem: Little Turtle Obj.10, p.268 CD: How Much is that Doggy in the Window? Obj.10, p. 268-9 Materials for activity: Model a Discovery Activity: Obj.11, p.270 The Cooking Book: Fostering Young Children's Learning and Delight Sink or Float chart: cork, small plastic scoop, Yellow duck, golf ball, toy car, key and rock etc. Books and Movement – A magical Mix: B.A.M.M.M.! Obj.13, p.272 Adventures in Leaning Curriculum Supplement Obj.3, p.256 4, p.256 p.256 Obj.12, p.271 Materials Provided for Participants Materials for activity: Practice Physical Skills: 2 6’ jump ropes & tape Obj.13, p.273 Materials for the activity: Explore Learning Center Activities Obj.14, p.275 Materials for the activity: Samples of Transitions: Spray bottle filled with water with mint or cinnamon, Name Cards, & Farm Animal cube Obj.15, p. 275 Courtesy Dr. Mary Gardner, ECEP Trainer Page 4 of 6 14Jul2011 Pre-K Framework Handbook Materials Organized by Lesson Lesson 9 – Engaging Families Essential Materials (2 hours) Materials Prepared by Trainer Pens Sample Benchmark Activities Obj.6, Transparencies/ slides Flipchart paper and Markers The Creative Curriculum for Preschool Obj.2, p.287 R The Family Connection Obj.6, p.290-1 (Example of notebook copy and plain copy) The inclusive early childhood classroom” Easy ways to include children with disabilities in Outdoor activities Obj.9, p.298 p.292 1. Activity sheet 7: Singing in the classroom (CD clip art for making song charts) 2. Activity sheet 9:Making sound cans 3. Activity sheet 15B:Sorting Socks(lots of socks) 4. Activity sheet 16: Things that go together (knife/fork, shoes/socks, etc.) 5. Activity sheet 18:Lets Play Musical Numbers 6. Activity sheet 28: Making play dough (Ingredients for play dough) Materials Provided for Participants The Creative Curriculum for Preschool (Classroom set) Obj.2, R p.287 The Family Connection (classroom se)t Obj.6, p.290-1 AECE Framework Handbook Obj.10. p.300 Getting Ready for Kindergarten: Calendar of Family Activities Obj.11, p.301 AECE Framework Handbook Obj.10, p.300 Getting Ready for Kindergarten: Calendar of Family Activities Obj.11, p.301 Lesson 10 – Involving Communities (1hour) Essential Materials Materials Prepared by Trainer Transparencies/slides Materials Provided for Participants Flip chart sheet labeled for the activity: Benefits and Barriers to Community Involvement for Preschool Programs Flipchart paper and markers Part 3: Observation and Assessment Lesson 11 – Assessment and Curriculum Essential Materials Prizes: Gum, stickers, candy Construction paper, Scissors & Play dough Obj.3, p.334 Materials Prepared by Trainer Chart sheet labeled for the activity: Assessing Development: Assessment—Curriculum Obj.2, p.331 (2 hours) Materials Provided for Participants AECE Framework Handbook Obj.5, p.336 AECE Framework Handbook Obj.5, p.336 Courtesy Dr. Mary Gardner, ECEP Trainer Page 5 of 6 14Jul2011 Pre-K Framework Handbook Materials Organized by Lesson Lesson 12 – Observation and Written Records Essential Materials Materials Prepared by Trainer Video: Getting to Know Children Through Observation Obj.2, p.349 Materials Provided for Participants AECE Framework Handbook Obj.2, Flip chart sheet for the activity: Observation Practice: Fact – Interpretation Obj.2, p.351 1. Self-stick notes 2. Children’s puzzle Facilitator Guide: Getting to Know Children Through Observation Obj. 2, pp.370 – 82 AECE Framework Handbook Obj.2, (2 hours) p.349 Blank checklists copied from Appendix E (1 for each participant) Obj.6, p.357-8 What Do I Do with All these Sticky Notes? (Visual Aid) Obj.5, p.356 p.352 *Blank checklists copied from Appendix E Obj.6, p.357-8 Lesson 13 – Using the Developmental Rating Scale and Other Assessments (1 hour) Essential Materials Materials Prepared by Trainer Materials Provided for Participants AECE Framework Handbook Obj.2, Copies of “Frequently asked questions about the Developmental Rating Scale” Obj.4, p.390-1 AECE Framework Handbook Obj.2, p.385-6 The Creative Curriculum for Preschool Obj.6, p.392 R beginning of class, p.398 AECE Framework Handbook Obj.8, p.408. R Association of Measurements (AOM Obj.6, p.392-3) Lesson 14 – Portfolios and Storage Items for activity: Make a Portfolio; 8 ½” x 11 “ cardstock, markers, scissors, glue, construction paper and beautiful junk items Start at the The Creative Curriculum for Preschool (Classroom set) Obj.6, p.392 Association of Measurements (AOM Obj.6, p.392-3) Essential Materials p.385-6 (1 hour) Materials Prepared by Trainer Materials Provided for Participants Examples of a private, learning and pass-along portfolios Obj.3, p.399- 400 AECE Framework Handbook Obj.8, p. 408. Labels for activity: Obj.4, p.402 Children’s Drawings: 1. Mark-Making 2. Shape-making 3. Design-making 4. Development of schemas Samples of three types of portfolios: Paper Fold-up, Storage Box, and Lace-up Folder Obj.7, p.407 Lesson 15 – Professional Ethics Essential Materials Ethics and the Early Childhood Educator,( 2005 Code Edition) *Poster: Ethical Conduct (1 hour) Materials Prepared by Trainer Materials Provided for Participants The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment (Copies run off from the Website) Obj.2, p.417 Courtesy Dr. Mary Gardner, ECEP Trainer Page 6 of 6 14Jul2011