David R. Carey PhD 30 Amherst Ave. Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702 E-mail: david.carey@wilkes.edu Home Phone: 570 825-9783 Cell Phone: 570 328-1262 Management and New Product Development experience in Academia, Defense and Commercial Industry, Advanced Programs and Program Management with an active US government Secret Clearance. 29 years professional experience in the areas of system design, program management, advance product development, functional test and diagnostic test Strong ability to lead direct reports and cross-organizational external teams Successfully managed multi-million dollar budget, new product development and introduction o Managed $15M test system modernization project Results: Projected Savings $11M/year. o Managed $1.5M test system design and build for Dual Mode Laser Guided Bomb Results: Delivered 6 test systems on time and under budget. o Managed $1.3M test system design and build for Laser Guided Training Round Results: Program is currently on track to deliver 7 systems within budget. Experience in business expansion efforts o Developed marketing plans, competitive strategies, marketing plans and proposals. Experience in development of winning proposals/new business. o Developed a new business market in Product Support and System Test for Lockheed-Martin Archbald o Won engineering development work with Tobyhanna Army Depot while at Lockheed Developed and defined technical feasibility, budget and schedule constraints for new product development. o Secured IRAD funding for Lockheed’s unattended sensor program. o Secured Capital Equipment funding plan for Lockheed’s production test system development. o Developed a budget and schedule to refurbish the Engineering Labs at Lockheed. o Developed a budget and schedule to refurbish the Electrical Engineering Labs at Wilkes University. Define the Requirements and Design Specifications. o Developed the requirements and design specification for Lockheed’s unattended sensor system. Performed numerous engineering research and trade studies. o Research design concepts and feasibility utilizing advanced technical theory and knowledge. Developed the Telemetry analysis plan for Lockheed’s LGB flight test. This included finding new way s to look at the data to identify the root cause of flight anomalies. o Participated and lead design reviews, technical meetings, training, and long-term company strategies. o Developed Test Plans, recommends test strategies, apparatus and equipment. Performed as a technical specialist in several disciplines. o Including but not limited to Microcontroller Development Wireless Communications Optical component test. Prepared design proposals to estimate required costs and schedules. Technical experience include: Cellular Telephone/Base station Testing Cellular Telephone chipset development AM/FM/PM and Digital Modulation Techniques Digital Signal Processing o FFT o Digital Filters o Band pass limiting sampling techniques Stochastic Analysis Fault Isolation Digital/Analog Simulation (LASAR/PSPICE) RF Design and Simulation (AES/Touchstone) microStripline Design Digital/Analog/RF Circuit Design Laser Diode Characteristics Optical Network/Components up to 40G uProcessor Board Design/Programming/Test Programming Languages o C/C++ o Visual Basic o LabVIEW o Assembly Language 80C51 68000 family o SQL o ATLAS Built in Test (BIT) Development Built in Diagnostic (BID) Development PCB Layout FPGA Design and Programming (VHDL/VERILOG) JTAG Programming Manufacturing Cost Reduction through design. Awards: o Best Test Architecture and Programming Track Paper at Autotestcon 2011, in Baltimore, MD. for A Methodology for Enhancing Legacy TPS/ATS Sustainability via Employing Synthetic Instrumentation Technology , Authors, Carey, Lowdermilk, Antall, and Allegra. o John Slattery Professional Acheivement Award, IEEE/NDIA-ATC at Autotestcon 2011, in Baltimore, MD. o Keynote Speaker, Aerospace and Defense Symposium, NIWeek 2011, Austin, TX o Wilkes University Adjunct Faculty Teacher of the Year: May 2006, May 2004, May 2003. o National Leadership Award/ 2003 Pennsylvania Businessman of the Year from the National Business Advisory Council for promoting a pro-business agenda including tax reform and fiscal responsibility. Washington DC December 2002 o Wilkes University 1998 Outstanding Electrical Engineering Graduate Student, Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre, PA o Walt Peterson IEEE Memorial Award for the "Most Technologically Significant" paper on A New Breed of Smart Depot Testers using COTS Technology at Autotestcon 1995, in Atlanta, Ga. Papers: o Testability-Who Cares The Military Perspective , Presented at IEEE Autotestcon 2012, September 2012, Anaheim, CA o Legacy Test Program Sets Migration using Fault Modeling and Dynamic Reasoning , IEEE Proceedings Autotestcon 2012, September 2012, Anaheim, CA o A Methodology for Enhancing Legacy TPS/ATS Sustainability via Employing Synthetic Instrumentation Technology , IEEE Proceedings Autotestcon 2011, September 2011, Baltimore, MD. o Army Repair Depot Automated Test System Modernization , Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine, IEEE Volume: 14 , Issue: 4 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/MIM.2011.5961367 Publication Year: 2011 , Page(s): 28-32 o Tobyhanna Army Depot Automated Test System Modernization , Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, IEEE Volume: 26 , Issue: 9 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/MAES.2011.6069901 Publication Year: 2011 , Page(s): 22-26 o Enhancing the Diagnostic Process for Legacy Test Program Sets using Fault Modeling and Dynamic Reasoning Clarkson University, January 2011, Potsdam, NY o Modernizing Legacy Automated Test Systems for DoD Depots, IEEE Proceedings Autotestcon 2010, September 2010, Orlando, FL o Tobyhanna Army Depot Automated Test System Modernization, IEEE Proceedings Autotestcon 2010, September 2010, Orlando, FL. o Improving Functiona/Diagnostic Testing using Model-Based Reasoning, IEEE, Proceedings Autotestcon 1998, September 1998, Salt Lake City, UT. o Prognostic Framework, IEEE, Proceedings Autotestcon 1998, September 1998, Salt Lake City, UT. o Developing Diagnostic Test Programs using model-based Reasoning, Wilkes University, May 1998, Wilkes-Barre, PA o A New Breed of Smart Depot Testers using COTS Technology, IEEE, Proceedings Autotestcon 1995, August 1995, Atlanta, Ga Corporate White Papers: Available through special request o Synthetic Instrumentation Integration Report, US Army at Tobyhanna Army Depot, June 2011. o Automating the Diagnostic Development Process for Production and Maintenance Test Program Sets using Model-Based Reasoning, Lockheed-Martin, December 2006. o Software Quality Assessment, Auditing and Analysis Toolset Applied to DMLGB-OFP Software Project, Lockheed-Martin, December 2006 o Improvised Explosive Devices: A discussion on History, Tactics, Technology, and Defeat, Lockheed-Martin, May 2006 o Machine Vision Applied to Canard Deflection Angle Measurement System for the Pneumatic Control Assembly, Lockheed-Martin, May 2006 o Unattended Ground Sensors with Cognitive Data Link for Threat Tracking and Targeting, Lockheed-Martin, December 2005 o Technical Risk Assessment of Flutter VS Coupling using a Gimbal or Bearing for the Seeker Assembly on the Laser Guided Bomb, Lockheed-Martin, February 2005 o Technical Risk Assessment of Sustained Oscillation using a Gimbal for the Seeker Assembly on the Laser Guided Bomb, Lockheed-Martin, March 2005 Participation in Industry Peer Groups o National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) Member o IEEE Member o IEEE Societies Engineering Management Instrumentation and Measurement Communications Antennas and Propagation Industrial Electronics o Association of the United States Army (AUSA) o Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) o DoD Test Program Set IPT (DoD AMB) o DoD Framework IPT (DoD AMB) o DoD NxTest IPT (DoD AMB) o NDIA Automatic Test Committee o MIL-PRF-32070 evaluation team o Wilkes University Industrial Advisory Board ______________________________Professional Experience_____________________________________ Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Adjunct Instructor (September 1998-Present) Undergraduate and graduate courses teaching experience: o Antenna Design o Automated Test System Design and Instrumentation Automation o C/C++ Embedded programming o Communication Systems (Digital Modulation) o Engineering Decision Processes o Digital Design using Verilog and VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) o Electromagnetic Fields and Waves o Electronics o Digital Image Processing o Digital Signal Processing o LabVIEW Programming o Design for Six Sigma Processes o Mechatronics o Pattern Recognition o Radar o RF Test and Measurement o Senior Capstone Research Projects o Simulation o Stochastic Process Developed the syllabus and all classroom metrics. Consulted with the department on Internship/Co-Op requirement Member of the Industrial Advisory Board Liaison between engineering division and local engineering companies. Secured grants and project funding for laboratory equipment upgrade, and various research projects from industry and government o Antenna Test Range o Dual Diagnostic Automated Guided Probe o Hydroelectric Dam o Instrumentation Upgrade o Radio Test Process o Synthetic Instrumentation Development Tobyhanna Army Depot, Tobyhanna, Pa. 18466 Electronics Engineering Branch Supervisor (June 1983-September 1994, April 2009 - Present) Manage the research, development, design of automated test systems for the C4ISR repair and overhaul mission. Responsible for coordinating subordinate employee recruitment, selection and training, performance assessment, work assignments, salary, and recognition/disciplinary actions. Directs the design of automated test systems, facilities, components, products, and systems for industrial and domestic purposes. Ensures that projects are completed on schedule and within budget. Responsible for 20 plus engineers and technicians. Developed and maintained test programs on a variety of Automatic Test Equipment. Develop Business Case Analysis for the Army-G4 for ATS Modernization o The BCA identified savings in excess of $3B Develop Test Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment Modernization Plan o The plan will replace all obsolete TMDE and save $25m/ year in maintenance and lost productivity costs Prepared cost estimates Reviewed and managed contracts Instrumentation Engineering LLC, Oakland, NJ VP of Engineering/Principle Systems Engineer (Feb 2007 – April 2009) Director of Wireless Test Division (July 1999- May 2003) Developed the following test markets o Wireless o Optical Components o Automotive Expanded operations o 1999 - 4 employees in a 1100 square foot office o 2000 – 17 employees in a 3200 square foot office o 2001 - 35 employees in a 30,000 square foot factory Managed the sale, design, development, integration and delivery of test systems and fixtures. Worked in the following technologies o Automotive o High current and voltage backup power systems o Gigabit Ethernet o Laser Diode Components o Fiber Optic Network o Cellular handset and base stations o MicroProcessor/MicroController Boards Developed, planned and integrated systems into the manufacturing line Developed feed forward data collection and quality control analysis software tools Lockheed Martin, Missiles & Fire Control, Archbald, PA Product Support and Test System Engineering Manager (January 2006- February 2007) Electrical and Software Engineering Manager (January 2004-January 2006) Manages the research, development, design and testing of electrical components, equipment, systems and networks. Responsible for coordinating subordinate employee recruitment, selection and training, performance assessment, work assignments, salary, and recognition/disciplinary actions. Directs the design of electrical equipment, facilities, components, products, and systems for commercial, industrial and domestic purposes. Ensures that projects are completed on schedule and within budget. Responsible for 40 plus engineers. Worked in the following technologies o Laser Guided Systems o Instrumentation and Control Systems o Remote Unattended Sensor Systems o Micro-Processor / Micro-Controller Boards Responsible for New Product Development Giordano Automation Corporation, Sparta, N.J. Vice President Applications Engineering (September 1994- September 1995, September 1997-July 1999) Developed markets for their Concurrent Engineering Tool Set. Developed a demonstration program using VXI test assets. Developed the procedure to mapped faults and symptoms for the end-to-end functional test program into the GAC Diagnostician tool. Consulted for the FCC on E911 Wrote several opinion papers on the integration of 911 call processing in cellular handsets. Primus Technologies Corp, Williamsport, Pa. 17701 Senior Test/Design Engineering Manager (September 1995-September 1997) Designed, developed and maintained automatic test programs and equipment Developed and supported the ISO-9001 quality documentation and plans for test and design activities. Program manager on several manufacturing jobs. Tracked equipment and manpower resources Directed redesign efforts for mandatory cost reductions. Identified production test failures Performed failure trend analysis Redesigned a pico-base station to operate as a cellular handset. Assembly language code development in the processor section of the board. __________________________________Education____________________________________________ Clarkson University Doctoral of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering, May 2011, 4.00 GPA Thesis: Enhancing the Diagnostic Process for Legacy Test Program Sets using Fault Modeling and Dynamic Reasoning Course Work: Pattern Recognition Digital Signal Processing Digital Integrated Circuit Design Digital Image Processing Software Design and Analysis 45 credit thesis Wilkes University Master of Science, Electrical Engineering, May 1998, 3.90 GPA Thesis: Developing Diagnostic Test Programs using model-based Reasoning Awards: 1998 Outstanding Electrical Engineering Graduate Student Course Work: Digital Signal Processing Digital Integrated Circuit Design Linear Systems Control Systems Engineering Analysis Computer Networking Stochastic Processes RF Design 6 credit thesis Wilkes University Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering, May 1983 Minor: Physics