Chapter 10 Internal Regulation • Temperature Regulation

Chapter 10
Internal Regulation
Temperature Regulation
Temperature affects many aspects of behavior.
Temperature regulation is vital to the normal functioning of many behavioral processes.
Homeostasis refers to temperature regulation and other biological processes that keep certain
body variables within a fixed range.
Temperature Regulation
A set point refers to a single value that the body works to maintain.
Examples: Levels of water, oxygen, glucose, sodium chloride, protein, fat and acidity in
the body.
Processes that reduce discrepancies from the set point are known as negative feedback.
Allostasis refers to the adaptive way in which the body changes its set point in response to
changes in life or the environment.
Temperature Regulation
Temperature regulation is one of the body’s biological priorities.
Uses about two-thirds of our energy/ kilocalories per day.
Basal metabolism is the energy used to maintain a constant body temperature while at rest.
Temperature Regulation
Temperature Regulation
Mammals evolved to have a constant temperature of 37˚ C (98˚ F).
Muscle activity benefits from being as warm as possible and ready for vigorous activity.
Proteins in the body break their bonds and lose their useful properties at higher
Reproductive cells require cooler temperatures.
Temperature Regulation
Body temperature regulation is predominantly dependent upon areas in the preoptic area/
anterior hypothalamus (POA/AH).
The POA/AH partially monitors the body’s temperature by monitoring its own temperature.
Heating the POA/AH leads to panting or shivering; cooling leads to shivering.
Cells of the POA/AH also receive input from temperature sensitive receptors in the skin.
Temperature Regulation
Bacterial and viral infections can cause a fever, part of the body’s defense against illness.
Bacteria and viruses trigger the release of leukocytes which release small proteins called
Cytokines attack intruders but also stimulate the vagus nerve.
The vagus nerve stimulates the hypothalamus to initiate a fever.
Some bacteria grow less vigorously in warmer than normal body temperature.
However, a fever of above 39˚ C (103˚ F) does the body more harm than good.
Water constitutes 70% of the mammalian body and must be regulated within narrow limits.
The concentrations of chemicals in water determines the rate of all chemical reactions in the
Water can be regulated by several mechanisms:
Conserving by excreting concentrated urine.
Decreasing sweat and other autonomic responses.
Drinking more water than we need and excreting the rest.
Vasopressin is a hormone released by the posterior pituitary which raises blood pressure by
constricting blood vessels.
helps to compensate for the decreased water volume.
Vasopressin is also known as an antidiuretic hormone (ADH) because it enables the kidneys to
reabsorb water and excrete highly concentrated urine.
Two different kinds of thirst include:
Osmotic thirst – a thirst resulting from eating salty foods because the level of
intracellular fluid decreases.
Hypovolemic thirst – a thirst resulting from loss of fluids due to bleeding or sweating – a
decrease in extracellular fluid level.
Each kind of thirst motivates different kinds of behaviors.
The brain detects osmotic pressure from:
Receptors around the third ventricle.
The OVLT (organum vasculosum laminae terminalis) and the subfornical organ (detect
osmotic pressure and salt content).
Receptors in the periphery, including the stomach, which detect high levels of sodium.
Hypovolemic thirst is thirst associated with low volume of body fluids.
Triggered by the release of the hormones vasopressin and angiotensin II, which constrict
blood vessels to compensate for a drop in blood pressure.
Angiotensin II stimulates neurons in areas adjoining the third ventricle.
Neurons in the third ventricle send axons to the hypothalamus where angiotensin II is also
released as a neurotransmitter.
Animals with osmotic thirst have a preference for pure water.
Animals with hypovolemic thirst have a preference for slightly salty water as pure water dilutes
body fluids and changes osmotic pressure.
Sodium-specific hunger, a strong craving for salty foods.
develops automatically to restore solute levels in the blood.
Animals vary in their strategies of eating, but humans tend to eat more than they need at the
given moment.
A combination of learned and unlearned factors contribute to hunger.
At the age of weaning, most mammals lose the intestinal enzyme lactase, which is necessary for
metabolizing lactose.
Lactose is the sugar found in milk.
Milk consumption after weaning can cause gas and stomach cramps.
Declining levels of lactase may be an evolutionary mechanism to encourage weaning.
Most human adults have enough lactase to consume milk and other dairy products throughout
the lifetime.
Nearly all people in China and surrounding countries lack the gene that enables adults to
metabolize lactose.
Only small quantities of dairy products can be consumed.
A carnivore is an animal that eats meat and necessary vitamins are found in the meat consumed.
Herbivores are animals that exclusively eat plants.
Omnivores are animals that eat both meat and plants.
Herbivores and omnivores must distinguish between edible and inedible substances to find
sufficient vitamins and minerals.
Selecting foods to eat is usually accomplished via imitation of others.
Other strategies of selecting food include:
Selecting sweet foods and avoiding bitter foods.
Preferring things that taste familiar.
Learning from consequences that happen after a food is consumed.
A conditioned taste aversion is a distaste for food that develops if the food makes one ill.
The brain regulates eating through messages from the mouth, stomach, intestines, fat cells and
The desire to taste and other mouth sensations, such as chewing, are also motivating factors in
hunger and satiety.
Sham feeding experiments, in which everything an animals eats leaks out of a tube connected to
the stomach or esophagus, do not produce satiety.
The main signal to stop eating is the distention of the stomach.
The vagus nerve conveys information about the stretching of the stomach walls to the brain.
The splanchnic nerves convey information about the nutrient contents of the stomach.
The duodenum is the part of the small intestine where the initial absorption of significant
amounts of nutrients occurs.
Distention of the duodenum can also produce feelings of satiety.
The duodenum also releases the hormone cholecystokinin (CCK), which helps to regulate hunger.
Cholecystokinin (CCK) released by the duodenum regulates hunger by:
Closing the sphincter muscle between the stomach and duodenum and causing the
stomach to hold its contents and fill faster.
Stimulating the vagus nerve to send a message to the hypothalamus that releases a
chemical similar to CCK.
Glucose, insulin, and glucagon levels also influence feelings of hunger.
Most digested food enters the bloodstream as glucose, an important source of energy for the
body and nearly the only fuel used by the brain.
When glucose levels are high, liver cells convert some of the excess into glycogen and fat cells
convert it into fat.
When low, liver converts glycogen back into glucose.
Insulin is a pancreatic hormone that enables glucose to enter the cell.
Insulin levels rise as someone is getting ready for a meal and after a meal.
In preparation for the rush of additional glucose about to enter the blood, high insulin levels let
some of the existing glucose in the blood to enter the cells.
Consequently, high levels of insulin generally decrease appetite.
Glucagon is also a hormone released by the pancreas when glucose levels fall.
Glucagon stimulates the liver to convert some of its stored glycogen to glucose to replenish low
supplies in the blood.
As insulin levels drop, glucose enters the cell more slowly and hunger increases.
Long-term hunger regulation is accomplished via the monitoring of fat supplies by the body.
The body’s fat cells produce the peptide leptin, which signals the brain to increase or decrease
Low levels of leptin increase hunger.
High levels of leptin do not necessarily decrease hunger.
Most people are obese because they are less sensitive to leptin.
Some people are obese because of a genetic inability to produce leptin.
Information from all parts of the body regarding hunger impinge into two kinds of cells in the
arcuate nucleus.
The arcuate nucleus is a part of the hypothalamus containing two sets of neurons:
neurons sensitive to hunger signals.
neurons sensitive to satiety signals.
Ghrelin is released as a neurotransmitter in the brain and a hormone in the stomach
Neurons of the arcuate nucleus specifically sensitive to hunger signals receive input from:
The taste pathways.
Axons releasing the neurotransmitter ghrelin.
also acts in the stomach to trigger stomach contractions.
Input to the satiety-sensitive cells of the arcuate nucleus include signals of both long-term and
short-term satiety:
Distention of the intestine triggers neurons to release the neurotransmitter CCK.
Blood glucose and body fat increase blood levels of the hormone insulin.
Some neurons release a smaller peptide related to insulin as a transmitter.
Leptin provides additional input.
Input from the hunger-sensitive neurons of the arcuate nucleus is inhibitory to both the
paraventricular nucleus and the satiety-sensitive cells of the arcuate nucleus itself.
inhibitory transmitters include GABA, neuropeptide Y (NPY), and agouti-related peptide
Neuropeptide Y (NPY) and agouti-related peptide (AgRP) are inhibitory transmitters that block
the satiety action of the paraventricular nucleus and provoke overeating.
Damage to the ventromedial hypothalamus that extends to areas outside can lead to overeating
and weight gain.
Those with damage to this area eat normal sized but unusually frequent meals.
Increased stomach secretions and motility causes the stomach to empty faster than usual.
Damage increases insulin production and much of the meal is stored as fat.
People with a mutated gene for the receptors melanocortin overeat and become obese.
Melanocortin is a neuropeptide responsible for hunger.
Prader-Willis syndrome is a genetic condition marked by mental retardation, short stature, and
Blood levels of the peptide ghrelin is five times higher than normal.
Although a single gene can not be identified, a genetic influence has been established in many
factors contributing to obesity.
Monozygotic twins resemble each other more the dizygotic twins in factors contributing to
Examples: how much stomach distention influences the ending of eating, how much one
overeats when food tastes good.
Obesity can also be a function of genes interacting with changes in the environment.
Example: Diet changes of Native American Pimas of Arizona and Mexico.
Obesity has become common in the United States and has increased sharply since the 1970’s.
Attributed to life-style changes, increased fast-food restaurants, increased portion sizes,
and high use of fructose in foods.
Weight-loss is often difficult and specialist rarely agree.
Plans should include increased exercise and decreased eating.
Some appetite-suppressant drugs such as fenfluramine and phentermine block reuptake of
certain neurotransmitters to produce brain effects similar to that of a completed meal.
Sibutramine has replaced fenfluramine and decreases meal size and binge eating by bloking
reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine
“Orlistat” is drug that prevents the intestines from absorbing fats.
Gastric bypass surgery is the removal or sewing off of part of the stomach.
Decreased stomach size allows greater distention of the stomach to produce satiety.
Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder associated with an unwillingness to eat as much as
Genetic predisposition is likely.
no clear link has been established
Associated with a fear of becoming fat and not a disinterest in food.
Biochemical abnormalities in the brain and blood are probably not the cause, but a result of the
weight loss.
Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder in which people alternate between extreme dieting and
binges of overeating.
Some force vomiting after eating.
Associated with decreased release of CCK, increased release of ghrelin, and alterations of
several other hormones and transmitters.
May be the result and not the cause of the disorder.
Reinforcement areas of the brain also implicated.