Resume/Curriculum Vitae

David R. Carey PhD
30 Amherst Ave. Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702
Home Phone: 570 825-9783
Cell Phone: 570 328-1262
Management and New Product Development experience in Academia, Defense and Commercial Industry,
Advanced Programs and Program Management with an active US government Secret Clearance.
 29 years professional experience in the areas of system design, program management, advance product
development, functional test and diagnostic test
 Strong ability to lead direct reports and cross-organizational external teams
 Successfully managed multi-million dollar budget, new product development and introduction
o Managed $15M test system modernization project
 Results: Projected Savings $11M/year.
o Managed $1.5M test system design and build for Dual Mode Laser Guided Bomb
 Results: Delivered 6 test systems on time and under budget.
o Managed $1.3M test system design and build for Laser Guided Training Round
 Results: Program is currently on track to deliver 7 systems within budget.
 Experience in business expansion efforts
o Developed marketing plans, competitive strategies, marketing plans and proposals.
 Experience in development of winning proposals/new business.
o Developed a new business market in Product Support and System Test for Lockheed-Martin
o Won engineering development work with Tobyhanna Army Depot while at Lockheed
 Developed and defined technical feasibility, budget and schedule constraints for new product development.
o Secured IRAD funding for Lockheed’s unattended sensor program.
o Secured Capital Equipment funding plan for Lockheed’s production test system development.
o Developed a budget and schedule to refurbish the Engineering Labs at Lockheed.
o Developed a budget and schedule to refurbish the Electrical Engineering Labs at Wilkes
 Define the Requirements and Design Specifications.
o Developed the requirements and design specification for Lockheed’s unattended sensor
 Performed numerous engineering research and trade studies.
o Research design concepts and feasibility utilizing advanced technical theory and knowledge.
 Developed the Telemetry analysis plan for Lockheed’s LGB flight test. This included
finding new way s to look at the data to identify the root cause of flight anomalies.
o Participated and lead design reviews, technical meetings, training, and long-term company
o Developed Test Plans, recommends test strategies, apparatus and equipment.
 Performed as a technical specialist in several disciplines.
o Including but not limited to
 Microcontroller Development
 Wireless Communications
 Optical component test.
 Prepared design proposals to estimate required costs and schedules.
 Technical experience include:
 Cellular Telephone/Base station Testing
 Cellular Telephone chipset development
 AM/FM/PM and Digital Modulation Techniques
 Digital Signal Processing
o Digital Filters
o Band pass limiting sampling techniques
 Stochastic Analysis
 Fault Isolation
 Digital/Analog Simulation (LASAR/PSPICE)
 RF Design and Simulation (AES/Touchstone)
 microStripline Design
 Digital/Analog/RF Circuit Design
 Laser Diode Characteristics
 Optical Network/Components up to 40G
 uProcessor Board Design/Programming/Test
 Programming Languages
o C/C++
o Visual Basic
o Assembly Language
 80C51
 68000 family
 Built in Test (BIT) Development
 Built in Diagnostic (BID) Development
 PCB Layout
 FPGA Design and Programming (VHDL/VERILOG)
 JTAG Programming
 Manufacturing Cost Reduction through design.
 Awards:
o Best Test Architecture and Programming Track Paper at Autotestcon 2011, in Baltimore, MD.
for A Methodology for Enhancing Legacy TPS/ATS Sustainability via Employing Synthetic
Instrumentation Technology , Authors, Carey, Lowdermilk, Antall, and Allegra.
o John Slattery Professional Acheivement Award, IEEE/NDIA-ATC at Autotestcon 2011, in
Baltimore, MD.
o Keynote Speaker, Aerospace and Defense Symposium, NIWeek 2011, Austin, TX
o Wilkes University Adjunct Faculty Teacher of the Year: May 2006, May 2004, May 2003.
o National Leadership Award/ 2003 Pennsylvania Businessman of the Year from the National
Business Advisory Council for promoting a pro-business agenda including tax reform and
fiscal responsibility. Washington DC December 2002
o Wilkes University 1998 Outstanding Electrical Engineering Graduate Student, Wilkes
University, Wilkes-Barre, PA
o Walt Peterson IEEE Memorial Award for the "Most Technologically Significant" paper on A
New Breed of Smart Depot Testers using COTS Technology at Autotestcon 1995, in Atlanta,
 Papers:
o Testability-Who Cares The Military Perspective , Presented at IEEE Autotestcon 2012,
September 2012, Anaheim, CA
o Legacy Test Program Sets Migration using Fault Modeling and Dynamic Reasoning , IEEE
Proceedings Autotestcon 2012, September 2012, Anaheim, CA
o A Methodology for Enhancing Legacy TPS/ATS Sustainability via Employing Synthetic
Instrumentation Technology , IEEE Proceedings Autotestcon 2011, September 2011,
Baltimore, MD.
o Army Repair Depot Automated Test System Modernization , Instrumentation & Measurement
Magazine, IEEE Volume: 14 , Issue: 4 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/MIM.2011.5961367
Publication Year: 2011 , Page(s): 28-32
o Tobyhanna Army Depot Automated Test System Modernization , Aerospace and Electronic
Systems Magazine, IEEE Volume: 26 , Issue: 9 Digital Object Identifier:
10.1109/MAES.2011.6069901 Publication Year: 2011 , Page(s): 22-26
o Enhancing the Diagnostic Process for Legacy Test Program Sets using Fault Modeling and
Dynamic Reasoning Clarkson University, January 2011, Potsdam, NY
o Modernizing Legacy Automated Test Systems for DoD Depots, IEEE Proceedings Autotestcon
2010, September 2010, Orlando, FL
o Tobyhanna Army Depot Automated Test System Modernization, IEEE Proceedings
Autotestcon 2010, September 2010, Orlando, FL.
o Improving Functiona/Diagnostic Testing using Model-Based Reasoning, IEEE, Proceedings
Autotestcon 1998, September 1998, Salt Lake City, UT.
o Prognostic Framework, IEEE, Proceedings Autotestcon 1998, September 1998, Salt Lake
City, UT.
o Developing Diagnostic Test Programs using model-based Reasoning, Wilkes University,
May 1998, Wilkes-Barre, PA
o A New Breed of Smart Depot Testers using COTS Technology, IEEE, Proceedings
Autotestcon 1995, August 1995, Atlanta, Ga
 Corporate White Papers: Available through special request
o Synthetic Instrumentation Integration Report, US Army at Tobyhanna Army Depot, June
o Automating the Diagnostic Development Process for Production and Maintenance Test
Program Sets using Model-Based Reasoning, Lockheed-Martin, December 2006.
o Software Quality Assessment, Auditing and Analysis Toolset Applied to DMLGB-OFP
Software Project, Lockheed-Martin, December 2006
o Improvised Explosive Devices: A discussion on History, Tactics, Technology, and Defeat,
Lockheed-Martin, May 2006
o Machine Vision Applied to Canard Deflection Angle Measurement System for the Pneumatic
Control Assembly, Lockheed-Martin, May 2006
o Unattended Ground Sensors with Cognitive Data Link for Threat Tracking and Targeting,
Lockheed-Martin, December 2005
o Technical Risk Assessment of Flutter VS Coupling using a Gimbal or Bearing for the Seeker
Assembly on the Laser Guided Bomb, Lockheed-Martin, February 2005
o Technical Risk Assessment of Sustained Oscillation using a Gimbal for the Seeker Assembly
on the Laser Guided Bomb, Lockheed-Martin, March 2005
 Participation in Industry Peer Groups
o National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) Member
o IEEE Member
o IEEE Societies
 Engineering Management
 Instrumentation and Measurement
 Communications
 Antennas and Propagation
 Industrial Electronics
o Association of the United States Army (AUSA)
o Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA)
o DoD Test Program Set IPT (DoD AMB)
o DoD Framework IPT (DoD AMB)
o DoD NxTest IPT (DoD AMB)
o NDIA Automatic Test Committee
o MIL-PRF-32070 evaluation team
o Wilkes University Industrial Advisory Board
______________________________Professional Experience_____________________________________
Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Adjunct Instructor (September 1998-Present)
 Undergraduate and graduate courses teaching experience:
o Antenna Design
o Automated Test System Design and Instrumentation Automation
o C/C++ Embedded programming
o Communication Systems (Digital Modulation)
o Engineering Decision Processes
o Digital Design using Verilog and VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language)
o Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
o Electronics
o Digital Image Processing
o Digital Signal Processing
o LabVIEW Programming
o Design for Six Sigma Processes
o Mechatronics
o Pattern Recognition
o Radar
o RF Test and Measurement
o Senior Capstone Research Projects
o Simulation
o Stochastic Process
 Developed the syllabus and all classroom metrics.
 Consulted with the department on Internship/Co-Op requirement
 Member of the Industrial Advisory Board
 Liaison between engineering division and local engineering companies.
 Secured grants and project funding for laboratory equipment upgrade, and various research projects from
industry and government
o Antenna Test Range
o Dual Diagnostic Automated Guided Probe
o Hydroelectric Dam
o Instrumentation Upgrade
o Radio Test Process
o Synthetic Instrumentation Development
Tobyhanna Army Depot, Tobyhanna, Pa. 18466
Electronics Engineering Branch Supervisor (June 1983-September 1994, April 2009 - Present)
 Manage the research, development, design of automated test systems for the C4ISR repair and overhaul
 Responsible for coordinating subordinate employee recruitment, selection and training, performance
assessment, work assignments, salary, and recognition/disciplinary actions.
 Directs the design of automated test systems, facilities, components, products, and systems for industrial
and domestic purposes.
 Ensures that projects are completed on schedule and within budget.
 Responsible for 20 plus engineers and technicians.
 Developed and maintained test programs on a variety of Automatic Test Equipment.
 Develop Business Case Analysis for the Army-G4 for ATS Modernization
o The BCA identified savings in excess of $3B
 Develop Test Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment Modernization Plan
o The plan will replace all obsolete TMDE and save $25m/ year in maintenance and lost productivity
 Prepared cost estimates
 Reviewed and managed contracts
Instrumentation Engineering LLC, Oakland, NJ
VP of Engineering/Principle Systems Engineer (Feb 2007 – April 2009)
Director of Wireless Test Division (July 1999- May 2003)
 Developed the following test markets
o Wireless
o Optical Components
o Automotive
 Expanded operations
o 1999 - 4 employees in a 1100 square foot office
o 2000 – 17 employees in a 3200 square foot office
o 2001 - 35 employees in a 30,000 square foot factory
 Managed the sale, design, development, integration and delivery of test systems and fixtures.
 Worked in the following technologies
o Automotive
o High current and voltage backup power systems
o Gigabit Ethernet
o Laser Diode Components
o Fiber Optic Network
o Cellular handset and base stations
o MicroProcessor/MicroController Boards
 Developed, planned and integrated systems into the manufacturing line
 Developed feed forward data collection and quality control analysis software tools
Lockheed Martin, Missiles & Fire Control, Archbald, PA
Product Support and Test System Engineering Manager (January 2006- February 2007)
Electrical and Software Engineering Manager (January 2004-January 2006)
 Manages the research, development, design and testing of electrical components, equipment, systems and
 Responsible for coordinating subordinate employee recruitment, selection and training, performance
assessment, work assignments, salary, and recognition/disciplinary actions.
 Directs the design of electrical equipment, facilities, components, products, and systems for commercial,
industrial and domestic purposes.
 Ensures that projects are completed on schedule and within budget.
 Responsible for 40 plus engineers.
 Worked in the following technologies
o Laser Guided Systems
o Instrumentation and Control Systems
o Remote Unattended Sensor Systems
o Micro-Processor / Micro-Controller Boards
 Responsible for New Product Development
Giordano Automation Corporation, Sparta, N.J.
Vice President Applications Engineering (September 1994- September 1995, September 1997-July
 Developed markets for their Concurrent Engineering Tool Set.
 Developed a demonstration program using VXI test assets.
 Developed the procedure to mapped faults and symptoms for the end-to-end functional test program into
the GAC Diagnostician tool.
 Consulted for the FCC on E911
 Wrote several opinion papers on the integration of 911 call processing in cellular handsets.
Primus Technologies Corp, Williamsport, Pa. 17701
Senior Test/Design Engineering Manager (September 1995-September 1997)
 Designed, developed and maintained automatic test programs and equipment
 Developed and supported the ISO-9001 quality documentation and plans for test and design activities.
 Program manager on several manufacturing jobs.
 Tracked equipment and manpower resources
 Directed redesign efforts for mandatory cost reductions.
 Identified production test failures
 Performed failure trend analysis
 Redesigned a pico-base station to operate as a cellular handset.
 Assembly language code development in the processor section of the board.
Clarkson University
Doctoral of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering, May 2011, 4.00 GPA
Thesis: Enhancing the Diagnostic Process for Legacy Test Program Sets using Fault Modeling and Dynamic
Course Work:
 Pattern Recognition
 Digital Signal Processing
 Digital Integrated Circuit Design
 Digital Image Processing
 Software Design and Analysis
 45 credit thesis
Wilkes University
Master of Science, Electrical Engineering, May 1998, 3.90 GPA
Thesis: Developing Diagnostic Test Programs using model-based Reasoning
Awards: 1998 Outstanding Electrical Engineering Graduate Student
Course Work:
 Digital Signal Processing
 Digital Integrated Circuit Design
 Linear Systems
 Control Systems
 Engineering Analysis
 Computer Networking
 Stochastic Processes
 RF Design
 6 credit thesis
Wilkes University
Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering, May 1983
Minor: Physics