Colorado Safe Routes to School Infrastructure Scoring Criteria As of


October 2010

Applicant Name_________________________

Project Cost________________ Total Points ______

Iowa Safe Routes to School

Infrastructure Scoring Criteria

(Total of 60 points possible)

1. PROBLEM: What is the problem? Tell us about the current conditions for walking

and bicycling in your school area. (Total of 16 points possible)

____ Problem identifies current risks and obstacles to children and demonstrates the need for the project. (0-7 points)

____ Existing programs and activities are in place to support and encourage walking and bicycling to school. (0-2 points)

____ An up-to-date TEAP study completed or traffic safety plan is in force. (0-3 points)

____ A Safe Routes to School plan has been developed. (0-4 points)



PROPOSED PROJECT: Tell us about your project. How do you propose to solve

the problem(s) identified above? (Total of 26 points possible)

____ Potential for the proposed infrastructure project to increase the number of students walking and bicycling to school. (0-5 points)

____ Other alternatives have been investigated but are not valid solutions. (0-2 points)

____ The agency who is responsible for, and committed to, continued maintenance of the infrastructure for 10 years is identified. (0-2 points)

____ Potential for the noninfrastructure activities (education, encouragement, and enforcement) to increase the number of students walking and bicycling to school.

(0-8 points)

____ Number of students who currently bicycle or walk to school compared to number of students who live within two miles of school. (lower percentage receives more points) (0-4 points)

____ The usefulness or necessity of the project. (0-5 points)



3. SCHEDULE: Describe your project development schedule from start to finish.

No points awarded.

4. PARTNERS: Who are your partners? What collaborations have you created to

ensure the success of your project? (Total of 5 points possible)

____ Partnerships and collaborations have been developed with organizations important to the success of this project. (0-5 points)


5. EVALUATION: The program goal is to enable and encourage more children to walk and bicycle to school. How will you measure your success?

What method will you use to determine whether more children are

walking and bicycling to school? (Total of 5 points possible)

____ A reasonable method for measuring the success of the project has been established. (0-5 points)


6. COST ESTIMATE: Itemize your project costs. (Total of 8 points possible)

____ All costs are reasonable and related to project activities. (0-2 points)

____ Amount of SRTS funding requested compared to number of students living within two miles of school. (lower cost per student receives more points) (0-6 points)




